Asian Film Awards Macau

Apink Diary

~Asian Film Awards Macau 2016~

Just a few days ago, Apink were chosen as the Korean representative to attend the Asian Film Awards(AFA) in Macau. Of course, this was a huge honour for the girls to be given the opportunity to represent their country overseas. They have been traveling a lot since the beginning of this year, thus they were well-prepared. 

By the time they reached the airport, it was flocked with fans & reporters. As expected, news travels fast. The girls walked through the crowded space when suddenly, Namjoo tripped over a stone that was in the middle of the walkway. Luckily, it was a harmless fall. After noticing that Namjoo was fine, Eunji couldn't help but laugh a little in which Hayoung who was walking beside her, hit playfully.

"Don't laugh unnie!" whispered Hayoung who was trying to hold her laughter.

"Please, you're laughing too." whispered Eunji back.

Naeun who was at the back didn't notice it and simply continued walking.

It was like an instinct, Chorong & Bomi immediately held onto Namjoo, arms tightly locked as they walked to the gate. Namjoo wanted to hide her face from embarrassement, she wondered how she couldn't see that stone. She saw the worried looks of the managers and unnies.

"I'm okay unnie..." whispered Namjoo.

"Such a clumsy girl..." sighed Chorong.

"Good thing you're not hurt." said Bomi.

Soon, the girls went through the gate which seperated them from the fans & reporters where they finally have their own private moment. Fans could still see them through the windows above, they were probably worried after hearing of Namjoo's fall. While waiting for their flight, the girls strolled around and shopped. 

"Wait, Namjoo fell at the entrance just now?" asked Naeun, the last one who knew of the incident.

"Yeah, you were at the back so you didn't see. She flopped over like this" giggled Eunji, using her hands to describe her fall.

"Since when were you this clumsy unnie?" asked Hayoung.

"I didn't see that stone. It just appeared suddenly in the middle of nowhere." said Namjoo.

"Still sleepy Namjoo-ya?" joked Bomi.

"Anyways, our fans will be worried. You know what to do right, Namjoo-ya?" asked Chorong to Namjoo who nodded in reply. Soon, Namjoo uploaded a picture on her instagram with a caption saying that shes okay.


On the flight, the girls were doing their own things. Their managers briefed them on the itinery, they were to attend a dinner on Day 1 and later Red Carpet & Twitter Q&A on the second day. Namjoo searched up videos and photos of their airport arrival on the plane, even a video of her fall was uploaded online. Namjoo was quite surprised at how badly the fall looked even though it was nothing, she showed it to the members who just laughed at it. As expected of the unnie, they would laugh at anything.

By the time they reached Macau, it was night. They checked in the hotel and had time to sleep just before the next day arrived. The girls had a few hours of free time before attending the dinner later. Chorong, Bomi, Naeun and Namjoo went shopping together while Eunji & Hayoung stayed in the hotel. These days, the two of them have been addicted to games especially multiplayer games. Ever since the Sudden Attack Fanmeeting, Eunji became interested and asked Hayoung to teach her. Perhaps that might be why the two of them have been very close lately...

During the dinner, Apink met several actors and actresses from all over the world. They were amazed, being up-close with stars only seen through the screens. The dinner was more of a private event so fans and reporters were denied entry. The girls were able to try out Macau's delicacy, something Bomi and Namjoo has been looking forward to. But, managers had reminded them on their diet as they need to maintain their figure for tommorow's show.

The next day arrived which was the main reason of their schedule in Macau. For the red carpet, their stylists dressed them up in slightly alarming clothes that were revealing. Hayoung's dress had a deep cut which showed her cleavage while Eunji was given a dress that had a transparent layer at the bottom, showing her bare legs.

"Unnie, I'm embarrassed....." said Hayoung as she stared at the mirror, her face blushed.

"Our baby's all grown up, especially in that area...." sighed Bomi as she stared at Hayoung's chest.

"W-Where are you looking at unnie?!" said Hayoung flustered as she placed her arms to cover her cleavage.

"It's so racy. Why did the stylist-unnie give you that dress?" said Chorong as she also stared at Hayoung's chest.

"I would like to ask her that question too..." laughed Eunji nervously as she stared at her dress which showed her bare shoulders.

"Omo....Eunji-ya..." said Chorong slightly taken aback at Eunji's bare shoulders.

"I can't do this. I'm going to cover it like this." said Eunji as she took a blazer and placed it around her shoulders.

The girls were still busy preparing, having their make-up checked and making sure there were no wardrobe malfunctions. Chorong & Namjoo were the first to finish and thought of having a surprise V App broadcast. Concidentally, that day was a Thursday which was usually V App day. During the V App broadcast, Eunji was ready and came out greeting the fans.

Namjoo who hasn't seen Eunji's revealing outfit yet was at a loss of words while Chorong thought that it was too much and decided to find their stylist-unnie, leaving the two behind. Because of that, their V App broadcast ended very quickly with just a bare five minutes as Namjoo & Eunji went to see what Chorong was going to do.

"Stylist-unnie, i've told you many times that we can't wear such revealing clothes. It happened the same time when I wore the shirt with my bareless back." sighed Chorong at the stylist.

"I'm sorry Chorong-ah, but the six outfits for Apink came in with a set. As for Hayoung's case, the dress fit her proportions well and Eunji's dress had a unique style to it. I'm fine with changing both of their outfits but we are overseas right now, there are no spares. I'm very sorry." replied the stylist. Chorong could only sigh, she remembered the last time the girls wore something revealing it made a big news article online. It was so serious to the point that she had to apologize to the fans for such clothes.

"It's alright unnie. I'll just....hide it somehow..." said Hayoung, not wanting her leader to start arguing.

"Yeah, I'll just wear the blazer for the whole day. It's okay, unnie." said Eunji as she placed her hand on Chorong's shoulder.

"When we're walking on the red carpet, we can purposefully stand beside Hayoung and block her somehow." suggested Bomi.

"Red Carpet is only 15 minutes and then we'll change to our stage outfits. Hang in there Hayoung-ah." said Naeun.

Hayoung sighed as she stared at the mirror again. It is true, the dress showcased her body proportions well and showed a different style. But, Hayoung was still uncomfortable with her revealing cleavage. It was to the point that Hayoung kept blushing.

"Aigoo this baby, when you grow older you're bound to show more skin." chuckled Eunji as she pinched Hayoung's cheek.

"Then what about you unnie? You covered your shoulders but your legs...." pouted Hayoung.

"That's nothing, yours is much worse. Don't worry Hayoung-ah, just stick close to me." said Eunji with a reassuring smile.

"Alright." said Hayoung with a smile. She believes and trusts Eunji, just like her own sister.


(Red Carpet, 6pm)

It was time for Apink to exit the car. Hayoung held hands with Eunji as they looked at each other.

"Let's do this Hayoung-ah. Fighting." smiled Eunji.

"Fighting." said Hayoung.

"Alright girls, let's go." said Chorong as Apink walked on the red carpet. 

The car door opened as there was a rush of camera flashes all over. A large crowd of fans, reporters, photographers and staff made way for the girls, they stood for a moment to get their pictures taken before Apink was led to a 360-camera station where the event managers would upload on social media. While they were waiting for the 360-camera station to get ready, cameras were flashing non-stop.

"Unnie, I'm just going to hide behind you." whispered Hayoung as she backhugged Naeun, placing her head on her shoulders.

Naeun could feel how embarrassed Hayoung is, she was hugging her very tightly and snuggled her face in her hair. Bomi who noticed this naturally stood behind Hayoung, which blocked her back view. Whenever Hayoung was by herself, she would have her hands awkwardly placed around her chest so that her cleavage wouldn't be shown.

Soon, the 360-camera was ready and Apink had to squeeze in a small booth where the camera would rotate 360-degrees. Hayoung used the unnies as cover while backhugging Eunji as they got ready to smile for the camera. Red carpet was almost done, as they were asked to take a group photo before leaving. Hearing that a group photo was to be taken and looking at Hayoung's uncomfortable movements, Eunji took the blazer from her shoulder and placed it over Hayoung's.

"It's okay unnie, you should cover yours." said Hayoung, rejecting Eunji's blazer.

"Stop being stubborn. It's so obvious with your face aigoo~ just wear it." nagged Eunji as Hayoung had no choice but to accept it.


By the time they returned to their changing rooms, Hayoung sighed in relief that it was finally over.

"Who wants to change first?" asked the stylist.

"Me! Please, let me do it first unnie!" said Hayoung as quick as lightning. The Apink members laughed at the situation, finding the maknae cute.

Soon, everyone was changed into their performance outfits which was definitely more comfortable than before. Hayoung who had a nervous look before was now back to the bright, cheerful maknae confidently walking around. Eunji too, was relieved with the change of clothes.

"Since everyone's back to their normal selves, let's do a good stage alright?" said Chorong as the girls gathered together, their hands placed on top on each others.

"Gotta do good, handsome actors are watching us" joked Namjoo.

"What, our fans are handsome too" said Bomi.

"Fighting!" shouted Apink in unison as they got ready for their performance. They sang two songs and later stayed to watched the whole awards show. Backstage, they managed to met up an actor they've respected from afar, Oh Dalsoo. As expected, Chorong was the most excited as she had a lot of free time watching a lot of dramas.

Soon, the long night at Macau slowly came to an end. Time passed very quickly as the girls soon found themselves at the airport again, heading back to home sweet home. They didn't had much sleep and were still in a blur as they walked in. Bomi almost walked into a stranger if not for Chorong who lightly pushed her away.

"Hm? What did I do unnie?" asked Bomi sleeply.

"Watch where you're going pabo, you almost ran into someone." whispered Chorong.

"Ah...sorry unnie..."

"Hopefully, you won't miss the gate with your state like this." sighed Chorong as she linked arms with Bomi so that she wouldn't get lost in her current state.

Things would get busy again by the time they return to Korea, Naeun had more drama filming and recently, Hayoung was casted in Law Of The Jungles. At first, the unnies were quite surprised at Hayoung's decision to accept it. Indeed, for the unnies their baby has grown a lot. 


A three-day trip in Macau ended quickly like that, stories left untold about the red carpet incident, things that fans will never know.





A/N: Yes, almost 80% of this chapter is made from fanaccounts, videos, photos etc of AFA through twitter lol, hope you enjoyed reading this and thank you for subscribing! I will probably write one on Hayoung's Law Of Jungle filming once the episode is aired haha :P



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Ydvvfjkch #1
APINK ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: I like the concept of these stories.. will be great if you can carry on writing these!!
1241 streak #3
Chapter 14: <3
Chapter 3: It cuteee
Chapter 14: Are you going to update author-nim??????
Jedirene #6
Chapter 14: Cute
Eririn #7
Chapter 13: I think this is the best news of my day. That you will try to update more frequently. Chomi interactions are really the most wonderful. Sigh, how I wish I could turn stories like this into a drama.
star1panda #8
this sounds... interesting
Chapter 2: Why do you keep putting 12 January its my birthday lol
Chapter 2: Why do you keep putting 12 January its my birthday lol