
Apink Diary


~11 February 2015, Hayoung's High School Graduation from SOPA~

(Hayoung's POV)

Our comeback had already been decided so it was obvious that we were still in the room, practicing even at this late hour. But I was excited because I would be graduating from my high school today (yes it's 2am in the morning) The unnies were obviously exhausted, drenched in sweat. Chorong unnie decided that we should go home because I have a schedule tommorow which was "obviously" my graduation, I wondered whether the unnies knew about it. The journey back home was quiet, Naeun, Namjoo and Bomi unnie were fast asleep. Eunji unnie was staring at her phone as usual, I wonder whether she's seeing someone(she'll hit me if i said that) and Chorong unnie sat at the front, still wide awake, as expected of our leader.

The moment we reached the dorm, everyone went straight to their rooms. Bomi didn't even shower and slept like that, i guess Chorong unnie is going to nag her later in the morning. Manager oppa told me that we had to leave at 6am later, it's already 4am but I couldn't sleep anyway. I went to the living room so that I wouldn't disturb Naeun-unnie who was fast asleep and opened my phone to text my friends Joy and Yerin.

Hayoung: All the best to graduating tommorow!

Yerin: Wow,you're still awake?

Hayoung: As if you are.

Joy: Can't sleep either....

That moment, I heard the door opening from the direction of my room. It was Chorong unnie who saw me, still not sleeping.

"Hayoung-ah, you have a schedule tommorow right? Why don't you go and sleep?" asked Chorong as she sat beside me, eyes wide open.

"I'm too excited I can't sleep unnie" I giggled softly in reply.

"Hm? What schedule would be so exciting for you?" asked Chorong still confused. My mouth just went opened, surprised at my oblivious unnie.

"Wow unnie, you don't know?" I sighed with a smile. I guess everyone's too sleepy to even remember, it's cute to see Chorong unnie's clueless face.

"Did I forget something?"

"I'm graduating tommorow....." I said with a pout.

"Ah! Sorry Hayoung-ah, I think maybe I'm too tired thats why I forgot" giggled Chorong as she patted my head in apology.

"You should go sleep unnie, don't worry about me." I said with a smile, dragging Chorong unnie to her room.

"Alright, you should sleep too okay?" she said with a smile as she closed the door. Obeying the leader's words, I went to sleep after that.


The alarm rang as I immediately shut it in order not to wake up Naeun unnie who was at the bottom bunk of the bed. It was 5am, one hour to get ready. I washed myself up and opened the cupboard as I stared at the yellow uniform hanging. This was the last time I would wear my school uniform, I had mixed feelings about it because I didn't really attend school much ever since I became a celebrity. But i didn't regret it even though I couldn't spend much time with my friends and teachers. Looking at myself in the mirror, I decided to take a few selcas so that I can look back at these photos in the future.

I checked my phone only to receive messages from both my family and friends who congratulated me. My parents apologized for not being attending as they had work to do. I didn't mind at all because even if they did came, I would probably be able to see them for a few seconds. Instead, I jokingly asked my parents to check me up on the news.

Before I left the dorm, I saw a lunch container on the table with a yellow note on it.

"Hayoung-ah, this is your breakfast. Eat it well! Congratulations on graduating! - Chorong"

I smiled, I could already feel the hardwork and love that Chorong unnie put in this lunchbox. I was touched that she woke up in the middle of dawn to prepare this. Manager oppa was already waiting for me downstairs as we headed off to school. He reminded me that the press would be there and told me to be prepared. As a celebrity, you will be followed everywhere. Even though it's just a simple school graduation, reporters and fans will be there.

Soon, we arrived. I already finished the breakfast that Chorong-unnie prepared, it was delicious. The moment I stepped outside, I was immediately flooded with fans and reporters shoving cameras and flowers at me. I was used to it as I headed to school only to be stopped by reporters for an interview. Who would've thought that there was so many reporters waiting for me, it took me a while before I reached the classroom where I was greeted by my friends who gifted me with flowers. We spent the hour spending the last moments with our teachers before heading downstairs for the official ceremony. I was overjoyed as I met with Yerin and Joy. We may have a hoobae-sunbae relationship in the public's eye but we're just good friends. While waiting for the ceremony to begin, we talked a lot of things that we missed out. I was glad that Yerin and Joy could finally debut into their respective groups and wanted to fully support them.

As we continued to chat, I looked up to see the entire hall filled with fans. Thats when I noticed one of the fans that I was familiar with, communicating from afar was difficult as I wanted to answer his question. After a while, I finally understood what he wanted to say( he asked where the members were) and replied him through sign language. I smiled, it's really interesting to be able to communicate with the fans especially in events like these. Soon, it was our turn to receive the certificates and eventually, the graduation ceremony has ended. 

It was only for about 4 hours, I bid farewell to Joy and Yerin as they had schedules to attend to. After a couple more interviews, I was back in the van where my manager oppa told me that we're going for lunch now.

"What about the unnies?" I asked, wondering whether they had any schedules today.

"You'll see later" he said with a smile as we drove off. I was suspicious.

Soon, we arrived at a restuarant which was quiet and away from the public's eye. I followed my manager into the building only to be greeted by the unnies, who were holding a cake. I knew this would happen.

"Congratulations on graduating Hayoung-ah!" said everyone as Naeun who was holding the cake, placed it in front of me so that I could blow the candles.

I was happy, even though the members weren't there for my graduation, they held a small party. Because we didn't had any other schedules, everyone was there.

"Let's see that certificate of yours!" said Eunji with a grin as she snatched it away from my arms. Bomi joined in as the two shouted every single word that was written. It sure was noisy with the two of them there.

"I remember I used to wear that uniform too" said Namjoo as she examined my clothes.

"Aigoo, you went up on stage without wearing your collar properly" sighed Chorong as she fixed my collar. I could only smile, it was inevitable as I am the youngest, so being taken care of is a norm. Naeun unnie just stared at me with a smile, like a mother who was happy for her child.

Eunji and Bomi then looked at my graduation picture and starting making fun at how "beautiful" I looked. They even looked up news articles that were released and save pictures of me on their phones (I can't believe these unnies...)

"Are you sure this is you?" joked Eunji as she stared at the picture.

"I don't know this person" laughed Bomi.

"Yah, don't be like that. Let's eat" said Chorong. She was the only one who could stop these 93 liners from fooling around as we gathered around to eat lunch.

"But Hayoung-ah, it was just yesterday since you graduated from middle school. Time really passed by really fast.." said Chorong.

"You're getting old unnie" chuckled Bomi only to have herself hit by Chorong later.

"We went together during that time didn't we?" said Naeun. I nodded in reply.


"So Hayoung-ah, now that you're graduated what's the thing you want to do the most?" asked Eunji unnie. I grinned at the question.

"I want to start drinking." I said with a smile.

"No, you haven't turned twenty yet." said Chorong as my comment was immediately thrown out. I pouted, even though I wanted to do so, we had to obey the leader.

"It's okay, unnie will let you" said Bomi as she winked at me completely oblivious that Chorong heard that loud and clear.

"Yah, I said she can't." said Chorong as the two playfully hit each other as usual.

"Oh yeah! We should update the fancafe to let fans know about Hayoung's graduation!" said Namjoo as she just remembered.

"She just blew the candles....." said Naeun innocently.

"It's alright because Bomi hasn't eaten it yet! Come on, let's light it up again!" said Eunji as she grabbed a set of candles from the manager.

"Unnie, you can just snap the picture without the candles......" I said but the unnies didn't hear me. They were too into the taking picture thing already.

"Okay, the candles are lit! Get ready Hayoung-ah!" said Namjoo who was holding the phone while Chorong unnie held the cake. Naeun unnie was sitting beside me.

"Congratulations on your graduation Hayoung-ah!" the unnies repeated as there was a click from the camera.

"And that was how my final day of graduation went, celebrating with my favourite unnies."



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Ydvvfjkch #1
APINK ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: I like the concept of these stories.. will be great if you can carry on writing these!!
1241 streak #3
Chapter 14: <3
Chapter 3: It cuteee
Chapter 14: Are you going to update author-nim??????
Jedirene #6
Chapter 14: Cute
Eririn #7
Chapter 13: I think this is the best news of my day. That you will try to update more frequently. Chomi interactions are really the most wonderful. Sigh, how I wish I could turn stories like this into a drama.
star1panda #8
this sounds... interesting
Chapter 2: Why do you keep putting 12 January its my birthday lol
Chapter 2: Why do you keep putting 12 January its my birthday lol