North America Tour

Apink Diary

~January 5-9 North America Tour 2016~

~January 3rd 2016~

Winter had arrived in Korea and the girls were victims to the cold. Despite that, they were scheduled for their North America Tour starting with Vancouver first. Due to the recent year-end events, everyone was tired and sick. The journey to the airport was a quiet one unlike the usual days, Chorong reminded the girls on immigration issues, reminding them to be on their best behaviour because they were going to a foreign country etc. To them, this was normal hearing their leader nag everytime.

"We know unnie, we're not children. Let's get some sleep" yawned Eunji as she tilted her head against the window while Naeun sat beside her. She was already fast asleep. Her head slowly plopped onto Eunji's shoulder, as she was still lost in dreamland. Eunji smiled and caressed her hair while continuing to look out at the window. It was snowing, she remembered how Naeun said that she loves winter even though she hated it. She was always the victim to the cold and it would always affect . But she couldn't bring herself to hate winter because, Naeun loved it.

Soon, Apink arrived at the airport. As usual, fans and reporters were waiting for them. After passing through immigration, the girls had about an hour before their flight. The rest from the car made the girls energetic again as they split into groups, shopping while killing time. Bomi dragged Chorong along to a bakery while the other four decided to shop nearby.

"What bread should I eat?" smiled Bomi as she scanned the selection of bread.

"Didn't you just ate one in the car?" sighed Chorong. She was worried that Bomi would gain a lot of weight from eating bread.

"That's nothing. After all, we have 9 hours on the plane, might as well eat." said Bomi as she made her decision.

Eventually, it was time to board the flight. It was long journey to the other side of the world and these days, the girls have been developing new hobbies, Pipo Painting. It was strange that they were having feminine hobbies as they don't usually do stuff like these. Both Namjoo and Chorong spent the hours in the flight doing pipo painting while Bomi was doing cross-stiching. Hayoung who was sitting with Eunji, were watching the whole Harry Potter series together. Naeun on the other hand, was busy learning english as they were going to an english-speaking country. She wanted to make sure she had no mistakes and spoke English with ease.

At last, the long flight was over. The girls were now in Vancouver, they arrived a day earlier for preparations. Their hotel rooms were assigned, Namjoo and Chorong, Bomi and Eunji, Hayoung and Naeun. But, there was a problem. There was only one bed. But the girls didn't bother, they had a similiar situation during their Thailand trip and slept cuddling each other before.

(Namjoo & Chorong's Room)

"One bed. Looks like we're gonna have to cuddle again." said Chorong as she stared at the bed.

"I'm fine with that, unnie is comfortable." smiled Namjoo as she fell onto the bed, sighing afterwards.

"I'll wash up first." said Chorong as she headed to her luggage to take out her clothes.

(Eunji & Bomi's Room)

"God, why am I roommates with you again." said Eunji as she looked at the bed and then to Bomi. She's experienced sleeping with Bomi before and she definately did not had a good night's sleep.

"Please, it's going to take me ages to wake you up tommorow." joked Bomi.

"If only I was roommates with Naeun." thought Eunji to herself.

"If only I was roommates with Chorong unnie." thought Bomi to herself.

(Hayoung & Naeun's Room)

The two were already roommates back at their dorm so this was nothing unusual. It was the only hotel room that was the most normal, Naeun was quietly going over her English notes while Hayoung was preoccupied with a mobile game she was playing recently. It was obvious that they were already comfortable with each other.


Due to time differences, the girls were still awake even though it was 4am. It was expected that jet lag would take a toll on them but the girls were prepared the fight the sleepiness(well,almost). Rehearsals started as they had to fix audio problems and were told what to do during the hi-touch events. Eventually, their sleeping schedules messed up as they returned to the hotel, exhuasted. It was night but day in Korea.

(Chorong & Namjoo's Room)

The two girls cuddled each other to sleep as it was cold, they were so close to each other that they could feel their breaths tickling their skin. They were the members with the least sleeping habits so there wasn't really a problem. 

(Eunji & Bomi's Room)

It was like a war, the two were the heaviest sleepers and they were unconciously pushing each other to the side. Bomi's leg would be on top of Eunji's stomach while Eunji's hand would cover Bomi's face. Eventually, the two would wake up in the middle of night due their uncomfortable position and sometimes Bomi would suffocate halfway due to Eunji blocking her nostrils.

(Hayoung & Naeun's Room)

As Hayoung was tall(or rather long), her feet already reached the end of the bed. The two hugged each other and due to Hayoung's long legs, she would playfully wrap Naeun from the side, making her unable to move. Hayoung wrapped her arms around Naeun's waist like a pillow while Naeun would lightly hold onto her hands. It was a comfortable position and the two loved each other's company.


The day had arrived, the start of their North America Tour. Apink would continue for three stops, Dallas, San Francisco and LA.

(Flight to San Francisco)

The girls were seperated into two groups, Namjoo, Naeun, Chorong and Eunji, Bomi, Hayoung. However, one group were three minutes late and had to board another flight.

"I'm sorry. We cannot let you board the flight as you are three minutes late. Very sorry." said the attendant as she closed the gate.

"Ah..okay...." replied Bomi in english as she turned to the two girls.

"Shall we go eat chicken?" said Hayoung with a smile while holding a hot dog.

"That sounds like a good idea!" said Bomi, nodding in agreement.

"Aigoo, is hunger more important than our flight?" chuckled Eunji as she followed the two. 

"Please control yourselves girls." sighed the manager as he went to the counter to buy tickets.


~2 minutes before the next flight~

"Hurry up, we're going to be late!" said the manager.

"But...but I need to go to the toilet....." stuttered Bomi as she was conflicted whether to go or not.

"Aigoo, you can just pee on the plane babo" sighed Eunji as she quickly grabbed Bomi's hand and dragged her to the gate with Hayoung following along. For a while, Eunji wondered whether she was taking care a bunch of kids.

"Maybe this is what Chorong feels when she has to take care of all of us" thought Hayoung to herself.


Eventually, Apink was a whole again. After receiving a few earfuls from the manager, the tour went on as usual. Luckily, they arrived a day earlier otherwise it would be a huge problem. With that, Apink successfully completed their tour and were soon on the way back home.

(On the flight back home)

The girls were exhausted, spending the 9 hours mostly catching up their sleep. Chorong who usually doesn't place her head on someone's shoulder was too tired and plopped onto Bomi's shoulder making the girl flustered yet happy. Bomi stared at the girl who used her shoulder as a pillow for a long time, wondering how she is so pretty even without makeup. She smelled her hair and wanted to engrave the scent into her brain as she too, fell asleep interwining her fingers with Chorong without her noticing.

By the time Chorong woke up, Bomi was still fast asleep. In fact, she was surprised that her head was on her shoulder and immediately sat up. She stared at her fingers which interwined with Bomi's, her cheeks began to feel hot. But, she didn't let go, afraid that Bomi would wake up due to sudden movements. She then looked at Bomi's sleeping face, smiling at how cute it was. Usually, Bomi would be active and making jokes but here she was, like an innocent baby trapped in her dreamworld completely empty of worries.

For some reason, Chorong felt peace just staring at her. She smiled and looked at the window, her hands still locked tightly in Bomi's hand.


"And that was how the tour ended, our hands together in the sky"




A/N Sorry, I actually lost ideas halfway while writing this >< Sorry if it got boring, I just got stuck somehow. Still, thank you for reading and subscribing! :)


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Ydvvfjkch #1
APINK ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: I like the concept of these stories.. will be great if you can carry on writing these!!
1241 streak #3
Chapter 14: <3
Chapter 3: It cuteee
Chapter 14: Are you going to update author-nim??????
Jedirene #6
Chapter 14: Cute
Eririn #7
Chapter 13: I think this is the best news of my day. That you will try to update more frequently. Chomi interactions are really the most wonderful. Sigh, how I wish I could turn stories like this into a drama.
star1panda #8
this sounds... interesting
Chapter 2: Why do you keep putting 12 January its my birthday lol
Chapter 2: Why do you keep putting 12 January its my birthday lol