Chorong's 26th Birthday

Apink Diary

~24 hours till 3rd March 2016~

Celebrating birthdays between the Apink members was something they've gotten very used to, afterall they've lived with each other for six years. Surprises were hard to make as it was too obvious or cringeworthy for some, this year however, the five girls came up with something to celebrate their loved leader's 26th.

Just two days ago, Apink returned from Thailand after filming for a water brand and Chorong was sick. Members were worried and surprised at the sudden sickness of the fragile leader. Once they returned home, Chorong's schedules were cleared off to ensure she would get better quicker. She was getting better as the days went by.

2rd March, 1:00am

There was a knock on Naeun & Hayoung's door. The two were busy doing their own things, Naeun was colouring while Hayoung was engrossed in playing mobile games.

"Yes Bomi unnie?" asked Naeun as she opened the door.

"Speak softer so that Chorong unnie won't wake up. First, the two of you come over to our room then we'll explain."

"Ok. Hayoung, let's go." replied Naeun as she grabbed Hayoung's hand and silently went towards Bomi, Eunji and Namjoo's room. Chorong's room was just next door so they had to be absolutely quiet.

Bomi quietly closed the door after everyone came in.

"It's about Chorong unnie's birthday right?" said quick-witted Hayoung.

"I think that's pretty obvious since we're gathered here." said Eunji as she smiled towards the maknae.

"Bomi unnie and I have filming tommorow until late night for Shikshin Road." said Namjoo.

"So you guys gonna come back looking chubbier?" joked Eunji as she pinched Bomi's stomach.

"Yah.... Anyways, does anyone have a free schedule tommorow?" asked Bomi while removing Eunji's hand away.

"I promised to eat out with my mom tommorow...." replied Naeun as she checked her phone.

"Haena unnie booked me for an outing." replied Eunji.

"That leaves us with...." everyone turned their heads and stared at the maknae.

"I'll do it, i'll do it. I mean, I'll just be playing games the whole day anyway." replied Hayoung.

"Good. What present should we get for unnie? I think she'll be bored if we keep giving her chicken feet all the time" laughed Bomi.

"Last time, she blamed us that we were making her fat" giggled Naeun.

"Let's each give her a present individually. Since she's always getting only one present from all five of us. How does that sound?" suggested Eunji.

"We should have time to buy it after our filming right?" asked Namjoo to Bomi.

"It ends at 7pm. So we can shop around until midnight and surprise her later."

"Unless you want me to be your slave and......" mumbled Hayoung as the unnies stared at her with an evilish smirk. Hayoung regretted what she blurted out as the unnies began to enthusiastically write down the things they wanted to buy. A whole list was ready for Hayoung who was destined to buy them.

"Eunji unnie, you haven't written yours yet." said Hayoung as she checked the list.

"I'll buy it myself since I can shop with Haena unnie."

"Make sure you don't buy the wrong size Hayoung-ah." reminded Namjoo.

"I'll finish around 2pm so I'll help you out." smiled Naeun as she stared at the worried maknae.

"If Naeun is going with you, I don't think we have to worry." said Eunji with a motherly smile.

"Alright. We should all come home before midnight. Good night~" smiled Bomi as she lightly pushed Naeun and Hayoung out of their room. As the door closed, the two could only giggle while returning back to their room.

2nd March, 8:00am

Bomi and Namjoo already left the dorm for their filming. They had a live event and had to be there early. Chorong who slept the earliest last night had absolutely no idea of what happened woke up to the mess of Bomi, Eunji and Namjoo's room. She sighed as she walked towards the girl still in dreamland. 

"Eunji-yah. Didn't you say you were meeting with Haena today? You're gonna be late if you don't wake up soon." said Chorong as she shook her body, pulling her blanket out and turning off the air conditioner. 

"Okay~unnie you don't have any schedule today?" asked Eunji.


"Nothing. Just asking." replied Eunji with a smile.

The other two were awake, Naeun was already dressed ready to head out while Hayoung was still brushing her teeth.

"Have a good time with your mom. Family time is very precious." reminded Chorong.

"I will unnie. See you later tonight!" said Naeun with a smile as she headed out.

Eventually, Eunji headed out as well leaving the leader & the youngest behind. Hayoung was trying to think of a way to get out of the dorm, as she needed to buy the gifts. She didn't want to bother her managers to chauffered her around.

"Let's eat breakfast." said Chorong as she placed the dishes on the table.

"Are you going to stay home all day again today, unnie?"

"'s comfortable to rest on a day with no schedules...."

"Really? But you need to get some sun at least...."

"I guess I'll head to the gym in the afternoon. There's pilates class."

"Gym isn't my style." joked Hayoung.

"Shall we go to the gym together? I need to influence you to start exercising. You may be young but your body....." Chorong begins her nagging again. Hayoung has heard this many times, the importance of exercise, keeping fit etc. But she has never complained, she simply kept quiet and listened to the leader even though her nagging will probably never end.

[15 minutes later]

"So, don't you think you should start exercising?" asked Chorong as she finally ended her long lecture.

"Not today unnie. I'm going out later." said Hayoung as she began to think of an excuse.

"To where? You don't have a schedule today." As expected of the leader, she knows every part of the members. Theres no way of escaping her.

"Just now, my friend texted me for a meetup. It's just a cafe nearby here." said Hayoung as she tried to avoid direct eye contact because the leader's aura is intimidating.

"I didn't know you have friends" joked Chorong.

"Unnie! Anyway, I'll probably finish until evening so you'll be home alone again."

"I'm fine. I don't really like going out anyway."


Hayoung successfully managed to leave the dorm as she was now doing the mission appointed by the "unnies". Wearing a mask, a black hoodie and sunglasses at the same time, no one would've thought that she was Apink's Hayoung although she did look very suspicious. The maknae walked through the streets filled with rows of shops while checking the list. At that moment, she received a text message.

"Are things doing okay? Did you managed to get out of the dorm?" -Naeun unnie

"Yeah. I'm buying the presents now. Where are you?" 

"The cafe near our dorm, the one with the delicious cupcakes." 

"But you're with your mum right? I shouldn't disturb you two... >< "

"It's alright Hayoung-ah. My mum said she wanted to see you. :) "

"Ok. I'm coming. See you there."

Meanwhile, Bomi and Namjoo were fully concentrated on their filming. They held a live broadcast through facebook and later visited a restuarant. They were also busy with photoshoot filming for the show. Eunji on the other hand, met up with Sassy Go Go cast, Haena who kept spamming that she misses Eunji. The two chatted for a long time while having lunch, just like best friends while Chorong finally left the dorm to attend pilates classes nearby.

Hayoung met up with Naeun, who turned shy in the presence of Naeun's mother. The two chatted for awhile before leaving together to shop the items. It was a rare opportunity for the roommates to go on a "date". The six girls were far apart each other but five of them had only one goal in mind "Chorong unnie's birthday".


2nd March, 10:30pm

BnN were on the way back while the other four girls were at the dorm, watching TV as if tommorow was just a normal day. Hayoung was preoccupied with mobile games, Eunji was in her room using her phone while Chorong and Naeun watched the television together. They were monitoring their appearances on Get It Beauty. 

"Naeun, you have drama filming tommorow right? You should sleep early." reminded Chorong. She knew how taxing filming was due to Eunji's experience and she didn't want her getting sick.

"It's okay unnie. The filming schedule is flexible so it won't affect me that much." smiled Naeun. That moment, noises were heard at the door. BnN had returned home, with bags full in their hands.

"Bom-ah, did you go shopping?" asked Chorong in curiousity.

"Uh yeah. With Namjoo." said Bomi as she tried to hide the fact that it was actually the gifts.

By the time BnN washed themselves, it was 11:30pm. Chorong unnie already went to sleep as the five girls gathered in Bomi, Eunji and Namjoo's room, her gifts scattered on the floor.

"What's this Eunji-ya?" asked Bomi as she lifted up a sandal.

"It's couple sandals for Chorong and me. Remember when we were in Thailand and she was the only one who didn't own any of those." replied Eunji.

"But we don't go to beaches that often...." said Bomi.

"Shush." said Eunji as she covered Bomi's mouth.

"So, do we just wait until it hits midnight then we bombard Chorong unnie's room?" smirked Namjoo.

"We didn't buy a cake this time...." said Naeun.

"We would get in big trouble if we did that, right Bomi-ya?" grinned Eunji.

"Cause we would smash the cake into her face." laughed Bomi.

The girls waited until the clock struck midnight. One by one, they crept outside her door. On the count of three, chaos began. Lights were , Chorong's blanket was pulled away and a birthday song was sung loudly almost as if it was screaming into your ear.

"Happy birthday to you~Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to our Rong unnie~Happy Birthday to you~~~"

"Congratulations on getting one year older, grandma!" teased Bomi.

"Here is our gifts, all five of them!" said Eunji as she tossed all the gifts on the bed.

"I knew you guys were up to something." chuckled Chorong who couldn't stop smiling.

"Sorry we didn't buy a cake this time unnie." said Naeun.

"You said you would get fatter if we did that." said Namjoo.

"And we don't want to get hit." said Hayoung.

Chorong could only laugh at the situation, she found it cute as she hung her arms around the girls.

"Thank you girls~I'm really touched." smiled Chorong as she hug all five of them in one go.

"Our leader-nim is officially 26 years old!" shouted Bomi as she pushed everyone onto the bed creating a disaster as the girls struggled to fit on one bed.

"Yah! Yoon Bomi!" shouted Eunji.

As expected, the dorm became noisy again filled with laughter.


3rd March 12:15am

Chorong went through all five gifts that her members gave her, feeling gratitude towards every single item. She then reached for Eunji's couple sandals and laughed.

"What's this for?" giggled Chorong.

"Unnie, back in Thailand you were complaining how you wanted to own your own sandal to walk on the beach. So, here you are." joked Eunji.

"Thanks." giggled Chorong as she wore the sandals. Eunji noticed it and wore it too.

"Let's take a picture!" grinned Eunji.

Later, Eunji uploaded it on Instagram and the girls celebrated their leader's birthday for a little longer before all six of them went to bed. Chorong read through all her SNS comments, thankful for all the love she received from the fans. She later took a selca of herself wearing Bomi and Namjoo's handmade "birthday" mask.


"And that was how, Apink's 26-year old leader celebrated her birthday"

"Eunji's Instagram Update"


A/N: Sorry if this was a bit boring to read, i wanted to write a special chapter for her birthday but I ran out of ideas halfway ><. This might be late but happy birthday to Chorong! :) And thank you for reading and subscribing!










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Ydvvfjkch #1
APINK ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: I like the concept of these stories.. will be great if you can carry on writing these!!
1241 streak #3
Chapter 14: <3
Chapter 3: It cuteee
Chapter 14: Are you going to update author-nim??????
Jedirene #6
Chapter 14: Cute
Eririn #7
Chapter 13: I think this is the best news of my day. That you will try to update more frequently. Chomi interactions are really the most wonderful. Sigh, how I wish I could turn stories like this into a drama.
star1panda #8
this sounds... interesting
Chapter 2: Why do you keep putting 12 January its my birthday lol
Chapter 2: Why do you keep putting 12 January its my birthday lol