Revealed Truth

Point Of No Return

A tired Jiyong arrived to his apartment in tokyo, waiting to see Kiko desperately. It's been a week and he missed her a lot. Once he got inside he saw Kiko sitting in one of the sofas. He could see she was mad.


Jiyong approached the girl in front of him cautiously. “Kiko” His sweetest voice came out, revealing his internal regret.


However, the mentioned didn’t answer and just limited herself to look away from him, avoiding his deep gaze.


“I’m sorry” He turned his back to her while running a hand through his hair. “I just... don’t have any excuses” He unconsciously bit his lower lip. “You always understood our relationship, we are just friends” Jiyong finished completely disarmed looking straight at her eyes.


Kiko looked at him, completely annoyed “Yeah, right! then should I go and spend two nights with a man you barely know and say to you ‘We’re just friends’?” Kiko began pacing the living room faster every time.


“It’s not what I-” He tried to take her hand but she snatched him away.


“Do you think I would be fine with that?” Her eyes welled up with tears looking daringly at him.


“For God’s sake, she’s having a hard time! I’m the only one who can help her now!” Jiyong finally lost it and couldn’t stop himself from screaming at her. “She’s completely alone!”


“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to put her feelings into consideration!” She began to put thing on one of her handbags, stopped and then looked at him. “Then, Why don’t you go make her some company!?” Kiko was completely out of her mind.


“Kiko, please listen” He got close to her but she ignored him.


“I’m tired Ji, tired of having to support all this bull, leaving me alone for entire weeks just because, your so called friend, feels alone” She headed to the door with her bag, stopped halfway out and looked at him one last time. “I hope you do well”


“Kiko, Chaerin is pregnant” Jiyong put both hands in his face and sighed deeply, he had no choice.


His words cut the air and silence fell between them. Kiko stopped where she was and dropped her bag.


“I knew you were hiding something” She muttered for herself turning around to face him. “That's why she never came back to Korea, and that's why she disappeared”


Jiyong didn't know what to do with himself for the first time, since Chaerin told him she was pregnant. He had considered telling the truth many times. He thought it wouldn’t be fair for her or for his child, but he didn’t want to risk Kiko leaving.


He was such a coward. But in the end, it was the lesser of two evils.


Kiko was calm in the outside, the only thing that betrayed her was the streams of tears that were running down her cheeks.


“Why can’t I hate you?” Her wavering voice made Jiyong feel like .


“It happened in one of our long breakups”


Kiko was speechless.


“And you let her have it?” The words that came out of were bitter like poison, but with a hint of sadness.


“I wouldn't kill my own child because of a mistake I made” Jiyong was serious, and Kiko could see that.


She wiped her tears and closed the door that was behind her that, until that moment, was left open.


“You have always cherished her, I’m so envious” Her words sounded as loud as a whisper.


“Kiko I love you, I do love her too, but can't you see the difference?” He took her by her arm and pulled her closer to him, their faces centimeters away.


She put her arms around his neck crying loudly. “I love you too” And with that she kissed him sweetly.


Their kisses became more passionate, more desperate. Her hands took of his shirt while he kissed her neck leaving marks all over.


Kiko’s s turned him on even more. Clumsily and without breaking their skin contact, they reached their bed.




Both were under the sheets. Both deep in thoughts until Kiko decided to break the silence.


She turned to him and supported her head with her hand to look at him, who stared at the ceiling.


“You two are lying to a lot of people, do you think you can handle it?” She paused surprised. “You aren't just some normal people, you are G-Dragon and she is CL” She cover with her hand expressing the seriousness of the situation. “If they find out, It will turn into a scandal”


“I know, but we can't say it properly either, we're not even married, and they already suspected I was with you at that time” He argumented.


“But what if-” Kiko started, but was interrupted by his embrace.


“Let's just forget about it for now” He was tired of thinking about the ‘what ifs’. “Now it's just me and you”


She could have left but he didn't regret telling her. He even thought about apologizing to Chaerin; making her promise she wouldn't tell Kiko, it was harsh.


It was 3 in the morning and he couldn't sleep, he felt like , so he took his cigarettes and headed to the balcony.


His mind was a mess and Kikos words resounded in his head. But the worse of it all is that he had no one to rely on except Chaerin. But he couldn't talk about Kiko with her.


He took a long drag on his cigarette and contemplated the nightlife city of tokyo.


The next morning was as rainy as his heart. He didn't even feel like waking up. He felt like , again.


But a with a busy schedule. So he went to take a shower as he could and started his busy day.





The warm water ran in her skin relaxing her. Being apart from all the scandals and troubles of her old lifestyle was good for her.


Chaerin touched her stomach, it was a bit bigger now. It could be noticed. She just couldn't believe it was her child that was growing inside her. Her and his child.


Without noticing she started to cry, but not from sadness but joy. Thinking that the father was him relieved her, she really loved him.


Their love had created life.


Then, her phone rang. It was him. She wrapped a towel around her and answered it, sobbing softly.




“Hunchae, are you crying?” He asked worried.


“Yes, but nothing bad happened” Her voice revealed she had cried but a smile was on her face. “But, did you need something?”


“I just…” He paused, he still doubted about whether telling her or not. “It’s about Kiko”


“What happened with her?” Curiousity invaded her.


“She… I told her”


“Omo, what did she say?”


“That doesn't matter, I called because I feel like ” He sighed, frustrated. “I told you Kiko mustn't know, but I was being selfish and didn't think about your feelings” He sighed again, but this time he was feeling guilty and relieved at the same time. “For that, I'm sorry.”


She had no words to express her feelings at that moment. “Oppa, what are you saying just now? If I hadn't agreed with that I wouldn't have accepted your conditions” She sighed. “Now, what's really going on in your mind”


“I'm worried… about everything that can happen if they find out” She knew him so well, he didn't stand a chance in lying to her.


“Me too, but if they find out, nothing would happen to you, I won't say you're the father” She tried to soothe him. Her career as a singer was over so what else could she lose?. She will always have her friends there for her. Calling every day asking if she was ok.


The thought made her smile.


“I'm worried about you” He confessed. It hurt to him that she thought he was worrying about himself, it showed how much of a scumbag he was being towards her lately.


“My career as a singer is over oppa, what else can happen?” She felt sad towards the idea of not becoming what she wanted to become, but she cared more about the little bump in her stomach.


“There's actually a lot, and it could affect our child”


The thought made them shiver.


“Think about netizens, and how would everybody look at our child” He said desperate picturing the situation.

Her entire perspective changed when he said that. She won't let anybody know about her pregnancy. They must not know the existence of her child.

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Chapter 10: Update pleaseeee! I need to read this fanfiction. I can't live without it, it's like water!
Chapter 10: I know that I'm being like super annoying right now because I have asked you to update like a thousand times and I know that you got other things going on in your life, so please accept my apology for being extremely annoying! Love ya!
Chapter 10: Will you update please?
Chapter 10: Please update
Chapter 10: Update please!
Chapter 10: Please update!!
Chapter 10: please update soon!
Vivianv96 #8
Chapter 10: Update soon ^^