
In the morning she opened her eyes to see him still watching her and smiling, as though he had been rooted in position all night. Even with his hair all messy and the slightest shadows under his eyes, he was still the finest-looking specimen of a human being Hyomin had ever seen.

"Morning," he said. "Did you sleep well?"

Hyomin rubbed her eyes. She dreaded to think of her bed-hair and she needed to clean her teeth.

Joon, supporting his head with his hand, resumed smiling at her. "You snore ..." he said, teasingly. "In a totally adorable way."

"Oh God." She closed her eyes. "Did I keep you awake?"

He pursed his lips. "Me and the entire population on the other side of the mountain, probably," he said. "But it's okay."

She groaned and sat up, looking down at her rumpled shirt, her head clearing, remembering ...

"I'm going to get dressed," she said, gesturing at the tent opening. "So, would you mind ...?"

"Right ... Of course." Joon wriggled out of his sleeping bag, and she was relieved to see that he too had slept in his jeans. "I'll get another fire going, make some breakfast."

He disappeared out of the tent and she quickly got dressed in a pair of scruffy tracksuit bottoms and a faded black shirt, pushing her trusty trainers on to her feet. Hardly making an effort, but this morning Hyomin didn't care.

Outside, there was brilliant sunshine. Her heart couldn't help lifting at the feel of the heat on her face. She avoided looking at the car, sitting with Joon's life tied up in a bundle inside.

Maybe she should just forget about it? It was none of her business. He must have his reasons for not telling her .... But whywas it in the back of his car? Why had he brought it all the way over from Japan?

They were going home today. Maybe she could ask him about it, sensitively, when they were safely out of the wood. For some reason Hyomin was uneasy about what reaction she'd get ... And she didn't like the idea of being so remote when it happened.

Hyomin watched Joon as he busied himself with the lit fire, breaking a couple of eggs into a pan, prodding at them with a spoon as they spat and sizzled. He turned then and seeing her watching, grinned contentedly.

"Want some coffee?" he said. "Or tea?"

She smiled, allowing herself to flash forward in time to Joon and her in their own kitchen, fixing breakfast. Hyomin stopped herself. How ridiculous. We'd only just met.

He did look cute, though, she thought, as he cooked the eggs, and filled the billy kettle with water from the huge bottle they'd brought with them. Practical. Taking care of her.

She settled herself down next to him, leaning her head against his arm.

"Thank you," she said. "for doing this."

"I want to do it," he said, calmly, placing the kettle on the makeshift griddle. "I like looking after you."

Hyomin felt negative thoughts drifting away. She was being a drama queen. Hyomin really needed to calm down and relax.

"This is fun," she said, nudging him, feeling guilty somehow. She yawned then. "Wake me up when the eggs are ready."

She drifted off for a doze, the sounds of Joon clinking about with the egg pan, lulling her to sleep.


A/N: JaeMin shippers, your time haz come >:3



"Eomma!" She shouted, dumping her bag in the hall. "Appa! I'm back."

The house was silent, though the clock in the kitchen ticked noisily. Sighing, Hyomin walked through and the cold tap for a glass of water. Taking a long drink, she stared out at the yard. Her dad's shed was locked up. She wondered idly if her mum and dad had got the table into the truck.

Hyomin sat down at the table, feeling flat. She'd been looking forward to seeing them all. Joon and her had had a good morning. The strange events of the night before had seemed harmless. She hadn't brought up the papers in the boot of the car. It was nothing to do with her. And though it was intriguing, in a sad, morbid kind of way, it was for Joon to tell her, if he wanted to. If it had been the other way around, Hyomin would have been furious if he'd pried into her business and asked nosy questions.

And he had not stopped apologising about his macho behaviour.

"I guess I'm just a guy," he'd told her. " by a beautiful girl. But I'm more than happy to wait. For as long as you want."

The clock chimed two p.m. She relaxed back in her chair, wondering about what to eat. She'd had a huge breakfast, but she was still hungry. Must be all the excitement .... nervous energy. But if she carried on eating like a horse, she'd never be able to fit into that blue dress.

Thinking about the dress inevitably led her on to thoughts of Jaejoong. It had been nearly two weeks since she'd seen him. It was odd. Hyomin didn't like it.

Perhaps he had lost interest in me now. Perhaps Changmin had been working his paritcular brand of meddling malice.

Hyomin didn't want to think about the other possibility. That this whole thing could just be in her head. Made up. Like some kind of psychosis.

She crossed to the fridge and took out a slice of quiche and a pint of milk. Pouring herself a generous glass, she sat down at the table and thought of nothing but satisfying her hunger. It was so unlike her, this apettite. It was as thought she was trying to fill another void. Not the one in her stomach. One closer to her heart.

When she'd finished she wondered whether she should take the dog out. Maybe see Joon again? She had nothing else to do and for once she didn't want to be alone.

But Hyomin didn't want any old company.

She sighed and leaned back, wondering whether to raid the biscuit tin, when a soft thudding sound made her sit up straight and look out of the window.

"Dad?" She said, seeing nothing there. She got up and dmped her plate and glass in the sink, peering out into the front yard. A flicker of a shape moving behind the shed caught her eye and made her heart do a quick flip.

Hyomin waited silently, watching as the shape moved carefully into view and she allowed a smile to creep over her face.

There he was. A little flushed, his dark hair flopping sweetly over his face. He smiled back.

Keeping her eyes on him, Hyomin opened the window wide.

"Hey you," she said, happily. "I was beginning to think you were never coming back."

Jaejoong''s face coloured a little, pleased.

"I'm sorry," he said, his brown eyes doleful, apologetic. "I got caught up in all the work at the palace. Gyuri was personally supervising the preparations and she has the eyes of a hawk. She knows exactly who's shirking their hours and sneaking off."

"So the palace is all done?" She said lightly. "Ready for the ball?"

"It is," he grinned. "Ready for the grand entrance of Miss Park Hyomin."

She knew he wouldn't let her down.

"I got a dress. Kind of vintage. My grandmother made it for my mother when she was a teenager."

"Excellent." He hesitated. "I will look forward to seeing you in it. It is bad luck for me to see it before that. An old tradition of the ball."

"Like a wedding," she said, raising an eyebrow. "The groom never sees the bride's dress before she walks up the aisle in it. An old traiditon of mortal Earth."

He laughed, rubbing his arms. "A fine tradition. Can I come inside, do you think? There is a bit of a chill out here."

"Sure, but I don't know when my family are getting back, so be prepared to leave at short notice."

"Of course." Jaejoong disappeared to wait by the back door.

"I saw your man ..." he said casually as Hyomin let him in. "Joon. Driving down the hill."

"He didn't see you?" Hyomin asked quickly.

"I'm very discreet." Jaejoong shut the door behind him and followed her into the kitchen. "Have you been somehwere?"

"Yes," She said, with her back to him, so he couldn't see her frowning guiltily as she filled up the kettle. "We went camping for a night."

Jaejoong didn't reply, but when she turned back she could see he was trying to look unbothered.

Hyomin plugged in the kettle and sat next to him at the table.

"I missed you," She said, looking intently at him. "More than I thought I would."

Jaejoong sniffed, smiling slightly. "Sounds like you've had plenty to distract you," he said, looking away.

"It was just one night, camping." She said, wondering why she wanted to explain. "And nothing happened."

"You don't have to justify yourself." Jaejoong shrugged.

"Okay then," Hyomin got up and poured hot water into a couple of mugs. As she got out the teabags, she glanced out of the window. All was quiet. They were safe for now. "You drink normal tea?" She asked, putting the mugs down on the table.

Jaejoong grabbed his and sniffed it intently. "It won't poison me, I suppose," he said, his eyes dancing at her over the rim of the mug. He took a tentative sip. "It's good." He put his mug back down and watched Hyomin as she slurp hers'. "And there I was trying to be polite," he laughed. "In front of the refined mortal girl and her careful manners."

He watched her, every inch of his face smiling. As though she was nothing but a delight to him. Hyomin liked that. She liked it a lot.

"We have an expression, 'eat like pigs'," She told him. "Because us mortals don't all have pretty manners."

"Thank goodness for that. I like a girl who doesn't stand on ceremony." He put his hands behind his head.

"A girl," She said coyly. "Just any girl, I suppose?"

He hesitated briefly. "You know full well not just any girl." Though he was smiling, his eyes said something less innocent.

And she kind of liked that too.

Hyomin reminded herself that Jaejoong and her were friends, nothing more. She fiddled with her mug, determined not to look in any way as though she wanted to flirt back. That would be humiliating.

And the two of them sat, listening to the sound of the clock for a while.

"So ..." Jaejoong began awkwardly after a bit. "Everything is going well with Joon?"

She covered the disappointment she felt with what she is sure was a prissy expression.

"Of course it is." She frowned. "Why?"

"Nothing." He clasped his hands together looking even more awkward. "I just ..." He seemed to be searching for words.

"You just what?" Hyomin knew she sounded cool, but she was annoyed. Annoyed and disappointed that the atmosphere had changed. She didn't want to talk about Joon either.

"I just had this feeling last night that maybe something wasn't right." He looked straight at her.

He couldn't possibly have known how she'd felt ... How Joon had made her feel when she'd pulled away from him. She kept her expression steady.

"I sometimes get pictures in my head," he went on. "And often they mean nothing ... But ... well, I suppose its what you call a 'sixth sense'."

"My grandma had those," she said dryly. "Usually after she'd eaten cheese late at night."

Hyomin saw his mouth tilt into a smile.

"You're right. I don't always get it correct. I'm sorry I brought it up."

"It's okay. Everything's fine. I'm happy." She said, not knowing whether she was or wasn;t. "But you'll be the first to know if that changes."

Hyomin sounded way cooler than she felt.

"Good." His voice was light, but his eyes stayed on hers for a fraction too long. It was like he had seen into her head and picked out insecurity and discomfort. But her pride wouldn't let her admit that. Not even to Jaejoong.

The clock ticking again.

"So," Hyomin leaned forward, refusing to think about that hundle of documents and clippings. "When is the ball?"

Finally Jaejoong's eyes lit up. "You still want to come?"

"Of course I want to. I've been looking forward to it for weeks."

"Good." He looked relieved. "It starts early evening tomorrow."

She bit her lip. "I'll tell my mother I'm with Joon," She said, more to herself than Jaejoong. "I just hope he doesn't call, or come up here looking for me."

"You'll be back before you know it," Jaejoong said, studying her anxious face. "Literally."

Maybe I won't want to come back, she thought.

"Right. I'd forgotten about the time laws of Nissilum."

Jaejoong drank the rest of his tea. "I'm so glad you're coming. It will be a happy night for me."

"Me too." She brushed dog hair from his coat and they smiled at each other.

"I had better be going," he said, getting up. "I'll see you tomorrow." He paused. "If you change your mind, I'll understand."

"I'll be there," Hyomin said, as he stepped out into the yard. "I promise."



so ... who's ready for the GREAT BALL? ♥

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Please update soon!
this story is so good!
Kepp up the good work^^
can't wait for your next update omggg!
dewuschka #3
Please update.:)
I can't wait fOr the next chapter! I want to see what drama will occur :)
believe #5
I'm really want to know what will happen next.
I hope Hyomin will be okay.
Yeah the drama begins now.
I'm really ancipate it.
Update soon~
what will hyomin do??
I'm speechless ... what will happen to my weird-mysterious-charming-y-joon-changsun?

p.s. this reminds me of vampire diaries love triangle between Elena, Stefan and Damon ... I love it!
wow the unexpected truth!!

why changmin so cruel??
hoho update is necessary!!
Exactly! Hulll T__T It must have been deleted somehow.
But no worries. I've updated it with a new chapter!
Enjoy! ♥
is rare but I don't see the new chapter ... I had already read the last one.