Chapter One - Lee Taemin

The Secrets Behind Winter

Taemin's POV

Hi. I'm Lee Taemin. The nobody at school. I don't know anyone and no one knows me. Thanks to that I have no friends to go out and have fun with like everyone else. I'm shy, and I don't like talking to other people. Yeah, I'm that type of guy.

Well today I was going to school. It was the last day befor Winter break. What could happen today. Its always diffrent, and sometimes it can be good. Well we will have to wait and find out wont we. As I was getting ready for school. I kept thinking about today. I can't wait till school is over because my umma said that she had a suprise for me. Usually suprises are good from her. Last time, I got a 100,000 won because she had alot of money! 

I was walking to school, and it was quite cold and quiet. 

"Hey! You kid right there walking!" I heard a voice yell. I turned around and looked around. "Yeah you!" I said as I turned around.

"Me?" I asked confused. 

"Yeah, you." The guy said and walked up to me. "I'm bored and lonely walk with me to school. Do you mind.?" The guy asked.

"I-i-i-I don't mind." I stuttered. I cursed myself for my shyness. Sometimes I wish I would get over it. I didn't talk much to the guy at first.

"If you want me to introduce myself, I can't. You may find out later, you may not. I don't know. Unless you already know me. Though I don't expect that. Are you cold?" The guy asked.

"O-okay? And y-y-yeah I kinda am." I replied. 

"Here take my jacket I have another one at school. I see you around and you usually don't have a jacket. You can keep it by the way." He said handing me his jacket. 

"A-aren't you going to be cold?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He said and I put it on.

"Okay." I said it was quiet the whole way to school. When we arrived the school grounds the guy said that he had to go and he left in some direction I can't remember, but after that a bunch of people where staring at me weirdly. I have no idea why though. Well, I get stares like that often, but not this weird. So I casually walk to the Cafeteria and eat breakfeast. After breakfeast I went to my 1sy hour class, English. I was early as usual. After the first bell rang, people started to come into the class room. A few minutes later the tardy bell rang. 

"Good Morning Class!" The teacher said as she walked in the classroom. "Are you guys glad that today is the last day before winter break?" The teacher asked.

"Neh!" The class screamed. Well everyone in class but me.

"Well today since it is only a half day, and you only go to third hour and lunch. We are not going to do anything. You may chat with your friends and do what ever." The teacher said. As soon as she said that I laid my head down the desk. I noticed that the jacket that the random guy gave me was very warm. Like it just came out of the dryer warm. I fell asleep for the rest of class.

I was woken up by the bell to go to the next class, History. The same thing. So I decided to draw. I doodled some pictures and scribbled on the paper a little bit for the next bell to ring and then third hour. After third hour we went to lunch, before we went home. I didn't eat any lunch as I wasn't hungry. So I just sat at the lunch table all by myself. If you are wondering if this is boring, then ding ding you are correct. Going to school, and doing everything alone, and having no one to talk to, and telling them about your day before, or having anyone to turn to it is quite sad if you ask me. Some people might be used to it, but me, I gotten used to it but it is still sad and boring.


I was walking home. I kept observing the jacket, trying to wonder how I will give it back to that guy. I wonder why did he let me wear his jacket. I have never met him before, but some how he acted like he knew me. I don't know why. When I walked in my house my mom greeted me and walked me into the living room. Well I guess thats my suprise....


A/N: Annyeonghaseyo! Hi Everyone I hope you like my first chapter of my story! Well I guess I will update later on today, I don't know. We will see! Please leave some comments on the first chapter if you like it I REALLY love comments!! Subscribe to! :) 

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Ashyunchick20 #1
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you can check out my fanfic bout Shinee!~ :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
@PrinceGD Thank you~!
Update! :D<br />
I like it ! ~
Thanks for entering. Hwaiting! ^^v