WTEric 2

It Hurts

      Noisy commotion of people shouting and banging the door from the outside echoed in the empty practice room. Eric had locked the door after he dragged Dongwan in front of the shocked members, into the adjacent room where they had practiced earlier. At the moment, Eric was standing with his back facing the banged door and without words, he watched Dongwan who was trying to recover after being thrown mercilessly upon the floor.

      Still sitting on the playwood floor, Dongwan who fixed his gaze on the floor softly spoke, “What are you doing? I could hurt you.” Dongwan did not dare to lift his face nor his voice because he was afraid – afraid that any excitement would transformed him into a monster.

      “Why do you want to hurt me?” Eric asked sombrely.

      “I don’t want to. I.. I just couldn’t control myself. Eric..”

      “Is it because I scolded you during recording that time? How childish.”

      Dongwan began to tremble, “Eric stop it. I don’t think I could think clearly now. Go before..”

      Eric chuckled, “And let this thing be?” He pulled out his phone and dialled something. “You know better who I am.”

      “Tchh. Don’t blame me later.” At this point, Dongwan’s eyes darkened.

      “You think I’ll let you win? Huh.”

      With a tap on his phone, you would think that he was contacting someone, but truthfully, Eric the alien the loudspeaker and an exciting beats yet cringe-worthy song which was very inappropriate for the situation (highly recommend you to imagine Marron 5 Sugar; but the song still not existed yet back then so..) blaring out from his phone.

      “Are you kidding me??” Dongwan almost died with the absurdity. As he was losing consciousness, Dongwan still thought that the situation became more and more ridiculous and comical. Yokshi, whoever would do this situation like Eric?

      “Shall we?”

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ricwannie #1
Chapter 13: It seems there is interest on Eric's part??? I will have to disagree that Shinhwa would still be this great without Dongwan. :) Personally, I think Dongwan's sound can't be replaced by either Minwoo or Hyesung's voice. I do agree Hyesung's voice is more refined but I find Dongwan's voice exciting and more moving . And not to mention Dongwan's wit even when it falls flat. It's always interesting how underestimated Dongwan's contribution to Shinhwa is. I get the feeling the group does not underestimate Dongwan especially Eric and Andy. I think they are continually and always challenged by him. At least that's just this one person's thought. No hard feelings I hope. :)
Chapter 11: so,this is the second option. eric needed to face the furious wannie..it's dangerous for him but I like how dong wan can't control himself... sounds weird but I honestly like the furious wannie..hehehhe^^
wannie is cute when he whined like that lol
Chapter 7: waaahhh...eric is stubborn...I think he misses dong wan lol
it is tiring for minwoo...but I can't wait what actually happened even they r separated,still they r in one room...last time,they weren't close,but dongwan still ended up fighting with eric unconsciously...
thank you for updating^^
can't wait to read more of it^^
Chapter 3: I can imagine how "well" dong wan cursed to eric lol but he is cute when he was confused about his feeling hehe^^ I would love to see more of this^^ update soon, author-nim^^