
It Hurts

(p/s: we must finish this properly right?)

      “Eric~ I bring you lunch~~” Dongwan sang as he entered the room and showed his cute colourful bento excitedly. Eric was slouching on a sofa inside the resting place and he shot a side-way glance at the shorter member while showing his smug face, like a king looking down at his servant. Dongwan put the food beside Eric and looked expectantly.

      “Feed me,” Eric opened his mouth.

      “Little brat,” Dongwan said under his breath but fed Eric a mouthful of everything. Dongwan was really a good chef and it was a bonus for Eric because Dongwan rarely brought his food there.

      “What did you say?” Even though his mouth are full, Eric dared Dongwan to say it again but Dongwan kept pushing food into Eric’s mouth to shut him up.

      They enjoyed the silence for the next some moment. Then, Dongwan suddenly said, “Sorry. I hit your face.”

      “It’s ok. I enjoy beating you up too.”

      “Though you said that, you still told me to do everything you said too,” Dongwan grunted. But truly, he felt guilty to Eric. They had a very bad fight three days before where Dongwan fainted so he did not remember much the details. However, the bruises on his body and more on Eric’s face gave him a clue on how bad the situation was. He was afraid to talk to Eric at first after the incident but when Eric treated him nonchalantly, Dongwan knew avoiding this issue would not make anything better.

      “Let me see your wound,” Dongwan grabbed Eric’s chin and began examining how bad the wounds were. Their faces were so close Eric could feel the warmth of the other’s breath. After a brief moment letting Dongwan did that, Eric became annoyed and playfully bit Dongwan finger but luckily the member managed to avoid it.

      “If you are that sorry, do your work better next time.”

      Dongwan chuckled. He then pulled out some tiny box from his bag, “I brought you herb cream. Put it twice a day on the wound, after bath.”

      “I don’t want to do it. YOU put it for me then.”

      “This ajusshi…” Dongwan wanted to scold Eric but seeing the older man’s face make both of them rupture with laugher.

      Their elating laugh last for a long time, even when it became quiet again, both were still laughing quietly in their heart. Following the comfortable silence, Eric brought up the subject carefully, “Wan-ah, about the song…”

      “The song is great. I must admit, you are not-so-bad as a producer,” Dongwan joked. Actually he realized where Eric was going for and he was a bit nervous about hearing him out. He was worried if talking about that subject again would bring another disaster.

      “No, listen. I did the song for you,” Eric said seriously while observing Dongwan’s expression.

      Dongwan sighed heavily, “I get it, Eric. I know you wrote about my pathetic love story, right?”

      “Well.. it is. But that’s not what I mean. I mean I wrote that song FOR you to prank you.”

      Dongwan scrunched up his forehead. Eric’s word was beyond his mind. Was Eric out of his mind? Why would he made a prank that far? The song had become one of the product in their album already.

      Dongwan looked too confused so Eric gulped and explained shyly, “You looked so sad after you broke up but when I asked you, you ignored me and just play jokes all the time. And your jokes were so severely bad at that I just knew it must have been something big. Your jokes are unbearable when you stressed, it’s true! I had to ask Minwoo what happened to you, jerk.”

      Dongwan was shocked. He did not expect Eric to remember something that trivial, much more to worry about him. Eric continued his speech with red ears.

      “So I decided to write a sad song to make you cry. I hope that you will be relieved after that. However, after I wrote some verse, the ideas were so good I need to continue so.. that song happened haha.”

      Eric felt awkward after spilling it out. Dongwan was speechless and just stared into Eric’s eyes. He was moved. The taller man was embarrassed but braced himself to continue the eye contact, because moment like this hardly came by, especially with this person.

      “I… I don’t know you care about me that much.” Dongwan’s eyes became moist all of the sudden.

      “Of course I DO care,” Eric felt insulted. Next, he said cheekily, “because you are MY Wannieee~”

Dongwan snorted and made a disgusted face. “Noooo... I’m Minuuuuu’s~ haha!” Dongwan laughed at Eric’s red face.


      Andy came in and he was alarmed when he saw the two members were strangling each other on the floor. But looking at the smiles on their faces, he understood it right away.

“Such childish hyungs.” Andy grabbed his half-empty can of coffee and made his way out, leaving Dongwan and Eric playfully pretending to kill each other.

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ricwannie #1
Chapter 13: It seems there is interest on Eric's part??? I will have to disagree that Shinhwa would still be this great without Dongwan. :) Personally, I think Dongwan's sound can't be replaced by either Minwoo or Hyesung's voice. I do agree Hyesung's voice is more refined but I find Dongwan's voice exciting and more moving . And not to mention Dongwan's wit even when it falls flat. It's always interesting how underestimated Dongwan's contribution to Shinhwa is. I get the feeling the group does not underestimate Dongwan especially Eric and Andy. I think they are continually and always challenged by him. At least that's just this one person's thought. No hard feelings I hope. :)
Chapter 11: so,this is the second option. eric needed to face the furious wannie..it's dangerous for him but I like how dong wan can't control himself... sounds weird but I honestly like the furious wannie..hehehhe^^
wannie is cute when he whined like that lol
Chapter 7: waaahhh...eric is stubborn...I think he misses dong wan lol
it is tiring for minwoo...but I can't wait what actually happened even they r separated,still they r in one room...last time,they weren't close,but dongwan still ended up fighting with eric unconsciously...
thank you for updating^^
can't wait to read more of it^^
Chapter 3: I can imagine how "well" dong wan cursed to eric lol but he is cute when he was confused about his feeling hehe^^ I would love to see more of this^^ update soon, author-nim^^