WTEric 1

It Hurts

      At the end of the practice, everyone was tired and together they lied down on the floor to rest. The dancers went home gradually and left the members by themselves. Controlling his breathing, Dongwan looked into the wide mirror. He saw his beloved members, so hardworking and caring towards each other. That was why he could not ever thought of leaving them, even when things like this happened. Well, they have going through more hellish situation though.

      While looking in the mirror, he saw Eric, who was staring straight at him. Dongwan was surprised at the leader bold act so he avoided his eyes and looked around the room instead. When he came back to the mirror, Eric was still staring at him without blinking. This time, his heart began to pound wildly and his hand trembled.

      “No! Dongwan-hyung control yourself!!” Junjin noticed his change and immediately wrapped his strong arms around the man who has already standing.

      Hyesung saw what Eric did and hit his head, “Stupid! Now is not the time to play around!” Minwoo held Dongwan’s cheeks in his palms, “Dongwan! You take your med today or not?”

      Hyesung saw Andy was terrified and went to hug the maknae. Andy said, “Dongwan-hyung, you scares me..” Hearing the maknae, Dongwan realised and stopped himself. While trying to clear his mind, he said, “I.. I want to go home. I’m so sorry guys.”

      Junjin and Minwoo released him with caution. Silently, Dongwan almost stepped out of the room when suddenly he heard running steps behind him and his collar was pulled roughly from behind. The strong force made his body turned. Being dragged backward, the last thing he saw from the room was other four members were gaping at him.





p/s: LoL. Because tomorrow is my last paper and I will be going home after that........... fine. I presented to u these 2 chapters because I should go to sleep tchh. I love comment tq^^

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ricwannie #1
Chapter 13: It seems there is interest on Eric's part??? I will have to disagree that Shinhwa would still be this great without Dongwan. :) Personally, I think Dongwan's sound can't be replaced by either Minwoo or Hyesung's voice. I do agree Hyesung's voice is more refined but I find Dongwan's voice exciting and more moving . And not to mention Dongwan's wit even when it falls flat. It's always interesting how underestimated Dongwan's contribution to Shinhwa is. I get the feeling the group does not underestimate Dongwan especially Eric and Andy. I think they are continually and always challenged by him. At least that's just this one person's thought. No hard feelings I hope. :)
Chapter 11: so,this is the second option. eric needed to face the furious wannie..it's dangerous for him but I like how dong wan can't control himself... sounds weird but I honestly like the furious wannie..hehehhe^^
wannie is cute when he whined like that lol
Chapter 7: waaahhh...eric is stubborn...I think he misses dong wan lol
it is tiring for minwoo...but I can't wait what actually happened even they r separated,still they r in one room...last time,they weren't close,but dongwan still ended up fighting with eric unconsciously...
thank you for updating^^
can't wait to read more of it^^
Chapter 3: I can imagine how "well" dong wan cursed to eric lol but he is cute when he was confused about his feeling hehe^^ I would love to see more of this^^ update soon, author-nim^^