
It Hurts

            “&%@*$%#!!” Dongwan slammed his expensive car’s door. He tried to cool down but his anger towards Eric got the better of him. Earlier he was recording a song for their comeback album with the leader as the producer. Eric was really a perfectionist when it came to recording his own written song and usually Dongwan did not really mind because he understood him well. However that time Eric really tested his patient – he forced Dongwan to record his lines over and over again, saying the feeling was not enough and he need to use a higher note. Heck, his voice has improved so much over the year and Eric still not satisfied with him? By the way, Eric knew he just broke up with his girlfriend because of the comeback and now the leader just being insensitive to ask him to sing that hurtful sentimental song? It was a good song though tchh..

            Even after wrapping up, Eric did not once glanced at him or saying good job or even good bye. Instead, he busily buried his head into the paper and headphone. Dongwan thought he almost gave Eric a punch he deserved before fled the scene, but too bad he was still in his sane mind and instead he only slammed the door. It was irritating on why he still hovered over his anger towards Eric so he did not aware of the car that came from the left junction and greeted him with a loud BANG.

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ricwannie #1
Chapter 13: It seems there is interest on Eric's part??? I will have to disagree that Shinhwa would still be this great without Dongwan. :) Personally, I think Dongwan's sound can't be replaced by either Minwoo or Hyesung's voice. I do agree Hyesung's voice is more refined but I find Dongwan's voice exciting and more moving . And not to mention Dongwan's wit even when it falls flat. It's always interesting how underestimated Dongwan's contribution to Shinhwa is. I get the feeling the group does not underestimate Dongwan especially Eric and Andy. I think they are continually and always challenged by him. At least that's just this one person's thought. No hard feelings I hope. :)
Chapter 11: so,this is the second option. eric needed to face the furious's dangerous for him but I like how dong wan can't control himself... sounds weird but I honestly like the furious wannie..hehehhe^^
wannie is cute when he whined like that lol
Chapter 7: waaahhh...eric is stubborn...I think he misses dong wan lol
it is tiring for minwoo...but I can't wait what actually happened even they r separated,still they r in one room...last time,they weren't close,but dongwan still ended up fighting with eric unconsciously...
thank you for updating^^
can't wait to read more of it^^
Chapter 3: I can imagine how "well" dong wan cursed to eric lol but he is cute when he was confused about his feeling hehe^^ I would love to see more of this^^ update soon, author-nim^^