Date and truth

the manager and his diva
Daehyun was checking himself one last time before leaving his bathroom. He had a date with Ni ha. Yeah he finally called her and without surprise, she accepted. Waiting until the d-day was a hell for him. He had to arrange his schedule to have the night free.
He choose to stay simple in his clothes, a white shirt with jeans. He cut his hair for the occasion giving him a manlier style.
The restaurant he reserved was renowned for its customers who were above all couples and quite wealthy. It was the perfect place to impressed, the tables were very intimate, like a little bubble.
The gentleman he was, Daehyun picked his date up opening the door for her. She was breathtaking, he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was in a red dress, her lipstick on the same color. He wanted to kiss that lips so bad. He didn't regret asking her out at all.
DH: I reserved a table under the name Jung Daehyun. He informed the receptionist who immediately check his list. A waiter leaded them to their table then gave them the menu.
DH: This place is really beautiful. Commented Daehyun. He should have wear a suit, he looked like he didn't belong to this place with his jeans.
NH: It's charming, I heard a lot of thing about it but I never had the chance to come. The waiter took their order then left.
DH: Thank you for accepting the invitation. It means a lot to me. Daehyun was already ready to flirt. He lost no time.
NH: To be honest, I waited eagerly for your call. She admitted shyly. The blush on her cheeks were cute thought Daehyun. The conversation with her was easy. And she was fun. She was an easy going woman and very cultivated giving her more charm.
The dishes came making them drool. They agreed to share their food if it tasted as good as it looked. They were like two friends sharing their food. The date was more a friendly date than a romantic one.
DH: The food is great, we'll come back right? Daehyun implied he wanted to see her again.  
NH: Definitely, next time I'm the one who invite. He liked women who didn't count on men to pay, but he was a gentleman.
DH: I can't let such a beautiful woman pay sorry. He said looking at her in the eyes.
NH: If you don't want me to pay I can cook for you. I can't let such a handsome man spend so much money for me. She reached his hand at the end of the sentence a beautiful smile on her lips. She was as playful as him.
DH: It would be a pleasure. He replied, playing with her hand. 
NH: I'm having a good time with you tonight Daehyun. They were in their own world telling each other sweet things. 
DH: I never do that on first dates, but I really want to kiss you right now. His eyes were between her lips and her eyes like an authorization for his next move
NH: I think I want that too. Daehyun raised an eyebrow asking for a confirmation. She nodded and leaned her face toward him. He did the same, they were close. They were nearly lips on lips when Daehyun’s phone interrupted them.
From: Youngjae
To: Daehyun
Daehyun immediately stood up, Youngjae was in trouble, he had to go. His mind went wild. He didn't think twice. The woman seemed worry. They were about to kiss and all of sudden her date was on his feet with a panicked face.
DH: I'm really really sorry but it's my work, I have to go. He called the waiter to pay and left the restaurant in rush. As if his feet moved from themself. Yes he was off (work) right now but the idea of the model possibly being hurt was making his blood boiling. He could be the sassy diva model, he was still like a little sister brother for him. 
On the road, he drove as fast as he could, hoping nothing bad happened to Youngjae. The message scared him, he imagined the worst. Never he got a message like this from his model.
He barge in the house without knocking, he looked for the model frenetically. The lights were all off. 
DH: Youngjae. He called, but no answer. Approaching the living room, he could heard choked sobs 
Behind the couch, Youngjae were crouched on the floor, the hands on his ears like a traumatized kid. The view was heartbreaking for Daehyun. He got on his knees and hug the vulnerable man to reassure him.
DH: Youngjae it's me, it's Daehyun. The model immediately put his arm around his manager's neck, crying on his chest.
YJ: I was so scared Daehyun, scared he would do it again. Daehyun caressed the crying man back murmuring it was over in his ear. He waited for him to calm down to carry him to his bedroom.
DH: What happened ? Did someone hurt you? He asked quietly. 
YJ: I... I... He was here Daehyun he'll come back. He could hardly speak correctly, his body was shaking.
DH: Shh calm I'm here now nobody's gonna hurt you. Tell me what happened. Youngjae tried to recompose himself before explaining why he was in this state.
YJ: I'm sorry I lied to you. He bowed down his head suddenly ashamed. 
DH: What do you mean? When ? Youngjae was always proud, he never excused himself for his behavior. He was a diva. Seeing him so weak like a kid was new to the manager.
YJ: In London when you said I made a 'weird face', you were right. He was here. He was my first and last real relationship. At the beginning it was so beautiful. Almost perfect. I was so in love with him, I always forgave him, but I don't want to live that anymore. Youngjae stopped, not sure if he should continue. 
DH: You know you can trust me, tell me. Daehyun who was sitting on a chair, laid down on the bed to be closer to Youngjae. He putted a hand on his waist bringing him into his arms.
YJ: You do all of this because you're paid for, but you don't care. He said sadly.
DH: Youngjae how can you say that, I care about you like I would for a member of my family. You're more than my work, you're my little brother. Don't ever say I don't care about you, I was so panicked when I read your text. Do you think I'd be here my day off otherwise?  If he didn't care he would probably be in bed with someone else at that moment. He was playing with Youngjae's hair, the proximity between them wasn't bothering him oddly. In other situations, he would have been embarrassed.
YJ: My ex boyfriend was very violent. Especially when he drank, he would calm his nerves on me. Sometimes he would beat me up. I could bear with the violence, but when he began me, I couldn't take it anymore so I ran away. I was waiter in a restaurant when Junhong 'found' me and helped me to be who I am now. 
Maybe after that his diva behavior would be forgiven, he lived a hell so young. How could someone could beat him. He looked so fragile. Sometime even Daehyun was afraid of touching him, like he could break. He hide all his pain, his scars behind his diva mask.
DH: What about your parents ? He didn't mention them in his story.
YJ: My parents never had problems with me being gay, they even supported me. They just hated my ex who I thought was the love of my life. He was so sweet and nice when we began dating. I choose him over them and since, I never dared to contact them again. So the parents weren't on fault, they were on his side. They must have lived a nightmare without their son. Maybe it could heal Youngjae a bit to see his parents. Would they be happy to see him again now ?
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Chapter 14: Great storyyy..i love model youngjae..all of bap members can pass being a model..well,look at them
Chapter 14: I love this so much thank you for this story author-nim.
Chapter 14: geayyy!! I'm finished read this. I love this ff. To cute and fluffy!! Jasonn!!wrong timing, wrong timing. why did you come... hahahha. I hate john tho.
daebaby93 #4
Chapter 14: i really liked the story XD im so happy they ended up together <3
favorite line tho "am i the only one who doesnt have a piece of Jung?" haha so funny XD
JulyChans #5
Chapter 14: Everything is too much cute, finally they are together as a couple, they deserve to be happy <3 i loved this episode but if scary me a little with the part of the attempted to Youngjae ;O; Thank you for update!
Chapter 14: I'm so glad that they are together now ㅠㅠㅜㅜ

I really like this ff!!

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ :)
Chapter 13: Oh my!! That interesting moments.. •_•
Please become clear to each other,Daejae! ^^
JulyChans #8
Chapter 13: Omg, this story is so good, i can't believe that Jason said something like that, just when they were finally well, is so unfortunate ;;;; i hope that DaeJae can talk and clarify things, thanks for update!
Chapter 13: LOL JASON!!! WHY U DO DIS