
the manager and his diva

Daehyun went home angry. He felt stupid. He should have know Youngjae couldn't be serious about his feelings or other bull. Maybe it was his own fault, playing with the younger's feeling since his confession. What if it would have happen, him and Youngjae having in the office? What would it be? A one night thing.

DH: Stupid me. He groaned from frustration before taking a sip of his beer. A bip in his pocket sorted him out of his state.

DH: Youngjae. He stood in hurry, his last thoughts already forgotten.


Good night sir. Greeted Youngjae's bodyguards. Daehyun hired them to watch out the house. Since the night the younger called him in panic, he did everything to protect him.

YJ: Did someone come today ? He asked.

No sir. A man walked around the house but didn't come near. Answered the bodyguard.

YJ: Thank you. He entered the house. He felt safe with all this guys around the house.

He took his shoes and coat off ready for the night. Tonight, reheating food and movie.

YJ: I need to call Daehyun. He said to himself, his phone in hand.

He pressed the switch lights but still dark. Weird. He tried the corridor lights but same. He should call one of the bodyguard to check on the electricity, it was not really something he could do himself.

??: Hi baby!! A voice behind him called. Missed me ? No doubt it was his voice froze Youngjae.

YJ: John? The man behind laughed.

John: So you really missed me ? It goes right to my heart babe. All of sudden the lights were back. I just cut the electricity, don't need to panic my love.

YJ: Wh... What are you doing here ? Stuttered Youngjae. Praying inside it was not real.

John: I'm here to take back what's mine. Youngjae jumped feeling a hand on his shoulder.

YJ: Please leave. I'm not yours and I'll never be anymore. He closed his eyes tightly like all of this was a nightmare. His ex turned him back and push him against the wall.

John: You. Are. Mine. He whispered in his ear. He started kissing the scared boy's neck. You smell so good, I missed your skin baby.

YJ: Please you're drunk, leave me alone. The man stopped when he felt something wet on his lips.

John: Don't cry baby, I didn't drink a drop of alcohol since you left. He swore. His breath said otherwise though. He was about to continue what he was doing but Youngjae pushed him.

YJ: LEAVE ME ALONE. He shout before he curled up in a ball, the hands covering his ears. John grabbed Youngjae by the hair and slapped him on the cheek making him cry even more.

John: I wanted to be gentle but seems like you love it hard. Youngjae knew what would happen after the hitting, he would be . John dragged the model to the bedroom still by the hair. He threw him on the bed.

YJ: Please don't do that? He tried even though he knew he couldn't prevent what would happen.

John: I'll show you how much I love you. You think that manager of you will protect you ? He doesn't love you babe. Only I do. He'll break your heart, I'll never do that. John unbuckled his belt and joined the crying man on the bed. He laid Youngjae on his back and placed himself over him. Youngjae didn't try to fight, in all cases he would be anyway. John took off their pants and boxers.

John: I missed being inside of you. He rubbed their crotch together. See how hard I am for you. John was more and more louder going faster on his 'rubbing'. Youngjae did his best not to let a noise leaving his mouth. Now I'm gonna you my love. The tip of was at Youngjae's entrance. Ready? He kissed the poor man more like ate his mouth. I was very very angry at you you know. But since you are now obedient I'll be gentle.

DH: YOUNGJAE ! Shout Daehyun coming from nowhere with policeman around him.

John: . What the ? John was pulled by the collar by Daehyun.

DH: You! He said punching the man in the face. How dare you? A policeman separated Daehyun from the man before he could kill him. He immediately picked up Youngjae's clothes and dressed him. Youngjae passed out when Daehyun beat his ex.

DH: Youngjae wake up please I'm here. I take you with me, you're safe now. He said calmly. He carried the model bridal style to his car. He let the policeman taking care of the er who hurt his protégé.


Youngjae woke up with his head hurting. It was not his bed nor his bedroom. He turned his head feeling a presence next to him.

YJ: Daehyun. He called the sleeping man who was still entirely dress unlike him who was swimming in an oversized tee shirt. The memories of the previous night were fresh in his head. Once again, Daehyun was here for him.

He decided to let his manager sleep and go make breakfast for him. It was the least he could do.

YJ: Well what do we have here? He opened all the cupboards one by one, looking for ingredients. Cookies will be perfect. He said proudly. Last time he cooked for a man was for John. Each day he would try a new recipe. Maybe if he ended up with Daehyun this flame would come back. Seeing someone enjoying his food was a warming feeling.

Once the cookies in the oven, he made some coffee and cut some fruits in cubes. He felt like he was having a date with his crush, the table was perfectly set... Just for a breakfast.

YJ: Is that too much? He observed his masterpiece. No it's perfect. At least Daehyun would love this. The ding of the oven sorted him out of his contemplation.

DH: Am I still dreaming or it smells like cookies ? Appeared Daehyun his beautiful smile on his lips.

YJ: You're just on time Daehyun. Go to sit. Daehyun did as said while Youngjae filled a plate of cookies.

DH: Did you sleep well? Asked Daehyun concerned.

YJ: I had a nightmare but it's okay now. You're here. Daehyun nodded.

DH: I'm here and will always be here for you. He said seriously. Youngjae put the plate on the table and sat in front of Daehyun.

YJ: Thanks for that. For yesterday and for my parents. I'll always be thankful for all you did for me. It's like a fresh air, a new chapter of my life. All of this thanks to you Daehyun. Youngjae felt so good and so happy to have someone like Daehyun that he could cry right now.

DH: Don't thank me, I did all of this because I had to. I want you to be happy. That's the only thing that count for me. Even if a part of Daehyun was angry at Youngjae for what Jason said yesterday, in the end his happiness was the most important. Come on I need a hug. He opened his arms for the younger who practically run into it.

They stayed a long time in the same position before they eventually let go, to eat.

YJ: Did you have a good sleep? I mean you should have come under the cover with me. It was Daehyun's bed after all.

DH: Don't worry about me I can sleep anywhere. Though I didn't want to scare you. Daehyun wasn't sure know how could react Youngjae, sleeping with somebody after he nearly got .

YJ: I wouldn't be scare seeing it's you. At the opposite I would feel safe. He smiled reassuringly.

DH: I didn't want to freak you out, you have a boyfriend and all. He added embarrassed by his jealousy.

YJ: Daehyun, Jason is not my boyfriend. He wanted to tease you. And seriously do you think I would have freak out, we were about to on your desk yesterday. If That Jason didn't come, something would have happened for sure. But did that mean they were something? A couple ? Daehyun felt suddenly stupid for his behavior, he should have talk with the younger yesterday instead of acting like a kid.

DH: I'm... Sorry ? He didn't know what to say.

YJ: I think I would have react the same way if I was you. Well he did react that way when he saw Daehyun with that girl or that Baekhyun. But the best question about their relationship was still unanswered.

DH: Is it the right time to confess ? He never really confessed to anyone, he didn't date many people.

YJ: I... You want to confess... To me ? I mean it's a love confession we're talking about right!? This couldn't happen? It was impossible. Too good to be true.

DH: I... Yeah. I have love feelings for you. I don't know if it's a good way to profess my love but well that's what I feel. When was the last time he confessed ? With Ni ha he didn't do anything, they went straight to bed. Did he do good? Youngjae was looking at him weirdly.

YJ: Don't try hard Daehyun, I know. My parents told me. I just needed a confirmation and well, yesterday I had it. And this morning too.

DH: And huh... What do you say ? I mean you want you know... Be something? ... Not something as in friends but you know... I... . He tried to do well but man, did he know it would be that awkward. Youngjae thought it was cute seeing Daehyun like that.

YJ: Yes Daehyun I want to be your boyfriend. Chuckled Youngjae. What made Daehyun more embarrassed.

DH: Hm okay. Hm do I have to thank you? Or maybe kiss ? He preferred asking instead of making a mistake. Youngjae stood up then sat on Daehyun's laps this time.

YJ: Kissing is enough. And that's what he did. The hands around the older’s neck, he kissed him passionately. Daehyun responded without hesitation to the kiss. He should have done it earlier, it was easier than talking. Breathless he stopped the kiss first.

DH: Thank you. He thought it would be appropriate to say that.

YJ: I'm the one who have to thank you. I... How did you know I was in danger yesterday? There were no cameras in his house!?

DH: Do you think I would just hired some bodyguards to take care of your safety? I installed a detector, when someone enter by infraction, my phone bip. I called the police on my way to your place. Daehyun didn't said anything before on purpose. He wouldn't want Youngjae to use it so that Daehyun would come.

YJ: So you're really my hero. Said playfully Youngjae.

DH: No. I'm just in love with you. He replied straight to the eyes.

YJ: Good to hear because I love you too. They stayed in the same position for a moment, looking into each other's eyes.

When there's love, no words are needed.

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Chapter 14: Great storyyy..i love model youngjae..all of bap members can pass being a model..well,look at them
Chapter 14: I love this so much thank you for this story author-nim.
Chapter 14: geayyy!! I'm finished read this. I love this ff. To cute and fluffy!! Jasonn!!wrong timing, wrong timing. why did you come... hahahha. I hate john tho.
daebaby93 #4
Chapter 14: i really liked the story XD im so happy they ended up together <3
favorite line tho "am i the only one who doesnt have a piece of Jung?" haha so funny XD
JulyChans #5
Chapter 14: Everything is too much cute, finally they are together as a couple, they deserve to be happy <3 i loved this episode but if scary me a little with the part of the attempted to Youngjae ;O; Thank you for update!
Chapter 14: I'm so glad that they are together now ㅠㅠㅜㅜ

I really like this ff!!

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ :)
Chapter 13: Oh my!! That interesting moments.. •_•
Please become clear to each other,Daejae! ^^
JulyChans #8
Chapter 13: Omg, this story is so good, i can't believe that Jason said something like that, just when they were finally well, is so unfortunate ;;;; i hope that DaeJae can talk and clarify things, thanks for update!
Chapter 13: LOL JASON!!! WHY U DO DIS