Blond Princes: Marriage Curse: Chapter 4: The truth about Fumiko

Blond Princes: Marriage Curse





Chapter 4: The truth about Fumiko



JiYoung is kinda happy and curious about their retreat. Its in Japan and it means she will be visiting that place again. But still there are things that bothers her mind, a week before the retreat she keeps on having this weird dreams, about this girl, and she recognized her. She was the one who called her Fumiko, few months ago. She also dreams about this abandoned house in japan. And the guy that she saw the morning of their honey moon. Jiyoung is occupied by those things, since its been months since she last saw Kyu. Cause he’s in China for their schedules…..


It was Thursday, the day before their retreat, jiYoung is sitting at the bench in front of the Han River. Still thinking, somehow she gets used to seeing those creepy things again. She admit that still they give her some creeps but she needs to be strong and face them. She keeps thinking about her dreams, trying to connect them one by one. Suddenly a lady sat beside her, and she recognized her.


“you are the lady back in the hospital…”


“You remembered me…” the lady smiled. “ Don’t go to Japan… its will be dangerous for the both of you..”


“Huh?? Dangerous?? For both of??” she asked.


“You and your son…” the lady smile a bit.


“Son?? You??” JiYoung hold on to her tummy.


“You still don’t know… yes you are pregnant..”


jiYoung blink her eyes. “I.. how do you know all this?? And I guess you know those creepy things that I saw right?”


“Lets say that I know you, and I’m giving you a warning… if you go to Japan you will lose your baby.. and don’t let your Husband go to Japan..”


“ I don’t understand.. why are those things keep hunting me? And why my baby and Kyu is involved in here.. and who is Fumiko???” there are many questions on her mind.


“Just listen to my warning.. its for your safety…”


JiYoung shook her head. “Aniyo.. it keeps hunting me here in Korea.. I want this to end.. I’ll face it.. I can’t live like this..”


“ It’s a curse… a curse from your family…” then the lady stood up and walk away.


“Curse… from my family?? Does Umma and Appa knows about this…” she sighed and stood up, she went home.


She’s sitting on the living room when she remembered what the lady said. “Wait up, she told me that I’m..” she rushed to the bathroom and get a test pack on the medicine kit. She waited for minutes and then………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


“She’s right….” She said while looking at the positive sign. A smile curved on her face. She needs to take care of herself. “KyuHyun ah where are you???” the light started to blink on and off, she got goose bumps when she felt something cold at her back, since she’s facing the mirror, when the lights off she saw the figure.. the guy.. the very fist figure that she saw. His round deep eyes are looking at her and his face is so scary. She felt something on her tummy.


“Ple-ase.. not my baby… what do you want from me???” she managed to asked even though she’s really scared.


The figure was about to do something but she heard the door click open, she slid the test pack onto her pocket and faced the person. “Kyu…”


“Hi..” he said. He put down his things and entered the bathroom and give her a tight hug. “I missed you so much..” he kissed her directly on her lips.


“You look tired…” she caressed the latter’s face.


“I’m sorry, I’m really that I’m not here with you..”


JiYoung drag him out of the bathroom they sit on the bed. “Kyu I understand it.. its your dream to be a singer right..” she said calmly.


“But its also my dream to be a good husband to you..”


“And you are… Stop thinking about those things okay…” she hold his hands.


“But JiYoung….” Everybody knows that the magnae has thing strong personality when he’s in front of the camera but nobody knows that he’s too childish when he’s around jiYoung.


“Kyu.. don’t show anyone about this attitude of yours okay..” she brushed the side of Kyu’s hair.




“I’m sure they’ll fall in love with you.. and I don’t want that to happen.. Kyu is mine only okay..”


KyuHyun nods.. “ I heard that you are going to Japan tomorrow…”


“Yeah, its my school retreat..”


“What time is your flight??”


“Nine in the morning…”


“Nice..” KyuHyun smiled. 


“Why are you smiling??”


“SJ had a sched in Japan.. same time as yours.. lets ridethe same plane okay…”


JiYoung remembered what the lady told her, but still she can’t stop Kyu from going to japan. She nods and intertwine her hands to his. “Okay…”



- - - - - -



The next morning, SJ arrived in the airport and also the rest of JiYoung’s classmates. As always there are reporters around SJ. They got surprised to see KyuHyun with his wife walking inside the Airport. The magnae is wearing a sun glasses on and a branded hoodie and jeans. While JiYong, she’s not wearing any accessories on her face. She didn’t tie her hair, it looks silky and straight, she’s wearing a jeans and a simple printed top. The print can be read as. “Happily Married with my dream guy.”And the noticeable thing is Kyu is holding her hands when they enter the airport.


jiYoung told her prof that she’s riding in SJ’s plane. Of course they didn’t argue with that. JiYoung never let go of Kyu’s hands until they are on their seat. jiYoung is looking outside the plane, while the sleeping Kyu rested his head on JiYoung’s shoulders.


Still, JiYoung is thinking about how will she know the whole truth behind those images and figures. Last night before she sleep she researched about it and she saw a tragic article in one sight.. she will definitely look into that place when they started their tour. She calmed herself and she closed her eyes.


After the trip, when the SJ get out of the airport in Japan, fan girls are shouting non stop. jiYoung got surprised about it. She saw KyuHyun banners.


“Look… your husband is so famous..” Kyu whispered to her.


She gave him a smile and then they walk out of the airport.


“jiYoung ah, did you bring your coat??” Kyu asked when she saw JiYoun not wearing a coat.


“Oh… I forgot it..” she said.


KyuHyun removed his own coat and he placed it to JiYoung. “Wear this.. its snowing outside. I don’t want you to get sick.”


jiYoung heard some giggles from the fans beside them. She gave them a smile. “Kyu, how about you??”


“I’ll be okay.. I’ll buy new one…” when they get out of the airport the van for SJ is waiting. And on the other side is the bus for JiYoung’s class.


“See you around..” said jiYoung.


“JiYoung ah… there’s a festival two days from now.. lets go together..” KyuHyun smiled at her.


“Neh… I’ll call you later.. bye..” she wave goodbye to the group.


“Wait up..” Kyu followed he hold on to JiYoung’s arms and face her to him. “Bye..” he kissed her in public. And the media saw it. “Take care.. Love you..” Kyu went back to the van and JiYoung go to their bus.


When she entered the bus, her classmates keep giggling and teasing her. They went on a trip to their Hotel and their Prof explained the things that they need to do. They will rest for a while in the hotel and after that they will go down town Tokyo. There they will be giver three hours to explore the city. And after that they will meet in a certain place and they will go back to the hotel.


“KyuHyun ah.. please be safe okay..” she whispered.


- - - - - -


Back at the SJ they went to the place where the SS will be held, they need to practice. Rehearse everything from the start, and they will surely give surprise for their Japanese fans. Hyuk and ShinDong are in charge in directing the show.


“ Wookie ah.. come here.. SUngMin hyung you should stay there..” Hyuk is fixing their formations.


“KuHyun ah, you will enter at that side of the stage okay..” ShinDOng said.


“Lets start again…” said Hyuk. And the music plays and the group started to dance in synchronization.


Probably this is the best group that ever created, each one of them Is very dedicated in their performances, even though they have to settle their personal lives but still they make it sure that they will give their best for their fans, each member is very thankful that they are in one group. Since younger days  they knew each other, that’s why they had this different bond with each other. Even though others are away they still leave a place in their heart for them.


“ I surely love to be back here in Japan..” said Hyukkie  while eating their dinner on the stage. “I remember when I’m still a small kid, Sora noona, JiYoung and me likes to go to the mountain resorts for skiing. Manager hyung, why don’t we do that sometimes..”


The other members agree to it..


“Since Kyu is married now, we can ask JiYoung to go with us right..” said ShinDong.


“Yeah that will be fun..” HeeChul added.


- - - - - - -


Back at JiYoung, they already take their rest in the hotel and now there are in the city.


“jiYoung, do you wanna go with us??” asked one of her classmates.


“I would love too, but I’m gonna check on to their public library…”


“Well then see you later..” they wave goodbye.


JiYound didn’t waste her time, she grab a cab and went to the library. The place is really big. Since its cold outside jiYoung entered the building, there she find comfort, she removed her gloves and she went to the librarian. After talking she start her quest.. to look for the strange article that she saw. She was being accompanied by a young librarian. Its easy to talk to them cause she knows how to speak Japanese.


“So why are you interested in that article??” asked the librarian.


“I’m writing a report about history.. since this article caught my attention..” she’s looking for some old news papers on the drawer. When she saw the thing that she’s looking for, the librarian told her that she will check on her later.


She sit on the chair and started reading the article, she brought her pen and paper to list down the important details about it.


“So this happened 2 decades ago…” she continue reading.


It says that there’s a sudden murder happened to that family. The family is consist of the parents on two children, one boy and the youngest girl. Some say that the family is cursed. When the time that the girl which is the wife married at her young age, she started to see some images of creepy things. Until one night the girl killed her husband because she was being possessed of something. Before the murder the girl said that she saw this creepy and scary guy always following her around. Police says that the girl is just mentally Ill and depressed cause her husband had no time for her and for her family.


“So she killed her husband…?? And what happened to her children..??”


It says that the older child which is the boy, they found his body lying dead cold on his own bed room. And the youngest daughter which is only a year old, found alive. The strange thing is the mother was found dead beside the baby. And the baby?? Some said that a family adopted her. A Korean family came to the orphanage and adopted her, they went to Korea and never found.


“Fumiko.. the baby has been adopted by a Korean family… and now.. twenty years had past.. she’s aging 21, just like me… and at the first place why did that thing called me Fumiko…” she’s lost in her thoughts that’s why she didn’t noticed a guy on her side. When she looked at her side she got shocked.


“Sorry to startle you.. but.. I saw you and looks like you are interested in this old story..”


“Do you managed to know more about this??” JiYoung asked.


The guy nods. “By the way,  Uchida Jiro..” the guy extended his hand.


She gladly accept it and shook his hands. “Lee JiYoung.. have a seat… so tell me anything about this..”


“Why is it that the wife of Super junior KyuHyun is interested in this one??” he asked.


She blushed to the fact that this guy Jiro knows her as Kyu’s wife. “I’m doing research for my history class… so will you help me??” she smiled.


“You know.. some of this article are true and some are not.. but the only thing that I can assure you is its all about a curse… a marriage curse.. so tell me do you believe in curses??”


Jiyoung think for a while. “Yeah.. curses are everywhere.” She nods urging the guy to continue..


“Okay.. the story that you ill be hearing soon is a true one… 20 years ago, I was seven years old.. the kid in that article is my best friend his name is Kaito.. we always play in their house back then, when everything is still okay.. until one day I heard kaito’s mom she was crying cause her parents died in a horrible accident. She said that It’s because of the curse that her family is having.. and you know what happened since that day, many weird things happened. Kaito told me once that he saw this guy in their house.. he was hanging on the ceiling of his room but when he looked at it again its gone.. simply to say that a ghost is hunting the whole family.. one night, I didn’t mean to eaves drop but I heard it.. his mom said that when her mom married back then a guy from a family who knows how to curse.. to say it’s a shaman… casted a curse to the family.. that when they get married at the age of 21.. they will never be happy, little by little they will lost everything around them.. specially her husband or her daughter.. the curse is only for girls… cause her mother broke a guys heart when he chooses another guy over him. So it happens, Kaito’s mother turned out to be different, she’s always crying, alone and depressed, the worst thing is her husband neglected her. She had no company and the others told her that’s she crazy already.. that time she was pregnant with her daughter Fumiko… she stayed alone for 9 month carrying the child on her womb, still that time the ghost is hunting her. Every night on her dreams she will see him. You know what happened??”


“Ne what is it??”  


“After she gave birth to Fumiko, her husband came back.. and the worst things happen… after a year she killed her husband… because she chose the baby over the guy….”


JiYoung don’t know how to react about that story. “but… kaito is dead?”


“Kaito commit suicide cause he believes that when he grow up, he will transfer the curse to his own family..”


“He sacrificed….” jiYoung massaged her temples.


“Its only the half of the story… if you wanted to know more you can come with me.. I know a guy who hold this case back then.. he can talk to spirits..”


“Okay.. lets go.. I need to settle this down..” she stood up but got dizzy… she look around and her vision is blur.. but she managed to saw the guys figure.


“you okay??” Jiro asked as he helped her to stand up.


“Yes… I’m fine.. lets not waste time.. lets go..” JiYoung go with Jiro to the so called guy who can talk to the spirits.. everything is slowly getting into her.. she had a guess that the girl.. Fumiko… is her. Her classmates already called her cause their three hours of fun is already finished, she told them that she will just go back later. She needs to finish some things. Her classmates even teas her that she’s with Kyu.


Jiro had his own car so its convenient  for them to go. She’s looking outside the road which is covered by snow. Until her phone vibrated and she looked at it. Kyu is calling.


“Neh….” She answered.


“Where are you?? Are you in hotel now??”


“Ahm.. I’m still outside.. I’m doing something..”


“JiYoung ah, its cold outside did you wear thick clothes??” Kyu is worried about her. “Where are you?? I’m gonna pick you up..”


“Aniyo.. KyuHyun ah, I’m fine.. take your rest.. you will perform for tomorrow right… I’ll be okay..” she heard that Leeteuk called kyuhyun. “Teuk oppa called you, better go there before he nags at you..”


“right.. I’ll call you again later, bye.. take care.I love you.”


“you lied to him..” said Jiro. “I bet he don’t know about this.. tell me why are you so interested in this..” Jiro gave her a quick glance.


“You will know when we get there..” then JiYoung turned out to be serious again.



 end of chapter 4




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amazing story though the ending was a bit sad! ^^
the best horror story ever...sad ending..
wah this story was rly good! but kinda put me on edge, kekeke ><
Please continue this story, i really love it :D<br />
<br />
Thank you
Hey ya!!<br />
This story is great :D I really like it ^^<br />
I wonder why is Jiyoung being haunted by that ghost. Update soon, ok!<br />
I wait for it <3<3