You're my 'Soul' - Part 8

I Miss You So Bad!

Min Young had been following him for days or perhaps a month, but she couldn’t notice the soft blue ‘aura’ she once came across. She thought staying close to this guy could bring her to him, but it didn’t turn out that way.

Even though it was just a split second that she couldn’t even see his face clearly, but her instinct told her that he was who she had been searching for. He was the one that occupied the highest place in her heart. He was the one she missed dearly. He was all her hopes to survive once upon a time. He meant everything to her and he was no other than her father, Han Jun Hyeok.

Min Young had never been ashamed of her father being a taxi driver. In fact, she was very proud to have such a father where she could announced to all that her father had mastered all the routes in Korea at his fingertips. Yes, her dad had a very good sense of direction. He could remember the route only showing him once.

Whenever her dad was on leave, he would bring the whole family touring Korea. He would bring them to places recommended and most searched by tourists, and that was what made Min Young’s day. They may not be rich like others but they had memories that others yearned to have. Those were what Min Young cherished and treasured the most now.

God is fair. Min Young’s happiness of having such a small but loving family didn’t last long. She was only ten when her father passed away due to overwork. The day she received the news of death from her teacher, she fainted and was rushed to the hospital. That was the darkest day of her life. After all, she had never imagine the day would arrive so soon. She didn’t aspect her father would leave hr mother and her to fend for themselves. Her wish of being sent off by her father on her wedding like those she watched in drama would never come true.

With the cost of living kept on rising and public transports being upgraded, more and more people preferred the later to work. That change made an impact to taxi drivers, Min Young’s father not exempted. Education fees for Min Young increased year after year. With her mother being a full-time housewife, her father had no choice but worked harder for more wages to the family.

Min Young may be young when time her father came back from work complaining chest pain. But she knew that was a sign of her father in serious illness.

“Daddy is strong, Min Young. All I need is just a little rest and by tomorrow, daddy will be alright. Don’t worry, trust me.” That was what her father said whenever she asked about his condition. Her memories of seeing him coughed, suffering alone made her scared of losing him. But, as a young girl that thought her father as great as Superman, she believed in every word he said. She trusted God that he would be normal again.

Years without her father were hard. Her mother who no working experience before, had to venture out and seek jobs to support her. It was a tough task for her mother to handle three jobs. Delivering papers in the morning in their neighbourhood, cashier at the convenience store and cleaner at the nearby restaurant. Seeing how hard her mother worked, Min Young vowed to study hard in order to repay her and make her proud.

All went well she reached 12. Min Young had just come back from school and was shocked to see an addition to her family. Her mother had remarried without informing her! And it was too late for her to say no for a stepfather. To be honest, Min Young knew she had no right to choose who should be her stepfather as she had never dream of having one. But, she was not impress by her stepfather, seriously. He didn’t look friendly to her. Yet, she had no choice other than accepting him into her life. And that was how her nightmares started.


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Chapter 11: Really hope she will accept Babe ...
Chapter 1: You have a pretty decent start here. I would just say that you need to clarify the end a little bit because I'm kind of confused as to what's going on now. Like, where did those girls come from? Were they always in the room? Other than a few spelling errors, this is a good start, though.