You're my 'Soul' - Part 3

I Miss You So Bad!

Just a little courage for that another step, she would enter another phrase of her life and start a new journey. Once she is out of the door, she is no longer the Han Min Young she once was, being bullied and harassed. With this second chance, she would empower herself to protect and help the poor and weak.

“Come and explore, it’s beautiful out here.” Sulli put out her hands and invited her to join her. Min Young nodded and took a bow step without any hesitation. She trusted Sulli. Under her care and occasionally Hyeorin’s, Min Young had come to understand everything happening around her.

Since becoming a ‘Soul’, Min Young had once wondered why her ‘Soul’ didn’t stop her from committing suicide. But soon she came to realize that the spirit or the aura of ‘Soul’ would weaken every time its ‘Owner’ had the thought of taking his/her own life. When the ‘Owner’ had stood firm to his will to die, ‘Soul’ would slowly loss its shine and start to vanish. So, Min Young decided to forgive her ‘Soul’. After all, her will and desire to die was too strong at that very moment.

All in ‘TUSF’ had a past like herself. For instance, Sulli chose to commit suicide years ago was because she could not stand the pressure given by her parents. For years, she had studied her way to earn a place in Seoul National University. Still, her parents were not happy or satisfied with it. They didn’t praise or reward her but punished her instead. They were angry with her for not securing a place in either Oxford or Cambridge, those top universities in the world. When they said she had brought shame to the family, it was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. And so she decided to hang herself in her room.

On the other hand, Hyeorin didn’t wish to die in such an early age at 17. She had been selected to become a trainee of an entertainment company. For four years, she practised and worked her way up to earn a place to debut. Just when her career as a singer started to blossom, with attention and fans all over the world, and her parents finally started to live without worries, everything ended with just a glass of fruit juice. Her groupmates had been jealous of her being chosen to be the leader and getting the most attention from the media. They hated her for overshadowing them and being famous. A glass of poison laced blueberry juice was enough to take her life. However, Hyeorin said she didn’t plan to take revenge or hate them, but vowed to stop others from following her footsteps. How kind of her, Min Young thought.

‘TUSF’ meant ‘The Unwanted Souls Family’ and it was founded by CL, or fondly known by the others as Grandma, three years ago. Her intention of creating this family was to bring every ‘Unwanted Soul’ together and work their way back to The Almighty. And she was also trying her best to stop them from joining ‘TFS’ – ‘The Free Souls’, led by Mino.

The Evil, nickname given by CL for Mino, claimed that all ‘Souls’ are equal and they shouldn’t be the slave of The Almighty. They shouldn’t have to care and protect their ‘Owner’ as they are the OWNER of themselves. And now, he is trying to gather as many followers as possible to topple The Almighty and claimed himself the rightful Almighty.

And to Min Young much amusement, CL and Mino were once a pair of loving couple. They parted way only after they became ‘Soul’ and fought hard for their view of ‘Soul’. Since both couldn’t come to a term of the right definition of ‘Soul’, both separated and followed their dream.


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Chapter 11: Really hope she will accept Babe ...
Chapter 1: You have a pretty decent start here. I would just say that you need to clarify the end a little bit because I'm kind of confused as to what's going on now. Like, where did those girls come from? Were they always in the room? Other than a few spelling errors, this is a good start, though.