
Keeping the Balance

                He wondered what Yoongi was doing. They were going on week two of their break while the vampire gave him time to really think about the situation with his friends. It wasn’t really something he wanted to think about just then so Jungkook wrinkled his nose and glanced around the apartment he was renting instead. It was small, as most were when you didn’t have much money yet, but it worked. The kitchen, living room, and dining room were all one combined space, but he did have a small closet like space for a washroom. Now if only his bed didn’t take up most of the open space…

                He was tired from his shift and playing basketball with the guys after work at a local gym but he didn’t really want to go to bed yet. Heading to the window, he peered out at the nightscape from the third floor and smiled gently. His budget hadn’t been very big so he’d ended up in the mixed residency area closest to the Green District. It was a bit remote in terms of convenience but there was a lot of nature in his immediate view and it reminded him of home. While he felt the occasional pang of homesickness, he did not miss the country life. Small towns, often small minds, and not much diversity… It was a wonder he was so fascinated with magical creatures. His mother probably had something to do with that. Most of those back home didn’t much care for them, and that was putting it nicely.

                He still smiled every time he remembered her words: ‘Magic runs in your blood just as much as mine. It’s nothing to be ashamed of and there’s nothing wrong with it. We’ve as much right to be here as everyone else.’ The townsfolk were too scared to say much to his mother, but he and his father got a lot of for being connected to someone descended from a magical creature in recent memory. It really didn’t help that she wasn’t shy about saying so either. When he finally did become a vampire, it’d be nice to be able to go back and at least scare quite a few people back home.

                The thought made him grin before he closed the curtain and shook his head. “That’s a good way to make sure you don’t,” he reminded himself, explicitly recalling Yoongi’s explanation on that. Revenge, intimidation, and power were not valid reasons for turning. Of course people had such feelings from time to time, but they couldn’t be the focus. Really, he did think being a magical creature was lucky. Or at least he had prior to living in the city and getting a better view of things.

                In his town, the humans largely looked at magical creatures as unnatural or just plain wrong. If he went to the human side of Tradeborough, he got a very similar feeling from quite a few people. But the feeling was at least partially reciprocated on the magical creature side when it came to humans. And the insults were all still there, but less open. They were couched in pretty words and dismissive waves but just as offensive. He hadn’t even realized how asive some of the sayings were until Yoongi had called him on it. The ‘unicorn’ memory still stung.

                Maybe that was why his dad had wanted him to come – so he could actually see how things were the same but different, even in the city. His mother hadn’t been surprised – she probably helped talk him into making the suggestion – but Jungkook certainly had been. ‘This town doesn’t suit you. You should probably consider checking out the city, son.’ The way he’d said it had been dismissive, almost like he begrudged the words, but his father didn’t like cities in general, hence their home in the countryside. Per his father, his side of the family were strictly humans, but they’d often worked side by side with magical creatures in the past.

                “Which leaves me as the weirdo,” he laughed once, shaking his head. That was certainly true. Not many other people in his small town had been quite so keen to gather up any bit of magical creature knowledge he could. His cramped shelves were chock full of random books and comics and figures of the various creatures he could get his hands on. Most of them were werewolves and vampires, but he had managed to land a pretty wicked phoenix statue at some point. He’d read about one that worked in a hospital somewhere on the other side of the world. The fact that his feathers could be used to help treat the most grievous wounds was pretty cool, but personally, Jungkook thought it would be the best thing ever to fly.

                The thought made him wince as he recalled a question that Sungwon had asked him. Something about when vampires get the ability to fly… Jungkook didn’t know yet since Yoongi hadn’t told him and that wasn’t general information about what Rank could do what. He only knew that Rank 3s could turn humans and that only Rank 4s could be Coven Leaders because they were written into the universal rules. Other powers though… people knew they had them but when they were developed was a bit of a mystery. And most magical creatures that weren’t vampires would tell you to ask a vampire personally for the answer to such information. Which meant they weren’t going to tell you, unless you were like Jungkook.

                And even then… “Ugh! Stupid vampire,” he grumbled, throwing himself down on his bed with a heavy sigh. Sandara never asked questions specifically. She only wondered how things were going and let him give what information he could or felt like sharing. Then again, her father was a strangely devoted satyr. According to her, he said that her mother had nymph blood in her and that made the human woman irresistible to him. Sandara herself was an otherwise normal human but she’d been brought up with a much greater awareness of social mores among humans and magical creatures. He had another coworker too, but he and Liza just didn’t click and they shared a work relationship only.

                He couldn’t say the same for Sungwon, Jaejoong, and Yugyeom. Mostly humans through and through, they liked magical creatures well enough but tended to have human friends. Like Jungkook. The fact that he wanted to be a vampire fascinated them. He understood the usual questions – why, when did you know, what made you choose this city, etc. – but there were others sometimes…

                “When will you be turned?”

                “What’s the ceremony like?”

                “Have you drank blood yet? Do you like it?”

                And those were okay to a degree. He didn’t always have answers for them, but he could give a response one way or the other. There were some questions he definitely got a little uncomfortable with though.

                “Does your vampire drink your blood? What’s it like?” He didn’t really answer that one but Yoongi hadn’t even asked him if he could so that was a definite no.

                “Does he use your for ? Vampires are notoriously and open minded.” Also a hard no. As far as he knew, Yoongi – and most of the vampires in the coven – were as as any standard human in that regard. And if they were more or less than, they didn’t talk about it. At least not around Jungkook anyway.

                “Is it true that they really are as weak as a human during the day?” That one made him particularly uncomfortable, but it was also common knowledge that they weren’t as strong in the daylight. He could honestly – and gladly – answer no in that case. He had no illusions about whether vampires were helpless during the day or not. He rolled his shoulder reflexively at the memory of their arm wrestling match. Never again. At least not until he was a vampire anyway.

                But then there was that one question, asked just tonight actually, that really made him uneasy. “Is there any weakness you’ll really have to worry about when you become a vampire?” It had come from Sungwon, and Yugyeom had looked interested too, but it was Jaejoong who made him second guess his response. Oh, he hadn’t looked any different. He seemed just as interested as the other two, but there was something about the way he looked at him that made him unsure. It reminded him too much of Yoongi: not quite human.

                He’d almost answered honestly too, since it was a question about him. They’d all seemed a bit disappointed about his response when he finally spit out, “Not that I know of.” It was common sense they’d be easier to kill during the day but he wasn’t about to confirm it. Or that silver and garlic would help to debilitate them further, also making them easier to hurt or kill. All the sites you could find information on vampires about explicitly stated that such things were ‘said’ to be harmful to vampires. None of them – except on small fringe sites that the scrubbers apparently hadn’t gotten to – stated so as fact. And really, Jungkook had a feeling they were probably asking about something other than what everyone else had potential access to.

                “But they’re all normal enough questions!” he grouched, turning onto his side and curling up. He’d wondered about them – most of them – himself before he’d come to the city. “Damn you, Yoongi. If you hadn’t said anything…” he sighed, staring at the spine of the oft referenced Book of Vampires tucked away in his shelves. He had a Book of Werewolves too but it was on a lower shelf. A large portion of the books were potentially historical stories of certain magical creatures as opposed to actual information about being one or the side effects that came with it. He was tempted to thumb through it again, just because, but thinking about vampires and vampire questions was just making his head hurt. “Just go to sleep,” he told himself, grabbing his pillow and dragging it down to shove under his head. “Things will be better in the morning,” he added with a satisfied nod.

                And they mostly were, dreams notwithstanding. Stupid questions about vampires and death and . It didn't help he was at least a little lonely. So far, he hadn’t met anyone to really build a stronger relationship with. He’d thought about Sandara since they got along so well, but she was older, he usually swung the other way – usually, and she was already with someone. None of which made a relationship possible. And of the other three, none of them quite caught his eye in that way, so there was that. Now if only he could keep Yoongi out of his dreams… He didn’t even like the vampire like that. It would be too weird with the whole teacher-student dynamic anyway. Not to mention he wasn’t even sure if they’d be considered friends yet. The vampire seemed set on keeping him at arm’s length except in rare moments of ease and comfortability.

                If nothing else though, a nice shower helped to clear his head and allowed him to get ready for the new day. He still hadn’t heard anything from the vampire about getting together for their regular meetings again so for now, it was hanging out, work, friends, and whatever else came to mind. Rinse, wash, repeat.

                Sandara was her usual bubbly self at work, Liza generally ignored him, and he continued to meet up with the usual trio after work every other day or so. It wasn’t a bad schedule, but he was certainly starting to wonder when he’d see the vampire again as January began to disappear and they headed into the fourth month of his Trial period. Over three weeks without contact was starting to make him feel… antsy and unwanted. Of course he could have messaged too. It wasn’t like it wouldn’t be appropriate. He was essentially the student in their relationship so it kind of fell on him to ask, if human dynamics were anything to go by. But… he really kind of wanted the vampire to be the one to reach out instead.

                On one evening, he met up with the guys in a deli staffed with mostly humans. Since they had chosen the eatery, Jungkook wasn’t too surprised. He tended to favor trying new places and they often opted for the familiar. But they seemed a bit shaken that night. They ordered and sat down as usual, yet Yugyeom and Sungwon kept looking out the window with frowning faces and quick glances.

                “What’s up?” Jungkook asked as he sipped on his warm apple tea, looking out to follow their attention.

                “I think someone’s been following us lately,” Yugyeom admitted with a shake of his head. He hadn’t touched his drink yet, too focused on the world outside. A thin dusting of snow covered the streets and made it harder to see through the fine powder drifting down.

                “Really?” he asked in response, focusing harder to check for himself.

                “Maybe,” Jaejoong reminded them with a calming wave of his hand, his smile disarming. “There are lots of shadows in the city. It’s easy to get jumpy because of them,” he scoffed, threading slender fingers through black hair as he rested his head in the palm of his hand.

                “Yeah, but it feels like someone’s been watching me too. Even at home,” Sungwon shuddered, clasping his cup between both hands and taking a quick sip.

                “I’ve been feeling that too!” Yugyeom gasped as he pointed at the shorter man. “You don’t think it’s that new Seer do you?” he asked, glancing slightly down at Jungkook beside him.

                “Huh? I didn’t even know there was a Seer,” he admitted with a mystified shrug.

                “Seriously?” Jaejoong laughed once, shaking his head with a bemused smile. “I figured your vampire would have told you about that at least,” he commented, looking at his glass of warm water.

                Jungkook shook his head and glanced up when Yugyeom asked, “Haven’t you met with him recently?”

                “No. He hasn’t contacted me,” he sighed, chewing on his bottom lip. “Maybe I should message him first,” he added as he pulled his phone out to stare at the messenger icon.

                “Eh. They’re fickle creatures sometimes,” Sungwon scoffed with a roll of his eyes.

                “Not much more than you or I,” Jungkook defended in response.

                “You’re just saying that ‘cause you’re gonna be one soon,” Yugyeom laughed before he brushed sandy brown bangs out of his face.

                “If you say so,” he snorted, not really wanting to argue the point just then.

                “Seriously though!” Sungwon grimaced with another look out the window. “I swear someone’s watching us.” All four of them turned to look out the window as if searching for some invisible creature.

                And all four of them jumped when their server arrived with their food. “Sorry for the wait. Here you go,” the regular human said, starting to set their orders down before looking at them curiously when they stared at him with too wide eyes for just a second. “Didn’t mean to surprise you,” he chuckled affably.

                “We just thought we saw something across the street is all,” Sungwon explained, forcefully turning his attention away from the window to start tucking into his sandwich and chips.

                “Oh?” the server commented, glancing up to see for himself. “It’s possible, what with all the magical creatures in the area, but feel free to stay as long as you need to be comfortable,” he encouraged, nodding his head politely. “And enjoy your meal.”

                “Thank you,” Jungkook spoke for them as the server walked away. When he turned back, Jaejoong was looking at him with a sad smile. “What?” he asked, glancing down to pick at arranging his food idly.

                “Nothing. It’s just, if you’re sad or worried about your vampire friend, you can talk to us,” he answered casually. “We’re good listeners,” he promised, chewing on a soft chip.

                “Yeah!” Sungwon grinned around a mouthful of his sandwich.

                “Maybe,” Jungkook mused in a soft voice before he popped an actual potato slice chip into his mouth.

                “Eh, it’s still early. I wouldn’t worry about it too much,” Yugyeom encouraged with a playful shoulder shove.

                “Hey!” the shorter man laughed, nudging back just as forcefully. They continued jostling each other for a few more seconds, helping to banish the cloud that had hung over them since they’d arrived.

                When they were finished eating, they stayed for a bit longer to just chat and chill. The eatery was warm and it was still snowing outside. But when it started to get late and the shop looked about ready to close up, they decided it was a good time to leave too. The four tallied their costs, paid, and stepped outside, breath pluming in front of them with the temperature change.

                “Jesus, it’s cold!” Sungwon shivered, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he hunched his shoulders and looked around.

                “It’s not that bad,” Jungkook laughed, rubbing his hands together and pulling his beanie down lower over his ears.

                “Come on. Once we get moving, we’ll warm up,” Yugyeom reminded them, waving his arm ahead.

                And he was right. Jungkook still felt the cold but it was bearable and the snow was quite pretty. Especially with the way it fell in the light from the street lamps and with so few people about. It wasn’t too late but the cold kept many indoors and they weren’t quite near the heart of the city this time. They talked a bit as they moved but there wasn’t much to say under the circumstances. Especially since it seemed that the others were distracted again.

                Glancing around, he could see they were a little nervous, their eyes sweeping the area as if looking for something. Jungkook couldn’t see what they were worried about, but… he did begin to feel something. Like a tiny tingling along his skin, the sensation familiar. “Yoongi?” he wondered in a whisper, looking around curiously.

                His heart thumped when he heard a quiet voice behind him. “I know why you smell strange.” Whirling, he was just in time to see Jaejoong stiffen with a wide eyed look before he reacted. He yanked his hand out of his pocket and spun eerily fast, something shiny flashing in the overhead lamp light. “Ow,” the same voice groaned, irritation overflowing.

                “Yoongi!” he gasped, immediately recognizing the pale features under the fall of bleach blonde hair. His voice was joined by surprised shouts and quick back steps to get away. “What are you-” he started to ask before he saw Jaejoong’s form rippling, still human but it was like an illusion was wearing off. “What the…?”

                “Chimera!” Yoongi hissed with obvious fangs. He seemed unbothered by the knife sticking out the right side of his chest. Dark eyes gleamed in the moonlight and he yanked the weapon free before he lunged after the other man.

                Sungwon and Yugyeom screamed, bolting for cover. Jungkook couldn’t bring himself to do more than gasp as he stood like a statue, mesmerized. Yoongi was all fury with claws and fangs and his cloak, but Jaejoong was something else. Fur sprouted in various places and then changed color before shifting to a sleek hide that then transitioned to the beginnings of crumpled wings. From the outset, it was obvious he was no match for the vampire, not at night at least, even with the snow. But that didn’t mean he was going to go down without trying.

                Beads of red sprouted around them, flecking the snow with bright droplets. Feet shifted, drawing dark lines on the ground. Wisps of mist rose around them, like bursts of breath lost to the night. And in the space of what felt like less than ten heartbeats, Jungkook froze. The pair moved towards him and a strange hand gripped his throat, pulling at him briefly.

                A shadow moved even faster and he heard a crunching sound in his ear followed by a pained shriek. The fingers opened and claws scraped against his skin lightly when he was shoved away. Jungkook yelped as the ground rose up to catch him, snow obscuring his vision. He heard a sharp hiss behind him and wiped at his face, desperately trying to see. His troubled eyes landed on a motionless Yoongi, the vampire easily recognizable in the overhead light. One hand gripped the knife that had stabbed him and the other was held with claws extended as he surveyed the area.

                “,” he growled, relaxing and standing up with a jerk of his head to either side like he was trying to pop his neck.

                “Yoongi?” Jungkook whispered, seeing movement in his periphery that was probably nothing more than a few bystanders and maybe Sungwon and Yugyeom. But it wasn’t reassuring since he could still practically feel Jaejoong’s fingers against his throat. His hand rose to trace against the bare skin of his neck and he took another quiet breath.

                “Leave it to you to catch the attention of a chimera. I swear,” Yoongi scoffed as he turned to approach the human on the ground. “You alright?” he asked, squatting to be closer to eye level. Jungkook didn’t answer him immediately so he reached out to lift his chin, checking his neck personally. “No marks.”

                “Jaejoong was a chimera…?” he asked in a daze.

                “Looks like it,” Yoongi answered, sounding very much like he was having a normal conversation.

                “I had no idea,” Jungkook admitted, blinking rapidly until he finally focused on Yoongi’s eyes. They were still dark but they looked more like they normally did.

                “I know,” the vampire nodded with a sigh. “Come on. Your friends are gone and so’s the chimera.” He reached out to grab at Jungkook’s arm and helped him stand.

                Jungkook’s knees felt like jelly, all wobbly and ready to buckle. “Where are we going?” he asked when the vampire started guiding him gently along the walkway, waving at passersby in a dismissive motion.

                “With the confirmation of a chimera in the area, to the Hunters,” Yoongi explained, his hand firm around Jungkook’s arm. “And here I thought you just had a questionable friend or two,” he added with a dry snort.

                It seemed Yoongi’s hand was the only thing keeping him up just then. “Why… was a chimera…”

                “Trying to be your friend?” Yoongi finished for him when it seemed he might have a hard time completing the question. Jungkook nodded. “Truth?” the vampire asked with a sidelong look. Jungkook hesitated and then nodded again. Yoongi tilted his head to the side and his lips thinned. “To add you to his collection when you became a vampire.”

                Jungkook’s face blanched. “Really?”

                “Just keep walking, youngling. That’s what I’m here for,” he promised with a wink and a cocky grin. They seemed quite out of place, given the news he’d just received, but Jungkook did feel slightly better for seeing them. “Whether you decide to become a vampire or not, no one messes with my human,” he promised firmly, gaze looking forward as he continued to lead them on.

                Hesitantly, Jungkook drifted closer so their shoulders almost brushed and he gripped Yoongi’s wrist firmly with his free hand. “Thank you,” he whispered, putting up a steady enough front but feeling like he was shaking as bad as a leaf in a storm on the inside.

                “Of course,” Yoongi responded with no hesitation. It made Jungkook feel warm inside. He didn’t know what he’d consider their relationship exactly, or if it was going to be only temporary, but it was nice knowing that he had someone that would be there no matter what. However long it lasted.



                “Satisfied with the new creations, Magic looked away for a time and left them to their own devices.” The planet continued to spin above them with figures walking along the surface. At first, everything looked fine. The various creatures got along, meeting each other here and there and interacting, their faces like speech bubbles in a comic, but floating in the air. Yet sometimes, a new and strange creature would appear – larger or potentially more dangerous.

                Hyuna could see by the looks on their faces, especially Chan’s, that some of the images they saw were quite new. It wasn’t uncommon that certain rare magical creatures hid their true selves, but the ones they saw here, the ones that Minzy created from memory from the previous showings, were creatures that no longer existed on this planet. For the most part.

                The Anansi explained what happened with a soft voice. “Like in the time of dragons, some of the new creatures developed in such a way that was not beneficial to the whole. Some were violent,” she commented, waving at one such creature that looked like a nightmare of spines and fangs. “Some were too large and selfish.” A serpent nearly as large as the island reared its head and roared, the sight fearsome even without sound. “And some were simply too powerful,” she added, showing a male and female figure that looked like humans but their eyes swirled with the power of the universe.

                “When Magic turned its gaze upon the world again, it saw these creatures and knew that this was not the place for them,” Minzy smiled, reaching her hands up as if to pluck them from the planet. “Like the dragons before them, Magic took them away.”

                “To other realms?” Chan asked, looking for confirmation between Hyuna and Minzy.

                “Exactly,” Hyuna smiled with a gentle hand motion at Minzy to continue.

                “But Magic knew this was probably not good enough,” the Anansi added, waving her hand to show a broader picture of varied creatures mingling together. They weren’t fighting this time but they looked… crowded. Uncomfortable. “The land was vast but the boundaries between their territories unsure. Hoping to bring them some peace, Magic broke the single island apart, creating seven new ones. One for each overarching race,” she explained, bringing up the faces of the main children of the Prime Elementals. “That was the plan of course,” she murmured with a laugh, shaking her head slightly.

                “But life is rarely so simple,” Hyuna added, just as amused.

                “Though it had intended for each type of creature to stay within one territory, they instead spread to all the territories, drifting to places of comfort and what they considered home,” she explained, fingers dancing in the air as she weaved the next part of the story. Seven different picture bubbles came into view as she narrated. “By and large, Celestials chose places of much light, where shadow might rarely fall upon them. Infernals opted for the opposite, seeking the solace of darkness and its haven. Aquans took to the waters of the world, making their home in lakes and rivers as well as seas and oceans. Most Aurans sought out the high places, looking for any perch to stretch their wings from. Ignans found refuge near volcanoes and the warmer environments of the world. Terrans called all the land their home, whether on the ground or below it. And Sylvans found peace in whatever place had an abundance of nature present.”

                “In this way, life continued unchecked, for Magic had no need to step into a world at relative peace,” Hyuna explained, her face serene as she gazed upon the images of old.

                “Sometimes though, peace brings change as much as conflict does,” Minzy added, her face pinched with concentration and something else.

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I should definitely take more plotting walks. XD So many ideas from the one today! Now if only I can get us there... lol At least I have the general layout for the next part in mind, if nothing else. ;)


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Chapter 35: Ooooh nice. See for me it’s always easier to understand something when ppl explain it to me so yoongi going over the kid’s cases and whatnot helped me a lot in that department lol. Thanks for that actually. Till next time ^-^
Chapter 34: I really enjoyed this chapter. I like the relationships budding between the characters. Whether it be romantic or friendly. I also like how yoongi treats kook kinder? Idk if that makes sense but it’s more open and I appreciate it lol. Also he done ed it up at the end there huh lol poor guy. Hates to loose tho huh? Thanks for the update and sorry I’m late ^-^
Chapter 33: Did he really kill it. Pls tell me he really killed it and it didn’t somehow survive Dx
I hope taekwoon gets better (as “better” as he can) especially if hakyeon destroyed the who made him that way. Oh man I hope everything and everyone is ok for a little while at least lol
Chapter 32: Ok ok ok ok woah. First off taekwon, im glad he’s ok, Hakyeon however should probably grow a pair and just visit him. I understand why he isn’t but the nurse lady (im too lazy to check sorry) was right and they both might feel a lil better. Also I feel so bad for jeongmin. Poor baby being threatened like that ):

BUT that whole ending there. I swear I haven’t squealed like that in a while lol. I knew something was going on as soon as namjoon said “nope never mind” lol. He knows what’s up ;) and honestly we all need a namjoon in ou likes. But I’m glad yoongi and kookie are close tho. Like they need each other? BUT I can’t help the feeling that something is gonna happen.
Thanks for the amazing update that made my sugakookie heart explode lol. Till next time :D
Chapter 31: Had some catching up to do lol. Ok ok so firstly wth is up with namjoon and ailee. I’m too slow to piece these things together lol. AND dear lord kook is adorable here. Some much needed sense or normalcy for him I suppose. Amazing update as always! Super excited to see what’s next ;D
Chapter 29: You know I like these chapters because I feel like it’s kinda a behind the scenes to what’s happening in the bigger picture. Like yeah SugaKookie ftw! But nice background too, makes everything come together and makes me WANT to keep reading. Thanks for the update! ^-^ till the next one :D
Chapter 28: YAS!!! Oh man so much going on. Something sus is happening but idk what. I feel a roller coaster coming on

KISS! YES! lol

Thanks for the update (sorry for the tardiness, had a bit going on but I’m here now ^-^ )
Chapter 27: Oooh. Interesting. That is some next level right there. BUT on the bright side yoongi is finally making progress :D
Chapter 26: I swear yoongi is like emotionally constipated