A Were's Guess and a Vampire's Story

Keeping the Balance

                Taekwoon knew why he was there – Hakyeon was so he came too – but that didn’t help him feel any more welcome with the way the others bustled about. Especially since they hadn’t given him a task to do himself yet. And he’d seen death in his line of work, but it never got any easier. At least not so far anyway.

                Kyuhyun seemed unaffected by the appearance of the victims though as he took careful notes and interrogated the witnesses nearby, two vampires and two werewolves. Lisa was equally calculating as she scanned their images and ran them through the system to try for an identity match. At least their faces were relatively untouched; it made it easier to notify the families.

                Ailee was busy magically cordoning the area off to keep any curious bystanders out and setting up lights to make sure they could all see as the sunlight faded for the day. Her magic also had the benefit of blocking spying from afar and was generally a safeguard to secure the evidence. And Hakyeon was stalking the area in his were form, intently trying to get a scent of the missing creature. He’d left the bodies alone for now and was trying for an uncontaminated trail to follow.

                With Kyuhyun, he recognized the vamps and wolves all from profiles in the office about the Pack and the Coven, and the occasional meeting in person. Moon Byulyi – better known as Moonbyul - was the third in line in the Pack, in her late-twenties, and certainly more at ease than her companion. Yoo Kihyun had only recently been elevated out of the baby of the Pack status, though he was only slightly younger than Moonbyul. That put him at number four with their newest, Park Sooyoung, becoming the current youngest on patrol. They always had a couple pups in the wings, waiting for their chance, but none were ready to be elevated yet. He was mildly surprised that Taeyang hadn’t turned up, though it was likely because the Hunters were here already and because Kim Namjoon had just left.

                He’d left behind Min Yoongi and Lee Wonho, a Rank 3 and Rank 2 vampire respectively. The latter seemed more shaken up and was reportedly the one that had ultimately found the victims, though Yoongi had located their position first. He seemed strangely fixated on the bodies still … It was curious to Taekwoon too, the way Yoongi’s cloak hadn’t retracted yet and one tendril had remained in contact with Wonho once he’d returned. If he didn’t know better, he’d say the vampire hadn’t realized he was doing it yet.

                “Got em,” Lisa sighed as she stood up, catching Taekwoon’s attention.

                “The victims?” he asked when he moved closer to see for himself. Ailee took that chance to move as well, but she turned her attention to the bodies next, only half listening in.

                “Teraphyl Algernon is the earth elf,” she explained, scrolling through the profile on her holoscreen. “Recently reported missing and it could be the victim that vampire last month told us about. Standard office worker in the Green Zone,” she added with a shrug before glancing down at the vampire and wrinkling her nose. “Our Rank 2 vampire friend,” she paused to check the name again, “Wong Yan, was a tourist. Arrived just last week. He likely would have been reported missing soon.”

                “Any known enemies?” Taekwoon asked, scratching at his eyebrow with a glance at the other four nearby before looking at the more experienced hunter again.

                Lisa shook her head and waved the question off. “Not likely. And it wasn’t like there was any call for a ransom or anything like that,” she added, frowning harder.

                “These killings were likely a message,” Ailee murmured as her hands moved over the bodies, creating a misty latticework of magic that highlighted points of interest and cataloged them with tiny dots of notes that minimized to the spheres they were located at for each data point. “I can’t really say about the vampire here,” she murmured, turning the magical data about once and then focusing on the elf. “But this injury was definitely inflicted postmortem.”

                “Then how did he die?” Lisa asked, confusion evident on her face.

                Ailee exhaled and brushed at her temple with the back of one knuckle. “My guess would be fear.” She tapped a data point and lifted it up to show the hunter. “He had almost toxic levels of adrenaline in his system prior to dying. I can’t tell from the heart since it’s been destroyed, but it’s probable he experienced heart failure.”

                “He doesn’t look that old,” Taekwoon mused with a shake of his head.

                Lisa shrugged and showed him the data screen. “Over a hundred… The city residents don’t have much to fear usually,” she reasoned after the fact. “It’s not impossible whatever happened before this might have prompted such a response.”

                “But why the message then?”

                “It’s either a warning or it’s looking for someone,” Kyuhyun interrupted, joining them quietly.

                “Or someones,” Hakyeon added in a low growl from the perimeter he was stalking, fur standing on end as he did so. Taekwoon blinked at him in surprise, not expecting such a reaction from him.

                “Something you wanna share?” Kyuhyun asked simply, a side-eyed glance inspecting the were.

                “Not yet. I don’t have enough information,” Hakyeon responded with a shake of his head before he shook himself and then reverted to his human guise. “Whatever it is has already left the area. That much is certain.”

                “Yoongi seemed to think it might have been a demon,” the Captain explained. His suggestion was immediately met with denial.

                “Doesn’t smell that way.”

                “Wrong energy signature.”

                “Not the right MO for them.”

                Kyuhyun held up his hand for silence while a bemused smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “I know. He said it didn’t smell like one either. Nor did he get a good look. Something was obstructing his view. But he did see brimstone eyes.”

                “Demon eyes,” Taekwoon echoed the obvious.

                “But not exclusively,” Ailee murmured with a small shake of her head. “Mage creations can have them too, if we want.”

                “Is it a Mage creation?” Lisa asked, eyeing the magical analysis hovering over the bodies.

                “No. Not that I can tell. The illusion hiding them was Mage work and the cloaking ability was also evidence of Mage work, but I don’t believe the creature itself is…” she explained, letting her fingers linger longer over the wounds. “There’s no residue in the injuries themselves.”

                “Do we know the Mage responsible for the illusion and the cloaking?” Kyuhyun asked, obviously expecting an answer.

                Ailee made a face and nodded. “Best I can tell, it’s from Kim Ryeowook,” she answered with some degree of hesitation. The Hunter raised a brow and she grimaced at him, “Any Mage’s ill work is a reflection on all Mages. It’s no surprise I’m not happy to confirm it’s someone in this city,” she grumbled, huffing once.

                “Fair enough,” he agreed, partially raising his hands as if to surrender. “Another question. Who died first?” Taekwoon and Lisa exchanged quick glances while they waited for the response.

                The Mage frowned again as she regarded the data points once more. “The elf. Probably by a couple weeks,” she explained, rolling her eyes at the look she always got when dealing with time of death and dead vampires. “You know they degrade much much much slower than pretty much all other creatures,” she scowled, letting her gaze linger on Kyuhyun. The Captain obviously knew that and Lisa should, but he didn’t mind giving the Mage a hard time about it. “I’ll give you an exact time later, but yes, the elf was killed first.”

                “Okay,” Kyuhyun nodded, crossing his arms with a thoughtful look on his face. “Lisa. Don’t notify the families yet.” She gave him a surprised look but waited for him to explain. “I’ll go talk to the Mayors and see if we can get a press release to ask about info for these two. If people know they’re dead, it’s likely we won’t get as honest a response. We need to know who saw them last and under what circumstances.”

                “Maybe other witnesses?” Lisa wondered, glancing around preemptively. The wolves and vamps were gone already but that didn’t stop the almost reflexive gesture.

                “There are always other witnesses,” he answered with a sigh. For a moment, he worried his lip with his teeth and then huffed again. “Hakyeon. I’m sending you to pick up Kim Ryeowook. Take Taekwoon with you to show him how it works.”

                “Sure,” the were shrugged with a reassuring smile at Taekwoon.

                It didn’t help the immediate jolt of surprised alarm that raced through him at the suggestion though. “Me sir?” he wondered with a confused frown.

                “Did I stutter?” Kyuhyun shot back with a raised brow and an amused quirk to his mouth.

                “Kyu,” Lisa objected quietly, a small frown marring her slightly scarred face.

                “He’s gotta learn sometime. And Hakyeon will keep him safe. Won’t you?” he asked, leveling his gaze at the were, though it was clear the question was anything but.

                Hakyeon snorted and rolled his shoulders, the motion looking odd and out of place on his humanoid form. “I’m almost offended you even have to ask. Almost,” he added, taking a step closer to Taekwoon that bordered on possessive or protective. The hunter wasn’t entirely sure.

                “It might be better if I-” Ailee started to say, raising her hand.

                “You’ve got other work to focus on right now,” Kyuhyun reminded her with a finger pointing her direction. “These are just the newest pebbles on the pile,” he grimaced, pausing to shake his hands in frustration.

                “Fine,” she relented quickly, raising her hands in surrender. “But you call me if you need help,” she stated, pointing a commanding finger between the hunter and the were. “It’s possible he’s not directly involved but if Ryeowook is…” she trailed off with a worried grimace.

                “I’m aware of how dangerous Mages can be,” Hakyeon reminded her before pulling down the neckline of his shirt to reveal a patch of scarred skin on his shoulder and chest.

                Taekwoon frowned and realized it was new to him. He hadn’t seen it on the were’s true form. “That’s from a Mage…?” he asked, making the obvious connection.

                Hakyeon nodded, still looking at Ailee, though there was no threat in his gaze. “Like an Exile, a Mage leaves wounds that don’t easily heal,” he explained, shrugging once before letting the shirt slide back into place.

                Ailee nodded in acknowledgment. “Alright. I’ll prepare this for transport then,” she added, gesturing at the bodies and the surrounding patch of ground around it.

                “Good,” Kyuhyun smiled, turning his attention to the other hunters. “Taekwoon. I’m moving you to night shift with Hakyeon. Lisa. See if you can get Taeyeon to canvass with you during the day.” When she opened to object, he raised a brow and reasoned, “You know Valkyries don’t see as well at night and Xiumin could use the help.”

                “Ugh, fine,” she acquiesced, though not happily.

                The Captain pulled out his phone and dialed one number before looking towards the heart of the city. “Jaehwan,” he murmured, waving so the Seer would focus on him. “Let the Mayors know about the current situation.” He paused to listen to the response. “Yeah. I’ll send you the full data pack later. Things might get rough before they get better though. They need to understand that.”

                “They’re gonna love that marketing line,” Lisa grimaced with a glance at Taekwoon who cringed along with her.

                “You should go, Ailee,” Hakyeon encouraged with a nod towards the outer perimeter. “People are starting to take notice.”

                Taekwoon looked up just like the Mage and blinked at seeing a couple of dryads moving closer, their natural, plant and branch covered forms clear in the one-sided light. He would never get over how the Mage could essentially put up a one-way mirror barrier that allowed them to see but not the other way around. It was still bizarre to him. But… that was also magic.

                “Very well. I’m heading out then,” she murmured, standing up before gesturing for the Hunters to stand back. Then she waved her hands over the desired patch of ground she wanted to shift, effectively drew a circle of shimmery mist that settled over the earth, and then clapped her hands together with a determined nod. Power surged, like an enclosed, muffled thunderclap, the air hummed, and then the Mage, the bodies, and the disturbed ground disappeared with a soft pop. In her wake, the light vanished and the veil fell away, revealing those within to the two startled dryads.

                “Nothing to see here,” Lisa announced, calmly taking control while Kyuhyun continued speaking with Jaehwan. “We were just finishing up an investigation. I’m the local Hunter Manoban Lalisa,” she explained, gesturing at her gear and the Hunters behind her. “Have you noticed anything strange here lately?” she asked, easily commanding their curious attention as their suspicion shifted to concern.

                “Go on,” Kyuhyun urged with a wave at Taekwoon and Hakyeon. He covered the phone with one hand and added, “If you find anything, let me know.”

                “Yes, sir,” Taekwoon nodded while Hakyeon gave his usual, “Of course,” response.

                “Stay close,” Hakyeon added when they started moving off, away from the city and further into the Nature Zone.

                “Why?” Taekwoon wondered, feeling his back prickle at the implied warning but also the typical shiver that accompanied being so near the were.

                Hakyeon sniffed the hunter like he was making sure of himself about something before he nodded once and returned his gaze to their surroundings. “This creature has an old scent. It might be familiar to me. I have smelled something similar to it once before but it’s not the same,” he admitted with a grimace.

                That caught Taekwoon’s interest. He didn’t know how old Hakyeon was but the were could potentially be considered relatively ancient. “What do you think it might be?” he asked, looking around with automatic concern.

                He delayed answering for a long while, keeping his gaze averted while he obviously sniffed around the area, searching for himself. Taekwoon didn’t bother him, aware he’d heard and knowing he’d answer when he was ready. Usually. As expected, the were paused for a second and knelt, fingers tracing a footprint on the ground. “It might be a mimic.”

                “A mimic?” Taekwoon wondered with a frown, wracking his brain for more information. “Aren’t they extinct?”

                Hakyeon grimaced and shrugged. “Yes and no. They’re supposed to be extinct. But,” he mused, looking up and scanning the surroundings with narrowed eyes, “if you could turn into almost any creature at will, how likely do you think the declaration of their extinction is accurate?”

                The answer made Taekwoon scowl and he shook his head. “Not that likely.”


                “Why didn’t you tell Kyuhyun then?” he asked, confused about the lack of communication.

                Hakyeon barked a laugh and stood up. “And burden him with that concern? Until I have better proof, why would I worry the Captain about the possibility of any and all of the local cases in the past few months being the cause of a mimic? Barring obvious evidence to the contrary otherwise.”

                “Ah,” the hunter mouthed, nodding his head once in acknowledgment. “How do you know about mimics?” he wondered, looking down slightly at the were where he continued to scan the area attentively.

                “Let’s just say I’ve met one previously,” he answered with a less than reassuring gesture.

                “And?” Taekwoon wondered, finally squatting beside the other man to better see what he was investigating.

                “What do you think?” Hakyeon asked with a toothy smile.


                “I do wonder if we shouldn’t ask that vampire to join us in our search though. He seemed… familiar with the creature’s handiwork, whatever it actually is,” he mused, a thoughtful expression sliding into place on his face.

                “You thought so too?” he asked, grateful for the confirmation. He didn’t think he’d been out of place to consider that but he hadn’t been sure.

                “We’ll ask Vampire Lord Namjoon first but if he agrees, I don’t see why not,” Hakyeon shrugged, slinging an arm over Taekwoon’s shoulder in a friendly gesture.

                “So where to next then?” Taekwoon wondered, eyeing the hand over his shoulder but shrugging acceptingly.

                “Let’s see where this goes first. Then to Mr. Kim’s. Then to the vampires,” he winked, standing up and pulling Taekwoon along with him. “Sound good to you?”

                “I guess,” Taekwoon shrugged. He would have gone to the Mage’s first, but if Hakyeon had some kind of scent to follow, why not?

                “Come on,” the were urged, pulling ahead and letting his arm slide from Taekwoon’s shoulders before he snagged his wrist instead.

                “Hey!” he yelped, struggling to keep up before his feet found the proper rhythm. “A little warning next time,” he grumbled, adjusting his hand so that he could hold onto Taekwoon’s instead of being gently but forcibly guided.

                “You caught on,” the were called back with a wink, unabashed but pleased all the same.

                “Ugh. Stupid magical creature,” he snorted, falling into place with practiced ease.


                They were back in the basement. The lights were on this time and Jungkook was seated on the floor facing the wall. His shoulders itched with the urge to roll and he had to fight the desire to turn around and look for himself.

                “Can you feel this?” Yoongi asked behind him, his voice low but clear.

                Jungkook frowned and ducked his head. “Yes,” he answered, trying to pinpoint the sensation.

                “Show me,” the other vampire encouraged, his touch remaining constant.

                Taking a steadying breath, Jungkook placed his fingertips on the ground beside him. It was like pressure on his back but distinctly different. Now that he had the feel for how his cloak functioned, he could sort of understand how to interpret when other people touched it. Well, when Yoongi touched it. He was the only one doing this kind of training with Jungkook currently.

                “Almost,” the vampire called, the pressure remaining constant. “Try again.”

                “Dammit,” Jungkook exhaled. “This reminds me of the worst game of Titans ever,” he laughed once with a shake of his head.

                Yoongi’s laugh was much quieter but there. “You are getting better,” he conceded, the hint of a smile in his voice. “Here. Use this point to help triangulate,” he added, touching a new spot on Jungkook’s cloak.

                For a second, he didn’t know how it was supposed to help at all. “Oh,” he murmured after a moment, starting to ‘see’ the points now.

                “Closer. I’m going to show you something. Don’t freak out,” he warned, hiding his laugh.

                “Why would I-” he started to ask before multiple points touched his cloak one by one. It made him shiver and he really had to struggle not to turn and see for himself. “Is that your cloak?” he asked, turning his head to the side in the beginnings of a glance.

                “No cheating,” Yoongi warned softly as something smooth and cool pressed against Jungkook’s cheek.

                He brushed it away reflexively and then forced himself to relax. Yep. His cloak. “I’m not,” he grumbled, shaking his hands and staring at the wall again. If he looked hard enough, he could almost see the points on his cloak like a magiscreen on the stone.

                “What’s the shape I formed?” Yoongi asked, inexhaustible and patient.

                “A circle,” he answered, nodding firmly.

                “And where’s the original point?” he went on.

                “In the middle,” Jungkook nodded again.

                “Show me then,” Yoongi challenged.

                Jungkook focused one more time and felt something different. Pressure. He could almost hear Yoongi’s smile in the silence. “That’s it, isn’t it?” he grinned, itching to turn around and check.

                “Yes. Good,” the other vampire encouraged. “Now try again,” he added, moving the circle to a new spot on Jungkook’s cloak. “Almost… there,” he crooned. “Once more,” he pressed, removing some of the points of the circle. It took Jungkook a second to adjust and another two tries, but then he found the center. “Nice. No circle now. Just the single point.”

                It felt like a test this time and he was determined not to fail. Jungkook took a small breath and flattened his palms to the ground, trying to feel with everything he had. Not there. Not there… Right… there! He urged the cloak to press up so slowly it seemed as if it didn’t move, but then he felt it. Pressure again. “Got it,” he whispered, carefully turning so that he could see for himself.

                Yoongi didn’t stop him and gave him a pleased smile when they looked down at the slightly raised lump in his cloak under the other vampire’s single finger. “Good. We can stop there,” he nodded, removing his hand and gesturing for Jungkook to put his cloak away.

                He did but he turned around so he could face the other vampire directly. “I know it’s part of the training, but why are you so fixated on cloak work lately?” he asked, hoping the other man would give him a direct answer.

                For a moment, it looked as if Yoongi wouldn’t, but then he shifted in place and scratched at his jaw carefully. “Two reasons,” he started, holding up two fingers at the same time. “You’re a turned vampire so learning how to feel your cloak takes a lot more practice.”

                “Well, I do alright in sparring with Sanghyuk,” Jungkook reasoned, recalling their various practice sessions together when Yoongi wasn’t available.

                Yoongi laughed once but didn’t disagree. “If you want to use your cloak only like a bludgeon, that’s fine,” he shrugged, extending his cloak in front of him so Jungkook could see. Without a word, he gestured towards it.

                “Really?” Jungkook asked, hand already partially lowered. When Yoongi nodded, he placed his hand flat on the surface and actually giggled when the fabric moved to match his palm. He raised his hand and the cloak followed, maintaining contact. Moving his hand like he was trailing his fingers in water, the cloak did too, pulling away from his palm and creating ribbons that followed his fingertips. “That’s still so cool,” he grinned, looking up just in time to catch an actually happy smile disappearing from his mentor’s face. He gave the vampire a slightly narrowed look and pulled his hand away, stating, “But I can’t do this yet, so why make me learn now?”

                “Because the principle is the same,” he explained, smoothing the cloak before pulling it up between them, a solid sheet of material. “It takes much less energy to strengthen a small portion of your cloak,” he started, an obvious dome about the size of a fist appearing on Jungkook’s side, “than it does to strengthen your entire cloak.” As he finished talking, the whole structure turned hard like a metal shield.

                Jungkook reached out to knock on the cloak shield and waited for Yoongi to pull it down so he could see the other vampire. “I get that, but why now? Sanghyuk has only barely started to work on it with Jungsu after all.”

                Yoongi frowned at the question and he huffed unhappily. “You might have heard some rumors about what’s been going on in the city lately,” he started in a quiet voice, chewing on his bottom lip.

                “There have been some interesting stories on the news,” he conceded with a slow nod. Mostly the odd disappearance and he had seen a clip asking people for more information in regards to some missing persons, but there hadn’t been anything too tragic lately.

                “There’s a pretty dangerous creature out there right now,” he admitted, his voice distant. “I can’t be with you at all times and I can’t keep you from leaving the Coven so…” he trailed off, gesturing helplessly.

                “How dangerous?” he had to ask, trying to be playful, since he was well aware the vampires were dangerous too, but it fell short when Yoongi gave him a raised brow look. “Got it. That kind of dangerous,” he added, nodding along and feeling a chill at the admission. “So you’re trying to make sure I can defend myself then, right?” he wondered, inching closer. “Because I’m your mentee and all?” he threw in as an added explanation, partially hoping for something more.

                There was a pause, this noticeable hesitation in Yoongi as he looked at Jungkook. The younger vampire could almost see some kind of conflict or conversation going on in the back of his head. His fingers even rose up from the ground like he wanted to reach for Jungkook before he folded them slowly and nodded instead. “Yes,” he answered, looking down in the process.

                Jungkook didn’t know whether to scream or just sit there because it looked like, for all the world, that Yoongi was actually disappointed in his own answer. It was frustrating because he knew there was something between them but prodding to find out what usually made Yoongi shut down or run away. Shaking himself, he sat up and nodded in confirmation. “So, reason one, there’s a big bad outside the Coven and you want me to be as self-sufficient as possible in the meantime.” With the change in tone, Yoongi looked up to nod in agreement. “Reason two?” he asked, now that the vampire was looking at him again. He held up two fingers to mirror the vampire’s previous posture.

                “Ah, right,” he murmured before shaking his head. “That was the second reason.” He held up one finger to count off, “Less energy use in a prolonged fight and,” his second finger rose up, “you’re more capable of defending yourself without me.”

                That was not the answer he was wanting to hear and Jungkook wrinkled his nose. He glanced down at Yoongi’s cloak still lying on the ground and grumbled, “So how long will it take me to learn how to use my cloak like yours?”

                Yoongi snorted once, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “It’s different for every vampire,” he started to say before Jungkook gave him a frown. “You won’t be able to do this,” he veered, literally separating his cloak into a multitude of strips before him, “until you’re Rank 3.”

                “When did you become a Rank 3?” Jungkook asked, hoping he’d continue to stay open for a little bit longer. He’d tried to have this conversation a couple times before, but during his probation period, Yoongi had been especially guarded about personal information and now, he focused more on training than explanations. He was briefly worried when he saw the ghost of a shadow flicker across the other vampire’s face and he wondered if that would be the end of it. But then Yoongi looked down with a slightly furrowed brow.

                “I was… ninety-seven when I became a Rank 3,” he admitted, scratching at his cheek with a slightly longer than usual nail.

                Jungkook blinked in surprise. The former human part of him registered that as a long time, but his history buff side knew that was strange for a vampire. The average estimate of ‘ranking up’ in vampire society was supposedly around one hundred years per Rank. This was due in no small part because most casual vampires – those not in Covens - were fine with being Rank 1s or Rank 2s and others, like the Rank 5 Exiles, helped to skew the average. “So when did you become a Rank 2?” he continued, well and truly curious now.

                This time, Yoongi actually scoffed with a laugh and a smile. “When I was fifty-four,” he answered, rubbing at the back of his neck.

                In response, Jungkook did some quick mental math, counting on his fingers, and frowned. “How did you-?” he started to question before he noticed the way Yoongi began to shutter himself. It was so much easier to see as a vampire now. Quickly, he stopped and turned the conversation with an abrupt tap on one of the nearest strands of the other vampire’s cloak. “So how did you learn to do this?” It wasn’t the successful turn that he hoped it would be and Yoongi’s face remained frozen in a half-frown. But he did focus on Jungkook’s finger touching him instead of completely running off.

                Eventually, the frown smoothed out and he answered in a soft but slightly sad voice. “I learned it from my mother.” Yoongi winced like he saw something and then shook his head. “Okay. Let’s go through your cloak practice one more time,” he announced, retracting his own and focusing on Jungkook with his usual firm energy. “I’m gonna be away from the Coven for a few days after this so I need to make sure you’re up to speed,” he promised, gesturing for the younger vampire to bring his cloak out again.

                Jungkook frowned but didn’t argue as he conjured his cloak once more. He did ask, “Where will you go?” Yoongi gave him a look while he quirked his mouth to the side mutely. “Ah. Dangerous monster,” he nodded, rolling his shoulders to try and relax. The fabric rose between them but then he dropped it and pointed a finger at the other vampire. “You be careful too.” Before Yoongi could answer, he yanked the cloak back up and listened hard.

                There was a moment of silence before Yoongi laughed once. “Fair enough.” It was a small victory but one all the same. Jungkook smiled even as he heard the vampire warn, “You ready?”

                “Ready as I’m gonna be,” he admitted, though he still flinched when he felt the sharp poke of his mentor’s nail against his cloak. He strengthened the whole cloak reflexively and wrinkled his nose when Yoongi knocked on it like a door. “I know,” he grumbled, literally shaking the stiffness out. “Again, please,” he requested, waiting for the next deliberate prod.

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I should definitely take more plotting walks. XD So many ideas from the one today! Now if only I can get us there... lol At least I have the general layout for the next part in mind, if nothing else. ;)


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Chapter 35: Ooooh nice. See for me it’s always easier to understand something when ppl explain it to me so yoongi going over the kid’s cases and whatnot helped me a lot in that department lol. Thanks for that actually. Till next time ^-^
Chapter 34: I really enjoyed this chapter. I like the relationships budding between the characters. Whether it be romantic or friendly. I also like how yoongi treats kook kinder? Idk if that makes sense but it’s more open and I appreciate it lol. Also he done ed it up at the end there huh lol poor guy. Hates to loose tho huh? Thanks for the update and sorry I’m late ^-^
Chapter 33: Did he really kill it. Pls tell me he really killed it and it didn’t somehow survive Dx
I hope taekwoon gets better (as “better” as he can) especially if hakyeon destroyed the who made him that way. Oh man I hope everything and everyone is ok for a little while at least lol
Chapter 32: Ok ok ok ok woah. First off taekwon, im glad he’s ok, Hakyeon however should probably grow a pair and just visit him. I understand why he isn’t but the nurse lady (im too lazy to check sorry) was right and they both might feel a lil better. Also I feel so bad for jeongmin. Poor baby being threatened like that ):

BUT that whole ending there. I swear I haven’t squealed like that in a while lol. I knew something was going on as soon as namjoon said “nope never mind” lol. He knows what’s up ;) and honestly we all need a namjoon in ou likes. But I’m glad yoongi and kookie are close tho. Like they need each other? BUT I can’t help the feeling that something is gonna happen.
Thanks for the amazing update that made my sugakookie heart explode lol. Till next time :D
Chapter 31: Had some catching up to do lol. Ok ok so firstly wth is up with namjoon and ailee. I’m too slow to piece these things together lol. AND dear lord kook is adorable here. Some much needed sense or normalcy for him I suppose. Amazing update as always! Super excited to see what’s next ;D
Chapter 29: You know I like these chapters because I feel like it’s kinda a behind the scenes to what’s happening in the bigger picture. Like yeah SugaKookie ftw! But nice background too, makes everything come together and makes me WANT to keep reading. Thanks for the update! ^-^ till the next one :D
Chapter 28: YAS!!! Oh man so much going on. Something sus is happening but idk what. I feel a roller coaster coming on

KISS! YES! lol

Thanks for the update (sorry for the tardiness, had a bit going on but I’m here now ^-^ )
Chapter 27: Oooh. Interesting. That is some next level right there. BUT on the bright side yoongi is finally making progress :D
Chapter 26: I swear yoongi is like emotionally constipated