
Keeping the Balance

                So far, it had been a week and Yoongi was beginning to think it might have been over before it had begun. Oh, he’d spoken to Namjoon. The coven leader had been unabashed and quite forthcoming in his explanation about sending the human in his general direction.

                “It’s no fun if they don’t even have to try,” he’d said with a boyish grin and a single wave of his hand. “It doesn’t hurt that you could also use a distraction. And-” he interrupted Yoongi before he could begin to complain, “having another member in the Coven wouldn’t be a bad thing either. We’ve gotten weak of late,” he shrugged, looking away and effectively ending the conversation before it could start.

                Yoongi couldn’t argue either. They should have three others already and really, to be a respectable coven, it would be best if they numbered around ten. As it stood, they only had five currently. Worse, he’d lost them two in the last half century. Yoongi honestly felt his luck with turning humans was terrible and as such, he wasn’t too keen to think about Jungkook. “Jungsu could just take on two trainees,” he grumbled to himself as he lazed in the den of their compound.

                “He could but then it would mean dividing his attention too much between them,” Wonho commented back without looking at the other vampire.

                It was daytime so they were quite contentedly taking refuge from the sun indoors, as usual. Not surprisingly, Wonho had heard his comment from where he was sequestered in the corner, trying to read something and watch whatever Yoongi was at the same time. “Eh… I rather think he’d like the challenge,” Yoongi snorted, glancing around the room to make sure he wasn’t missing any other coven members. He half thought Sanghyuk should be here too but knowing the newest vampire’s luck, he was off running some errand with Jungsu. He was a harsh taskmaster, that one.

                “Really, Namjoon could just turn one himself or put in a request for a transfer from one of the other covens,” Wonho shrugged, distractedly turning the page.

                “And neglect you?” he half teased with narrowed eyes. That was partially because he was lying down and didn’t feel like picking his head up.

                “Unlike someone else I know, Namjoon can actually multitask effectively,” the younger vampire shot back with a bemused smirk.

                Yoongi made a disgruntled sound in the back of his throat and waved his hand at Wonho. “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.”

                “It’s more likely you’re just being lazy and chasing me would require actual effort,” he laughed knowingly, earning another impotent glare. “See?” he shrugged, closing the book and turning to focus on the TV this time. “Anything interesting going on?” he asked, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, chin pillowed on his interlaced fingers.

                For a moment, Yoongi debated being petty – turning the TV off would be at least slightly amusing for a short time. But the feeling passed quickly enough and he huffed. “Same old stuff, different day.”

                “So…?” the younger vampire prompted, dark eyes darting back and forth as he tracked the movements on the screen.

                “Humans being humans… creatures being creatures… and everything in between,” he announced, spreading his arms wide as if it was some important proclamation. “Though this time it looks like a cat person had a falling out with a human. Oh look. There’s a Hunter,” he snorted, catching a glimpse of a human looking figure who was obviously talking to the cat person while a plainclothes officer was speaking to the human. The Hunter was probably a bit new. He didn’t seem familiar to Yoongi seeing as he would have remembered that brooding glare.

                Wonho’s nose wrinkled at the immediate image and he snorted. “I wish those damn Revolutionaries wouldn’t stir up so much trouble,” he admitted with a sigh.

                “That would be nice,” Yoongi agreed with a sidelong glance at the screen. “It’d also be nice if the humans would kindly remember that we have coexisted for as long as they’ve been around. They’re like kids playing in the sandbox.” He flailed as if digging and then shook his fist at an imaginary playmate. “Go away! I was here first!” he mimicked in a childish voice. Wonho chuckled at the display and grinned harder when Yoongi added, “No you weren’t, youngling. Sit down.”

                “It does feel like that some days, doesn’t it?” he agreed with a slow nod.

                “And you’ve only been around for one century,” Yoongi grumbled, rolling his eyes and then shaking his head again.

                “We can’t all be old vampires,” Wonho responded with a dry tone.

                “Hey! I’m not that old,” he defended himself. “Certainly not as old as-” he stopped short when he realized someone else was there and it felt very much like the vampire he’d been about to name. “Joonie,” he greeted with false cheer, sitting up to look over the back of the couch at the vampire lord leaning against the doorframe.

                His arms were loosely crossed and he had an amused smile tugging at one corner of his mouth. “Yoongi,” he nodded, not bothering to hide his delight at the other vampire’s reaction. “You’ve got a visitor.”

                “No,” Yoongi deadpanned immediately, wrinkling his nose with a pathetic sigh. “Can’t you just tell him I’m not here?”

                “You don’t even know who it is yet,” Namjoon countered, though his expression did nothing to make anyone believe someone unexpected had arrived.

                “Your sister?” Yoongi teased with a playful smirk, though it faltered a bit as soon as he heard the words leave his mouth.

                Wonho hissed through his teeth in an obvious cringe and Namjoon snorted in disgust. “That was lame even for you,” he said, uncrossing his arms and giving a slow roll of his eyes. Yoongi didn’t say anything as he pulled his arms from over the back of the couch and sat awkwardly on it with his hands pillowed in his lap.  “Yoongi,” the vampire lord warned archly, one brow rising to match his tone.

                “Alright!” the younger vampire huffed, waving one hand in an impotent gesture of frustration. “I’m going, I’m going,” he added, making getting up look like a monumental effort.

                “Now Yoongi,” Namjoon added in a flat voice, his eyes trained on his target like a hawk. Without another word, Yoongi wrinkled his nose again and waved in acknowledgement. Silently cursing the coven leader for his meddling – again – Yoongi trudged out of the room, brushing past the taller man with a quick sidelong glance. “At least consider giving him a chance.”

                “If he fits the criteria,” he grumbled without looking back. Namjoon’s soft chuckle was answer enough. He wouldn’t have sent Jungkook his direction if he hadn’t looked into the basics at least so now it was just a matter of desire and commitment.

                Yoongi rounded the corner of the den and peered down the hallway. Neither Jungsu nor Sanghyuk were there and it was otherwise empty. Jungkook must have been waiting in the main hall. “Ugh… why did you have to show up now?” he grumbled, shuffling slowly down the hall. He paused just before the next branch and glanced at the double doors to his left. That way led to the dining room and kitchen areas. Both were rarely used but they did have them in case guests came over. Like now. Should he try to fix him something? Eh… no. If he wanted something, he could ask. With a slow blink, he waved at the door dismissively and turned the corner. And there he was.

                Like last time, he still seemed to favor dark clothes. His hands were stuffed into his coat pockets as he looked around, eyes scanning the walls with interest. He looked much the same as he had when Yoongi saw him in the lounge. But this time he was completely oblivious to the vampire’s presence. For one brief moment, he had the biggest urge to sneak up and scare him. On the other hand, he had a greater respect for Namjoon’s ire and decided it would not be a wise decision in the heart of the coven. Not today especially. Resolutely, he stuffed his hands in his pants pockets and wandered closer, clearing his throat to let the human know he was there.

                “Yoongi!” Jungkook gasped in laughable surprise.

                The vampire couldn’t help but snort and shake his head. “It’s not wise to let your guard down around strange vampires, you know,” he teased, the sound amused and not at all sincere.

                By his smile, Jungkook apparently knew his comment had no teeth. “Actually, if sources are to be believed, the coven is one of the safest places to be for a non-vampire. At least for guests and friends.” He added the last part almost uncertainly, head tilting in quiet inquiry.

                Yoongi shrugged and nodded once. “I might have teased you more but Namjoon specifically identified you as a guest already so… yeah. Welcome,” he spoke semi-theatrically, adding an arm wave and a small bow to complete the act. When he stood upright, he noticed that Jungkook hadn’t moved yet and his lips were slightly pursed like he didn’t know what to say. Yoongi sighed and wandered over to lean against a pillar under the staircase, crossing his arms as he did so. “I was beginning to think you weren’t gonna show. What took you so long?” he wondered, tapping the tip of his slippered toes on the ground.

                Jungkook’s mouth softened into a quiet smile when he noticed the slippers, but he looked back up and the uncertainty was still there. “The last time we spoke, you said maybe, but then… disappeared without another word. I rather got the feeling you really didn’t want to say that,” he admitted with a slight frown on his face.

                “Yet here you are,” Yoongi murmured with a wave in the human’s direction.

                Jungkook flexed his hands in his pockets, the motion obvious to Yoongi. “I had to decide if I wanted to bother you or not.”

                The response made Yoongi laugh once. “Apparently the answer you found was yes.”

                He didn’t answer immediately. He looked the vampire up and down once and then glanced around the coven before he freed one hand to rub the back of his neck. “I had to do some research first,” he admitted easily.

                “Oh?” That was curious indeed. “What did you find out then?” Yoongi asked, genuinely interested. Most who made it this far tried to bluff and bluster their way through. He found the playful honesty refreshing.

                Warming up to the topic, Jungkook took a step forward and freed his other hand from his pocket. “Apparently,” he started, gesturing with both hands as if he was telling a story. “Unless a coven is full and not accepting applicants, then the coven leader has to at least vet said person.”

                “Which is why he sent you in my direction,” Yoongi agreed with a slow nod.

                “Yes, but it gets more interesting,” Jungkook smiled, the expression more akin to a smirk as he took another step forward, slowly closing the distance between them. “Seeing that I live in the same city as your coven and have been initially approved to seek entry,” he waved, gesturing at the structure he was in. “And seeing that there is a Rank 3 vampire who is currently not mentoring a trainee…” he trailed off with a long look at Yoongi, “then unless you have a very good reason not to, I should at least be allowed to start the trial period.”

                Yoongi glared at the human through narrowed eyes and tapped his fingers on his arm. He was only about a meter away now and he seemed far too smug about his speech. “You little ,” he finally laughed once with a shake of his head.

                “I have been called that a time or two in the past,” Jungkook grinned, taking one more large step to finish closing the distance between them. “Now, if it was just something that I wanted,” he explained, hands doing just as much talking again, “I’d leave you alone – for now – and maybe try again later.” That made Yoongi actually crack a smile. “But since it’s in your Charter…” he trailed off with a helpless shrug.

                “Namjoon,” the vampire grumbled, tilting his head to get a glimpse of the coven leader resting on the staircase railing. He noticed Jungkook follow his gaze in his periphery, flinching slightly at seeing the other man there.

                “I may have pointed him in the right direction again,” the elder vampire grinned and waved at Jungkook. “Nice work in digging into it, too,” he praised, clearly amused by the whole situation.

                “I never would have found it otherwise,” Jungkook admitted with a breathy laugh, eyes dancing as he looked at Yoongi. “Couldn’t find anything about it online.”

                “There’s a reason for that,” Yoongi grumbled, side-eying Namjoon again.

                “Speaking of that,” he added, one finger rising with a curious expression on his face. “I know you’re a Rank 3 because your profile on the coven information page says so, and I know you have some sort of vanishing trick with the lighter, but I couldn’t find anything about it online either.”

                “Good,” Yoongi barked a laugh, finally feeling as if something good had come of the conversation. “Means the scrubbers are doing their job.”

                “Scrubbers?” Jungkook asked with a furrowed brow.

                Neither vampire acknowledged the question though. Namjoon spoke instead, asking Yoongi directly, “Well, Yoongi? Do you have a good reason to say no?”

                “No,” he reluctantly answered after trying very hard to come up with something in a very short period of time.

                “Good,” Namjoon chirped with a wave at his back. When Yoongi glanced up again, he saw that Wonho was right next to him and he frowned in irritation knowing the other vampire had probably heard the whole conversation too. “Looks like we might have a new family member soon,” he chuckled, gesturing down at the human. “Lee Wonho. Meet Kim Jungkook.”

                “Hey,” Wonho greeted with a lazy wave as he leaned on the railing too.

                “Hi. It’s nice to meet you,” Jungkook greeted back, giving a quick small bow in their direction.

                “Yoongi. Why don’t you show Jungkook around?” Namjoon said, the question very a much a subtle command.

                “Of course,” Yoongi answered with a false sweetness and a brittle smile at his leader. The expression faded and then became something more genuine when he looked at the human again. “I maintain you’re a little but you’re an interesting little ,” he commented with a finger pointing in the young man’s face.

                “I’ll take that as a compliment then,” Jungkook returned, giving a pseudo theatrical bow, much as Yoongi had earlier.

                “Case in point,” the vampire gestured, stolidly ignoring the chuckles from his brethren upstairs. “Come on then, potential newbie,” he called with a wave as he turned around and started walking into the heart of the coven again. “I’ll show you where the guests stay,” he explained, adding extra emphasis on the word, much to Jungkook’s amusement.

                “Will I be staying here?” he asked in surprise, making Yoongi look back.

                “At least sometimes,” the vampire scoffed and gave him a sidelong look. “And here I thought you did your research.”

                “Hey! I did!” Jungkook defended himself, jogging to catch up to the vampire. “But some topics don’t have a lot of information to research!” he grumbled, saying something about ‘scrubbers’ under his breath.

                “Sure,” Yoongi nodded without looking back. It was the only way he could keep his smile hidden for the moment. Okay. So maybe, even if he didn’t want a trainee right now, it might at least prove interesting. He wasn’t ready to like Jungkook yet, but he could see it happening in the future. If he decided to stick around after the trial period anyway.

                “Hey. A kitchen!” Jungkook’s happy voice called out, drawing Yoongi’s attention.

                The human was sticking his head inside the open door for the kitchen and clearly delighted by what he saw. “Make yourself at home why don’t you?” Yoongi commented dryly.

                “What? You said I’d be staying here sometimes,” Jungkook shrugged as he closed the door and moved to catch up as they wandered down the right hallway this time.

                “Fair enough,” he conceded, firmly of the mind that it would be interesting regardless.




                Hyuna’s clear voice echoed through the large house, echoing off brightly colored walls. A myriad of portrait pictures, from painted to black and white to high definition to moving, adorned most surfaces in the den. They were all her magical children. The fading light from the sun turned them gold for a brief moment as she waited for the answering response. One deep red nail tapped her cherry lips and she smiled as the first voice reached her.

                “Coming, mother!” That was Hyosung, of course. She’d be perking up the most right around this time.

                “I’m in the den,” she added while she strode around the large open space, bare feet whispering over soft brown carpet. She didn’t much like the color but it hid just about anything in case something was spilled or… happened.

                “We’re coming!” And there was Hyunseong. One of the oldest and longest residents of her children, he was naturally protective of his siblings. Didn’t hurt that he tended to identify everyone in the house as his – it was a common enough trait among the Cat folk.

                “Stop pushing me,” a low, deep voice grumbled, the tone giving him away immediately.

                “Don’t make me carry you, Byungie.” And there was Wonshik. The boy always loved to tease others. It was part of his nature though. Those associated with the wind were often playful as such. And Byunghyun was an easy target. Poor grumpy child. It didn’t help he rarely got a decent night’s sleep and with their newest addition, it made sense he was a little grumpier than usual.

                “Stop that,” Hyosung chided with the sound of a gentle smack. Wonshik laughed it off and several pairs of feet started down the stairs.

                Hyuna hid her smile as she listened to the exchange with unnaturally good hearing. One, two, three… nine, ten, and eleven pairs of feet. That was all of them. Reflexively, she glanced out the window and sighed as she spotted a nymph actively peering inside. They never could hide their eyes when they were focused on something, and she’d smelled them often enough to know what she was immediately. With a wave of her hand and a dry glare, she shooed the unwanted ‘guest’ away. She wasn’t sure if the nymph did as she wanted as she had to turn her attention to her children. “There you are,” she beamed brilliantly, waving her hands to gesture them closer.

                “Come on. It’s okay,” Jennie urged, one hand lightly wrapped around the newest boy’s arm.

                “Have a seat here, Chan.” With a warm smile, Mingyu motioned for Chan and Jennie to take the main seats on the long couch.

                Still quiet, Chan nodded with wide eyes and settled on the middle cushion. Jennie plopped down next to him and Mingyu bracketed him on the other side. There was space enough for three more so Wonshik shoved Byunghyun into the corner of the couch – not unkindly – and motioned for the almost too dainty Jisoo to take a seat next to him. On the far side, Joshua practically tumbled into Mingyu’s lap with a bright grin. Hyosung and Hyunseong took the arms of the couch while Minzy and Wonshik settled in front, leaning against the knees of their siblings.

                “Comfortable?” Hyuna asked, tracing a stray strand of maroon hair behind her ear. Most of them nodded in quiet agreement and she smiled again. “Good. As you know, since we have a new brother, it’s story time again.”

                Jisoo clapped with a shy smile on her face, obviously waiting for the tale to be spun. “Are you going to tell us about magic again?” she asked, glancing over at Chan with a reassuring nod.

                “Yes,” Hyuna agreed, pausing to motion at the windows. With a flick of her fingers, the blinds fell and the curtains slid into place, shutting out the rest of the world, including the nymph that was still there. She heard Chan gasp quietly and glanced back at him with a sly smile and a wink. “Now, why do we tell the story of magic?” she asked, prompting an answer from her other children.

                The second newest child raised his hand from beside Mingyu, eager to show he remembered from the last time. Joshua beamed, the smile warm and bright, when she nodded at him. “So we can better understand where we come from and how it affects what we can do now.”

                “Good, Joshua,” Hyuna praised before glancing around to see if anyone else wanted to contribute.

                Seungkwan raised his hand next and added more when Hyuna’s attention landed on him. “It’s also a reminder of what there used to be and how easily things can change because of magic.”

                “Also correct, Seungkwan,” she smiled and pointed her finger around the group knowingly. “Our stories are our history. They remind us of what is possible but also warn us in the same way. Magic is life. It is creation. It is neither good nor bad, but it can be used in many ways,” she whispered, her voice dropping low as she impressed upon them the weight of her words.

                Chan’s eyes were very large in the lit space and Hyuna smiled to ease the tension. “But tonight is not for warnings or prophecies alone. It is for stories and possibilities. So let’s begin,” she murmured with another flick of her fingers banishing the interior lighting entirely. “In the beginning, there was nothing,” she started, painting a swath of living shadow on the ceiling. “Magic,” she murmured, conjuring a swirling ball of sparkling lights, “roamed the endless seas of the universe. For eons, there was no life. And then…” she hesitated, causing an explosion of light to dot the canvas with a myriad of stars, “magic began to create. First the stars. But such gems of beauty were not enough. Magic needed more.” A dark sphere of rock appeared out of nothing and started floating around above them.

                “Wow…” It was a breathless whisper of sound that came from Chan especially, but it was no less amazed when passing Jisoo’s lips too.

                “So it created the world.”

                “And then-”

                “Shh! Don’t interrupt,” Hyosung urged with her finger over her lips when Minzy tried to speak up next.

                The Anansi shrank down from the reprimand and Hyuna shook her head slightly. With a subtle motion at Hyosung, she bade the young woman to be at ease and then murmured, “Minzy. Go ahead my dear. What’s the next part?” she urged, knowing the knowledge-keeper in her wanted to share in the telling.

                Bright eyes flicked up and a smile lit her face as Minzy stared at the ceiling. Stories danced in the depths of her gaze and she continued where Hyuna left off. As Minzy spoke, Hyuna molded the rock into grassy lands and blue seas. “Then Magic shaped the world, carving land and conjuring water alike. The single continent was known as Pangaea and it was the birthplace of life.”


(a/n: First half was new and I'll be continuing the parallel story at the bottom half of the chapters from here on out. Personally, I'm enjoying fleshing out the world from a more ground zero perspective, but that's just me. Hopefully you're enjoying it too! Thanks for joining me on this journey and please look forward to the next update. ^_^)

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I should definitely take more plotting walks. XD So many ideas from the one today! Now if only I can get us there... lol At least I have the general layout for the next part in mind, if nothing else. ;)


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Chapter 35: Ooooh nice. See for me it’s always easier to understand something when ppl explain it to me so yoongi going over the kid’s cases and whatnot helped me a lot in that department lol. Thanks for that actually. Till next time ^-^
Chapter 34: I really enjoyed this chapter. I like the relationships budding between the characters. Whether it be romantic or friendly. I also like how yoongi treats kook kinder? Idk if that makes sense but it’s more open and I appreciate it lol. Also he done ed it up at the end there huh lol poor guy. Hates to loose tho huh? Thanks for the update and sorry I’m late ^-^
Chapter 33: Did he really kill it. Pls tell me he really killed it and it didn’t somehow survive Dx
I hope taekwoon gets better (as “better” as he can) especially if hakyeon destroyed the who made him that way. Oh man I hope everything and everyone is ok for a little while at least lol
Chapter 32: Ok ok ok ok woah. First off taekwon, im glad he’s ok, Hakyeon however should probably grow a pair and just visit him. I understand why he isn’t but the nurse lady (im too lazy to check sorry) was right and they both might feel a lil better. Also I feel so bad for jeongmin. Poor baby being threatened like that ):

BUT that whole ending there. I swear I haven’t squealed like that in a while lol. I knew something was going on as soon as namjoon said “nope never mind” lol. He knows what’s up ;) and honestly we all need a namjoon in ou likes. But I’m glad yoongi and kookie are close tho. Like they need each other? BUT I can’t help the feeling that something is gonna happen.
Thanks for the amazing update that made my sugakookie heart explode lol. Till next time :D
Chapter 31: Had some catching up to do lol. Ok ok so firstly wth is up with namjoon and ailee. I’m too slow to piece these things together lol. AND dear lord kook is adorable here. Some much needed sense or normalcy for him I suppose. Amazing update as always! Super excited to see what’s next ;D
Chapter 29: You know I like these chapters because I feel like it’s kinda a behind the scenes to what’s happening in the bigger picture. Like yeah SugaKookie ftw! But nice background too, makes everything come together and makes me WANT to keep reading. Thanks for the update! ^-^ till the next one :D
Chapter 28: YAS!!! Oh man so much going on. Something sus is happening but idk what. I feel a roller coaster coming on

KISS! YES! lol

Thanks for the update (sorry for the tardiness, had a bit going on but I’m here now ^-^ )
Chapter 27: Oooh. Interesting. That is some next level right there. BUT on the bright side yoongi is finally making progress :D
Chapter 26: I swear yoongi is like emotionally constipated