Visiting Sanctuary

Keeping the Balance

                He had met her briefly and seen her from afar a handful of times, but finally having a chance to really give Hyoyeon a once over up close and in person was not something Jungkook had been expecting today. Or seeing Namjoon in the presence of both Yoongi and the newest vampire in their midst. In point of fact, things had been pretty quiet for him (and the other vampire) lately, and it had been rather nice.

                A quick glance at Yoongi gave him no indication as to what the other vampire was thinking. Looking at Hyoyeon was even less informative, though she did smile more often than his… boyfriend? Vampire friend? Did the name change when the status did? He hadn’t quite worked up the nerve to ask yet, especially since it seemed like a rather silly question, and he wanted to hear it from the other vampire himself. For now, it was safer – and more enjoyable – to keep going as they were.

                Almost like Yoongi could tell that his mind was wandering, he reached out and swiped at Jungkook’s hand with gentle fingers, nodding towards Namjoon. “Focus,” he whispered, the corner of his mouth quirking to one side in quiet amusement.

                Jungkook ducked his head in embarrassment and nodded. But when he looked again, he noticed Hyoyeon leaning out far enough to see around Yoongi and she grinned as they made eye contact. Crap. He kept forgetting how good vampire hearing was…

                Namjoon softly cleared his throat, instantly drawing all eyes back to him. “If you’re done enjoying yourselves,” he snorted, one brow raised as he crossed his arms and shifted his weight.

                “Sorry!” Hyoyeon apologized immediately while Jungkook looked down. Yoongi didn’t say anything and a sidelong glance showed he was rather unaffected by the comment. His customary smirk was in place and he met Namjoon’s gaze with relative ease.

                The Vampire Lord laughed then, a slight eye roll flashing across his face. “As I was saying, Hyoyeon has had a chance to meet most of the major players in the city. Jungsu took her to see Taeyang recently and I introduced her to Sungmin and Taeyeon the other day.” Jungkook frowned as they were familiar names but not people that he had met yet. Uncertain, he glanced at Yoongi again but the other vampire was focusing on Namjoon. “Ailee’s already aware of her,” he continued, the comment surprising Hyoyeon just a bit if the brief start was any indication. “And things have finally quieted enough to make a venture to see the Crone.”

                Again, the name was familiar and Jungkook knew it was connected to Yoongi, but he couldn’t remember the details. Curiously, he looked over and had to hide his smile when the other vampire reacted in typical Yoongi fashion. “Feh! You’ve just been waiting until we were both not busy so you could use my connection to the Crone so these two would start off on easy footing.”

                “Maybe, maybe not,” Namjoon answered with a wink. “Either way, it’s common courtesy and… with someone like the Crone, it’s best to announce your presence early. Especially if you’re a vampire that’s above Rank 2.” Jungkook frowned and raised his hand, catching Namjoon’s attention instantly. “And in your case,” the Vampire Lord spoke before he could ask the question. “You would have met her last year when you first turned but a lot was happening at the time,” he admitted with a shrug.

                “She has a soft spot for newbies,” Yoongi leaned over to explain, his fingers brushing against Jungkook’s reassuringly.

                “I’m looking forward to meeting her,” Hyoyeon admitted, her enthusiasm obvious in her voice.

                “Yes, well, Jungsu is out with Wonho and Sanghyuk and I’ve got plenty going on here to keep me busy while you introduce them,” he explained, pointing at Yoongi specifically.

                “Now who’s the lazy one?” Yoongi asked with a snort, clearly brushing off the busy comment as an excuse or a front.

                “Still you,” Namjoon shot back without missing a beat, much to the younger vampire’s annoyance. He held up his hand so Yoongi wouldn’t retort and continued, “I’ll leave it up to you two about how you get there.” His finger motioned between Yoongi and Hyoyeon, skipping over Jungkook entirely. “At least try to behave while you’re there,” he teased, the comment also specifically for Yoongi.

                Almost at the same time, both Jungkook and Hyoyeon leaned forward slightly to look at the vampire between them, but they noticed each other and laughed instead. Yoongi gave them side-eyed looks, a frown marring his face, and crossed his arms in frustration with an annoyed expression. Jungkook would have been more concerned except he caught the barest glimpse of a second glance from the other vampire, rather like he was checking to make sure he didn’t take offense.

                Namjoon made a face as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. “Off you go then,” he waved, already turning his attention to the device in his hands. Despite his words, the vampire lord was the first to leave, disappearing into shadows in the blink of an eye and leaving the trio to decide what to do next.

                Hyoyeon stepped forward so that she was in front of the other two vampires and raised her hand energetically. “I actually know where the Crone is so if it’s alright with you guys, I’ll take us there.”

                Jungkook had no say in the matter really – he couldn’t travel by shadow yet even if he wanted to – but he was curious to see how Yoongi would react.

                “It would probably be better if I did,” Yoongi answered in a slow drawl, eyeing the newest vampire uncertainly.

                “Really though! I do know where Sanctuary is,” Hyoyeon insisted, her brunette locks bouncing with her enthusiasm. It made Jungkook laugh. She was obviously trying to prove herself.

                After a moment, Yoongi shrugged and raised his hands as if in surrender. “Alright. If you really insist,” he added almost nonchalantly. But there was something about the way he said it that made Jungkook look over curiously. Oh dear. There was that customary smirk that meant he had something going through his mind.

                “Hyoyeon…” he started to say, one finger raised.

                “Okay!” she chirped, clapping her hands together and rubbing them energetically. She either didn’t hear him or, more likely, chose not to. “Here we go!” she called, reaching into her pocket for a standard lighter – it wasn’t nearly as nice as Yoongi’s. With a click, a flame flickered into life and power coalesced near them, an open door waiting to be walked through.

                Jungkook jerked in surprise when something grabbed his hand. Looking down, he saw it was Yoongi and relief flooded through him. Too many stories about things in the shadows made his mind a fertile ground for imaginative tricks.

                “Let’s go,” he urged, tugging Jungkook after him as they followed the waiting Hyoyeon and stepped into the shadow paths.

                He’d been on them before, but they never got any more comfortable. Maybe it was the human side of him, but the yawning blackness was perpetually unsettling. Shadows within shadows moved, subtle and frightening in their ambiguity. Yoongi’s hand tightened on his, reassuring and firm. He couldn’t see any change, but he could feel the other vampire’s power around him, like a cloak protecting them from the winter’s chill. Ahead, he could sense Hyoyeon nearby, but again, for him, the shadow paths were as good as walking in the dark. Maybe Yoongi could see, but he sure couldn’t. If they went on them, he was usually shrouded in Yoongi’s cloak so the darkness was expected. Without it…

                “Almost there,” came the surprising but reassuring whisper in his ear. It was distinctly Yoongi. More than that, it helped to drown out the distant whispers that tickled his senses as they walked, like voices reaching from a faraway place: cajoling, beckoning, enticing…

                He gasped when the sensation of abrupt movement hit him this time and light struck his eyes. “Whoa!” he exhaled, reeling slightly as he blinked hard against the mid-morning light.

                “What the-” That from Hyoyeon, who was obviously confused about something.

                Jungkook shivered as power rose, threatening and overwhelming. An ominous voice slithered into his ears and mind, dual layers of power that made his skin crawl. “What vampire dares arrive unan- Yoongi dear?”

                The immediate change in the tone was like whiplash and Jungkook reeled from it as he looked at the speaker first – a raven haired enchantress with blood red lips, dead eyes, and wreathed in shadows, before fixating on Yoongi who was in the process of rolling his eyes. That, more than anything else, made Jungkook relax and he gripped the hand holding his tighter. “Hi Hyuna,” he waved once, the motion short and abbreviated.

                She scoffed as an immediate change washed over her. Shadows gave way to various shades of red and she… pouted. “Is that any way to speak to your mother?” It wasn’t just a pout either. She literally walked over and snagged Yoongi’s free arm in hers, acting very much as if they were the only two in the world.

                Jungkook was wide-eyed, but at least he’d heard about her being Yoongi’s foster mother. Hyoyeon just seemed at an absolute loss when he looked in her direction. But he didn’t know what to say himself, or how to interrupt the obvious reunion, so he just held tight to Yoongi’s hand and hoped that would be enough.


                “You should have told me you were coming. Or at least used your power to arrive,” she chided looking up at him with narrowed eyes before she started to piece her calm back together and glanced at Jungkook first – the sensation not unlike being completely ignored but also utterly deconstructed at the same time – and then settled her gaze on Hyoyeon with a thoughtful and then knowing look.

                “I tried to tell her,” he shrugged without looking down at the slightly shorter woman. Her stature in no way diminished her intimidation factor and Jungkook was still having a hard time finding his voice.

                “Kind of…” Hyoyeon managed to squeak out, desperately trying to regain a measure of her composure as she smoothed the front of her shirt reflexively.

                Hyuna deftly extracted herself from Yoongi’s side and glided next to Hyoyeon. “Oh, I know exactly what he did. Troublesome child,” she laugh-chided with a shake of her head.

                “I’m not a chi-” he started to say before he stopped mid-word, her raised brow enough to silence him.

                Jungkook could barely believe his eyes. He glanced between the two and then noticed Yoongi’s gaze shift in his direction. Jungkook suddenly found a very interesting spot in the nearby scenery… But he didn’t miss the way that the Crone… Hyuna, turned her attention to Hyoyeon either though.

                “Don’t worry, dear. He knew exactly what would happen if he let you lead the way. Brat,” she added glancing at him once more before she stepped close to Hyoyeon, all smiles and at complete odds with what she’d been previously. “Hmm. You smell like Namjoon so I’m guessing you’re the newbie in the Coven,” she explained with a deft smile, reaching both hands out to lightly clasp Hyoyeon’s in hers.

                Taken aback, Hyoyeon nodded. “I am. I just joined earlier this month.”

                “Oh, finally! I was wondering when that baby was going to start addressing the serious imbalance in his coven,” she laughed, actively patting Hyoyeon’s hand as she turned to lead the female vampire inside the building. She didn’t even pause to look back at Yoongi and Jungkook.

                It took Jungkook a long moment to realize the baby she was referring to was likely Namjoon, and he blinked in slow confusion. Just how old was she…? Even more lost than before, Jungkook pointed at her and then at himself with a questioning glance at Yoongi.

                In an echoing example of Hyuna, which felt slightly mocking, Yoongi patted his hand and nodded reassuringly. “She’s playing nice right now. Come on,” he added with a snort, jerking his head towards the orphanage.

                Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the answer but didn’t say anything. Yet. He did follow along at Yoongi’s side as they stepped into the building just after Hyuna and Hyoyeon. The space that greeted him was currently empty but open and warm, filled to the brim with pictures along the walls and clearly worn furniture, though everything was still in good repair. Various scents crowded his nose though and it was a struggle attempting to figure them all out so he stopped trying pretty much immediately. Yoongi, or someone, would let him know if it was important. Now or later. For the moment, he could have listened in on the women talking, but he was more fascinated by the pictures on the wall – and one in particular that looked familiar to him. Taking a small step in its direction, he suddenly found himself stalled by Yoongi’s hand holding him in place.

                A smirk crossed his lips and he asked, “That is you, isn’t it?”

                The corner of Yoongi’s mouth curled slightly and he rolled his eyes. “It’s an old picture,” he admitted with a sigh.

                Jungkook frowned and looked back at the image, narrowing his eyes. “How old?” he couldn’t help but ask. Not entirely surprisingly, he hadn’t changed at all. Okay, maybe his hair color had but that was it… Annoyingly, Yoongi just shrugged. But a chill ran up his spine when subtle power washed over them.

                “Oh, Yoongi here was one hundred and twenty-four in this picture,” Hyuna answered as she deftly hooked his arm in hers and looked over at him with a coy smile.

                “Hyuna…” he groaned, smacking his face with an open palm before he slid it down and sighed.

                “It took me a while to convince him to let me do a picture,” she explained to Hyoyeon and Jungkook, glancing at the two matter-of-factly.

                “And I regret it every time I come here,” he reminded her with a plastic smile and side-eyed look.

                “So you say,” she grinned, her manner showing his response was likely just a fussy show. “These are all my children over the years,” she went on, stepping closer to the wall and gesturing with her hands to take in the expanse of images that literally covered the entirety of the space before them and kept going along the length in either direction.

                “How many children have you taken in?” Hyoyeon asked, preempting the question Jungkook wanted to say.

                “Only a few. I don’t really keep track of the specific number,” she demurred shyly, turning the weight of her attention back to Hyoyeon.

                “She does,” Yoongi promised Jungkook quietly, a smirk on his mouth showing he knew very well she would hear him. But Hyuna didn’t react and he clicked his tongue in disappointment.

                There were so many questions going through his mind and he wanted to ask all of them at once, but because Jungkook was mostly looking at Yoongi’s face, he noticed the shift that happened, so quick but so subtle, it would have been all too easy to miss. He gasped as the other vampire loosed his hand and pushed him back a step with a mildly perturbed glance down. His gasp turned to a jerk of shock when Yoongi’s shadow literally moved on its own and the vampire fell through the floor. “Yoongi!” Panic struck him and he looked at Hyoyeon and Hyuna for help or an explanation or something.

                At least Hyoyeon looked as lost as him, but Hyuna appeared completely unflustered by the vampire’s disappearance. “Come here, Jungkook,” she urged, gesturing with his hand in a tone that implied complete calm.


                “He’ll be fine,” she promised, drifting close to catch his arm lightly in hers, much like she did for Yoongi earlier, and then dragged him along to catch Hyoyeon so they could head further into the orphanage. “If he came by more often, such things might not happen to him,” she shrugged, a particularly pleased smile tugging at her lips.

                “Correct me if I’m wrong, but his shadow actually moved,” Hyoyeon commented, holding one finger up and staring intently at the Crone.

                “Correct,” she confirmed with a quick nod and a brilliant smile.

                “And it wasn’t you.”

                “Nope,” she confirmed again, a quick chirp of amused sound.

                Hyoyeon’s eyes widened and she held a hand over . “Then it was a-”

                Hyuna nudged Hyoyeon lightly and clucked her tongue. “It wasn’t an Exile.”

                That made Jungkook’s eyes widen. “I am so lost.”

                “It’s alright,” the Crone promised soothingly, turning a gentle expression to him. “Yoongi is fine. He’ll be back soon enough. For now, I’d like you to meet my other children. They were in classes when you arrived but they should be making their way out soon enough. Either because their teachers are curious or just because they are.” As if on cue, a door down the hall opened and out stepped a short waif of a figure with bright blonde hair and dark circles under his eyes who was currently wearing a perturbed frown. “Byunghyun. I expected you sooner,” she admitted with a light laugh.

                With an eye roll that could rival Yoongi, he turned to look through the doorway and pointed at someone within. “These two decided to see who could beat the other to come see what the fuss was about.”

                A red headed child tumbled out, moving with an almost unnatural force, and nearly collided with Byunghyun in the process. “I won!”

                Immediately after him came a somewhat older looking boy – a teen - with short, spiky blonde hair who seemed to be riding the same unnatural force. “Only because I let you.”

                Byunghyun brushed at his sleeves sending slight puffs of what looked like ash up. “Only because he was trying to put out the fire,” he explained, gesturing at the redhead this time.

                “I had it under control!” he denied, scrambling to his feet and smoothing his hair quickly with both hands before freezing when he realized they had an active audience. “Hi mom,” he murmured, the word coming to his lips uncertainly as he ducked his head in embarrassment.

                “Vampires,” the spiky blonde exhaled with wide eyes.

                “Ugh,” Byunghyun exhaled, smacking them both in the back of the head lightly. “Where are your manners?”

                As if in sync, and like this was a semi-regular occurrence, both jumped up and then bowed, “Sorry!”

                Hyuna laughed, apparently delighted by the display, while Jungkook and Hyoyeon exchanged glances behind her. “Don’t be too hard on them. We both know Wonshik is a bit of a trickster but I’m actually delighted you’re getting along so well, Joshua,” she beamed. “He’s my newest child,” she explained, giving both vampires a bright smile. “He just came to us this month. His abilities are a little much for him right now,” she added behind her hand so as to hide most of the explanation from his ears. “We have guests today though,” she switched up immediately and gestured with her hands. “Come say hi to the new Coven members.”

                “Are they really vampires?” Joshua asked Wonshik, his eyes wide as he looked between the older boy and the guests.

                “Yes, now come on,” Byunghyun answered for him, placing his hands behind either boy and urging them forward.

                “You too, Minzy,” Hyuna called, glancing up.

                Jungkook and Hyoyeon followed her gesture and jerked in surprise at the half-spider, half-girl figure clinging to the ceiling. “Anansi,” the latter murmured in obvious astonishment.

                “Minzy,” Hyuna corrected with a wink and a gentle smile.

                A thin infant’s cry split the air and Hyuna looked around, followed quickly by everyone else. “Sorry!” came the immediate apology from a harried looking cat person whose ears were pinned against his head from the shrill sound.

                Jungkook felt for him and ducked his head reflexively, trying not to cover his own ears. The cat person looked strange in regular human clothes, but he had a pleasant cat face and lovely marbled colorations of dark blonde and brown. The cat person glanced at the gathered crowd and shrugged in mute apology before pausing in front of Hyuna with a rather hopeful look on his face.

                “She’s probably just hungry,” Hyuna crooned, drawing close to drop all pretenses of being a powerful creature before she started making faces and cooing at the baby. Another wail rent the air despite her best efforts and she laughed to herself. “Jisoo honey,” she soothed, conjuring a sparkling ball of dancing colors in her hand. Prime element shades swirled tantalizingly together, catching the baby’s attention despite her closed eyes. Brilliant orbs of sparkling silver focused on the moving light and she opened to make a quiet sound of wonder.

                “Thank you,” the cat person sighed in true relief as he rocked Jisoo in his arms carefully.

                “Here,” she urged, drifting the ball of light to hover over them so that Jisoo remained transfixed. “See if you can get her to eat and if that doesn’t work, I’ll take care of it,” she winked, raising her hand to brush the backs of her fingers against the cat person’s furry cheek.

                He grinned in response, rubbing his face once against her fingers, and nodded. “I’ll be back soon,” he promised, purring in the back of his throat as he turned to take the baby with him towards the kitchen, his tail swinging behind him in slow, languid , obvious through the clear intentional hole in his pants.

                Hyuna waved and then turned her attention to the newcomers once again. Jungkook almost missed it because he was watching the cat person walk off, not sure if he should be impressed by the clothing design or amused. “That was Hyunseong, another caretaker here like Byunghyun,” she explained, gesturing at the short blonde still standing between Wonshik and Joshua. “But we’re missing two. Where are Mingyu and Summer?”

                Byunghyun’s nose wrinkled in frustration and he groaned with another spectacular eye roll. “Summer probably slipped out during morning lessons and knowing Mingyu, he likely followed her. Should I go find them?” he asked, his hand rising like he wanted to touch his face in annoyance before pausing and forcing it back down again.

                “No need,” Hyuna commented with a shake of her head. Her eyes narrowed as her expression turned thoughtful and she nodded once. “If I’m not mistaken, Shownu’s following them. He’ll let me know if something happens,” she promised, apparently satisfied. “Now! Where were we?” she asked, beaming as she turned to look between the two present vampires. “Children. This is Jungkook and Hyoyeon. The newest vampires in the Coven. Remember them well,” she encouraged, gesturing for them to move forward so they could get a better look.

                Jungkook had no idea how to react. Without Yoongi, he felt rather lost in this overwhelming place. Though it seemed Hyoyeon was right at home. She immediately played the part of a big sister and enamored the children with her smiles and charm by asking them questions to get them to open up. Drawn to her like moths to a flame, the present trio left Jungkook mostly alone except for Byunghyun who was giving him a good once over. He was afraid the other man was going to start asking him questions until he was quite literally saved by the two boys.

                “How do you know Yoongi?” “Why did you guys come together?” “How long have you been a vampire?” “Did Yoongi turn you?”

                The questions poured out and he almost didn’t know how to answer. Where he might have tried to be witty, quick amusing responses failed him, and he looked at Hyoyeon and then Hyuna for help. Neither offered him any quarter at all. The former grinned unabashedly at his predicament while she entertained Minzy and the latter let a knowing smile play on her lips, casually leaning against the wall as she watched. Nope. Neither was going to help at all. “Well,” he shrugged, taking a reflexive breath and nodding his head in uncertain acceptance. “I met him in a night club, actually,” he explained, laughing and rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment when he realized how cheesy that sounded.

                The boys didn’t seem to care though. Well, he did get a teasing snort from Wonshik, but Joshua plowed right on with his next question. It didn’t take long for them to move into the kitchen for snacks – for the children and the guests – and Hyunseong joined in then while Hyuna took over, looking after Jisoo as she did so.

                It felt all too much like twenty questions, but the cat person was much better about pulling both vampires into the conversation. Jungkook wasn’t sure how long they talked for. Time seemed to lose all sense of meaning shortly after they’d arrived anyway. But he was just as surprised as everyone else when Hyuna suddenly moved. She glanced up and her arm waved across the room, literally pushing everyone and everything out of the way. It should have been alarming but it barely felt like anything at all. One second, Jungkook was sitting and chatting; the next, he was across the room and watching two shadowy figures falling into the just cleared space.

                “Ugh! You did that on purpose!” the brunette teen girl scowled, jabbing her finger at Yoongi as the shadows in the room gradually receded to their usual locations.

                Yoongi stood up and rolled his shoulders before brushing them off with one hand and then shrugging. “If you say so.”

                “I almost… had… you,” she started to say energetically before she realized they were the center of attention, her voice quieting and trailing off. Immediately, she dropped her head and appeared to try and make herself as small as possible.

                Jungkook didn’t know exactly how, but the air literally shifted. Hyuna was across the room before anyone else could blink, Jisoo still cradled in her arm, the infant sleeping peacefully. Without so much as a word, she raised the girl’s head with her fingers, gave her the warmest smile Jungkook had ever seen, and cupped her cheek tenderly, nothing but sincere love and support. The tension in her body bled away immediately and she released the breath she’d been holding.

                The warmth vanished when Hyuna turned her head to look at Yoongi, a disappointed glare sharp enough to cut through stone settling on him. Jungkook watched the other vampire shrink back just a touch, a sight that was rather unusual for him, and then cringed at the single cluck of Hyuna’s tongue. It was an expression mirrored by just about everybody when he took the quickest look around the room.

                Hyuna’s demeanor shifted again as she turned her focus back to the younger girl. “Come on, love,” she encouraged, wrapping a slender arm around her waist to guide her from the room. “Hyunseong,” she called, glancing back to draw the cat person after them.

                As soon as they filed out, Wonshik made a low whistling sound and added, “You’re in trouble now.” He left shortly after, pulling Joshua with him too.

                “Good job,” Byunghyun congratulated sarcastically, clapping the vampire on the shoulder as he passed by in turn.

                “I feel like there’s a story here,” Hyoyeon commented, eyeing Yoongi as she waited for a response. Jungkook thought she was very brave in that moment. When Yoongi finished rubbing his temples in silence and glared at her, she raised her hands in quiet surrender.

                He grumbled low in his throat and then rolled his eyes before looking at Jungkook. “I’ll tell you later. Just… help me move the stuff back into place first,” he added, grimacing at the displaced tables and chairs.

                Jungkook had no idea what to say and the only thing that made any sense was, “Okay.” He was certain there was a story indeed, but now was not the time to press. Especially with the oppressive air hovering over them.

                By the time they got back to the Coven, Yoongi seemed repentant, or at least chagrined. With a glance between Jungkook and Hyoyeon, he gave a quick response that covered the gist of the problem. By the way he didn’t look at Jungkook, the younger vampire knew Yoongi was holding something back. He held his tongue as Yoongi satisfied Hyoyeon’s immediate curiosity, and then waited while they went their separate ways from the other Rank 3.

                It wasn’t until they reached the solitude and privacy of Yoongi’s room that Jungkook finally demanded an answer. “Alright. What really happened there?” he asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the door as if he would somehow be able to trap the vampire here until he responded.

                Yoongi sighed and slumped down on the edge of his bed, patting it with one hand and looking at Jungkook expectantly. “No tricks,” he added when the younger vampire continued to look at him warily.

                “Fine…” Jungkook trailed off, giving in and moving to sit down next to the other vampire. “Spill it,” he commanded, arms still crossed and an annoyed look on his face.

                Yoongi wrinkled his nose, the ghost of a snort escaping at the same time. Then he nodded as if to himself and started, “Hyosung’s a special case at Sanctuary. She’s…” he trailed off, hesitating as he looked at Jungkook with a searching gleam in his eyes. Apparently satisfied, or perhaps reassured, he continued, “…the current vessel for the Shadow Elemental Prime and I might have set her progress back centuries today.”


(a/n: Apologies for the delay. My muse has not been kind lately and it has taken me far longer than I would have preferred to get past my sticking point. I can admit I'm not wholly satisfied with the chapter - the second half especially feels awkward, but it does at least have the information I wanted to convey. Hopefully I'll be able to get the next update out sooner. I at least know my starting point and it should coincide nicely with swinging back to a couple of other characters too, but I'll let you know as soon as I can. Hopefully you enjoyed the update and will continue to look forward to the next one. Thank you for being patient and happy reading!)

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I should definitely take more plotting walks. XD So many ideas from the one today! Now if only I can get us there... lol At least I have the general layout for the next part in mind, if nothing else. ;)


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Chapter 35: Ooooh nice. See for me it’s always easier to understand something when ppl explain it to me so yoongi going over the kid’s cases and whatnot helped me a lot in that department lol. Thanks for that actually. Till next time ^-^
Chapter 34: I really enjoyed this chapter. I like the relationships budding between the characters. Whether it be romantic or friendly. I also like how yoongi treats kook kinder? Idk if that makes sense but it’s more open and I appreciate it lol. Also he done ed it up at the end there huh lol poor guy. Hates to loose tho huh? Thanks for the update and sorry I’m late ^-^
Chapter 33: Did he really kill it. Pls tell me he really killed it and it didn’t somehow survive Dx
I hope taekwoon gets better (as “better” as he can) especially if hakyeon destroyed the who made him that way. Oh man I hope everything and everyone is ok for a little while at least lol
Chapter 32: Ok ok ok ok woah. First off taekwon, im glad he’s ok, Hakyeon however should probably grow a pair and just visit him. I understand why he isn’t but the nurse lady (im too lazy to check sorry) was right and they both might feel a lil better. Also I feel so bad for jeongmin. Poor baby being threatened like that ):

BUT that whole ending there. I swear I haven’t squealed like that in a while lol. I knew something was going on as soon as namjoon said “nope never mind” lol. He knows what’s up ;) and honestly we all need a namjoon in ou likes. But I’m glad yoongi and kookie are close tho. Like they need each other? BUT I can’t help the feeling that something is gonna happen.
Thanks for the amazing update that made my sugakookie heart explode lol. Till next time :D
Chapter 31: Had some catching up to do lol. Ok ok so firstly wth is up with namjoon and ailee. I’m too slow to piece these things together lol. AND dear lord kook is adorable here. Some much needed sense or normalcy for him I suppose. Amazing update as always! Super excited to see what’s next ;D
Chapter 29: You know I like these chapters because I feel like it’s kinda a behind the scenes to what’s happening in the bigger picture. Like yeah SugaKookie ftw! But nice background too, makes everything come together and makes me WANT to keep reading. Thanks for the update! ^-^ till the next one :D
Chapter 28: YAS!!! Oh man so much going on. Something sus is happening but idk what. I feel a roller coaster coming on

KISS! YES! lol

Thanks for the update (sorry for the tardiness, had a bit going on but I’m here now ^-^ )
Chapter 27: Oooh. Interesting. That is some next level right there. BUT on the bright side yoongi is finally making progress :D
Chapter 26: I swear yoongi is like emotionally constipated