Hot Water

Love is a complicated thing
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"Glad to hear that we have a deal, Mr. Kim." An older man reaches over to shake Taeyeon's hand firmly, which he receives gladly. 
They've finally come to an arrangement with their high priority client which will make an impactful improvement in the financial security of the Kim's company for many years to come. From today on, it is a guarantee that their further expansion into the European market will meet minimal bumps as the last of their long time European clients has signed onto a deal which took years to finalize. 

For the next week or so, Taeyeon would be able to live a normal-ish lifestyle. Maybe this is the opportunity he needed to settle his outstanding personal dilemmas, mainly concerning his daughter and Tiffany. 

In anticipation for the success of this meeting today, their COO has made arrangements for the members of the board to join them at his home for a small exclusive dinner party, giving everyone a chance to familiarize themselves with their newly established business partners whom they will be collaborating with for many years to come. Invitations were sent via e-mail prior to the commencement of their meeting. Taeyeon, as the owner and CEO is automatically obligated to come, so he decides to invite his cousin, Sooyoung to come as his guest. A short notice invitation pops up in Sooyoung's phone in the form of an SOS text message from his shorty cousin. 

From: Tiny Tae

Cousin dearest, please accompany me to a business dinner tonight. I know it's short notice but help a brother out! 
I'll fill you in on what the occassion is later when we meet up at my place, just come! T_T 
It'll begin at 8pm, meet at my place at 7:15pm. I'm expecting you, so please please please show up. 
There will be good food, I promise. 

Sooyoung chuckles as he replies with a quick "Okay dude, calm down." 
Since he's going out with Taeyeon tonight, this means he wouldn't be able to see his lovely girlfriend, Sunny. He takes time to write a  message telling her of the situation and how much in actuality he had wanted to see her. But, there was no way in hell he'd leave his desperate, high stress cousin hanging at a social business function. That type of situation would guarantee a death sentence for the Kim's company. 

"Dammit, Taeyeon. You're gonna get me in trouble for the next month." Sooyoung grumbles as he carefully types a lengthy paragraph highlighting the pros and cons to Sunny of sending Taeyeon to dinner by himself. 


On the other end, Sunny's phone is buzzing uncontrollably from the amount of messages popping up on her locked screen from Sooyoung. She was in the middle of a meeting so she couldn't reply right away, leaving Sooyoung panicked, thinking that he had been shunned. 

"OMG, this big baby." Sunny decides messaging an overthinking romantic "okay" wouldn't be appropriate so she opts to call him instead. 


"Babyyyyy, are you made at meeee?"  

"Goodness, no! Babe, it's a work day today remember? I was in a meeting." 

On the other line, Sooyoung looks around and realizes he's in his office, "....haha oh. Ooops?"

"So dramatic. Anyway, babe, it's okay. You can go with Taeyeon, I have to help settle Tiffany and Seohyun into the house anyway."

"Oh yeah, that's right. How are they?" 

"They're good. Most importantly, how's your idiot cousin?" 

"Ah well, he's extremely on edge. Siwon paid him a visit the day they came back. He's decided to keep his distance for now, which you thought was also the smarter idea. He'd like to properly talk to Tiffany soon though...he's felt immense amounts of guilt and regret these past few years."


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Bellove #1
Chapter 32: Update please....
tyeam0309 #2
Chapter 31: Please update, don't abandon this.
Itshanasanusi #3
Update please.. this story is really good.. please author.
Chapter 32: Please do update
Cant believe i missed reading this story, been occupied with other things, but this is one of my fave
So please do update
Chapter 32: Update.....
Chapter 1: Update plessss
Chapter 32: update please
MLouise_025 #8
Chapter 32: Author-nim update plssss
Chapter 32: Wow i didnt expect that from mr kim. And seohyun sure is a smart kid!
1123 streak #10
Chapter 32: So I assume that the man Seohyun was talking at the park was someone related to her mother... maybe tiff's father? But if that's the cause why didn't he recognise tiffany when he saw her? and so excited to the next chap hehehe