#6 Scenario: Little Knight

I'll B There To C You


I'm back! :)

Btw, my baby laptop is still being fixed so please not to expect me to update frequently, okay?

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So... this #6 scenario is about the little knight in the Park's







Rather than smart, Park Sehun thinks he is just lucky. He likes to observe people especially and helps them out with their problem. Then, when he succeed in solving it, which is usually happened almost all the time, everyone began to call him smart.

Nonetheless, yes, Sehun would never dub himself as smart. He is flustered by the name even, be it he got it from his friends or his daddy’s fans, he couldn’t understand the idea on calling him that.

He once read an article about him, written by someone his daddy claimed as media. The said media believed that him, Park Sehun is the perfect combination of Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun—his parents… yeah.

Anyway, they said he is going to be as good looking as his daddy and become an important figure with a brain like his mama, and then somehow Sehun was afraid to grow up, though he particularly couldn’t wait to get taller than he was at that moment.

Yet again, why does everyone obsess with him too much?


Sehun heard that word coming from his Jongdae uncle before. His uncle was asking his daddy if his daddy is scared too with so many people obsessing on him. And when his daddy replied to his uncle that he just didn’t want the obsession to take a toll on his children, Sehun started to use his observing skill to a level up.

He is now observing people to get to know their real intention. In case someone acted nice to him and his siblings to receive something in return and not because she or he genuinely wanted to, Sehun would merely brushed off the person. He didn’t mind if his action would come out as rude too, because the reactions he has gotten so far already upset him enough.

Apparently, his daddy’s fans love his sour face a lots more than actually getting intimidated by him.

“Sehunnie hyungie? Are you done yet?”

“Yeah hyungie… can you tell us now what is this article about?”

Sehun lifts his head up from the smartphone in his hand to two identical faces in front of him. He sighs as he remembers the reason why the twins came to him earlier. They couldn’t read well yet and so they asked him to read this one article they found for them.

Still, here comes the big problem then. How can he, the ever reliable hyung for the twins, tell them that the article they are curious about is actually a popular post talking about the endless list of their mama’s admirers?

His brothers are only 6. They won’t get it why there are so many guys and ladies alike taken a liking on their mama when the pretty male has their daddy. They would probably mistook the word obsession as a kind of food.

And here is the biggest problem. His mama is very pretty that it keeps him jittery, and is it normal for a 8 years old to get stressed already?

Ever since his mama appeared in one of the episodes in Superman, people in every ranges of age have been talking about his mama’s beauty. They were captivated and later, it gradually becomes a daily thing to see a news mentioning stuffs like Guy A said his mama is his ideal type or Actress B envies his mama’s fair skin in the internet.

Sehun was and is not happy about it one bit. His mama is belong to his daddy only!

“It’s nothing, Seoeonnie… Seojunnie”, Sehun mutters as he hands the device back onto Seoeon’s palm. “It’s only about some people praising mama”

“Really?”, Seojun asks in an excited tone, and Sehun realizes the younger twin’s lips lift in a smile as he nods.

“Then hyungie… this isn’t nothing. Mama said we should say thank to anyone who said good things on us. Hyungie, can we say our thank you to these people later?”

Sehun clears his throat as he tries hard not to notice the hopeful gleam in both of the twins’ eyes. “Well… maybe we can”. ‘In the next thousand years’

Seoeon and Seojun immediately let out a cheer at his words and somewhat Sehun feels bad for misleading his brothers. But, he trusts in the particular idiom at this point—ignorance is bliss.

“Okay Seoeonnie, Seojunnie… can you return daddy’s phone to him now? Daddy must be looking for it, you know?”

Seoeon grins as he hides the phone behind him fast. “I don’t want. I still haven’t finished playing a frog game in this”, he says as he runs off, leaving his brother and his twin, and Sehun quickly turns to Seojun with one raised eyebrow.

“I believe in you, Park Seojun. Please tell Park Seoeon to give the phone back to daddy, okay?”

“It’s fine, hyungie. Daddy is busy getting his make-up done. Daddy won’t realizes his phone is missing”

“Yah you!—“

And Sehun gives up as Seojun’s retreating back slowly leaves his sight. ‘That brats’

Sehun then glances around the entire studio room he is in and watches as the workers there walk past him from here and there. Although it’s a break time now, they seem to be working hard to prepare for the next scene in the commercial that his whole family and he are filming for.

Sehun wonders whether it is his family’s third or their fourth commercial in this year alone, however, it is not like he paid his mind on all of them much. Sehun enjoyed the new filming experience for each of the commercials and loves his family’s different way in spending time together.

But then, he came to dislike some workers who weren’t in any of the filming sets to work but shamelessly trying to get close to his mama, daddy or siblings instead.

Like right at the moment…

Sehun’s eyes twitches in displeasure as they catches the same ahjussi who keeps gluing to his mama since this morning. ‘Is this ahjusshi a stylist or a glue man?’

He couldn’t blame his pretty mama for being oblivious though, because even if he is the best surgeon, his mama is surely clueless about people’s advancements towards him. ‘I knew I’m right. That scary ahjusshi is really looking at mama with that same hearty eyes that my homeroom teacher always sends to my PE teacher’

Sehun won’t tolerate it anymore and he gets up from his seat. He takes some giant steps to the ahjusshi’s direction and tugs the older male’s sleeve when he reaches his side.

The ahjusshi turns around and instantly bends his knees a little so that he could be on the same eye level with him. ‘Urgh he is mocking my height. Another reason to hate him’

“Yes, Sehunnie? How can I help you?”, the ahjusshi asks in a cheerful sort of manner, and Sehun mentally pats himself as he manage a smile before the enemy.

Ahjusshi, can you please fix my hair? I think it’s a little messy up there”

“Oh yeah… right. Come sit here. I’ll make it handsome for you again”

As the older male puts a hair gel on his hair, Sehun begins his countdown to start his plan.





‘Go Park Sehun!’


Ahjusshi… do you know my daddy?”, Sehun asks and he smiles slightly when the stylist looks clearly taken back with his question.

“Of… of course. Everyone knows him. Why shouldn’t I?”

“Well who knows?”, Sehun replies as he stares at the ahjusshi’s reflection from the big mirror in front of him and smiles wider when he notices the obvious discomfort on the male’s face.



Ahjusshi, do you know that my daddy could catch a really huge bug with his bare hand?”

And it is a complete lie because his daddy would just run at the presence of the smallest bug. The one who can catch the bug is actually his Junmyeon uncle. But, once again, ignorance is bliss, which is in this case, a total bliss for him.

“Oh… r-really? Wow… your daddy must be strong, isn’t he?”

“Eung. Very, very, very strong”, Sehun says, purposely emphasizes the word very a bit too much. “My Jongdae uncle said no one dared to come close to my mama at school because they were afraid of my daddy. My Jongin uncle also said that my daddy’s punch is really hurt”

“I-Is it t-true?”

Sehun nods, still all smiley. “I don’t know but Jongin uncle told me that the guy who got hit by my daddy was…”, he pauses as he looks directly at the stylist’s unfocused eyes through the mirror.

“Y-yes? What’s happened to that guy?”

“He was hospitalized for a week”

A non-stop, loud cough coming from the ahjusshi straight away and Sehun silently chuckles before innocently asking him if he is okay or not. The older male, of course, waves his hand and assures Sehun that he is alright.

As if on cue, his mama enters the makeshift make-up room and hears the coughing. “Oh… are you okay, Jaejung-shi?”, his mama asks and Sehun wants to laugh his lungs out as he sees the ahjusshi turns stiff at once.

“Y-yes I’m…”. Cough. “Fine. No… no… don’t…”. Cough. “Don’t come to me, Baekhyun-shi”

“Eh… why?”

“J-just because”

The ahjusshi walks out of the room shortly afterwards and Sehun couldn’t help laughing for real.

“Weird… I wonder why Jaejung suddenly acts like that”

Sehun shrugs as he grabs his mama’s hand, making the latter to glance down at him. “Who knows? Maybe he hates hospital?”











Or maybe this Jaejung needs to listen to the full story from 8 years old Sehun first. The guy who got punched by his daddy really did have to stay at the hospital for a week. But, it was solely because of his appendix…










One of you asked me about how the triplets look like. So... these images are what I imagine them every times

Park Sumi (18 months old)

Park Seul (18 months old)

Park Sun (18 months old)











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SORRY. I wanted to put an update but I'm so busy lately... the peak of working 9-5


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