#5 Scenario: Milk Bottle

I'll B There To C You

Hi! How are you guys doing?

I'm a bit sad today because my laptop is down with uninvited virus. Please pray for my baby's speed recovery, okay? It's currently getting treated at my friend's 'hospital' >.< (That's also why I took a long time to update. I had to type on my phone & you already knew how & awkward is it, right?)

Anyway, don't forget to upvote & leave a comment ^^

So... this #5 scenario will tell you who is the real superman in Superman xD







His mother used to say something absurd to him on the day he got married to Baekhyun. That in case he planned to have many children later, he should avoid making a big between the kids. She claimed that siblings who have a little gap between themselves are likely getting well with each other, like him and Yoora, but nothing similar could be said to those siblings who have a giant gap in their year.

However, being himself, of course Chanyeol laughed his mother off, joking it was just her intention not to let his one and only son having many kids. And since it was his wedding day and he felt nervous like hell before the ceremony, Chanyeol eventually put the thing his mother told him in the back of his mind and soon, it was forgotten.

Exactly after two years of marriage, Sehun was born and unexpectedly, their first born became a big brother just in a couple of years as well. Chanyeol though, didn’t think much as he looked at his boys and wondered how they get along oh-so easily. There was some time when Sehun did act like a boy around his age—brat and childish, yet, he was still a reliable hyung towards Seoeon and Seojun in almost other time.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun were thankful for Sehun then, but maybe they should had prepared for the worst enough. Chanyeol especially, couldn’t help recalling back his mother’s past words these days.

Now that the triplets are born, he began to notice the twins’ behaviour change. It is not that serious, yet again, Chanyeol thought he shouldn’t let it pass when the twins started to want nearly everything the girls have. Be it new clothes, toy or food, the twins would throw a tantrum if they didn’t get the same stuff as the triplets.

But, how could Chanyeol reprimand Seoeon and Seojun merely for that when they remained to be such lovely oppas around Sumi, Seul and Sun?

Chanyeol is worried to death and Baekhyun was aware of it, yet his wife simply assured him that the twins were only getting used to be someone, no, there girls’ older brothers. Nonetheless, his mother’s not-so-absurd words kept bugging him and he finally asked himself one bizarre question.

‘Is it because the twins have five years gap with the triplets?’




“I want to drink in a milk bottle!”




Chanyeol inwardly sighs as he put the last milk bottle, which he realized that it has been in someone’s radar since a moment ago, into Sun’s eager mouth.

That someone is fortunately doesn’t get joined by his twin today otherwise Chanyeol wouldn’t know how to handle two 6 years old boys demanding for a milk bottle. Though one boy alone is getting him headache already.

“No, Park Seojun. You’re a big boy now. You drink with your cup like daddy, mama, Sehunnie hyung and—“

“Me!”, Seoeon interrupts with his high pitched voice, but Chanyeol sends him an appreciative smile nonetheless before giving his attention back towards Seojun.

“Yes, like Seoeon”, he mutters, as he adjusts Sun’s position in his arm while at the same time making sure that the bottle is being held horizontal to .

Like Baekhyun once said, Sun is a daddy girl and she refused to let anyone but only Chanyeol to feed her milk.

Chanyeol surely takes proud of the youngest triplet’s biasness all the time, however, he somewhat hope the 18 months old could have her milk herself at this point. Certainly not when one of her oppa is still crying his lung out.   

“I want my juice in a bottle too! I want it! I want it!”

“Seojunnie… no. This bottle is for dongsaengie, alright?”, Chanyeol says as calm as he could. “Go grab your own cup or you won’t get any juice at all”

They were at their long dining table, having a soursop juice and honey melon sent by a fan, when Seojun suddenly asked for a milk bottle after he saw each Sumi and Seul getting one bottle for themselves. Chanyeol swears that it was ridiculous. If the girls was eating a snack and Seojun wanted it too, he could have just bought some more.

But, a milk bottle? Seriously?

“I want a bottle! I want Sun’s bottle! I want to have my juice in Sun’s bottle!”

“Stop it, Park Seojun. Sun’s bottle is hers!”, Chanyeol couldn’t help it as he raises her voice a bit. For a second, he forgot about the cameramen and all the cameras installed in the house. “You’re being naughty so no juice for you. Get you chair and sit at the corner now!”

The room becomes silent at once, saves for the soft noises coming from the triplets, and Chanyeol then feels his heart sinks in guilt when he notices a fresh batch of tear wells up in his youngest son’s eyes.


“I-I don’t want to be in the corner…”, Seoeon cries harder and his tear-soaked face just made his daddy feeling heavier. “…I want my bottle only”


“Daddy, Sumi and Seul are done with their milk. Can I put Seojunnie in this thinking chair then?”

Chanyeol stares down at Sehun with one arched brow as he knew better that the younger had never liked it if he put the twins in a time-out before. But just when he is about to question the boy’s intention, Sun lets out a whimper and then a cough that Chanyeol has no choice but to allow Sehun in whatever he intended to do.

“Come back here after 10 minutes are up”, Chanyeol reminds Sehun and the boy instantly nods, before grabbing his brother’s hand and pulls him into the playroom.

Seojun’s cry could still be heard loud and clear throughout the house and Chanyeol heaves a sigh yet again. His eyes trail on the cameramen that look at him in a mix of sympathy and amused at the very moment.


“Is Sehunnie hyungie getting punished too?”

Chanyeol looks down at Seoeon and shakes his head. “No… he only keeps Seojunnie a company”, he says as he rubs and pats Sun’s back to help her burping.

“Really? But why did hyung take Seul’s milk bottle?”

“He d-did?”

“Eung. Look… Seul doesn’t have her bottle with her now”

Chanyeol takes a quick glance at his girls and notices the missing bottle straight away. Only Sumi is holding hers, whereas Seul has a pacifier stick in already.

‘Oh God… don’t tell me Sehun gives the bottle to Seojun’. Shiver begins to run down his spine as the thought comes into his mind. Chanyeol wouldn’t forget how challenging is it trying to stop the twins from using their milk bottle. Because it was that difficult too, his wife even went as far as going to pray at two different temples, and of course, he had to tag along.

“Seoeonnie, look after your sisters, can you?”, Chanyeol puts Sun on her high chair as he asks, and without waiting for his son’s reply, he rushes to the playroom.

Chanyeol realizes that the door is slightly ajar and so he takes a step inside before halting himself when he hears Sehun and Seojun talking.

“Yuck! It doesn’t taste good!”

“See? Hyung told you it’ll taste weird, didn’t I?”

Chanyeol quietly peeks inside the room and sees the familiar milk bottle in Sehun’s hand, but surprisingly Seojun is looking at the said bottle like it is a cucumber. Yes, amongst the kids, it is just the boy that inherited Baekhyun’s hatred towards cucumber.

“Fine… I don’t want a milk bottle anymore”

“Good. But you have to apologize to daddy later, alright? It wasn’t nice of you to act like that just now”

“But daddy—“

“Seojunnie, daddy is tired, you know? He has to go to work… he needs to take care of dongsaengie, Seoeon, hyung and you. So… if you can’t help daddy much, please don’t t tiring him, hurm?”


“And how about the sorry?”

“I-I’ll say sorry to daddy”

“Good choice! Now give hyung high five, Park Seojun”

A wide smile spreads across Chanyeol’s face at the sight of his two sons as he carefully closes the door to the room. He waits outside and soon, his first born walks out, a little taken back to see him there, yet the younger lifts up the milk bottle in his grip and smiles cheekily.

“I put mayonnaise on the bottle’s , daddy”

“Oh… is that’s why the juice tastes funny to Seojunnie?”, Chanyeol asks as he finally gets the whole picture of the situation by now.












The milk bottle scene gets shown in the next Superman episode, and the fans starts to call 8 years old Sehun the real superman since then.














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SORRY. I wanted to put an update but I'm so busy lately... the peak of working 9-5


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