#4 Scenario: Strong & Brave

I'll B There To C You


A little angst for ya because today is Monday :3

Don't forget to upvote & leave a comment, okay?

I might not going to post any scenarios tomorrow & the day after that (I want to give my heart, mind & soul solely on Cheese On The Trap ep. 11-12). But, who knows, right? >.<

So... this #4 scenario is about the little(?) struggle ChanBaek had to face just before they could meet the triplets...







If Baekhyun remembered right, his ob-gyn, Dr. Lee once mentioned to him that his estimated due date would be on 31st December. So, though he should had known about it better, he didn’t expect that the first pain he felt during the Christmas eve dinner was the beginning of the whole labour pain. He thought he is going to celebrate his Christmas hospital free, okay?

This year too, it is actually his and Chanyeol’s turn to welcome everyone—families and friends, to their house for the annual dinner. Hence, like the first one, Baekhyun simply ignored the second strike of pain as well. He also brushed off some of the guests who stopped him and asked whether he is okay or not, assuring them that he is perfectly fine.

But, Baekhyun thought it was getting difficult to lie and so he hastily grabbed the arm of the nearest person to him and clutched it hard.

“Woah… woah Baekhyun… I knew you miss me but—“

The person, who turned out to be Jongdae cut his teasing, and Baekhyun was glad because he swore he won’t hesitate to break the male’s arm just to knock some senses into his head. “You… y-you okay, B-baek?”

“C-call Chan… y-yeol”


Another surge of pain hit him like crazy and Baekhyun just didn’t care with everything anymore when he yelled the next four words.





Chanyeol worriedly appeared on his side a few moments, and before he got to tell his husband what the hell was happening to him there, the latter swept him off the floor. Everyone seemed to have an idea about the situation later and made a way for them until they got to the front door. For a brief second, Baekhyun wished Chanyeol didn’t just acted that dramatic anyway.

However, as the pain got worsened in like each time he did the breathing method, Baekhyun gave up his conscious and urged Chanyeol to drive faster.

“Please, Baek. I already over the speed limit”

Baekhyun was sure that Chanyeol merely meant to calm him down, yet as their car hit the 5th red light that night, he decided he couldn’t stay still.





They reached the hospital shortly after that. From the corner of his eyes, Baekhyun saw Dr. Lee and two male nurses jogging up towards their car, and a puzzled look must had been plastered all over his face when his ob-gyn quickly explained that someone named Byun Baekbeom called the hospital to prepare for him. Baekhyun wordlessly nodded before he was then helped by the staffs to sit on a wheelchair and being pushed through the hospital’s entrance.




“We’ll have to put you under a surgery fast, Dr. Byun or else it won’t be good for one of the babies”

“W-what did you mean?”, Baekhyun asked weakly from his laying position. “W-what h-happened?”, he continued when Dr. Lee looked hesitate to tell him anything.

Damn! He is the babies’ mother. He deserved to not leave on the dark. Moreover, he is a doctor himself. He knew how to be professional… maybe not

“One of the triplets… the smallest one… she has her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. So we need to act fast or—“

‘She might get choked’

“—She might get choked”

Baekhyun felt his hand getting squeezed by Chanyeol’s bigger one, but he couldn’t help the tears that began to roll down his cheeks. His baby. All that he could think then was his baby.

“Just proceed with what you thought was the best, doc”

Baekhyun heard his husband said the final words after a while.






“I-I’m scared”

“Don’t be”, Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hand towards his lips and kissed it softly. His other hand then caressed the baby bump before him. “Everything will be okay, Baek, I promise”

“How can you be so sure?”, Baekhyun asked just at the same time a single tear escaped his left eye. Chanyeol saw it and gently wiped it away using his thumb.

Baekhyun and him have changed into their surgery scrub, waiting for the exact time they would be called in, however, he already felt like a failure for not being able to give the comfort his wife would need at this very moment.

He was scared too, yes, but he didn’t want to show it in front of Baekhyun.

Like his sister, Yoora said to him in their phone call just now, he would like to be his wife’s strength if the latter couldn’t find it in his own self.

“Because you’re the bravest person I have ever met, Baekhyunnie”

However, as for now, he wanted to help Baekhyun to come over his fear and gained his much needed strength back first.

 “I-I’m not… Yeol-ah… w-what if—“

“Look Baekhyun… there shouldn’t be a thing like what if, alright? Our girls will be fine. You’ll be fine. All the six of us will be fine. Think positive, Baek. Think only the happy things. Think all the things that you would want to do with the girls”

“I… I don’t know, Yeol. I-I don’t know”

“Baek… please”

“I-I’m not brave”

Chanyeol brought the petite male’s hand up to his lips and kissed it, longer than before. “No, trust me, Baekhyunnie. You’re brave. Very brave. And our girl will be like you too. A brave fighter”

Another freshly batch of tears welled down to his wife’s cheek, but Chanyeol let them dried themselves this time.

“Do you remember that time in Grade 11, Baek? When you gave Mr. Jung’s car four flat tires because he unfairly kicked Jongin out of our school’s soccer team. That was the first time I met with such brave person, you know?”


“And do you remember the punch you gave to Jongdae during college because you thought he wasn’t serious with Yixing back then? That was the next time you proved to me how brave you actually are, hurm?”

A faint smile slowly spread across Baekhyun’s face and Chanyeol smiled back in return. “I love you, Baekhyun. Even when you were Byun Baekhyun and now, Park Baekhyun. I’m still love you. Show me you’re strong, will you? You’re the girls’ mama. You got to be strong and brave so that they would be able to do well too”

Chanyeol carefully asked as he stared at the tear-stained face, and a nod from Baekhyun afterwards was more than enough as an answer to him.













Chef celebrity and Superman’s dad, Park Chanyeol (36) and his wife, Mr. B (36) have given birth to healthy triplets.

On 25th December, Chanyeol took instagram by storm when he posted a 10-seconds video of the triplets with a heartfelt caption, “Thanks for staying strong, girls. Happy Birthday!”

Even there were said to be a complication during the giving birth process but the mother and the newborn triplets are said to be healthy and recovering.

Congratulation to Park Chanyeol and his family for the good news!


[+976 377, -2] Sehunnie, Seoeonnie & Seojunnie: “We’re oppa now”… Congrats!

[+86 447, -15] Congratulation, Park Eel! Wow! 6 kids wow!

[+67 348, -0] My sister is a nurse in that XX hospital. There was indeed a complication, but looked like the triplets are a fighter

[+9 129, -1] Congratulation… can’t wait for the new, proper pictures of the triplets












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SORRY. I wanted to put an update but I'm so busy lately... the peak of working 9-5


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