#3 Scenario: We're Your Oppa

I'll B There To C You


I'm back with a new scenario again. I hope you haven't get sick of the story yet >.<

Don't forget to upvote and leave a comment, mkay?

So... this #3 scenario is about the boys and the triplets' little moment...







After greeting the cameramen inside the apartment, Baekhyun slowly wobbles to the kitchen, occasionally letting out a huff because God knows how tiring is it to move around with additional kilos attached to him. He swears that it already felt like an achievement if he managed to walk for about 10 steps these days.

Not that he was complaining nor feeling any remorse towards his situation now. “Right, girls?”, Baekhyun mumbles softly as he looks down to his 9 months old baby bump. He feels a kick against his left palm which he put on his swollen belly and smiles sweetly.

“Good morning to you too, Aeri 1”, Baekhyun says as he imagines Aeri 1 being a permanent morning alarm clock in their household. Nonetheless, he would know that meal time is nearing when Aeri 2 starts kicking, while Aeri 3 only responds if she hears Chanyeol’s voice—what a daddy’s girl.

‘Perhaps that’s why you has been too quiet, hurm, Aeri 3?’, the doctor mutters inwardly as his mind naturally goes to his husband.

Due to some internal issues in his restaurant, Chanyeol couldn’t come home since yesterday, and Baekhyun understands him. It is just he felt incomplete getting only Aeri 1 and Aeri 2’s reactions in a day.

Baekhyun wishes Chanyeol to come home sooner as it is awkward to handle all the cameramen and the cameras alone too, though he isn’t exactly on his own since the boys are with him. Like right at the moment…

“Mama, can I cut the apples?”

“Mama, Seoeonnie poured too much milk into my cereal bowl and it spilled already!”

“Mama, I want to cut the apples”

“But mama… it’s Seojunnie’s fault. He picked up his bowl before I finished pouring the milk so that’s how it got spilled”

“Mama, the apples?”

Baekhyun closes his eyes and waits for a while before opening them again. This is actually the main reason why he needs Chanyeol to pop out magically in the house.

He grabs a knife and gives it to his eldest son afterward. “Be careful, okay? Cut only for the four of us”

“What if those camera ahjusshi want some?”, Sehun asks, and Baekhyun feels half pissed and half proud at the 7 years old’s thoughtfulness slash non-stop questions.

“Then Sehunnie… cut three more, can you?”

Sehun immediately nods his head before rushing to get the apples in the fridge, and Baekhyun heaves a faint sigh as he turns around to the twins.

“What should you do if you spill a drink, Seoeonnie?… Seojunnie?”

“But it’s Seoeonnie—“

“Well no, Seojunnie. You’re a part of the blame too. You should had picked up your bowl after Seoeonnie is done pouring the milk, shouldn’t you?”

A nod.

“And you, Seoeonnie… what did mama ask you earlier?”

“I need to fill the bowl up to the half of it only”

“So… did you do that?”

Seoeon looks up at Baekhyun and pouts. “No… I’m sorry, mama”

“Fine, it’s okay. You could do a better job next time”, Baekhyun replies as he sweeps the older twin’s hairs back off his forehead. “But now… take some paper towels and wipe away the mess, okay, you two?”


Baekhyun lets out a deep sigh as soon as the twins leave him. His eyes trail to each of his boys after that and wonders how long the peace could last this time. Even so, he wants to give Chanyeol a standing ovation for going through almost a year in Superman coolly.

 The corner of his eyes then catch the familiar white particles falling outside the house and he sighs yet again.

“Wah! it’s snowing!”

“But it’ll be very cold”

“Are we going to stay inside today too?”

‘Movie time after breakfast likely’, Baekhyun mumbles to himself and he receives a few light kicks from Aeri 2 suddenly.

Baekhyun chuckles as he gently pats the spot where Aeri 2 kicked him just now. “Be patient, hurm? Your oppas are still preparing the food”











After some good minutes choosing the movies, the boys finally decided on Frozen and Baekhyun couldn’t help rolling his eyes straight away. “Again? We watched it many times already, don’t you think?”

“But mama… Herin noona said that we must watch Frozen during snowy day”

Tsk. ‘You’ve watched it during sunny, rainy and cloudy day too’, yet Baekhyun keeps that comment unvoiced as Sehun just put the DVD inside the player and soon the movie starts itself.

After all, Baekhyun sort of expected that this kind of thing would happen when his boys befriend with Kim Herin, Kyungsoo’s first born, who is also a Frozen maniac. And, he is thankful enough that the kids wanted to stay seated for a two hours long movie instead of demanding him to do something else.

He is heavily pregnant and he surely couldn’t keep up with the boys’ level of energy later if they settled on playing games, cooking or what.

However, as Elsa finished singing her heart content while building her ice castle up, Baekhyun begins to feel sluggish that he slowly lies against his back on the single long couch. He closes his eyes, trying to get some sleep but he can’t seem to do so when Aeri 2 does summersault inside him.

Baekhyun glances up at the clock hanging on the wall before shutting his eyes close back. ‘No wonder… it’s almost 12’

The doctor feels two little hands carressing his clothed, huge stomach later and he smiles softly as Aeri 2 seems to calm down a bit from the touch.

Still pretending to be asleep, Baekhyun knows by now that it was the twins whose hands on his baby bump. Seoeon and Seojun definitely don’t really like having to turn down their noise while they are at something.

“Hyungie! Sehunnie hyungie! I can feel dongsaeng moved just now. I think that’s Sumi!”

Sumi?’, his ears perk up at the unfamiliar name, but Baekhyun just keeps up his sleeping beauty façade.

“Where? Where is it? I want to feel Sumi too”

“No… not you, Seojunnie. Sumi is mine. Go find your Seul instead”

“Sumi is my sister, okay?”

“But I’m the one who named her, huh?”

“Yah! Yah! You two! You don’t want to wake mama up, don’t you?”

Meanwhile the said mama is very much awake at this point. Baekhyun may add that he is taken back at the moment too. How can’t he not? After nine freaking months, he finally has gotten the access to his boys’ top secret, which is the triplets’ name.

He is in dilemma now whether he should be overjoyed by the revelation or feeling bad for his sons.

‘Sumi… Seul’, he repeats the names in his mind excitedly. ‘Sumi means excellent beauty… Seul means greenish pearl. Ah… thanks God they picked such good names’

‘But what about Aeri 3?’, Baekhyun suddenly realizes that there is another one name missing when he senses a brief movement from the future daddy girl. Aeri 3 must has fallen in love with Sehun’s voice before.

“Sehunnie hyungie, didn’t you want to talk to Sun?”

‘Ah… Sun… goodness’

“I wanted to… but mama won’t get to rest if I did”

“Eh? Mama is sleeping now though?”

“Yes, but the girls will move a lots if we talk to them. Mama can’t sleep well when they do so, alright?”

Baekhyun feels his heart swelling with proud delight as he listens to Sehun. He had no idea the younger would remember the things Chanyeol said to him years ago, when he was pregnant with the twins. Baekhyun thinks Sehun is smart then that he got to apply the same concept and told his brothers about it.

“Oh… is it true? Then I won’t talk to the girls too much after this. I want mama to rest a lots”

“Me too! Mama gets tired easily. I don’t want him to get more tired”

“Good! So… if you two aren’t watching Frozen anymore, can you take a bath now?”

“Hyungie, can I bring my duck toy into the tub?”

“My Gundam figures too?”

“Of course. But promise with hyung that you won’t leave your toys there, okay?”


Baekhyun waits until he is sure that all of his sons have left the living room, before opening his eyes. He looks around as he gets up and notices that the boys already cleaned up the mess they made before, putting a smile on his face instantly.

“Your oppas are so kind, right, Sumi, Seul, Sun?”, Baekhyun asks and receives three simultaneous kicks afterwards.











That particular talking-to-mama-baby-bump scene doesn’t appear in the next Superman episode anyway, due to Baekhyun’s request.











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SORRY. I wanted to put an update but I'm so busy lately... the peak of working 9-5


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