#2 Scenario: 3 is...

I'll B There To C You





Firstly, THANK YOU guys! I was very shocked when I logged into my AFF account this morning ^^v

I've read all the comments & I wanna say that I really, really appreaciate you guys' kind words, suggestions and all. Thanks again!

So... if you think it isn't too much for you, can you upvote this story too? I want to get featured as well... lmao no way? Oh... did you just tell me to keep dreaming? Fine... >.<

Anyway, this #2 scenario is about the boys' true feeling about the new addition in their family...




“I swear you’ve been spending your time with my laptop more than me, sunbae”




Baekhyun turns in the direction of the voice and immediately sees the usual teasing grin from the intern standing behind him. “So?”, he asks with an arched eyebrow.

The intern—Taehyung plops on the unoccupied seat next to his work desk, which has been claimed frequently over the past six months by the senior before him, and smile suggestively.

“Sunbae, shall I charge you per hour from now on, hurm?”

Baekhyun grimaces and shots the younger male a look. “You, Kim Taehyung… have been having a proper 3 a day meal thanks to my husband. So be nice and pay me back with your Macbook, alright?”

Taehyung snorts as he mumbles quietly about how Park Chanyeol is indeed kind and treats him delicious foods in exchange for looking after his pregnant wife in the hospital, unlike the said pregnant wife himself.

“What did you say?”, Baekhyun asks distractedly as his eyes keep gluing to the screen before him, giving Taehyung a brief heart attack because God knows he will be dead if the pregnant male caught his rant earlier.

Pregnancy could dig someone’s inner demon, he concluded when he saw Baekhyun yelled at a nurse for misplacing two patients’s medical charts which the senior could had easily forgave the small mistake during his baby carrying-free days.

“Nothing, sunbae. Nothing”, Taehyung says as he looks over Baekhyun’s shoulder. “What are you watching anyway?”, he asks, successfully changes the topic and even his senior’s mood as he sees a soft smile tugging at the latter’s lips.

“Oh… what’s else?”, Baekhyun mutters in a rather cheerful voice as he naturally move aside for his junior. “I’m watching the live bora of my Chanyeol and our kids. It’s Park Myungsoo’s Dating radio show, you know? Look… you see that matching outfits on the twin? I chose and put on them myself this morning, can you believe me, Taehyungie?”

Taehyung pauses and clears his throat as he takes a quick glance at the older male. Pregnant people is really scary, he thinks, still feels the shiver all over the body owing to the sudden endearment that senior of his used on him.

“Y-yeah… that outfits are c-cute”, the intern replies awkwardly as he turns to the show playing on the screen back.


“So Park Chanyeol-shi… I heard your wife is pregnant with triplets. Don’t you feel sorry at all?”


The bold question from Park Myungsoo makes Baekhyun burst into uncontrollable giggles that he needs to wipe his laughter tears off his face, paying no heed to Taehyung who looks at him like he has gone crazy.

But, if being sorry means his husband gets extra sweet and romantic towards him, then Baekhyun would love it for Chanyeol to be sorry forever.


“We’ve just listened to Park Chanyeol’s answer to my question earlier. Well to sum his long explanations up, Park Chanyeol basically said he merely put his wonderful stamina for a good use”

“W-what? Ah… hyungnim… please no”


After a while of seeing his husband whines to Park Myungsoo, Baekhyun couldn’t take it anymore and laughs his lungs out for another time. He even thinks to shower the DJ with a lots of gifts for bringing Chanyeol’s childish side out.

‘Daddy is adorable, right, girls?’, Baekhyun smiles as he caresses his 6 months old baby bump.


“Alright… alright… I’ll leave Park Chanyeol to take care of his red face first. Meanwhile… let me ask the kids in the studio now. How is it? You’re getting three younger sisters soon. Are you guys happy?”



And Baekhyun feels his heart swelling with pride as he hears the high pitched answer. Like Chanyeol, his sons surprisingly welcomed his pregnancy with open arms. Moreover, he realized that the boys have been behaving very well after they were told about the news.

Seojun has stopped wetting his bed sheet lately.

Seoeon is no longer picking up a fight with his twin.

Whereas Sehun, he helped with the house chores almost all the time.

In short, Baekhyun could see the three boys maturing up a bit ever since they learnt about the triplets inside him.


“Okay Sehunnie… have you help your mama and daddy with the babies’ name yet?”

“I did”

“Oh… my God! Really? Then… can you tell uncle the name here?”

“No, daddy said I shouldn’t tell it to others. Not until my sisters are born”

“Ah… is that so? But how about you whisper to my ear instead? I promise I won’t tell anyone, Sehunnie”

“I can’t. Daddy is here”

“You can’t tell uncle if your daddy is here watching you?”


“Fine, Park Chanyeol-shi… please get out now”


Baekhyun goes into another fit of laughter as Chanyeol stands up and pretends to get to the door when Park Myungsoo asks the boys to wave their daddy goodbye. Baekhyun loses himself again when Seoeon innocently asks Chanyeol why he’s still there.

On the other hand, Baekhyun knew that Chanyeol doesn’t know the triplets’ name either. Even to him, Sehunnie and the twins have been very secretive over that main detail of their younger sisters. That is why, Chanyeol and him just settled on Aeri—Aeri 1, Aeri 2, and Aeri 3—whenever they wanted to talk to the girls.

As long as the boys come out with three decent name, along with a good meaning attached to them, Baekhyun doesn’t mind waiting for 3 months more


“Ah… I had a year worth of laughing today because of our cutie Park Seoeon. Seoeon-ah, what do you want to be when you grow up?”

“I want to be a police”

“Me too! Me too!”

“Gosh… what to do? What to do? Both of the twins want to be a police. Well Park Chanyeol-shi… you can stay as a chef on your own then. So… Seoeonnie, Seojunnie… why do you like to be a police? Do you want to catch many bad guys?”

“Yes! Mama said we must protect dongsaengie”

“You meant you want to protect dongsaengie from the bad guys?”



“Boys, protect your daddy from your mama first, alright?”

Baekhyun narrows his eyes to the intern beside him, and the single gesture silences the younger male at once.


“I see…it’s now obvious that you guys love your younger sisters so much. Congratulation to you, Park Chanyeol-shi”

“Ah… yeah. Thank you, hyungnim”

“Welcome… ah… no… no… don’t smile too wide, Chanyeol-shi. The real taste of life hasn’t yet began for you”


Baekhyun nods in understanding at the doubled meaning words as he later could feel the girls moving inside him, as if they want to comfort their mama.

6 kids. Anyone won’t even dare to think of the total amount Chanyeol and him would have to spend on all the kids in the future.

Food, clothes, their education, other necessities, and he admits he became breathless just to try listing everything their 6 childrens would need before.

Still, he has Chanyeol and he vowed to always be with the former. Hence, he isn’t exactly worried about the whole raising-up children thing.


”Okay… back to my question before. Boys, uncle is curious suddenly. Sehunnie, do you want another sibling after your younger sisters are born?”


“Ah… what uncle wanted to ask you—wait… Park Chanyeol-shi, please don’t try to distract Park Sehun, will you?  Okay… thank you. So, Sehunnie… uncle wanted to know what will you feel if your mama give you more babies later on?”

“Mama is having dongsaengie though?”

“Yeah… but what if your mama tell you one day after dongsaengie are born that he’s having another one again?”

“Urm… that”

“Yes? Honestly what will you feel, Sehunnie?”

“I don’t know… but Jongdae uncle said 3 is enough”


Baekhyun wastes no time to hit Taehyung at the back of his head when the latter breaks into a loud laughter.

“Sunbae, I’m not Jongun for my brain sake!”

“It’s Jongdae, idiot!”, Baekhyun gives another hard blow at the same spot on the poor intern’s head and huffs. “And served you, stupid!”

Taehyung slowly rubs the abused part on his head as he stares at Baekhyun who has calmly resumed to watch the bora radio show.




Pregnant people is scary

Dr. Byun is pregnant

Dr. Byun is scary then











But perhaps God takes a pity on a certain person name Kim Taehyung as ‘3 is enough’, ‘Jongdae uncle’, and ‘7 years old Park Sehun’s feeling’ get trending in Naver shortly after that, much to that Kim Taehyung’s bliss.











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SORRY. I wanted to put an update but I'm so busy lately... the peak of working 9-5


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