#7 Scenario: How I Meet Your Mama

I'll B There To C You


I'm back!

I've a good and a bad news for you guys ^^ Which one you want to know first? Highlight your choice then >.<

Good news: My laptop is back as good already!

Bad news: I can only update  this story once a week after this...

Anyway, don't ever hesitate to upvote and leave a comment, okay?

So... this #7 scenario is about ChanBaek bring their kids back in time... lmao







Being proudly whipped to his wife, Chanyeol would say that meeting Byun Baekhyun for the first time felt as if he found out the purpose of his life. It isn’t like his pre-Baekhyun life was meaningless, but he just couldn’t wait for every tomorrows after he got to know Baekhyun.

School always kept him sleepy and the endless lessons sent him to the dreamland all the time, however, ever since the new Byun transferred to his school, everyone—his teachers, friends, the janitors, café ahjumma and even the school guard could see the change in him.

They only didn’t know that it was Byun Baekhyun’s done. To be exact, no one actually had an idea that he liked the petite boy because God knew how easy was it for Baekhyun and him to get into a fight whenever their path across.











“Did you hate mama that much, daddy?”

Chanyeol stops his ‘How Did I Meet Mama’ story and looks down to his left. “Hate is a strong word, Seojunnie. But to answer your question… daddy loves to see your mama’s angry face. It’ll be all red like a tomato”

“Is that why you fought with mama a lots?”

Sehun asks and Chanyeol let out a chuckle as he hears the expected question. The chef turns to his wife at once, earning himself a don’t-you-dare look from the latter.

He then glances at the kids and gives them a wide smile. “Well it was because your mama was really hard to deal with, and so our teacher thought that only daddy could handle him”


“How come?”

“Was it true?”


Sehun and the twins asks in unison, along with the sudden babbling from the triplets.

Chanyeol nods his head a bit enthusiastically afterward that he doesn’t realize Baekhyun scoots closer to him and pinches his thigh.














Chanyeol stopped rubbing his abused knee and looked up at Baekhyun. A smirk began to play on his lips, but silently he cooed at that ripe-tomato slash the Byun’s mad face. “Because mind you, Byun… I’m your class president. My words are the class’s rules”


“Yeah”, Chanyeol replied disinterestedly, before pointing towards the piles of trash cans in front of them with his feet. “You have one and a half hour, Byun Baekhyun. Crash all of these cans if you want to go home”


Chanyeol nodded in a heartbeat as his eyes never leave the small framed boy’s face. ‘Now he is sort of looking like a puppy too’

“Are you kidding me? It would at least take a year for 10 persons to work on this, let alone me? A poor, pitiful transferred student like me?”

“Stop exaggerating, Byun. You’re alone because apparently you were the one and only person who gave Mr. Jung’s Ferrari four flat tyres, remember?”

“B-but I did that for your tanned skin friend!”


“Yes yes Jongin. So… he isn’t going to help me?”

“As you can see, there’s just me here so nope”, Chanyeol muttered and he instantly felt bad when he noticed a slight pout on the Byun’s face and heard a faint “Ungrateful son of ” coming from the latter’s mouth.

Maybe, he needed to say sorry to Jongin later. For a record, Jongin actually volunteered to do the punishment with Baekhyun, yet being a jealous boy in love he is, how could he allow his friend and his crush to spend a time together?

Baekhyun eventually started his work, much to Chanyeol’s amusement. He leaned his body against the entrance and watched the new kid stepping on the cans, one by one.

Despite his shy demeanour, Chanyeol realized that Baekhyun could be very loud and unpredictable sometimes. As Baekhyun had always been the quiet kid at class, he surely didn’t expect that the same Byun would ruin a teacher’s car.

Nonetheless, he was glad that someone has gotten a revenge for Jongin.

“Hey Byun… do you want me to help you?”

Chanyeol chuckled as Baekhyun turned around and looked at him like he was planning to kill the entire Byun family.

“Shut up, Park. I’m working hard now”

“I’m serious, Baekhyunnie”

“Eww… don’t Baekhyunnie me. What do you want, Yoda? I know you aren’t going to help me for free”

‘I want your heart’. “I want your money”, Chanyeol said as he mentally patted himself for not slipping up his true feeling… yet.

However, when Baekhyun continually retorted that he has no money to pay for his cheap class president and that his father had just cut down his allowance because the old man wanted to start a new business, Chanyeol couldn’t help but staring down at his pair of pink lips instead.

And so, without thinking, he put his own lips on Byun Baekhyun’s.












The room gets filled with the kids’ cheer that Chanyeol has to pause his story again. He turns to Baekhyun, who simply rolls his eyes at him, yet the blush on his wife’s cheek tells Chanyeol that the male did remember that particular kiss.

“Daddy, did you and mama date after that?”

Chanyeol shakes his head and cups his left cheek as he playfully pouts at Sehun. “Your mama hit daddy here instead, you know?”

“Ah… why?”

Seoeon asks as he looks at Baekhyun questioningly. Seeing that Sumi has fall asleep on his wife’s arms, Chanyeol quickly takes the baby so that Baekhyun could talk to Seoeon easier.

“Because Seoeonnie… when a strange person stole your kiss, you need to give her or him a lesson”

Chanyeol laughs a little at the so-Baekhyun style answer as he carefully put Sumi besides Seul and Sun on their big crib. He is thankful that his girls are all heavy sleeper, or else he would have ended his story-telling session long before.

The daddy of six joins his sons and his wife on the bed once again just as Seoeon blurts out another amusing question. “Why? Is that strange person’s kiss didn’t feel good?”

“Yeah… is that kiss didn’t feel good?”, Chanyeol teasingly repeats the question, adding a few darker shades onto Baekhyun’s blushing cheeks.

“Park Chanyeol”, Baekhyun says through gritted teeth and Chanyeol immediately knows it is his que to stop his teasing. Besides, even if his wife doesn’t tell his answer, he always knew the pretty male loved all his kisses they shared so far.

“So… if you didn’t date mama straight away, what did you do, daddy?”











“Lunchbox again?”

Chanyeol hummed as he placed the lunchbox inside the same desk he has put it in in the past 3 months. He returned to his own seat later and threw a brief glance outside, slightly hoping for the said desk’s owner to appear soon.

“Yah! Did he even eat the last lunchboxes?”

“No”, Chanyeol replied distractedly as he plopped his elbow on the desk, before resting his chin on his palm. “But, I’m not going to give up, Jongdae”

Chanyeol heard a simultaneous sigh and chuckle behind him, but he didn’t need to turn around to guess that they were coming from Jongin and Kyungsoo.

“If only you were this enthusiastic during Calculus, Chanyeol”, Kyungsoo said, yet Chanyeol just turned a deaf ears as he took another look at the still empty desk near the class entrance.

“How about you try other way, Chanyeol. Your usual way maybe?”

“You meant those paper cranes? Sorry… Byun wouldn’t like it”

“Why are you so sure, Soo? Are you his ex?”

“Yes, and you’re handsome today, Kim Jongdae”

“Thank you?”

“It was a sarcasm, idiot!”

Sighing, Chanyeol looked outside the class again, not even bothering to stop ChanSoo’s morning bickering like he used to.

He is somewhat not in the mood today. He was planning to make an omelette this morning, but everything seemed to get into his way that he couldn’t help feeling frustrated.

First, his alarm clock broke and he overslept. Then, when he opened the fridge to get the eggs he personally bought yesterday, he was shocked to find all of them have gone. Turned out, his sister used the precious eggs for her masker.

Chanyeol had to settle with a plain fried rice in the end, but as he was looking for the special container he always used, he saw the exact container near Bob, his mom’s puppy instead. And the container was reek with wet food too.  

Hence, overall, Chanyeol felt like a then. Yesterday, he made a proper meal in a pretty looking lunchbox, yet it eventually got thrown into the bin. What would a lame fried rice in a lamer designed container make a different?  

“You like Baekhyun so much, aren’t you, hyung?”

Chanyeol shifted his attention from the door to the tanned boy before him and nodded.

“But why must lunchbox?”, Jongdae asks and Chanyeol merely shrugged. He didn’t know how he got the idea for this lunchbox apology himself too. Put aside what would his cook gonna taste, he just wanted to show his sorry sincerely.

Kyungsoo is right then. He shouldn’t do the same stuff he once tried during his past relationship, otherwise the Byun—gosh the ever difficult Byun Baekhyun—would think that he is joking… again.

After their impromptu kiss back then, Chanyeol had wanted to apologize to Baekhyun right away, but he was too stunned as he received a hard blow on his cheek. Later, when he tried to approach the new kid, he was always getting a cold shoulder from him.

It had been months and it frustrated Chanyeol to no end that he hasn’t managed to tell Baekhyun his true feeling. If it is other person, he thought he would had gave up long ago. Then again, this is Byun Baekhyun, a boy who magically put him into the holy kitchen for the very first time.

“Maybe your cooking is really bad, hyung”, Jongin said and Chanyeol dejectedly groaned as he placed his hands on the desk and rested his head on them.

‘So much for a friend’

“But my dad commented that it was good”

“Only kids can’t lie, bro

“Yoora noona also said it was tasty, alright. She’s a child at heart”, Chanyeol tried to argue, just as he felt an elbow nudged his rib.

“Psst… Yeol”

“What?”, Chanyeol mumbled, head still on his desk, before he earned himself two sharp pokes at his rib.

“Yah Park Chanyeol!”

With a huff, Chanyeol lifted his head up to glare and belatedly realized that there is another person standing in front of him. It is neither Kyungsoo nor Jongin, and certainly not Jongdae, because that troll is now making fun of his gaping face.

‘Wait… w-what?’

“B-Baek… Baekhyun”

Chanyeol finally found his voice back as he hastily got up from his seat, almost knocking his chair onto the floor.

He guessed that it is the truth when people said that one would turn numb at the sight of his loved one because the only thing that he could do at the moment is merely staring at the Byun’s soft looking hair, his pretty eyes, and down to his moving lips… ‘Is he talking to me?’

“Are you talking to me?”


And a quick, strong hit from Kyungsoo on his head somewhat lessened the sudden awkwardness in the air and cleared his mind a bit. “Yes, he’s talking to you, dumbYeol. He said he brought brownies for you”

“Brownies?”, Chanyeol asked as he looked down at Baekhyun’s hands, where he then noticed a container there. In fact, it is the exact container that is supposed to be in the bin by now. “I-I thought you threw away the container?”

He couldn’t help asking and he swore his heart raced when his eyes caught a faint smile tugging on Baekhyun’s lips.

“I did it just to intrigue you… but I think I didn’t have the heart to put the food on waste again so… so I picked up the container from the bin after school”

“Y-you did?”


A loud, obviously fake coughing fit could be heard from his friends suddenly, but Chanyeol paid no heed to them as he hardly managed to tear his eyes from Baekhyun’s face.

Their eyes then met each other and Chanyeol instantly felt his heart thumping hard when Baekhyun’s beautiful pair of small eyes turned crescent as he smiled. The first real smile he used to wonder if he would need another lifetime for the latter to give him one.

Aigooaigoo… the container looks heavy. Can gentleman Park take it from the princess’s hand already?”

Jongdae’s voice ruined the sweet moment a little, and so Chanyeol kicked his chair once before taking the brownies from Baekhyun, the tip of their fingers touched, and he again experienced the pleasant jolt surging through him. “T-thanks”

“B-back to you. I enjoyed your food”

A wide smile spread across Chanyeol’s face straightaway as a new idea flashed into his mind. “S-so… shall I cook for you more?”, he courageously asked, earning himself a snort from his not-so helpful friends. For a while, Chanyeol wondered too, if he has just made Baekhyun feeling overwhelmed with his offer, yet a shy from the boy after that told him otherwise.

“But please don’t put cucumber. I hate it”

“Noted”, Chanyeol nodded his head with increasing enthusiasm and held up his right thumb. He even broke out into a grin when Baekhyun replied with the same gesture.

Still, the class president didn’t know what had gotten into him when the Byun turned around, probably going back to his own seat, as he called him again.

Kyungsoo always said that he, Park Chanyeol did something first before think and perhaps that owl-eyed friend of his was right all along. As Baekhyun looked over his shoulder and slowly faced him, he just thought that this should be the time he stopped chickening out.

“Byun Baekhyun…”

Unfortunately, some of his classmates arrived and began to look at him and Baekhyun. The kids must have mistaken them, thinking that they were in the middle of another fight, because even he has been pursuing Baekhyun with countless amount of lunchboxes until now, only Jongdae, Kyungsoo and Jongin knew about it in reality.

In all honesty, though he gave Baekhyun those lunchbox, he still fought with the pretty boy at the same time. That is also why Chanyeol had never blamed his cooking when Baekhyun couldn’t take him serious after so long. He put the blame on the latter’s cute fuming, red tomato face instead.


Chanyeol gulped down a deep sigh while his fingers tightened their hold on the brownies container.





“W-will you go out with me?”











“Did you… accept daddy then, mama?”

Chanyeol chuckles as he looks down at Sehun, whose eyes already half-closed yet the boy still stubbornly tries to keep himself awake. He naturally grabs the 8 years old’s Ironman blanket then and tucks it around his little frame.

“Of course, Sehunnie. Mama and daddy started dating after that”

Baekhyun replies and both Chanyeol and him share an amused look when Sehun mutters a soft “I’m glad”, before completely dozing off.

Chanyeol glances at the clock next to the bed and realizes that it indeed has passed his kids’ bed time. 10 pm. No wonder the ever active Seoeon and Seojun managed to feel asleep long before.

“Mama is also glad, my Sehunnie”

Chanyeol turns to his sons again just as his wife leans down to give a goodnight kiss on his firstborn’s forehead, and then on the twins’. His heart swells in pure happiness when Baekhyun gets up from the bed and goes straight to the triplets’ crib, doing the same thing he did to their sons just now.

Smiling, Chanyeol recalls the time before he met Baekhyun. He disliked kids and he also was the type to jump from one relationship to another easily. But now, he is a proud father of six and happily married to his frenemy.

His eyes never leave Baekhyun as the surgeon turns off the light switch in the room, leaving only the faint spill of illumination from the bedside lamp. Gently not to wake up the three boys who are occupying the space between him and Baekhyun, Chanyeol reaches over to his wife’s hand as soon as the latter gets back in bed.

“I’m glad too”, he says, getting Baekhyun to turn to him at once.

“For what?”

Chanyeol gives Baekhyun’s hand a light squeeze and smiles. “For transferring to my school”















If the fans thought that the chef celebrity, Park Chanyeol’s have nothing any more for them to get jealous with, they were wrong. Aside for being a wonderful super dad to his six kids, he is apparently married to his own high school lover too!

From the recent episode of Superman, the couple told their love story to the kids, and it was quickly becoming a hot topic amongst the fans and viewers alike.

Many of them commented that it isn’t easy to maintain such relationship for so long, however, it seems Park Chanyeol and his partner have a secret to it.

We hope this couple would continue to be lovely to each other forever.




[+93 574, -2] I’m a 43 years old fan, who really fond of Sehun, Seoeon, Seojun, Sumi, Seul and Sun. I had finally overcame my depression after watching all of them on TV. I sincerely wish the siblings to live healthily in such happy surrounding

[+12 663, -27] That moment when Park Chanyeol thanked his wife for transferring to his school, I was like, “Please stop. You’re not filming romantic teen drama, okay”

[+8 643, -121] I went to the same school with those two. Truthfully speaking, I lost count of all the time they fought before they began to date. It was amusing as I recalled it back. I remembered getting annoyed at them every time they fought too











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SORRY. I wanted to put an update but I'm so busy lately... the peak of working 9-5


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