1st Year - 6 Months Later

Trail Of Memories

It's been 6 months since you moved from 1-A to 1-D. You still feel sad about it but there's nothing you can do. In this 6 months your first love a.k.a Jungkook has become the most popular guy in your school. He gains the attention from his innocent look and his body - girls always fangirling over him especially when it's P.E class. All you can do is admire him from far. You sigh not happy with the situation.

Suddenly someone give you a slap in the back. You quickly turn around and there's Hoseok your best friend.

"Yah!!! That's hurt you know!" You yell at him but he doesn't seem to look sorry or worry.

"You used to it." Hoseok smiles like an idiot.

"Ugh.." You roll your eyes. "But still it's hurt!" You hit his leg but he manage to avoid the attack which make you become more angrier.

"By the way.. Did you already eat?" Hoseok sits next to you The classroom is too crowded that time as it's lunch time. You shake your head while you doing some doodle on your Math book. Hoseok then take away the book. As you about to scold him, he shove a bread into your mouth.

"Mhhhmmm!!" You can only mumble. 

"You should eat. What if you collapse during Mr. Kim class later?" Hoseok chew his food. You gulp down the bread and start to talk.

"You can carry m-"

"No you're too heavy." He says without even looking at you. You take your math book back and hit his head. You stand up and hit him, again , before you run out from the class. You can hear Hoseok shout at you but you just ignore him and laugh. 'You deserve it, Jung Hoseok!'

On the hallway, you try your best not to bump to some male students that are running. 'Just like a kid.' You smirk but somehow your smirk disappear when you see Jungkook with his girlfriend, Hwayoung which is a 3rd year student. You keep walking but you don't look in front of you. Instead you keep looking at the lovey dovey couple. 'Aish.. I feel so jealous. But why should feel jealous? I'm no one in his life.'


You fell down. "Ouch!" Your stings so much. You look up to see the person that you bump into. Oh no! Standing in front of you is a very well known delinquent at this school. Park Jimin. You gulp. You freeze and can't even stand up. Jimin at that time, look at you with a very sharp glare. But then he offer his hand to help you to stand up. Of course you're shock at first but you still accept his help. 

"T-thank y-y-you..." You can't help but stammered. 

"You! What is your name?" Jimin is still holding your hand. 

"Pardon...me?" You try to pull back your hand but Jimin won't let you do that.

"Your NAME!" He raise his voice. 

"Sung Eunki!" You answer like flash. Satisfied with the answer, Jimin let go your hand and left you wondering 'What the heck just happen?!' You tell yourself to forget about the incident and turn your head to see Jungkook but he already gone with his girlfriend. You pout.  

After school, you decide to hang out at Hoseok's house. You enter his house and pinch his shoulder. "Yah.. where's your parent?" Hoseok give you this 'I don't know' face. You guys move to Hoseok's room. You're familiar with the room because you already been at there few times. Hoseok even tell you that you're the first girl that ever enter his room. You sit down. "Make yourself comfortable." Hoseok gives you a can of cola that he bought on the way to his house.

"I already did." You take out the homework that Mr. Kim gives you. Hoseok see it and quickly snatch it. "Could you PLEASE stop taking things from me?" You glare at him.

"For your information Miss Eunki, we here to have fun not to study." He glare at you back.

"Well you're right. But! After having some fun we'll finish the homework okay?

"Arra eomma~" Hoseok pinch your nose. 

You guys play a lot of games such as PSP game and then switch to PS3 game. Sometimes you shout at him because he doesn't let you win. After having so much fun you look at the clock.

"Crap Hoseok!" You start to panic. 

"Wae?!" Hoseok too, start to panic for no reason. 

"It's late already!" The clock shows it's 6.30 p.m. Your parents will scold you for sure. You pick your things and put them into your bag. As you make your way through the door, Hoseok grab your arm which make you lose your balance and the moment you open your eyes Hoseok face is just few inches from yours. You can feel his warm breath. Both of you stay silent for a minutes. Inside your head you keep thinking what he might do to you. That moment too you snapped back to reality and push him.

"Are you CRAZY?!

"W-whoa..sorry.." To be honest even Hoseok shocked with his own action. "Sorry..

You should be mad right now but you know Hoseok didn't mean to do that. You can tell if he really mean it or not. You stand up and point at him. "I will forgive you IF you send me back." It's late and you afraid with every possible bad things that will happen to you. 

Hoseok who is shutting his eyes closely cause he's afraid you will hit him again slowly open his eyes. A smile start to form on his face. "Sure. You will forgive me right?" You nod. Hoseok stand up and grab his coat before leaving his house with you.

On the way to your house, you and Hoseok talk about lots of things from Jungkook to what happen between you and Jimin. 

'I guess it's not one of the best day in my life..'



Hey guys! Did you like the second chapter? Please tell me if there's any mistake. And thanks to the two ppl that subscribe to my story~ Love you guys :* 

BTW Jimin and Jungkook will have more scene on the next chapter~

Look forward to it ~

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Puiibaekkie #1
Chapter 7: who will eunki choose i am reakky looking forward to the next chapter
Chapter 6: i can feel jimin and jhope already fell in love with eunki and jungkook will soon fell in love with her also i think....
Jungkookswifey97 #3
Chapter 5: Update please
_UriNameJungKook_ #4
Chapter 1: Interesting
JacquelynGan #5
Chapter 1: Update soon~ i love it