2nd Year - A Precious Time

Trail Of Memories

Like what Jungkook said, he's going to bring you and Hoseok and Jimin (who suddenly said he want to join - you're not happy tho). Jungkook called his driver to pick you guys in front of the school. While you guys wait for Jungkook's driver to come you hear girls whispering to each other. Probably talking about you because you standing with 3 guys (can't deny all of them are attractive. Jimin too, can't deny). After 5 minutes waiting finally Jungkook's driver come. He bows to Jungkook and open the front door, next to driver. Jungkook sits comfortably meanwhile you, Hoseok and Jimin sits behind. You feel a bit uneasy because you're in between Hoseok and Jimin. The driver starts driving and it's so quiet - Jungkook is sleeping, probably tired. You glance at Hoseok and he's sleepy too and at the end his head land on your shoulder. You try to push it away but his head keep landing to your shoulder. You sigh and glance at Jimin who is busy using his phone. Bored, you take out your phone and try to find something fun. "Bored huh?" Jimin breaks the silence. In response you nod slightly and it back to silence until the driver stop and wake up Jungkook. You too wake up Hoseok. Both of them yawn and stretch lightly. 

All of you come out from the car and follow Jungkook to a cafe. "Welcome." Greeting all of you is a good looking guy wearing a light blue shirt and jeans - casual but still manage to catch your heart for a seconds. "Jin hyung!" Jungkook goes to the guy and give him high five. "Oh! Jungkook what are you doing here?" He ruffles Jungkook's hair and smiles when he saw us. "To eat of course." Jungkook laughs and slap Jin's hand lightly. "I bring my friends too!" We all bow when Jungkook introduce the guy to us - he is Jungkook's cousin and the owner for this cake shop. All of you take a sit at the corner table - Jungkook and Jimin sit next to each other . You look around the shop and you can guess the concept for the shop as you notice some woods element. It look beautiful and people will sure love this shop by just looking to it. Surprisingly there isn't lots of costumer. "Um.. there isn't a lots of people here." "Well, this shop is new. Jin hyung opened it 5 days ago." Your mouth turn into "O" shape. Then, Jin come again but this time bringing 4 cups of coffee. He place it on the table. "Anything you want to eat? It's my treat today." "Hyung you don't have to do this. I've money too so I can pay." Jungkook keeps refusing but Jin is very persistent and at the end Jungkook gives up. "So what do you guys want?" "Tiramisu cheesecake." Jimin said without even looking at Jin. You could feel the cold aura coming from him. Jin who doesn't seem to bother by it, asks the rest. "Red velvet chocolate cake!" Hoseok and you said in unison which make both of you laugh along with Jungkook. "Me too."

After waiting for about 15 minutes the cake finally arrive. Without waiting for others you eat - waiting is not good - it's only make you more hungry. Meanwhile, the three of them didn't eat but look at you. Notice their look you stop eating - more like you already done eating. "You guys not going to eat?" You ask while wiping your mouth with a tissue. "Why? If we don't eat our cake you want to eat it?" Hoseok tilts his head. You glare at him and pinch his leg making him yelp. Jungkook chuckle softly as he starts to eat his food. Jimin on the other hand still looking at you. "You not going to eat?" You asked Jimin. "See! You going to eat his food if he answers 'no' right?" At that time, you have this urge to kill Hoseok right in the spot - no - not kill just punch. "You want it?" Jimin shows his smug smile. Okay! Jimin and Hoseok really likes to irritate you. You step on his foot. "Ouch! What the !" Jimin curse loudly. Jungkook looks at him. "Um.. you okay?" "No I'm not!" You quickly look down as you can feel Jimin strong gaze. 'Crap!' 

Hoseok slips his hand to his pocket when his phone ring. "Hello?" He keeps nodding while at that time you steal his cake bit by bit. Jungkook who notice your action follow you. You looks at Jungkook and give him a bashful smile. Hoseok put away his phone when the call ends. He stands up. "Sorry but something happen at my home!" "Why? Did anyone hurt?" You ask worry - it's because you know Hoseok's family and they're close to you. "Ah.. today my uncle is coming tonight and my mum need me to clean the house." You let out a relieve sigh. "I thought something happen. Okay then. Take care!" Hoseok nods and bows. "I'll call you tonight. And just take my cake if you really want it. No need to steal it." You reply him 'okay' and he left. "You two are close. Are you guys a.. couple?" You look at Jungkook with a disgusted expression. "No way. He's just a good friend and will never be my boyfriend." Just the thought you and Hoseok as a couple send a chill down to your spine. Jung Hoseok is someone who knows you both inside and outside. He always make your day but you never see him more then a best buddy. "Good then." You wish the words come from Jungkook's mouth but instead it come from Jimin's. "What?" You asks puzzled. But Jimin just ignored you and continue eating - he really eat slowly cause you and Jungkook finished long time ago (not that long though). 

"Okay now where should we go pretty boy?" Jimin fixed his hair outside the shop. You guys decided to go out after Jimin done eating. "Well.." Jungkook is not happy when Jimin called him pretty boy. It sounds like a mock to him. "Um can we go home?" You glanced at your watch and soon it will be dark. You want to spent more time with them especially Jungkook but you don't want to go home alone. "Ah.. Yeah we should go back home now. It's getting dark and it's not good for a girl to walk alone." Jungkook said as he noticed you keep glancing at your watch. "I can send both of you if you want." You shake your head. "It's okay my home is around this area. "But-" "I don't want to trouble you." You waved to Jimin and Jungkook and leave the place. 'Aish.. I shouldn't reject his offer!' You regretted it a bit. Jimin put his hands on his pocket. "You still want a ride?" Jimin ignored him and just left him. "Guess no." Jungkook smiles bitterly. 

You fasten your pace. "Aish why today it become dark so early?" You grumble. Suddenly a hand grab your shoulder. You shout loudly but then the hand cover your mouth. "Sshh.." You're very familiar with this voice. Jimin let you go and stand next to you. "What the hell Jimin! You scared me!" "Sorry." He apologize but you know he is not insincere. You shrug and start to walk back. Jimin follow you and try to match your pace. "Hey slow down!" You didn't listen to him but instead keep walking faster. Jimin grunt and grab your arm. "What th-!!" He intertwined his fingers to yours. Shocked with the sudden action you try to pull your hand but he locks your hand firmly. "You obviously scared but refused the pretty boy's offer. Are you stupid?" "Shut up." At that time you really want to push him away but your heart want the others - your heart want to stay like this and it skip crazily. "Your face become red." Although it's kinda dark but you can see him smiling thanks to street lamp. You blush even harder. "Shut up!" The darkness really frightened you but you feel safe because there's Jimin. "Why did you follow me?" "To protect you. You're a girl after all." Jimin's voice sounds more softer and somehow it make you at ease. "Protect me? Huh.. That surprised me a bit. A delinquent want to protect someone.. Hmm.." Jimin let go your hand. You look at him a little disappointed. "Can't a delinquent protect someone?" You really feel guilty that time. "Sorry..." Jimin didn't response to you. You mentally slap yourself that time. 'Great I ruined the mood. Wait wait wait wait! Did I just feel down when let my hand go?! Oh no oh no!' You keep denying the 'upset' feeling that you have when he let go your hand. You stop when both of you arrive in front of your house. "Well.. home sweet home." You turn to face Jimin. "Thank you." He stares at you and leave you without saying a word. You enter your house with a heavy steps.

After a shower you lay on your bed. It feels so comfortable. As you about to fall sleep someone call you. You sigh and pick up your phone.


"Oh you about to sleep?" It's Hoseok. 

"Yeah. Why?" 

"Nothing. Just fulfilling my promise. Remember? I promise to call you." 

"Of course I didn't forget. So.. how's everything?"

"You mean my uncle sudden visit? Hmm okay. He just come for some business with my parents. I didn't know about what though. How about yours?"

"Well after you left.. we spend couple of minutes or maybe an hour before I went back to home. You know. Dark." 

"Did Jungkook sent you back to home?" 


"So did you walk alone??!!"

"Of course no! Ji-" You stop when you remember back what happened. You can yourself blushing.


"Just forget about it! I'm still alive so you don't have to worry. By the way I'm not sleepy thanks to you!"

"Oh sorry. Hmm what about I sing for you?" 

"No. You don't sound good." 

Even though you said like that, Hoseok knows you just joking and sing your favorite song, 'Forever Young' by GOT7. You manage to sleep. On the other side, Hoseok stop singing when he hears you snoring. "Aigoo this girl! How can snore so loudly?" But he still didn't end the call. After satisfied hearing your voice, he sing one more line before ending the call. 

'Miss you I really miss you, I'll sing for you so you can think of me"



Sorry to the people that subscribe to this story! 

So sorry if I didn't update for a long time! 

I'm busy fangirling over BTS! xD

But here a new chapter! Sorry for typo or grammar mistake because English is not my first language~~


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Puiibaekkie #1
Chapter 7: who will eunki choose i am reakky looking forward to the next chapter
Chapter 6: i can feel jimin and jhope already fell in love with eunki and jungkook will soon fell in love with her also i think....
Jungkookswifey97 #3
Chapter 5: Update please
_UriNameJungKook_ #4
Chapter 1: Interesting
JacquelynGan #5
Chapter 1: Update soon~ i love it