2nd Year - Sunday

Trail Of Memories

"Jimin!" Taehyung greets him with a slap to his back. Jimin scoff and glare at him. "Whoa sorry dude." He laughs. "What do you want?" Jimin and Taehyung is a good friend. They're like siblings but sometimes there's some part that Jimin hate when hanging out with Taehyung - he is weird and like to know about someone's problem - busybody. It's irritating but only Jimin can be patient with this 4D human. Right now Jimin and Taehyung is hanging out together at their usual place - a jazz bar that belongs too Taehyung's father. Taehyung sits on Jimin's lap and face him. It might look weird to some people but it's bromance not gay and Jimin used to it just not used when Taehyung do something like that in public that might make people think they're couple. "Go away." Jimin pushes him away, "Eyyy..." Taehyung stumbles and nearly fell down. He pouts and poke Jimin's cheek. "Chim chim.." "Don't call me that." He slaps Taehyung's hand. Taehyung let out a sigh and sits next to him. "Are you okay? You rarely in bad mood you know?" Taehyung drinks his hot chocolate - it taste a bit sweet but perfect for his tongue. Meanwhile Jimin just stare his drinks. "I don't know if I'm okay or not. I just.." He pause. "I bet your mood change must have to do something with that girl.. Um who is her name again? Sung? Park? Eunha?" Taehyung thinks hard. "Sung Eunki." "Ah yeah yeah..So it must because of her right?" Jimin keep staring at his drinks and then he turn to face Taehyung. "How do you.. um.. make girl fall in love with you?" 

It's Sunday and it's like a heaven to you because you can sleep for such a long time. You hug your big pillow and roll to the side and then roll to the other side. "Aghh!!" You change your position from laying to sitting. 'Great. It's Sunday and all I want to do is sleep but why I can't sleep longer?!' You glance at the clock that is hanging on your room wall - 9 a.m. You still want to lay on your comfort, fluffy bed but you know you can't go back to sleep. Suddenly your phone play one of your favorite song, Fools. Incoming calls. You reach out your arm to grab your phone. You look to the screen - unknown number. You hesitated to pick it up but the song keep playing so you slide to the green color. "Hello?" You answer with a lazy tone. "Eunki-ssi?" Eh? You know this voice. "Um.. who is this?" You ask just to make sure your guess is correct. "It's me Jungkook." You scream. "Ohh god oh god sorry for the sudden scream." You could hear Jungkook's laugh. "It's okay. Um.. am I disturbing you?" "No you're not. Why?" "Well if you're free right now, I've two ticket to Lotte World and it seems I have no friend to go with so do you want to go with me?" You really feel at the top of the world right now. You answer him 'Yes'. Jungkook hanged up before telling you that he will pick you up in 30 minutes. You grab your towel and quickly take a shower. After finishing showering you open you closet. "Ahh what should I wear? We're going to Lotte World right? Then does that mean we're going to the theme park?" You look at the clock - crap 20 more minutes. You just grab any clothes that you think will look good with you - a red blouse with a pair of white jeans that show your slim leg. You tie your hair to a bun. With a bit a of makeup everything is perfect!

"Where are you going?" Your mom startled you as you wait for Jungkook. "Ah eomma!" Your mom laugh and place the food that she's carrying to the table before making her way to you. "I'm asking where are you going." "Ah.. out with a friend." "Who? Hoseok?" You fix your hair nervously and make eye contact with your mom. "N-no.." "So?" As you about to answer your mom's question, someone ring the door bell. Your mom open the door and standing in front of her is Jungkook with his smile. He bows and greet your mom. "Who is this?" Your mom look at you. "Mom, this is Jeon Jungkook. I'm going to go out with him." "Oh.. it's you." Your mom turn back to Jungkook and you could tell that she's judging him right now. You flash Jungkook a smile because you don't want him to feel bad with the judging look that your mom gave. "Mom, can I go now?" You always ask permission before you go out although you already know that she will say yes. Your mom nod and kiss your cheek before you leave. "Bye mom~" You waved at her. 

"Sorry." You apologize still feel that somehow your mom's action is kinda rude. "Why sorry?" He laughs softly. "Cause of my mom?" "There's nothing wrong with your mom." You raise your eyebrows. "Okay then." As both of you walk side by side, your hand keep brushing his hand. You try to control yourself and keep yourself calm. You take a quick glance at him. He wears a black shirt with 'Dope' design on it and a blue fit jeans. 'Ah so cool.' You feel a bit down because he didn't praise you with your style. It makes you wonder if the clothes does not match you. During the walk, you keep thinking for a good topic to start a conversation with him. Then you remember that you have this question regarding on something. "Jungkook ah. I've been wondering about this one thing since you called me. Where did you get my number phone?" Jungkook who knows that you going to ask the question told you that he got it from Hoseok. "H-Hoseok? Oh.."

Finally both of you reach the destination. You feel so excited because it's been a while since you get to visit Lotte World. Your eyes filled with joy and before you know you already start to wander alone leaving Jungkook behind. Jungkook who nearly lost you, grab your hand when he found you. "Yah. You left me!" Jungkook pouts. You giggle and say sorry. "I'm just to excited." "I know you're excited but what if you lost? You make me worry." 'Worry? Why would you worry about me?' Jungkook who is still holding your hand drag you to World Monorail. World Monorail takes visitor through Lotte World. You enjoy the scenic view. It's very beautiful just like what others described. Then Jungkook takes you French Revolution. During the ride you can't help but scream - it's really scary and without you knowing you grab Jungkook's hand really tight. At the exit, Jungkook pick up picture both of you during the ride. You try to steal the picture from him because you look ugly in it. Jungkook just laugh when you can't steal the picture from him and he put it on his pocket telling you that this is souvenir. Both of you enjoy lots of things from 'The Conquistador' to 'Eureka'. 

After having so much fun you and Jungkook go to a park, 2km from Lotte World. Jungkook buys 2 americano and handed one to you. Both of you take a sit on an empty bench under a big tree. You take a sip and look at the sky. The sky is so blue with some hanging clouds and behind it is the main source for human's light, sun. A smile form on your face. "Glad that I decided to go out with you." "Glad that you agree to go with me." Both of you laugh. It's a very nice day for you today. You never imagine that you will go out on a date with your crush Jungkook. From the start until the end you purposely hold his hand. Of course, you thought he will get mad because you're being touchy but he didn't. He let you hold his hand and when you about to let his hand go, he hold your hand back firmly. All you can feel that time is happiness. You're blushing all day. The feelings is back but this time it's more stronger. "So what now?" You asked him. "I don't know. Hahaha. It's still early and it's not dark yet." You smile shyly when you heard the word 'dark'. "Well what if we take stroll around this park." "And after that?" "Hmm~ I guess I want to go home after that." You can see a sad expression on Jungkook's face. Why did you feel sad? You want to ask him the question but somehow you don't have enough courage to ask. "Okay then." He stands up and show you his hand. You slowly reach his hand and hold it. Now you're standing in front of him. You and Jungkook didn't talk much during the stroll but there's no awkward air between you guys. As day is getting dark, he send you home. You stop him before he left.

"Jungkook! Thanks.."

"It's okay. It's a good thing to ask you out because I can know you better."

"Um yeah.. Me too. Glad that we can spent time together." 

"Good night. Sleep well Eunki."

"Yeah you too! Night~"

You waved to him and watch him until he turn to look at you back. 


You're shocked and keep hearing echoes 'you make my heart skip'.

'I'm not hearing things right?'


 Update! Rawwr~! xD I hope you guys like this story and this chapter




Sorry for grammar mistake guys 




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Puiibaekkie #1
Chapter 7: who will eunki choose i am reakky looking forward to the next chapter
Chapter 6: i can feel jimin and jhope already fell in love with eunki and jungkook will soon fell in love with her also i think....
Jungkookswifey97 #3
Chapter 5: Update please
_UriNameJungKook_ #4
Chapter 1: Interesting
JacquelynGan #5
Chapter 1: Update soon~ i love it