1st Year - Hot Cocoa

Trail Of Memories

It's the end of fall and winter will come soon. You just love fall and winter. The colder the weather the better for you - even rain is one your favorite thing in your life. You don't really know why you love cold weather. Maybe it's just because you like the feeling of wanting to get warmer - to dress with long sleeve cloth or to cuddle with Momo which is your cat or even to raise your body temperature by drinking your favorite drink, hot cocoa while wrapping yourself with a blanket. Before you go to school you make some hot cocoa and put in into a small thermos. You make it because you promise to bring some to Hoseok - Hoseok only drink hot cocoa that have been made by you. "Bye mum~ Bye dad~" You give your parents a flying kiss before exiting your house. "Ah.. So cold.." You rub both of your hand and fix your scarf to make you more comfortable.

On your way to the school you meet Jungkook who is playing with a stray cat. 'Oh.. Jungkook definitely a perfection' - at least he is on your vision. You take long deep breath and approach him - you don't really know what spirit is possessing you right now cause you suddenly feel brave enough to go and talk to someone who all this time you can only watch from far. You slightly tap his shoulder. "Annyeong." You greet him. He turn around and stare at you for a second. "Ah! Annyeong." He pause for a while. "Hey aren't you the girl from the chemistry lab?" You sigh not wanting to remember back what happened between you and Jimin - ever since then you'll always try to find a way to not to meet him which is successful. You nod and scratch your head although it doesn't feel itchy. "Oh.. sorry you must don't want to remember about that thing." Jungkook stands up and the stray cat run away - Jungkook pouts as the cat is getting far away and you smile. 'He's so cute.' 

"Well... yeah I do don't want to remember back about that thing but that time too I feel happy." You refer to time when you hug Jungkook and Jungkook who seems to understand it let out a small laugh. Your face redden like a tomato. Why a tomato though? Both of you walk in a silent as none of you don't have anything to talk about. The silent break when Jungkook cough. Then silent back and then Jungkook's cough is heard again. You become worry. "Are you okay?"  You ask. "Not really. I got a cold 2 days ago. I do take medicine but the cold worsen. My throat hurt every time I gulp." Jungkook shares about his condition and of course you become 100 times worry about him. You notice that he's not wearing scarf so you take off yours and wrap it around his neck. When you finish wrapping it around his neck you notice about your action. "Oh my.. sorry! Sorry.. I don't mean to do that." You become flustered. "Eyy.. why did you say sorry? I should say thanks. This scarf really warm me up." He touch the scarf. You really happy - oh god bless you. You take out your thermos and hand it to him. Jungkook looks at you with a confused face. "Err what is this?" He throw a question to you as he receive the thermos. You giggle. "A hot cocoa. Don't worry it's not a poison. It will make your throat become good." You tell him before you mumble something that he  can't hear. "Well I hope it does..." Jungkook puts the thermos into his bag. "Thanks again. You don't have too." "Just accept it. And I'm the one who should thanking you right now. If there's no you during that time who know what might happen so I guess.. this is like a gift for helping me?" You really grateful to him that day.. really. Both of you start to walk back but this time with a fasten pace cause the school is going to start soon. During the walk he asks your name and more. In return you too ask him about things that you've been curious about him.

At the class, Hoseok put his arm around your shoulder. "Eunki ah~" He called out your name cutely - you really want to barf that time. "What?" "Where is your hot cocoa? I believe you promised to bring it today." Oh crap! You really forgot about the promise that you made with him yesterday. "Well.. I'm.." "Heol! You forget about it right?!" Hoseok push you lightly. You keep apologizing but Hoseok didn't even want to look at your face. You think hard to make him accept your apologize but all you can find is dead end. Finally after you give up, Hoseok turn to you. "Why are you so easy to give up? I will ONLY forgive you if you kiss me." "What the HELL HOSEOK!" Your eyes widened with his words. "Shhh! Don't yell pabo! Not at lips. At here." He points his left cheek - but still it is too much for you. At first you don't want but you know Hoseok really won't forgive you and he will ignore you for at least 2 weeks. Against your will you shorten the distance between your face and his cheek but someone stop your action. You and Hoseok look up. You frown. Of course it's Park Jimin. You really hate him. He always appear from no where and disturb you and tease you and do many things that really really can make you go insane. You give him a death glare - long ago you used to be afraid with him but not anymore. You probably one of the people that can talk harshly to him or even curse him. "What do you want?!" Obviously your tone sound displeased with his existence right now. "I'm protecting your innocent." Jimin grins - seriously?! Can he stop grinning?! Hoseok also don't like Park Jimin - he make Eunki's life miserable. "I'm not asking her to do something that can take away her innocent." Hoseok speaks up for you. "You mad?" Jimin laugh - it sounds devilish to your ear. "There's no way I'm mad about it." Hoseok gives Jimin a big grin that look like a mock to Jimin. Jimin shows Hoseok his fist. "Must be pain if this fist land on your ugly face. Right?" You know that things will get bad if Hoseok speaks more so you pinch his arm. "Okay. Enough! Both of you!!" These two boys already start attract attention. "Park Jimin. I'm begging you. Just this time! Go. NOW!" Jimin looks dissatisfied. He huff before leaving you and Hoseok. You then hit Hoseok. "That's not good Jung Hoseok! What if it turn into a fight!" You scold him but actually you're worried to death if Hoseok hurt. "Well-" "Just ignore him next time." You soften your tone. 

During night, you wrap yourself with your fluffy yet warm blanket. 'Soon.. I'm going to finish 1st year. I really hope that next year I become more lucky. Please go away bad luck!' You silently pray. After that you lazily get up and make your way to the kitchen. You make a hot cocoa and take a picture before sending a picture of it to Hoseok with a text 'Good night my hope~ I'm sending you this picture because you craving for it. Sorry if I broke my promise. I won't do it again! Sorry..' You turn off your phone and wish Jungkook a good night although he can't hear it and then you proceed to your most activity in this world - sleeping.


UPDATE~ Hope you like it.. every morning I will check this fanfic and read it again and again to find some error. Hope you guys like it 

And seriously Jungkook's smile really can melt you down! I just can't! JUNGKOOK!!!!! <3 






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Puiibaekkie #1
Chapter 7: who will eunki choose i am reakky looking forward to the next chapter
Chapter 6: i can feel jimin and jhope already fell in love with eunki and jungkook will soon fell in love with her also i think....
Jungkookswifey97 #3
Chapter 5: Update please
_UriNameJungKook_ #4
Chapter 1: Interesting
JacquelynGan #5
Chapter 1: Update soon~ i love it