2nd Year - Beginning

Trail Of Memories

New year, new freshman but there's you who remain old. There's nothing new about you. You notice how the other students start to change - more stylish, more pretty, more cute, more swag. But you don't really care about it - why should you care right? They can become what they want and you choose to stay. To be original. Anyway you've become a 2nd year student which make you a senior but still a junior and you still stuck in the same class. You can't move to other class because your final exam result . Really that it make your mum suspended you from going out for 3 weeks. You nearly died cause of boredom. Luckily there's Hoseok who visit you ONCE A WEEK. 

Today you've come the school early. You enter your new class and look around it - there's some students who arrive earlier than you. You stretch a bit to loosens your tense muscle and then pick a sit near window. Besides you an empty chair which you will give Hoseok sit on it - no one will ever take it - you'll protect it. You buried you head to the table and yawn. 'Why did I'm so eager to come to school early today?' You regret it but it's not like you can go back to your home. Wait maybe you can but nah you don't have energy to go back to your home and then back to your school. Before you realize, you're already sleeping. You didn't notice a thing that happen around you when you're sleeping. Then you hear the school bell ring which wake you up. You rub your eyes and yawn. "Hoseok.. you've come?" You who that time still half asleep thought it's Hoseok who is sitting next to you give him a light slap. "Um.. Eunki... It's not me who you're hitting right now." You heard Hoseok's voice but it's not coming from your side - it come from your front. "What?" You again rub your eyes to clear your vision. You widened your eyes as you recognize the person who is sitting next to you. "!" You curse and that person chuckle softly. "Annyeong Eunki. It's great to see you again." He take out something from his bag and give it to you. "Here. I don't manage to give back to you." It's the scarf that you gave him last him. "N-no it's okay. I'm glad you're condition become better after I lend you this scarf." You take the scarf from Jungkook's hand shyly and show him your sweetest smile. Hoseok coughs. "I'm still here. With Jimin. Sitting next to me." "Oh.." You pause for a second and turn your head to meet Hoseok and Jimin's gaze. 'They're sitting TOGETHER!' You're in disbelief because you know that Hoseok really hates Jimin and Hoseok keep cursing him every time he saw him. 

"Is it okay for you to sit together?!" You asks Hoseok and Jimin scoff. "I don't know. I come to the class, saw Jungkook sitting next to you so I took the sit in front of you and the next thing I know Jimin is sitting next to me." After a brief explanation from Hoseok, you glance at Jimin who is now doing his own business. 'That's weird. At this time he will probably trying to make me mad. Wait! Why should I be bother by it? It's a good thing he's not picking a fight with me right now.' You drift your eyes from him and turn to look at Jungkook. You stare his side profile face - his hair which he dyed to brown, a pair of eyes that sparkle every time he spoke, the nose every girls want to know how it feel when it brush your face and the beautiful lips that perfect for kissing. You keep staring and you notice how your feelings toward him is not stronger that how it used to be. You wonder why. Maybe it's because you guys didn't talk that much or maybe you already bored with just looking at him from distance. You let out a small sigh. "Yah you okay?" Hoseok knows about your feeling because you told him and it concerns him. You smile bitterly thinking how you might screaming right now because your first love is sitting next to you but you don't  - it makes you sad deep inside. "Why? You're sick?" Jungkook asks. "Aigoo! I'm okay!" You try hard to make your tone sounds cheerful and inside you told yourself 'The feelings just fading away so why you must feel so sad?' Really it does make you wonder why you feel so emotional. You shrug. "Really?" Both of them ask in unison which make you laugh while nodding. The class then begin - you seriously hate school but if there's no school that's mean it's hard for you to find occupation. 

Lunch time arrive - lunch time is one the things that you put in your 'The Best Thing Ever Exist In This World' list and lunch time too is Hoseok's favorite time which make you and him share something in common. Jimin stands up and leave the class but he didn't bring along his bag. "He's acting strange today." Hoseok take a bite of bread that he bought from school cafeteria. "What do you mean by that?" Jungkook raise one of his eyebrows. "Oh yeah you don't really know him." In response you pinch his shoulder because Hoseok's word sounds rude. "Ouch!" He groans. "That's doesn't even hurt Jung Hoseok." You rolled your eyes. "Oh back to your question. Park Jimin a big troublemaker." Jungkook nod along with your words. "He always pick fight with people. Especially Hoseok. Last year they almost got into a brawl and since then they keep giving each other a death glare." You laugh just by thinking the 'death glare'. Hoseok clicked his tongue and you stay quiet for a while. "So what do you mean by he's acting strange?" Jungkook still don't get it. "What I mean is he's not talking, he's not even trying to pick a fight or try to disturb Eunki." Hoseok explanation make Jungkook understand as he keeps nodding his head - although he still want to ask about the 'disturb Eunki' part but he remains silent not wanting people to call him busybody. 

After finish eating you try to make conversation with Jungkook meanwhile Hoseok that time is using his phone - texting his girlfriend maybe? "So Jungkook.. how did you end up being at this class?" "Oh that.." He scratch the back of his neck and sigh. "My exam result is not that good. My grade really drop drastically last year and the homeroom teacher said anyone that got a worse result for the final exam will move to 2-D. And that's how I end up being at here." You mouth turn into the 'O' shape. "I bet it must be relationship problem that make your grade drop so damn down!" Hoseok grins while playing with his phone. You kick his leg from behind which make him yelp and ask you why you doing that. "Don't ask me why cause it's obvious why stupid!" "No it's okay. He's right to be honest." "See I was right!!"  You really want to smack Hoseok that time - although he's right but still it's rude. His behavior gotten worsen these days. "Shut up Jung Hoseok." You try not to yell at him especially when there's Jungkook watching you right now so you speak normally but there's threat tone that only can be sense by Hoseok. Hoseok shut his mouth. Out of nowhere Jimin back with a bread that covered with a jam - it looks disgusting - where the hell he got that thing. 

"Hah.." Jungkook leans back. "I thought I will not find a single friend at this class. Glad there's both of you." He smiles. 

"You know you still can have a friend even if there's no us cause your fan--"

You swing your book right to Hoseok's head. You mouth the words "Shut the up" 

"Hahaha you guys are so funny." 

"We're not. Trust me." 

"You guys are funny. Trust me." Jungkook mimics the way you said 'trust me'. "Anyway, do both of you free after school?" 

You and Hoseok look at each other before nodding. "Cool cause I want to treat you guys meal." You try to refused at first but Hoseok said that both of you can go - when it comes to food. 

"Can't wait for it!!" You can feel Jungkook's excitement. 

"I will join too." 

Jimin finally speaks up. And he said he's going to join?! You drop your jaw and slowly close it. 



Sigh.. I read this one fanfic which really make me cry.

I want to make a fanfic which make people feel sad and happy but when I read my own fanfic I must admit I'm a bad writer. Because I lack ideas.

But still I'm happy cause there's still people who willingly subscribe to this story.

Thanks~ I love you guys :)

Sorry for my grammar and enjoy this new chapter. ^^

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Puiibaekkie #1
Chapter 7: who will eunki choose i am reakky looking forward to the next chapter
Chapter 6: i can feel jimin and jhope already fell in love with eunki and jungkook will soon fell in love with her also i think....
Jungkookswifey97 #3
Chapter 5: Update please
_UriNameJungKook_ #4
Chapter 1: Interesting
JacquelynGan #5
Chapter 1: Update soon~ i love it