Chapter 3

Suki Dakara

For the past few days Haya and Migs are planning about their mission, as Migs said. After class and work Migs always meet with Haya. Every minute they started to know each other very well. Haya, at first she thought about Migs as a boastful and ert guy, but now Migs is showing her what he really is, the good and caring side of this guy.


"You're so early, I thought you will come late." Haya asked, she saw Migs entered their school auditorium.


" Just want to spend time here, I finished my class early." Migs is an HRM student at De La Salle University Manila.


He asked Haya if she is free for tomorrow, Saturday. Haya said that she has a very important meeting with another people, thats why she can't go with Migs.


Haya saw the sad expression at His face. Migs mentioned that Angelique is coming to join the celebration for his auntie's birthday.


She cant do anything cause she chose to meet with Rowan.


Migs walk around the auditorium. He heard Haya playing her Violin. The piece  Chaconne in G minor for Solo Violin by Tomaso Antonio Vitali. It catches his attention, the truth is he's a Classical music hater cause every time he heard a classical music or just saw a performance he got sleepy.


Now seeing Haya perform in front of him he felt that he wants to know more about Haya. She's the only person that he likes the way she plays the violin.


"She's really a different girl, for a classical music hater like me to listen to her music its a big Miracle." now he's paying attention at Haya's music.


For Haya its the piece that Rowan used to play for her when they we’re still together, thats why its a big achievement for her to play it perfectly. That is the piece that she will play on her recital.


After Haya's performance they went to a coffee shop to eat a snack.


When Haya got home, her mom is waiting for her. She brought mac and cheese for her daughter. And they do a girl talk. Her mom asked Haya if she really wants to go to the party and if she is ready to face Rowan.  Her mother can see that Haya’s life is not complete cause she can’t be together with her father. But its okay for Haya, as long as she have her mom and brother she will be fine.


Haya doesn't want her mother to worry, she said she was ready to face him. To settle the things between them.


Migs hurriedly went home cause he got a text from Rowan that he is waiting outside his unit. When Migs arrived he saw Rowan sitting outside the door and very bored. Inside the unit Rowan asked him where did he go. Migs happily said that he take care some of a important business for someone.


And as for his smile, Rowan can see that its a girl. He asked MIgs who is it? his cousin said that it was her girl friend. Rowan is excited to meet the girl, but Migs said she had something important to do.


They finished talking about Migs' girl friend, now its about Rowan he excitedly said that  he will see her now, cause its been two years since he didn't see her. the girl who is very important for him..


When the morning arrives Haya is nervous she keeps walking and walking around her room. Still making up her mind if she will go or not.


Her friends can't take what she's doing thats why they let Haya sit on the chair. Like before they are the one that arranged everything for Haya,making her beautiful again and extra ordinary.


"Now lets wait what will be Rowan's expression if he sees our very beautiful Hayate.." Mitchie said happily.


"* Deep sigh* for sure he will regret the time that he left you." Jedai said while combing Haya's hair.


On her way, she ride a FX Taxi. Every one is looking at her, cause of her lovely face, she's like a mannequin turned into a living one. Wearing a black tube dress her white skin is dazzling. She's getting conscious everybody even the driver is looking at her.


When she arrived at the mall she went to the figurine store to buy a present for Rowans mom. One crew approached her he's asking her if she need some help. She said its okay she can handle it.


After buying a present she went to the meeting place. She's standing at the entrance of a amusement center inside the mall. At first her feet wont step cause of Rowan, her heart is beating fast. Its their first time to see each other after two straight years.


She's looking inside the amusement center, and she saw many loving couples having their date. a smile brushed up to her face. She remembered the times when she and Rowan used to have their date there.


While waiting she saw a guy looking at her. At first she didn't notice it but when he look back to the guy. She felt the strong desire at the guys eyes that this guy wants to hug her.


" Haya chan" no doubt its Rowan.


She didn't notice it at first cause Rowan changed his looks. His hair grew longer and become very handsome. She dont know what to say.


"Haya chan lets go mom is waiting for you."


They went to the parking lot to get the car, and while driving still Haya is silent. She look at the road to entertain herself. Rowan can't help lookin at her.


When they arrive they went to the living room to see the family, Haya met her aunt Xandra her older sister Ana liza and her husband Andrey. She noticed that Andrey is her teacher when she was in High school she didn't know that it was Rowans uncle.


After meeting the family, they went to the garden they sat at the see saw. they we're quiet thats why Haya take the chance to talk.


" Rowan, I want to know why you came back? and why do you want to see me?"


" Haya I'm so sorry I cant tell you "


"You cant tell me? then how can we make this up?"


"There is a right time for you to know all the reasons why I left but for now I just want to be your friend." Rowan felt guilty seeing Haya suffering cause of him.


" When you left I already forgive you. But still the pain is there." Haya slightly beamed a smile on him just to make him feel better.



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