Chapter 1

Suki Dakara

Haya's lovely brother is so happy, because they were at the beach in Quezon province with her two best friend Mitchie and Jedai. But for Haya she's not happy. It's July and they we're at the beach its rainy season.

"Haya come on give us your best smile. Look Ivan is very happy. Don't be a kill joy" Jedai said while grabbing Haya's hands.

" And look Haya its our first time to go to the beach this year." Follow up by Mitchie.

Haya is a very serious person specialy at her studies. She is a collage student at Ateneo de Manila University. She likes music especialy classical music. And sometimes people repeatedly mistaken her as a tomboy cause she always wear a pants and shirt not a typical girls clothes.

But she had an explanation, she just love cross dressing they said maybe its because of her nationality. She's half Filipino and half Japanese. Before her surname was Kamiya but since her parents were separated she uses her mothers surname it was Ortega.

She had a younger brother named Ivan. It was her mother's son to her second husband, Haya's step father.

Everything is going fine; when her brother and friend are in their room they suddenly changed their clothes to swim wear. She doesn't want to go with them near the sea. Instead she stays under the umbrella, listening to her music and reading her musical notes.

She took a nap then she got awake cause her friend Jedai is shouting at her. Saying that her brother is drowning. She hurriedly get up and and went near the ocean to see whats happening to her brother. She's really worried and panicking.

A guy rushed down to the sea and saved her brother. The guy conducted CPR for her brother. And then the life guards came to continue the first aid. Haya is very thankful to the guy. When they went back to the room Haya is very relieved. She dont know how to tell her mother the truth if Ivan died.

Few minutes later her friends went back, and they have a very suspicious smile on their faces.

"Hey, whats with that faces?"

"Haya you know what you are lucky cause that guy saved Ivan." Jedai said.

"Yeah I know. And we saw it right... and I know thank you is not enough for what he did to my brother."

"Haya." Mitchie said while holding Haya's hands." That guy risks his own life for Ivan and right now he's asking you to have dinner with him tonight."

Haya shockingly stand up. "What?! dinner? are you guys kidding me? you know that I hate dates. I don't have time for that!"

After the long convincing process, Haya accepted the date. Her friends are very excited while preparing Haya for the date. And after the girls stuff, Haya look so beautiful, she's wearing a very elegant blue dress and high heels. With her long hair brushed down and a light make up on.


While walking toward to the restaurant she was thinking about the guy. Her friends are right if the guy didn't save her brother. Ivan is dead by now. While seriously thinking suddenly she remembers the nice build and structure of the guy's body.

"O... come on Haya. Cut it out it's not time for that." she said to herself.

At the resto the guy saw her, he's with his friend. The guy was gazing at her.

"Hey Migs how long will you stay like that?" his friend snap his fingers on Migs.

While waiting for their orders, Haya is looking at the beautiful view. It was a resto near the sea and she can see the sea sparkling like a diamonds, Migs started to introduce his self.

"Ahem.. my name is Miguel Kaye Laviste.."

"Hayate Ortega is my name."

They talk about their selves. Haya asked Migs if he likes to go to the beach. Migs said it's often they we're just there for an overnight.

They we're eating dessert when Haya saw the crew of the resto playing a violin. Migs ask Haya if she want to ask the crew to play a song for her. Cause he saw that Haya is interested at the guy. Haya asked the crew to play the Elgar's Salut d Amour for her.

While listening to the music, Migs saw a beautiful smile at Haya's face. He was amazed at Haya's transformation before he saw her in normal clothes and now this girl is having dinner with him. She looks elegant and acting like a girl.

After the dinner, Migs accompany Haya to the girl's room. After saying goodbye and good night. Haya closed the door. She thought that her friends are already sleeping but she is wrong. The two girls grabs her and keeps asking questions about the dinner. She got annoyed that's why she cover herself a blanket and sleep.

The next morning Haya and her friends we're waiting for the vehicle that they paid for transportation. But her friends are now angry and asked the receptionist but still nothing came. They woke up early just to go back to Manila early.

They we're waiting for about 45 minutes. But still Haya and her brother is in the mood. Ivan is playing with his PSP and Haya is watching at her mobile phone t.v.

"Haya is not pissed.. look at her Jedai.."

"Of course she wont Look its early in the morning and she is watching Shirota Yuu."

Shirota Yuu it was Haya's favorite Japanese male artist.

"Hey Jedai, Mitchie mind your own business..." Haya scoffs.

After some minutes, Migs saw them at the lobby.

"Girls what are you doing here?" he saw Jedai and Mitchie angry. "Is there any problem here?"

"Yes there is.." Jedai said with a very irritated voice

He saw Haya watching and not paying attention to her friends.

Since Haya is not paying attention. She got surprised when she heard that they will ride at Migs car.

"Nice car..." Mitchie said.

In front of them is a Brand new Ford Expedition 2009 model.

Haya is not comfortable she knows that Migs is looking at her. Still Migs is imagining Haya's looks last night. Now she's like a tomboy.

Haya can't sleep not like her friends and brother they are all sleeping.

" Hey, are you okay?" Migs asked her. "don't worry we are good guys we wont harm you"

"Why? Did I say that you guys are bad?" Haya said with a very irritated voice. "To tell you I'm not comfortable with this, so would you please focus on driving." then she looks outside the window.

Migs didn't bother Haya he just focus on driving. When they arrived at the subdivision, Mitchie said thank you to the boys but Haya didn't look back. She accompanies Ivan to their house.



"Mom we're home."

Her mom asked them hows the overnight. Of course Haya didn't say the truth about Ivan. Her brother told their mom that she had a date with a handsome guy last night. Her mother started to ask many questions about the guy.

"I don't like him... and I wish we wont see each other again." she said but her mind keep thinking about that guy..

And as for the two boys they went home.

"Migs you're acting different since last night. What do you think of Haya?" Gless said he is Migs best friend.

"You know Gless last night she's very beautiful and attractive just a simple make over her beauty will come out."

"And you are interested in her?" he said while one looking at Migs very curious

"Lets say yes.. she can help me about Angelique.. for sure she's the right girl..."

Shes planning something about Haya, And Haya doesn't know the real motive of that guy to her. Is it good for Haya not to see Migs ever again?





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