Chapter Twelve

Hide and Seek 숨바꼭질

An Act for Dinner


Eun Ji steadied her breathing. She closed her eyes, foolishly convincing herself that she didn't have to face reality when she opened them. She was overthinking about it too much. It was the man from earlier―Detective Seo In Guk, she should have known that he and the Mount Everest man were in good terms. He wore the same clothes from before, but his face wasn't as stern as he had back in the police station.


“Oh, there's Jung Eun Ji-ssi.” He looked surprised when his eyes were on her, “I thought you are alone you know...”


“Nice to meet you Detective.” Eun Ji gave a polite bow to him.


“Ah, you can call me In Guk, no need politeness here, you are you and I am currently off duty, besides this is not police station, you know.” He gave a wide mischievous smile to Eun Ji, on a brief moment she thought this was the contrary of Mount Everest man―Hawaii man.


“What are you doing here?” Won Geun looked at him with serious eyes. He had it for some reasons, Eun Ji just couldn't figure why.


“Suppose I am asking you, what is Jung Eun Ji-ssi doing here? I thought after she went off with you, you’d sent her back to her house.”


Eun Ji felt her eyebrows drawing together―she needed a moment to get things straight, “De... Seo In Guk-ssi, by what you meant, am I supposed to be at my house right now?”


“Yes, you are release from the police's watch but your identity still far from the words―normal citizen,” he made it sounded like there was a thousand miles separation for to get her life back, “this case is just too complicated.”


Before Eun Ji could complain, Won Geun slipped in and stated, “She is now under my surveillance. It’s none of your business.”


“I see,” his expression changed swiftly, his radiant playful smile appeared on his face, “then Jung Eun Ji-ssi, I'm afraid you have to stick to our Professor Lee. Stay strong.”


He got her right. Those last words of his clearly referring that she was staying with a creature, a very demonic creature with a disgusting arrogance. But she had no choice in her position. She could only stay with him for the moment, under his watch.


He walked to the counter, looking at the unwashed utensils, "Won Geun, how come you had steak and you don’t invite me? It’s rude you know, and I am angry right now.”


He didn’t even have the face to look angry. Somehow it tickled Eun Ji’s stomach, but she held the urge to laugh. Then, she turned to Won Geun. He was as calm as ever, continuing his dinner, he said, “I have prepared yours...”




She was about to eat her jail-like-food when suddenly the detective shrieked in a voice that she had never thought a man could do. “If you are serving me a medium-rare, I could still digest it into my stomach. But this is raw meat, what on earth are you thinking?” In Guk frowned at Won Geun. Again, Eun Ji tried not to laugh.


“You cut me before I could finish―I said, I have prepared yours but you have to cook it yourself.”


“You are indeed the campus’ famous Narcissistic Lee Won Geun after all, aren’t you agree with that statement Jung Eun Ji-ssi?” He winked at Eun Ji.


She nodded in agreement―although she felt odd about that wink thing―later she eyed Won Geun for a long moment before started asking, hoping that she didn’t offend him, “So, you two have known each other for quite a long time, huh?”


“You bet it is. Besides of that nickname he was also well-known with women,” In Guk smiled, his eyes rolled to Won Geun, “back in those days, he was called a heartbreaker―you must have never thought how many innocent beautiful girls have been hurt because of him. I'll tell you about...”


“Done cooking?”


“Oh, not yet.” In Guk froze up before he continued where he had left.


She fought the urge to laugh. Her lips made a weird movement that made Won Geun eyed her for a second. It was her first to see Mount Everest cracked his frosty cold image. It was the funniest part for her miserable day. Despite of it, she learned the fact that he was popular for being a jerk back then. One secret was leaked out. She gigled.


“By the way,” In Guk suddenly started, “Jung Eun Ji-ssi, I apologized for my behavior earlier, you know duty calls.”


“It's alright, I just―never mind.” Eun Ji hated the feeling of being wronged, being misunderstood. An apology couldn't make any difference of it but since he was sincere, she accepted it. At least it did have an impact to her mood―it lightened a bit of her burden.


When she turned back to the table, she saw Won Geun was answering a phone call at the moment. She sensed unease flit across his stern face, "Speak." His voice sounded deep and low as if there was a pressure in it. Probably an incoming call, she guessed, it should have been vibrated due to their dinner. (Did she just use they?). She had never heard someone answering a phone with saying ‘speak’ as welcoming answer instead of ‘hello’―which would be much suitor to the situation.


But there was no feedback from him to the caller. Only a while later, he answered, “I’ll be there soon.”


That was the end of the call. After he put back his phone to his pocket, he stood up, and with that expressionless face commanded, “You'll be coming with me.”


“Right now? But I still haven't had my dinner yet.” Eun Ji tried to gobble as much as she could but suddenly her spoon fell. Before she could pick it up, Won Geun was already hopped out in front of her.


“It's your carelessness, and it’s none of my concern.” He grasped her hand, pulling her near to him―again that close distance. It was an awkward position. He cold gaze shot hers as he said, “you must remember you are my prisoner and you must do everything I said.”


Eun Ji gulped. An eerie calm washed over her, and her lips quivered. She didn’t like that feeling.

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My best friend said that my heroine always had lots of men's attentions. Will this happens to Eun Ji? What do you think? >,<


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injung022 #1
Chapter 18: I don't know what to say...
After not commenting for quite a time, all I want to say is: Author-nim, you are the best!
The kissing scene is just the thing that I've been waiting for, although not as what I imagined. Finally sparks of romance is in the air!
Keep it up author-nim, I will look forward to read your next chapter!
Chapter 17: Oh My...
"He'll be protecting"-- is that he means Lee Won Geun? I got hyped just now haha (not to mention that those two have more moments here >< my shipper feel~)
The whole Joker thing is finally on the way, yaas, wait for next chap already
And the fact that you're still a highschooler, whoaa, respect~ welcome back and fighting on your exams
I keep my word to write by the way, and thank you author-nim^^
Aaaaa~ what happen next? Oh, how bad I miss Eunji and Lee Won Geun, can we have bunch of intimacy between them soon? I really can't wait ><
And by the way, personally at first I keep guess that the bus guy is Lee Won Geun, but maybe I got it wrong huh. Is he Ji Soo?
And of course, thank you Author-nim, good job ^^