
The Feeling

Jinyoung’s POV


How should I start? My first week at the company was far from what I expected.

First of all, the amount of work that I need to finish everyday was tremendous. Indeed working in a big company requires more patience andddddd energy drink. My fridge used to have banana milks but it has now been replaced by energy drinks. Milk makes me more tired and sleepy so I had no choice. There were also episodes of homesickness and such.

I looked at the small mirror on my table. My face is obviously tired and you could see that I’m not getting a good amount of sleep. Oh well.

Aside from the adjustment to work, another thing to worry was Mark, we are basically in the same department but he never once talked to me unless he needed to handle me some papers. I know it shouldn’t be a big deal and we’re in a workplace but I couldn’t ignore the fact that he’s giving me an unusual treatment.

Each day was a cycle of trying to talk to him and Mark, on the other hand, trying to ignore my presence. What? I just wanted to talk to him since I’m new here and I feel like he’s the only person I could talk to about work. However, if he’s not busy doing his work, he’s on his phone. I don’t know, I’m so stressed with work already that as much as possible, I just want to finish my task today and rest.

After finishing my report, I quickly stood up and packed my things. Thank God it’s Friday. I was about to leave my space when my workmate, Momo, approached me.

Wow. Her face doesn’t seem to look tired at all. In fact, she looks good.

“You seem to forget something, Mr. Park?” She said while tapping her fingers on my desk.

“ What is it? “ I asked in a hurry.

I don’t want to be rude or something but I’m just really tired right now.

So far, Momo is my closest workmate here in the company. She was very welcoming and how should I say it, hyper? I never see her tired or worried at all. It’s as if she’s the epitome of happiness, sunshine, rainbow and more. She’s really just so positive.

“ For a 23 year old, you are so forgetful. It’s Friday, Jinyoung! You nodded when I asked you to dinner. “

Dinner? Oh shoot. I totally forgot. I remember it was the moment when Mark approached me to give me some papers and my mind was too occupied at that time that I just nodded to whatever she was saying.

“ Oh yeah I’m sorry. Shall we go now? “

I guess I have no choice. Well, it’s fine anyway since I’ll be alone in the hotel anyway. The dinner with Momo will at least be something nice about today or maybe the week.

“ Let’s gooooo! “ She said in an exciting tone.

I chuckled at her action. This girl is very funny.

Momo asked me to dinner because she didn’t want to be with her parents who just came from Japan. According to her, they will only ask her about stuff like love, boyfriend or getting into a relationship.  They have been doing this for years now and she said, she’s not just ready for all those yet.   

We rode a taxi and entered a beautiful restaurant in Hongdae. She said that the place serves the best comfort food and all I could do was to agree.

We ordered our food and Momo started the whole conversation. This girl is very talkative but in a good way. She started talking about almost everything, her work, parents, hobbies and more.

“ I told you the food here is awesome. I don’t mind eating here every week. “

She said while cleaning with a tissue paper.

“ I miss my mom.” I confessed.

Momo looked at me with a confused look.

“I mean the food reminded me of her.”

formed “Ahhhh” while nodding.

“ It’ okay Jinyoung, you’ll get used to it! “ She said and gave me a thumbs up.

I was drinking my milkshake when a familiar sound approached our table.

“ Are you finally dating someone, Momo? “

Momo dropped her chopsticks when the guy approached her and I was shocked to see JB.

“ Jaebum? “ I asked.

The guy turned to face me and shock was likewise rendered on his face.

“Jinyoung? “ He squinted his eyes as if it could get any smaller but later on gave me a grin.

“ Jinyoung-ah, are you dating my friend Momo? “

I shook my head but Momo was quick to respond “ Yah, JB what are you doing here? “

JB  motioned Momo to move so he could sit beside her.

From the looks of it, I guess they are really comfortable with each other.

“ Am I not allowed to eat here, Ms. Hirai? What about you? Why are you here with Jinyoung. Don’t tell me you’re dating. “

Do I hear a little jealousy? Oh Im Jaebum.

I want to laugh at the situation but the two kept on bickering.

Momo kept on slapping JB’s arm and JB on the other hand kept teasing her.

“ Sorry for ruining the dinner, Jinyoung. A monster arrived, what can we do? “ Momo said after eating the last bite of her food.

I shook my head to say that it’s fine.

“ Monster? Are you referring to yourself because Momo stands for Momonster. “

I laughed at his joke but Momo glared at me so I had to clear my throat instead.

“ I didn’t know you guys know each other “ I started.

“ My mom and her mom are friends that’s why. We had no choice but to know each other. “ JB said while trying to put his arm around Momo.

“ JB, please “ Momo said in a tone as if she’s already surrendered.

The night went on like that. Good food and great friends although the two continued to argue. Tomorrow is Saturday and finally, my rest day. I originally planned to stay at the hotel and sleep all day but when we’re about to leave the restaurant, JB invited me to his house for tomorrow and he said, the others will be there as well. I said I’ll think about it but JB was being JB, he told me that it was going to be fun and because he was persistent, I said yes in the end.

I headed to the hotel afterwards since JB offered to drive Momo home. It was funny how Momo wanted to say no but it was already too late so she had no choice.

--- END ---

Note: Hi guys! Sorry for not updating! My parents arrived and I had to be a good girl jk jk I spent the holiday with them so yeah . How was your holiday everyone? Hope you spent it well with your loved ones. Sorry if there's no MarkJin interaction today, I promise to give you a lot in the next chapters. Anyway, I hope it's not yet late to wish you a blessed Christmas and a prosperous new year. Love lots! 


Here's a happy JB after teasing Momo! :") (hahah)


MarkJin, so close yet so far. 






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justrightreader #1
Chapter 9: Love the story authornim... pls update soon
JinyoungsMark #2
Chapter 9: What happen to markjin relationship..i hope it will reveal soon. .cos i cannot handle with jinyoung being ignored and mark avoiding ...update soon ;)
Chapter 7: Uljima T_T
seoul061896 #4
Chapter 7: thanks authornim....... hope you can find inspiration for your next updates hahahahha 4 more weeks to go hahahha (wink wink)
JinyoungsMark #5
Chapter 7: Woah..feel so longggg for ur update.really glad u r back..hope u can update soon..pls don't stress..will wait patiently for ur next update ..
seoul061896 #6
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: thanks authornim im excited for your next update hahahah .
Chapter 4: Do you ship JB and Momo? XD
aizaza #8
Chapter 5: oohhh.. markjin...
yey...they end up to be partner...
curious sbout next chap..