Chapter 5

It's I, Your Hero In A Highschool Uniform!

Chapter 5

I looked up carefully just to make sure it wasn't Rae Mi, though she didn't really look like a man, her voice definitely sounded like one. That was true though, her voice was very deep -_-.



My face turned beet red when I saw Eun Byul standing there tall and proud looking down at me with a blank expression. Darn, the embarrassment is coming back to me. Why am I getting so nervous?

Arg, I hate these feelings. I looked up at him while he stared at me with his eyebrows raised. I smiled before I turned around hurriedly and ran off. To think that I was a retard...

I reached out to take a hold of the chopsticks, but, where did my chopsticks go? WAIT!!! Where did my SHIN NOODLES GO!?!?!?!?!? I looked at my hands in shock, how could I lose a cup of noodles? Did I drop it during the time I ran from Eun Byul? CRUD, this can't be... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THAT CUP OF NOODLES COST LIKE 2 BUCKS! Oh wait... I forgot to pay them! Oops... The next time I come by, I'll just pay them extra. After saying that I wasn't a retard, it ends up I'm still one =_=.

"Hey, you left this in my hand!" said Eun Byul trying really hard not to laugh out while walking towards me. I did?!? Eun Byul walked closer to me and smiled, it doesn’t feel right when he smiles, I mean it he looks totally creepy.

"Uh... thank you?" I said as I took the noodles cup from him with a confused face. Now that I think about it, when has this guy ever been so nice? When has he actually smiled at me in a nice way?

Never! I looked at the noodles cup and looked back at him, never should I leave a cup of noodles with Eun Byul. The cup was empty, even the water was gone, come to think of it there wasn't a drop left.

I'm starting to think this day can not get any worser than it already is. I lost two bucks from this, stupid Eun Byul. Eun Byul patted my head as he walked away while I stood there angrily glaring at his head.

I looked down in an act of defeat before noticing a wallet on the ground. I threw the empty cup away. Could it be? Could this be Eun Byusls wallet? My luck has turned up, finally!

ALRIGHT! I wonder how much money does he have in here... I opened the wallet slightly and looked inside of it. There wasn't ANY money in here, not even 1 cent. Who has a wallet and doesn't put money in it? Obviously Eun Byul is, maybe he's poor?

I noticed a paper poking out from the wallet, I carefully took it out. Maybe it's a check, or something even better like an embarrassing picture of him that I can post in the newspaper or something!

But being the nice girl I am, I won't do that, I'll just use the picture to blackmail him or something, *laughs evilly*! I turned the picture and looked at it... The picture surely wasn't an embarrassing one *Drools*.

Man this was one hot picture... Ahem... I meant, this picture was nice, I suppose. There was another piece of note paper attached to the photo, and this was what it said exactly...

Meat mi hat Sango Hi aphtor skool 2morow, b ther r di.



Eun Byul

Pe. Is. O yeh wetorn mai wawwet 2.


Man, he sounds like a retard, or a 5 year old kid who needs his mommy! Here's my version, the correctly spelt version to be exact...

Meet me at SangGo High after school tomorrow, be there or die.



P.S. Oh yeah return my wallet too.

That's what the note said but about the only thing he spelled right was his NAME! Did I tell you guys that it took me about 10 minutes to figure what the paper said? And I thought he was smart.

So, was this a setup? No wonder there wasn't any money in here, and I thought he was poor, shows how smart I am -_-. SangGo High is like a mile from my school...

No way am I going to his school, it's not like he's going to kill me or anything, right? Right (A/N: Keep telling yourself that!)! I'll just keep telling myself that, cause I know I'm RIGHT *Laughs*!

I placed the wallet into my pocket and started to walk home, man today was one LONG day. I sighed before I started to whistle absently.

After minutes of walking I finally got home, thank goodness. I unlocked the door and walked in, the house was silent and I mean the creepy silent.

Looking around just to make sure that I wasn't going to be ambushed by Jin Soo. Walking around the house for about 5 minutes I finally figured out that no one was home, I'm SURELY the smart one of the family.

I walked up the stairs and into my room, changing into my Goong pajama's, shin pajama's was more like it, before finally laying onto my bed. Today was a crazy day, it was, for sure.

Boom bam blam kabloom. "What the hell?!?" I screeched as I fell off of the bed, whose making that loud racket???

"MIN HEE AHHHHHH!!!!!!!" screamed a voice. "Jin Soo? Is that you?" I screamed back as I hurriedly ran down the stairs to see Jin Soo standing there in a bending position. Rubbing my eyes I stared at him.

"What's wrong this time?" I asked him taking a step back. "I want to play with Mr. Milky... I miss him..." said Jin Soo, his lip trembling. "It's Ms. Milky, it's at the vet's..." I said with a expressionless face. My brother can be so stupid sometimes.

Ms. Milky is our pet cat, er, dog, thingy gone wrong. Our dog looked like a cat, it acted like a cat period. I'm thinking the dog was made by a dog and cat, if such a thing was possible.

You see when my father checked to see if the dog was male or female, the dog seemingly didn't have a... um... thingy. It seems the dog had it's "thingy" cut off or something.

My brother just assumed that the dog was a male, but whenever he called Milky a Mr., Milky would always piss on Jin Soo, literally. Milky was really nice to me though I still can't tell if it was a male or female.

Now to think about it, I think Milky's probably gay, he, er, she would always chase after our neighbors pet monkey, if that even makes sense.

Milky likes cats, but for a reason hates monkeys, um female monkeys to be correct, maybe it's because they have fleas er dogs have fleas too *scratches head*...

Anyways, Milky had a case of, er, something, the doctor couldn't figure it out, he's still checking, I bet he couldn't get past the part where Milky is either a male or female *cough*. I still can't figure out what's wrong with our pet (Can't tell if it's a dog or cat, female or male...). Anyways, lets get back to the Jin Soo thing.

Jin Soo hugged onto my arm pulling me with him to the restroom, man did he stink like alcohol. "la la la la..." sanged Jin Soo randomly. "Jin Soo, are you drunk?" I asked covering my nose.

By the way Jin Soo is always drunk. "Noooooo... keke. You remind me of a hamburger!" he sanged, yup he's definitely drunk. Whenever he's drunk he calls me different types of food, the last time he was drunk, he called me a donut =_=.

Why does he always call me food that are big and round, is he trying to point out something, like if I'm fat??? I'm not fat am I? My mother said that I wasn't fat but I was just big bones.

She's not lying is she??? Ahem... anyways, let me tell you whenever Jin Soo is drunk, I would always take care of him, even though he does mean things to me. I would always take care of him, it's like I'm the big brother and he's the little sister not the other way around...

I watched as Jin Soo bended down so he was facing the toilet, about to puke or something. "Min Hee! HOLD IT UP!!!" he shouted at me.

Hold it up??? Hold WHAT up? What am I suppose to hold up?!? "HOLD WHAT UP!?!" I shouted back stupidly. "HOLD MY HAIR UP D*** IT!" he screamed at me.

HAIR?!? WHAT HAIR!?!? HE HAD SHORT HAIR!!! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO HOLD THAT UP?!? "F***ING HOLD MY GOD D*** HAIR!!!" he screamed loudly, I looked at his face, dang he was one ugly chick, uh I meant dude.

I immediately took a hold of his only lock of long hair, consisting on a couple of strands of hair. My brother gets really retarded when he's drunk. "Ack...Ack.." he coughed as puke filled the toilet, FAST.

This is so sickening, I think I'm going to puke too, ew... Finally the puking stopped and Jin Soo lowered his head. I watched as the strands of hair in my hands disconnected with his head.


I looked at him and smiled, he's not going to find out, well he did deserve this though... I kicked him lightly on the arm just to make sure he wasn't awake, but he fell head first into the toilet. I stood there staring.

DID HE DIE??? I pulled his head out of the toilet... Man this is sick!!!! I pulled him over to the bathtub and ran water over his head and the bald spot... Since he got his puke onto himself by dipping his head in the toilet.

Finally his head looks clean enough. Okay... now time to fix his hair to the point that he won't notice. TAPE!! THAT'S IT! I NEED TAPE! I hurriedly ran to look for tape.

I found the tape and quickly ran into the restroom. Oppa won't notice at all *laughs*. After 30 minutes of taping I stopped to admire my work. "This didn't quite turn out as I thought it would..." I said looking at his head.

When I taped the hair onto his head and it didn't fit into the spot, I pulled the tape off, causing MORE hair to come off... This . I bit the insides of my cheeks staring at my handiwork.

What am I to do... GLUE! That's it... GLUE! I'll glue the strands of hair onto his head that's a GOOD idea. I started to glue right away! After about 20 minutes of gluing hair onto his head I stopped.

Hm... it looks quite good now! HE WON'T BE ABLE TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE! HAHAHAHA! I pulled him out of the restroom and flushed the toilet.

I pulled him into his room and laid him onto the floor, I would of laid him onto the bed, but I didn't have the strength. "You're lucky I brought you up here!" I said breathing heavily I still say I knew I should of tooken PE 2.

Bringing him up the stairs was so tiring. I think I'm going to go get something to eat. I quickly went down and ate a bowl of rice before walking back up the stairs.

Getting sleepy I walked up to my room and went to sleep, man was today a tiring day. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

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