Soonseokkwan; "Sledding"

25 Days of Shipmas

Temptations were not things easily overlooked by teenaged boys.


    Regardless of the nature of said temptations, they fell short in cases that involved excessive use of willpower. Nothing could be left chalked down only as ‘tantalizing’; no, they wouldn’t rest until they had succeeded in obtaining whatever it was that they were after, until they had it within their own hands. It was a sort of blind determination, refusing to give in until success had been achieved regardless of whether or not one was certain of the side effects.


    Kwon Soonyoung, Lee Seokmin, and Boo Seungkwan were nothing if not teenage boys. Average, perhaps not, but most certainly teenage boys nonetheless. One held a devious mind, the second a willingness to comply, and the third, a desire to rebel; a combination that could be described only as detrimental to the rest of the world, but to them, the fit like moving gears, each ensuring that the next could do their best.


    They were just out for fun in the end, and they would accept fun in whatever form it appeared, which was why they found themselves standing at the top of a quite impressively sized hill, sleds ready in their hands. Rather, sled ready in their hands. There was nothing to be said of their intelligence, but their wisdom could definitely be lacking at points, as displayed by Soonyoung holding the sole sled that they had brought along, large enough to perhaps fit two, if they sat on top of one another.


    They were unfazed, though; they wore glinting grins across their faces as they stared down the hill, each aching to hop onto the sled and be the first to go down.


    After a few moments of silence, Soonyoung - the unofficial leader of the little group - made the decisions. “I’m gonna do it.”


    The others did not object; Soonyoung was the oldest, after all, and one who often coordinated all these little games, so it was all that they could do to allow him this right of passage.


    Soonyoung’s eager grin didn’t leave his face. He let the sled fall to the ground from his hand, the dark blue plastic letting out a gentle sound as it came into contact with the snow, sinking in only slightly. He placed one foot on either side of it, and he might’ve stopped to laugh at how ridiculous his position must’ve looked if he hadn’t been so eager to begin, slowly, slowly, he sank down until he was hovering merely inches above it. He turned back to give the boys one last excited smile, his glance met with thumbs up from both, and sitting all the way down, he shifted his weight off of his feet as he pulled them in front of him, and suddenly, he was off.


    He let out a delighted laugh as he sped down the hill, squinting his eyes to keep them from drying out in the wind. It was much steeper than he had originally anticipated, he noted giddly, and far larger as well. A rush of adrenaline washed over him and he closed his eyes, simply enjoying the feeling of a controlled fall. He didn’t open them again until he reached the bottom, drifting for a few feet even once the ground had leveled out as a result of his momentum. He stood clumsily, vaguely aware of the fact that his legs were cramping up from the position that he had been in, but he dismissed the feeling.


    “So?” Came the shout from Seokmin atop of the hill, waiting impatiently for Soonyoung’s opinion.


    “I’m ready to go again!” He called back in answer, earning laughs both from Seokmin and Seungkwan.


    “First you have to get back to the top!” Seungkwan shouted down, and had they been close enough to see the expression on Soonyoung’s face, they surely would’ve lost all their breath to hysteric laughter. It seemed that in the thrill of the moment, the negative side of the size of the hill had failed to occur to him, and his face fell as he stared up the track made by his sled, realizing that he now had to walk that if he wanted to return the sled to the others.


    With a sigh, he picked it up from beside himself, beginning the trudge back up to the top, snow boots sinking heavily into the multitude of snow with each step that he took. Of course, however, being the optimist that he was, his thoughts didn’t remain negative for long. No, in fact, he was nearly immediately consoled by the fact that both of the others would have to do the same in just a matter of minutes.


    He eventually reached the top, breath heavy as he opted to just fall at the others’ feet. “Just leave me here to die,” he whined dramatically, leaving the others to roll their eyes.


    “Fine, fine,” Seokmin said, “as long as I get my turn.”


    Soonyoung willingly offered him the sled, at least now sitting up right rather than lying on the ground.


    Seokmin immediately sat down and took of, letting excited whoops and yells out as he went, in typical Seokmin fashion. Just like Soonyoung, though, the rush was brought to a sudden halt at the bottom, realization that he now had to trek back up dawning upon him.


    As he began his walk, Soonyoung and Seungkwan exchanged sideways glances, the wheels turning in their heads. They didn’t have to exchange so much as a word to convey their thoughts; they were in sync enough that they just knew, already aware that the plans hatching in their minds were one and the same. As if they could read one another’s minds, the broke out into devious smiles at the same time, just as Seokmin reached the top.


    “Hey, Seokmin,” Soonyoung said, faking a confused expression, “can you sit down again?”


    The (now extremely tired) vocalist simply blinked at them. “Why?”


    “Something looked weird,” Seungkwan chimed in, also pretending to examine both he and the sled.


    Cautiously, Seokmin agreed and sat back down, keeping himself from going back down the hill with one hand in the snow behind him. He was far too innocent to be friends with the other two, willingly going along with anything that they said.


    Once again, at the same time, Soonyoung and Seungkwan looked at each other from behind Seokmin, and counting to three on their hands, they kicked the sled back into motion.


    Seokmin let out an indignant yell as he began speeding down yet again, Soonyoung and Seungkwan left laughing as hard as they possibly could, bent over in half with tears threatening to fall from their eyes.


    “What was that for?” Seokmin cried out once he had reached the bottom.


    “What was what for?” Returned Seungkwan, playing innocent just to irritate him as he knew that there was no way he would believe that they hadn’t done anything.


    “You’re both dead when I get back up there!” Seokmin shouted out, though the radiant smile on his face was clear to see even from the great distance between them. He wasn’t angry with them; he couldn’t be angry with them, as he would’ve done the same thing. In fact, he was having the time of his life.


    “So we’ve got a good seventy or so years left then, right?” Seungkwan teased back, eliciting a laugh from Soonyoung.


    Seokmin took off running to return to the top of the hill, trying his best to get it over with quickly and putting on a bit of a comedy routine at the same time as his feet kept slipping out from under him. Once he finally reached the top, though, all three collapsed, Seokmin exhausted from his trek and Soonyoung and Seungkwan from their laughter.


    “Hey, Seokmin,” Soonyoung said once they had caught their breath enough to speak once more.


    “Hm?” Answered Seokmin, not bothering to expend the necessary energy to talk.

    “You left the sled down there.”

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Sebongie1717 #1
pth20010925 #2
Chapter 9: All your drabbles are so great. Some of them are freaking cute, some make me feel so good after reading. Good job author-nim. By the way, can I translate JiCheol, GyuHao, SoonSeook, JiHan and Seungsol into vietnamese? I'm sure you'll get a credit from me. Thanks so much for writing!!!
ChocolateBear #3
This is super cute! And wow! Not once you stray from the theme! Good job authornim!
Call_Me_Oppa #4
Chapter 7: No. Chan is too young for this Ho
miharucho #5
KpopWoozi_Furihata94 #7
Chapter 24: Wowwww your stories are sooo fun :D
I really like your stories and Merry Christmas Author-nim :):):)