Soonhoon; "Home For Christmas"

25 Days of Shipmas

    If ever a label could be placed on Lee Jihoon, the one most befitting of the light haired boy would most certainly have to be ‘workaholic’.


    Of course, Jihoon was far more than just that; he had many, many traits and qualities that all aided in making him the man that he was. There was his maturity that seemed far beyond that which was typical of a boy of only nineteen years, his overwhelming intelligence, the fact that one could never guess what it was that he was about to do, and so, so many more. Lee Jihoon was indeed a very interesting man - just one that was easily engrossed in his work as well.


    There was rarely so much as a second that he could be found outside of his office; it was almost as though he was in there incessantly, always working away. Being both the composer and the producer for the majority of Seventeen’s music, there was, after all, a considerably large load of work to attend to. The other members did all that they could to lighten the load, to lift the stress from his shoulders, but there was only so much that they could do, especially when Jihoon was so utterly and completely resilient to any form of assistance whatsoever. In the end, it was all that they could do to show their support for him, despite their concerns for his general well being.


    None were so concerned, however, as Kwon Soonyoung.


    It was only natural, after all, for him to be concerned for his hard working boyfriend. With each passing day, it seemed that he got even less sleep, staying later and later in his studio before returning to the dorm. As soon as one task was finished, yet another was created; such was the nature of Jihoon’s job. But for all of his work load, for all of his exhausted efforts, he never once complained or was unhappy with his job. That, Soonyoung mused, may have been what attracted him to the younger in the first place; his unwillingness to be defeated by work.


    Soonyoung did, of course, have his own sizeable mountain of work to get through each day. He was the one choreographing the routines to Jihoon’s masterfully composed music, not an easy task in the slightest. He supposed that he had never thought of it as work, however. It was his passion, something that came naturally to him. He enjoyed doing it. He did admit, however, that it was quite time consuming.


    No matter how long Soonyoung worked for, though, Jihoon always worked longer. As such, Soonyoung could always find the time to pay him a visit - and often not a quick one, at that. He could normally be found right by Jihoon’s side all throughout the night. Whether or not he was conscious, however, was another matter entirely.


    Soonyoung was always wide awake when he first entered the Jihoon’s studio. It was often midnight or occasionally even later, but he was unphased by the numbers on the clock - one grew quickly used to such a schedule. No words would be exchanged as he pulled up a chair just beside Jihoon’s, looking over what he was doing. He normally couldn’t make much sense of it; the art of composition was an intricate one indeed. Still, he looked on, amazed by it all.


    That was how the time passed on those many nights that Soonyoung and Jihoon were away from the dorm. Jihoon worked tirelessly, never once moving his eyes away from his projects for even so much as a second, and Soonyoung sat silently beside him, offering more moral support than anything else.


    While Soonyoung could easily endure times such as one, perhaps two in the morning, he would realize every night that he stayed in the studio that he was most certainly not cut out for times such as four or five, as the young producer often worked until. He tried his best to remain alert, to show that he was there by Jihoon’s side whenever the latter may need him. By the time four o’clock rolled around, though, he found himself struggling to stay awake. His eyelids would start falling shut, and regardless of how hard he fought, sleep would always win in the end, and he’d drift back off into unconsciousness.


    Every morning that followed, without fail, he’d wake to find himself wrapped in a blanket, pillow tucked behind his head. A small gesture, perhaps, but one that meant the world to Soonyoung. He vowed to himself that someday, he’d stay awake long enough to return the favor.


    The holidays rolled around before long, days and nights blending together with all of the work each and every member of the band was putting forth. Soonyoung had hoped that, finally, with Christmas drawing near, Jihoon would get the break that he deserved -


- but it seemed that luck was not at all on his side.


    All of a sudden, once December was already in full swing, the CEO dropped a bomb on the boys that he needed a brand new song ready by Christmas. Of course, each and every one of them was concerned for how they would succeed, but at the forefront of all of their minds was Jihoon, the one who would be shouldering each and every ounce of the pressure from such an order.


    And, just as predicted, Jihoon began to work himself even harder. If he had seldom taken breaks in the past, he had reached the point where the word ‘break’ was foreign to him. Of course, he easily could’ve slapped together a mediocre, rough-around-the-edges song to satisfy the CEO and finally get the rest he deserved. But that wasn’t the way that Jihoon operated. He put his all into everything that he did, and wouldn’t rest by choice until the finished result was utterly and completely flawless.


    As such, Soonyoung got the opportunity that he had been waiting for far sooner than anticipated.


    To say that it came as a shock when he entered Jihoon’s studio to find the younger boy asleep was the understatement of all understatements. One generally couldn’t find him asleep even when he was meant to be, so for him to have reached such a state while working must’ve meant that he was infinitely more exhausted than he had been letting on. Leave it to Jihoon not to let others worry about him. A part of Soonyoung wished that he would just come back to the dorm and go to sleep - but seeing him passed out at his desk, he all of a sudden got it. No matter how concerned the others were, Jihoon was doing what he loved, even at the cost of his own comfort. Soonyoung couldn’t tear his boyfriend away from his work in such a way.


    As such, he deduced that the best thing that he could do in the situation was to finally return the favor.


    The sun had long, long since risen by the time Jihoon opened his eyes - in fact, he wouldn’t have been surprised if it were early afternoon already. Cursing softly to himself, he reached out, trying to fumble for his phone only to discover an obstruction in his path. Blinking, he looked down, discovering that he had a blanket draped across his body - the same blanket that he used for Soonyoung every night. With each moment of consciousness, he seemed to discover  something new - the pillow behind his head, the stuffed animal tucked beneath his arm, the steaming cup of coffee set on his desk before him. Before he could even question any of it, however, another voice sounded throughout the small studio.


    “You’re awake!”


    Turning his head to the side, Jihoon found Soonyoung sitting in his usual spot. This time, however, he wasn’t asleep. In fact, he looked like hell; with the color drained from his face and the bags beneath his eyes, it wasn’t difficult to guess that he hadn’t slept all night.


    “Soo-Soonyoung,” Jihoon stuttered out, still trying to wrap his head around what was going on. “W-what…”


    The elder grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with a sort of bashfulness that was uncharacteristic of him. “I know you work hard,” he said, “yet you always find time to take care of me. So, seeing you like that, I guess I couldn’t help myself from taking care of you.”


    Jihoon was taken aback. Of course he took care of Soonyoung, but he had never really expected anything in return. “You really didn’t have to-”


    Soonyoung held up a hand, cutting him off. “I know that I didn’t have to. I wanted to. So, just… don’t worry about us or the song too much, alright? I’ll be here to take care of you for once.”


    Seeing the gorgeous smile on Jihoon’s face, Soonyoung knew that he would’ve pulled ten all nighters in a row just to get a reaction like that.

    Even if Jihoon couldn’t be home for Christmas, Soonyoung swore that he would bring Christmas to him.

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Sebongie1717 #1
pth20010925 #2
Chapter 9: All your drabbles are so great. Some of them are freaking cute, some make me feel so good after reading. Good job author-nim. By the way, can I translate JiCheol, GyuHao, SoonSeook, JiHan and Seungsol into vietnamese? I'm sure you'll get a credit from me. Thanks so much for writing!!!
ChocolateBear #3
This is super cute! And wow! Not once you stray from the theme! Good job authornim!
Call_Me_Oppa #4
Chapter 7: No. Chan is too young for this Ho
miharucho #5
KpopWoozi_Furihata94 #7
Chapter 24: Wowwww your stories are sooo fun :D
I really like your stories and Merry Christmas Author-nim :):):)