Something BAD is happen...

Super Junior And The Cat (Hiatus)

"A choo....!!! " Leeteuk oppa sneezed.

Recently, the weather turned cold, oppa got cold and sneeze all the time.

Oppa.... kwaenchanayo....?? prrrr......

"Oh.... Dungdung...?? A...choo...... Urgh.... my nose is going to drop out.... Hahaha.... Kwaenchana... oppa kwaenchana...." Oppa answered me while cupping my head, rubbing.

Purrr..... is good that you're alright. I murmured.

"Hyung, we are going to Kiss The Radio...We have an interview today. Since you're not feeling well, you should take a rest at home... Dungdungie, take care of Teukie hyung, arasseo??  " Siwon oppa and Shindong oppa tapped my head before they are going.

Meowwwuuu...... arasseo oppa.....!

Oppas left and now, only Eeteuk oppa and me at home.

Oppa, you should get some sleep... meowuuu.....Oppa was sitting on the floor, I turned to his back, pushed him using my head with my maximum energy.

"Arasseo arasseo... Dungdung-ah.... why are you always tame.... I start to like you more and more.... Come on, let's have some sleep with oppa, you looks tired too. " Oppa picked me up and brought me into his room.

Oppa's room was so hot just like an oven. Oppa never switched on aircond due to his cold. Anyway, is okay for me. Oppa laid on his bed put me beside his pillow and pulled up his comforter, wrapped himself and me inside.

Ngggeuuuukkk..... It's warm.... OVERLOAD.... I'm sweating..... ><''''''''

Oppa.... I'm hot... sweating... I creep slowly out of the blanket.

I was shock when I turned to Leeteuk oppa. He was panting hardly and sweat a lot...!!!

Oppa.... oppa....!!! Wake up ~!! Are you okay??? Oppa..... I touched oppa's head, HOT...!!!

Oppa...!!!!!!! Hang on!!!! oppaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!   I tried to wake oppa, but oppa doesnt move at all.

How am i going to do...?! Oppas arent here... what am i going to do......????!!! OPPAAA....

"" I heard a weak voice from oppa.

Prrrr........oppa...... are you okay....??? I'm here.... oppa....wuuuuu........

"D....u....n....g.....- a....h.....hand me......m...y....p...hone......" Leeteuk oppa pointed his finger hardly at his phone, on the cupboard near his bed.

phone...!!! I jumped onto the cupboard and picked up the phone in my mouth, and go back to oppa.

"g...o...m...a....w....o...." Oppa push the button on the phone, and made a call... but before the call was able to connect, Leeteuk oppa fainted and his hand fell down, followed by his phone. Dropped of from his hand.

OPPAAAA  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh NO!!! Leeteuk oppa fainted. =(
What's going to happen next ?!
What will Dungdung-ie do to help Leeteuk oppa?!! T^T

Stay tunes....
The next chapter is coming up soon --

>-l-l-l-T> fish is crying...

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dungdung is cute.

this story is funny. i laughed when her oppa danced to nu-abo lol.
@ShinningStarx3 : <br />
neh... arasseo...<br />
now come back to KK...<br />
my idea will come back abit by abit...=)<br />
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BTW... co-author...<br />
dun forget to continue your story huh..! the last part of SJ making skul crazy... =3=
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="20">Hwaiting!!!</marquee><br />
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--icecream-- #4
This is really cute!! Love your awesome story! XD
GraphicGuy #6
Nice. Hope u update soon!!! Pls oso take time to read mine...
lol what a funny cat!
@kyjinky, T.T <br />
I don't mean to change it...<br />
Cause when I think further, It's hard to write it in MALE cat...<br />
Mianeh....T.T<br />
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