I hate wool...I hate DIMPLE....!!!! (>

Super Junior And The Cat (Hiatus)

Nyu......uk.....! Ouch...! My legs pain... ><

I opened my eyes....


WHERE AM I ???!!!! @@??!

MEOWUU~!!!!!!!!!!!!  I screamed crazily and about to ran away from this place, but the pains still there. I was not able to move.

I woke up and walked a few steps, nyeowwuuuu...... T^T my legs were more painful then yesterday....

I gave up and laid back properly to the...... HUH?!!! What is this?!!!

I looked around, i was lying in a small basket with soft blanket and a small pillow.

I touched the pillow using my paw, it looks soft..... umm?? Ouch...!  My claws got stuck...!! Yeh?? A wool sticked on my claws, GET AWAY.....!!! I swing my paws, but the wool wasn't get out of my claws and more wool coming out from the pillow.....!!! STUCKS on my paws... My paw became a small wool ball....wrapped with the wool...

Grrrrrr.....!!!!!! YAH!!!! YAH!!!!! YAH!!!! SHOO!!! SHOO!!!!!

I got crazy and started to bite and scratch the pillow...!! BABO PILLOW~!!!! YOU MADE ME GET MAD....!!!!!!! RWEOOOWWW!!!!!!!

"Oh...!!! HYUNG~!!!! It is awaken...!! " a voice suddenly came from my back. I turned and my eyes WIDEN....!!!! A big and ROUND human walked towards me and took me out of the basket.

"Oh...!! Koyangi is awaken.... Daihaengida~" Another golden hair guy said while rubbing my head, while helping me to remove the wool on my paws.

Prrreowww..... I let out a murmur... Nya... >w< uhmma always did this to me..... TvT uhmma....... =~ =

"Yah... becareful...YAH!!!!!! The kitten is still young, you will scare it...!!! Put it down, let me hold it." Here comes another guy, long hair in the front covered half of his face. His skin was fair. Is this what human called... Snow White??

"YAH MWOHAE?! OH?! KOYANGI??!! WHOSE CAT IS THIS??" a tall fit guy with loud sound walk towards me and stared at me.

MUSOWOOO!!!!!!! His face was so BIG. I don't like him and without any cautious, i stretch out my paws and tried to pushed him away and then ACCIDENTALLY, i scratched his face.

"AARGGHHH!!!!!!! YAH!!! BABO!!!! YOU SCRATCH ME!!!" The guy got mad at me, and try to snatch me from Snow White guy, but he failed. Snow White guy embraced me tightly.

Thank god.....Thanks to Snow White guy...... meowuu....... TvT

"Well, stop stop!!! Come on, Let me take a look at it. Dear kitty, come here... Let oppa take a look at you." A guy with single dimple smile widely at me. = )

Nya.... i strech out my paws, jumped onto him, purrrrr.......

"Hmm....let hyung take a look at you... are you a boy or a girl....??? " Dimple guy take a deeeeeep look at me and tried his best to figure out my GENDER... and then, suddenly he pulled up my tail and peep my xxx...

==!!!!!! AAAARGHHHHHHH !!!! Byeontae!!!!! Rweowwwuuuu!!!!!! What are you doing....?!!! Let me away!!!! Meowuuu!!!!!!!!!!!! I struggle vigorously to get away from him so.....i....... PUSH.....!!!!!!!!!!!

" OUCH!!!!! " he let out a scream, then he rubbed his face. "BLOOD!!!!!!! MY FACE!!!!! RUINED!!!!!!!!!! YAH....!!!!!! Naughty kitty, you scratch my face!!!!

TT "

Huh?? SCRATCH......??? I take a look at my claws.... ==

Oops.... Blood..... Mianeh.... You are the one who cause this to happen.... keh keh...

Rrrrrwwwweow wwwwuuu.... I let out a deep hiss... >''<

"ah....hyung-ah.... you make it angry....." Fat fat guy said to the dimple guy.

"ANGRY?! It gets ANGRY?! I GET MAD!!!!!!! My face.......TT " Dimple guy cried... Then he turned to me, starring me with an evil face and slowly approaching me, smirk evily..

What.....what are you going to do.... get away from me... i walked a few steps behind, i can feel my fur on the hackles are all up... LEAVE ME ALONE.....!!!!!!!

"Hyunnngg....??? what are you going to do...???" Fat guy looked at Dimple guy and asked.

"Huh huh....what else....??!!! REVENGE!!!!!!  LET ME CHECK YOUR GENDER....!!!!!!!!! " He went crazy and started to run towards me...

Mwwweeeoowwwww........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ~ ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UHMMAAAAA!!!!!! I want to go home!!!!!!!! HELLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!

Alertly, I turned behind and started to run away....(120km/h)

"No need to struggle anymore.... GOTTA!!!! NAUGHTY CAT! " Dimple guy grabbed me from behind and pulled my tail rudely.....

RWEEEEOOOOWWWWUUUUWUWU~~!!! I've no dignity anymore....T.T

DIMPLE guy~!!! I hate you!!!!!!!!!!! >.<'''


Hehe....Chapter 2 ends...
How is it?? Gender should be set in the next chapter...
Should I set the cat as MALE??? or FEMALE???? >///<
How about the name...??? >//////<

hmm... my mind is full of ideas now...
haha... going to write another chapter tonight....

Don't forget to comment~ ^^


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dungdung is cute.

this story is funny. i laughed when her oppa danced to nu-abo lol.
@ShinningStarx3 : <br />
neh... arasseo...<br />
now come back to KK...<br />
my idea will come back abit by abit...=)<br />
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BTW... co-author...<br />
dun forget to continue your story huh..! the last part of SJ making skul crazy... =3=
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="20">Hwaiting!!!</marquee><br />
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--icecream-- #4
This is really cute!! Love your awesome story! XD
GraphicGuy #6
Nice. Hope u update soon!!! Pls oso take time to read mine...
lol what a funny cat!
@kyjinky, T.T <br />
I don't mean to change it...<br />
Cause when I think further, It's hard to write it in MALE cat...<br />
Mianeh....T.T<br />
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