Second Day at SHINee oppas House...

Super Junior And The Cat (Hiatus)

Is the second day....

Oppas did not have schedule. They stay at home and play with me.

"Dungdungie-ah... Come here...!!" Onew oppa called my name.

Neh.................... Oppa... wae?

"Come on here, oppa play with you." Oppa took out a wool ball from his back and threw onto my face.

Kya...!!! WOOL...!!!!

I ran towards the wool ball and sticked my claws into the wool.

Argh..!!! Nyyyawww!!!!! It sticked onto my claws again ! I shook my paws, get away frrrrooommmmmm MMMEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Rrrreeeooowwwwww !!!!!!

"Y..ah.... hahha.... Dungdungie-ah.... Ppali wa...! Oppa help you..." Oppa held me in his arm and loosen the wool on my paws.

Wuuuu.......!!!!!!!!! Oppa... why you give this to me...??!! Shirrrooo!!!!!!! T.T

"Kih kih kih.... aigoo... Dont get mad at me... : ) I just want to play with you... = > " Onew oppa said to me while loosen the wool from my paws.

"Okay... DONE... ^^ Here you go..." Oppa tapped my back.

meowwuuu..... I hate wool !!!!!

"Ah...hyung... why are you bully her... xO Dungdungie-ah... Come here...Minho oppa play with you... ^^ " Minho oppa pulled my leg towards him.

Nyyyyaaaaaaa...... Oppa.... roller skating...?? (^_^) I like it... I like this game...

"Nguuuu..... huhuhuuhuhu.... hahahaha..... Dungdungie you like it dont you? :D " Minho oppa then grabbed me into his chest smile broadly.

"Hyung...! Not fair.... I want to play with her too...!! Dungdung ah.... Come here... Taemin oppa give you something that you like... :3 " Taemin oppa got jealous when he saw Minho oppa hugged me.

"Andwae... Dungdungie is mine..." Minho oppa sticked out his tongue to Taemin oppa.

Oppa wants to give me present...?? @.@?

I struggled out of Minho oppa's arm and ran towards Taemin oppa.

Oppa....!! What are you going to give me?????? (^ w ^)

"Jja jjan...!!! Look...! " Taemin oppa took out my favorite snack.

MMMMMWWWWUAAAHHHH..... i want to eat !!!

I started to jump around Taemin oppa... Oppppaaaa.......... bballi......... I ammmmmmmm ssstttaaarrrrrvvvviiinnngggggggggg...................

"Arasseo.... Ahnja ! (Sit) " Taemin oppa held the titbits in his hand, and gave me instruction "Ahnja" ??

Mwoji??? O.O?

"Yah..... BABO..... Taemin ah... you thought she is a dog? How can she understand your instruction? " Key oppa poked Taemin oppa's head.

"Ahnnnnnjjjaaaa......!!!!!" Taemin oppa still never give up and he tried to force me to lowered my .

RRReeeeeeooowwww........... >m<

Shhhiiiirrooooooooooo !!!!!!

"Aigoo.... keumanae !!! Taeminie.... Stop that..! Dungdungie ah... Come here... Oppa love you..." Key oppa said with his sparkling smile... :目

Aniyo...!!! Andaweyo...!!! SHIRRROOOOYOOOO!!!

All the oppas were busy calling me, asked me to do some weird instructions such as....



AHNJA.... ><''''

urgh..... HEECHUL OPPA!!! HURRY UP COME BACK AND BRING ME HOME....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


a short chapter here...
sorry cause never update for almost 3 weeks...

Mianeh.... T^T

Enjoy the story.... :D



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dungdung is cute.

this story is funny. i laughed when her oppa danced to nu-abo lol.
@ShinningStarx3 : <br />
neh... arasseo...<br />
now come back to KK...<br />
my idea will come back abit by abit...=)<br />
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BTW... co-author...<br />
dun forget to continue your story huh..! the last part of SJ making skul crazy... =3=
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="20">Hwaiting!!!</marquee><br />
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--icecream-- #4
This is really cute!! Love your awesome story! XD
GraphicGuy #6
Nice. Hope u update soon!!! Pls oso take time to read mine...
lol what a funny cat!
@kyjinky, T.T <br />
I don't mean to change it...<br />
Cause when I think further, It's hard to write it in MALE cat...<br />
Mianeh....T.T<br />
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