
Missed Opportunities.
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Hello everyone! I'm sorry for pulling a YG and trolled you about my update. I promise it wasn't intentional. I had to wait for my new laptop to come in and now that I have it hopefully I can update on the reg. But here's the newest chapter, and I do hope it meets your expectations. If does cool, if not? Let me know because I want to make this story better. Anyways enjoy!




I was finishing up getting ready for my little date with Yubin. I just got texting with Fany, It seems she's going on a date too. But I felt kinda weird when she told me that, I started to feel a weird feeling in my stomach. I told Jiyong about it, he told me it's just probably me being nervous for my first date. So I took he's word for it.

I put on a few outfits and showed them to our residential fashionista. The first one was too casual, the second was too plain, the third he gave me a 'are you serious look?'

"You going to the mall right?" I nodded. "Then wear something casual. Like a nice pair of jeans, with a polo shirt or button up. Or you could wear your favorite. Plain white tee with a letterman jacket." He advised, I nodded and put on a light blue jeans, white tee with a all white letterman jacket with red accents. And too top it off with a all black L.A snapback. I came out the room to show him.

"Well?" I asked as I came out the room, He looked up from his phone and gave me a approving smile. "That's it, dress to be yourself and be confident in what you wear." He said as he looked at my clothes.

"Thanks Ji. I'm just nervous you know?" I said as I tilt my hat to the side.

"No problem bro. That's what I'm here for." He smiled. Seunghyun hyung came out  from the kitchen eating an apple and saw me. "Looking good Youngbae. When well manager hyung be here to pick you up?" He asked before taking a bite of his apple.

"He just texting me, he said he'll be here in 5 minutes. So I'll be heading out soon." He nodded while chewing.

"Well good luck man." Jiyong said as pats my back.

"Yeah, go sweep her off her feet."  Hyung said.

"Wait. What do I talk about?" I asked nervously.

"About her dude. get to know her more. Ask simple questions, don't over think it. her hobbies, what kind of movies she likes. And when she does LISTEN, girls like a guy who listens to them." Jiyong said as he sat back down.

"Yeah, and don't try to be cool. Just be you, be the Youngbae she talked to and text with." Hyung added. I nodded and took mental notes. "Thanks guys, I appreciate it I mean it. I'll buy lunch next time."

"Deal." "No problem." The chimed in. I then get a text from manager hyung telling me he's down stairs. "Well got to go, see you guys later." I waved and headed out. I get in the elevator and mentally prepared myself. "Okay Youngbae, just be yourself. Asks simple questions to get to know her and listen." I get to the lobby and walked out and see our van. I get in and told manager hyung where to take me. He nodded and started to drive. I then take out my phone to send a text to Yubin.

'Yubin-ah, I'm heading to the mall right now. I'll meet you there.' I then  place my phone on my lap and looked out into the streets. The mall we're going to is a not like any other mall. Only the rich and celebrities like other idols, actors, actresses, MC's and sports personalities go there. So there no one will really bother us. I then felt my phone vibrate, I looked at thinking it was Yubin but it wasn't It was Fany.

'Oppa, good luck with your date tonight. Don't get all nervous and tense. Just be you and natural, girls love it when a guy is himself. Hwaiting!' I smiled widely at her words of encouragement. I quickly replied back.

'Fany-ah gomawo. That really means a lot coming from you. And Hwating to you too on your date! Let me know how it goes, Arasso?' I sent the text with a smile, but it didn't last long. I when I saw the word date the feeling in my stomach came back. "What is this feeling?" I said to myself.

"What is what Youngbae-ah?" Manager hyung asked.

"Huh? Wha?" I looked up to the front.

"You just asked 'What is something?' I couldn't hear the rest of what you said. Is there something wrong?" He asks, I hear the concern in his voice.

"Aniya hyung, nothing's wrong. It just that my stomach feels weird. That's all." I say to him reassuringly.

"Oh well that's normal then. Your just nervous about the date. And it's your first one too. Everyone gets nervous on their first dates, especially if it's their first ever. It perfectly normal."

"It's not that hyung." I say lowly.

"Then what is it?" I look down and don't answer. Instead I was mentally debating whether or not to tell him that's it came when i thought about Fany and her date. "Youngbae-ah. I known you since you first came to the company. I hope you think of me more as a hyung instead of just your manager. Because I think of you as my actual dongsaeng." He says to me as he looks at me in the rear view mirror. I see the worry in his eyes.

"Sigh. Well I am nervous about the my date hyung. But that's not why the weird feeling in my stomach came." I said looking down.

"Then what is it then?" I stay quiet for a bit.

"It just that earlier before you came and picked me up I was texting...." Shoot I totally forgot that hyung doesn't know about me getting Fany's number. "Texting who? Tiffany-ssi" I look at him shocked. "How did you"

"Please the maknae and Daesungie were talking about when I was taking them to the Manwon shoot." He laughs at my expressions. It went to shocked, annoyed and a scowl. "They're dead when I get home. And sorry for not telling you earlier hyung." I said giving him a apologetic smile.

"It's alright, I'm not mad. Just surprised that you of all people got not only hers but Yubin-ssi number too. Im proud of you, your finally coming out your shell." He beams.

"Yeah, slowly but surely." I smiled.

"So you were texting Tiffany-ssi and what happened?"

"Oh, well she told me that she was going on a date with Siwon sunbae-nim and I started to feel a weird feeling in my stomach. I don't feel sick or anything. It just that I don't like it. I don't know how to explain it hyung." I said looking down. It was quite for a bit and we weren't moving. I looked out the window and saw that were at the mall parking garage. I looked up and see him turned around looking at me giving me the biggest smile I ever seen him do. "What?" I asked confused.

"Youngbae-ah, so let me get this straight. You were texting her earlier and she mentioned the date and you felt this 'feeling'" He

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Rielle-chan #1
Snowdog238 #2
Rusty22 #3
Chapter 11: Update soon please Author bin! I just re-read your story 3 Times! :) :) :) Hwaiting!!!
blanwi #4
Having a rough time writing Tiffny's chapter T-T
Snowdog238 #5
Chapter 11: Please update soon. There aren't many baefany fanfics
Chapter 11: Update juseyoooo~
I was actually expecting to read SiFany's date..
Rusty22 #7
Chapter 11: Update soon please!!! :D
Rusty22 #8
Chapter 11: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Rielle-chan #9
Update soon pleasee
Chapter 10: Make Taeyang jealous juseyooooo TT TT
I mean missed oppurtunities mean one of the characters will loose the one they truly love right??