Trespassing Cat

Trespassing Cat

Joshua opened the door to his apartment yawning after a long day of work and some grocery shopping. He shouted “Soul!” Soul was Joshua’s cat. He had picked him up three years ago a few streets away from his apartment in a box that said free kittens with Soul being the last one left. Soul happened to be a Savannah breed full of spots and lovely silver-gold fur. He would always greet Joshua with goodbye leg rubs and welcome back meows and lovingly rubbing himself all over Joshua’s ankles. Today however was different. “Soul? Where are you?” Joshua dropped off the groceries in the kitchen and started to look around for his beloved cat. He looked around until he saw the open balcony door. Shaking his head Joshua stepped out onto the balcony to see Soul on the ledge of his neighbor’s balcony.

Frantic Joshua hissed, “Soul you get your little kitty back here.” But it seemed Soul wasn’t going to listen to him today. Joshua watched in horror as Soul jumped down and into the open door of his neighbor’s balcony. Sighing he slipped out of his apartment and knocked on his neighbor’s door. Hoping Soul hadn’t done anything he waited for the door to open. The door swung open and Joshua blurted out, “Hi, I’m your next door neighbor Joshua. My cat ran out to my balcony and jumped onto yours and now he’s in your apartment. Can I get him?”

Jeonghan was slowly unpacking his things as he had just moved into the apartment. He stopped putting away his dishes when he heard a knock on his door. Wondering who could it possibly be at this time, he opened the door and looked or stared rather at this cute man with large eyes and black hair who introduced himself and started babbling something about his cat. Nodding his head slowly Jeonghan said “Your cat? Come on in.”

“Thank you. I’m so sorry about this. Soul has never done this before. I normally leave it open for him to go and get some fresh air but he’s never jumped over to the neighbor’s.” Jeonghan made a noncommittal noise. “Soul?” Joshua asked looking around the living room, but his cat was nowhere in sight. “I’m sorry, I was rude earlier, I didn’t get your name,” turning towards Jeonghan with a questioning look in his eyes.

Oh thought Jeonghan, I must’ve gotten distracted by his face. “My name is Jeonghan. Nice to meet you Joshua.”

“It’s nice to meet you too. Sorry it had to be in this kind of situation. Do you have any rooms open? Soul likes to get into things.”

“The only door that’s open besides the balcony would be my bedroom door.”

“Crap. Umm hopefully he won’t get cat hair all over your stuff.” Joshua said nervously. Jeonghan lead the way to his bedroom. Stepping into the room he noticed a semi gold colored spotted cat its paws on his bed. The cat stopped and looked up at them. He seemed to give Jeonghan a kitty smirk, opening his mouth a bit, flashing its pointy teeth.

“Soul, you bad cat.” Joshua walked toward the bed to pick him up, but Soul jumped off and moved towards Jeonghan. The cat started to twine itself around Jeonghan’s legs leaving Jeonghan baffled. “Soul, come here. I think we’ve disturbed our neighbor enough.” Joshua picked him up as Soul walked over to him. “I’m sorry about all this. Soul doesn’t normally do these kinds of things.” Joshua said. Jeonghan watched as Joshua gave the cat a little tap on the nose as a reprimand. He smiled at how cute the other man was.  

“It’s ok. Soul’s cute, just like his owner.” Joshua blinked his eyes rapidly and blushed. Jeonghan gave a small chuckle and reached out to pet Soul but instead of staying docile in Joshua’s arms Soul took a swipe at Jeonghan claws out.

Joshua made a shocked face and said looking at Soul, “You temperamental cat, you seemed to like him earlier now you’re trying to hurt him.”

Jeonghan smiled. “I think he’s just trying to protect you. I’m a stranger to both of you. And you’re here in my bedroom too. He’s probably trying to protect your virtue.” Jeonghan watched as the other man blushed again and stammer out that they should leave Jeonghan so he could get back to his unpacking. He watched as Joshua briskly walked out of his bedroom, which unfortunately well more like fortunately since it left Jeonghan with a good view of Joshua’s backside as he walked away. He sighed thinking, too bad I didn’t get his number. But he does live next door…

Joshua’s life went back to normal following the trespassing Soul had done a few days before. He would go to work and come home and Soul would chirp his goodbyes and welcome backs while rubbing himself all over Joshua’s ankles. After the one embarrassing incident Joshua no longer left the balcony door open for Soul but he traded the open door for small walks around the neighborhood with Soul on a leash. Soul seemed to like the walking better than the open door so Joshua counted it as a win. That was until on Saturday morning when he opened the door to grab his newspaper Soul sprinted out into the hallway and straight into Jeonghan’s open front door.  Moments like these Joshua wished he did actually swear; it would make him feel a bit better at this moment but he doesn’t actually swear so he just has to deal. He ran towards Jeonghan’s apartment to see 3 guys and Jeonghan through the open door putting together an entertainment center.

He knocks on the open door. Jeonghan looked up at the knocking and Joshua saw a smile make its way onto his face. “My cat escaped into your apartment again,” Joshua said with a sheepish smile on his face. He looked at the other guys in Jeonghan’s apartment he got as far as “Hi, I’m…” before he got interrupted.

“You’re cat guy.”

Joshua made a puzzled face. “Jeonghan told us about this cat who ran into his place and the cat’s owner was… what word did he use Wonwoo?” said the blond guy.

“Cute. Jeonghan said cute cat guy.” Joshua blushed and looked at Jeonghan who looked a bit pink as well, which made him smile.

Jeonghan cleared his throat and said, “Soul is a naughty cat isn’t he.”

“He’s normally isn’t like this.”

The blond guy tilted his head to the side and said, “I think I saw the cat go into the hallway, so he probably went into one of your rooms Jeonghan.”

 Jeonghan nodded his head in thanks and led the way. He looked into the bathroom to find it empty, indicating that Soul was in his bedroom again. Further down the hallway his door was wide open with the cat on Jeonghan’s bed once again. Joshua moved to grab his cat, but Jeonghan reached Soul first only to have Soul scratch him.

Joshua let out a little gasp. “Oh my gosh. We need to disinfect that. Do you have a first aid kit?” He babbled out a few apologies while looking at Jeonghan’s scratched arm. Jeonghan shook his head saying no. Joshua grabbed his arm and started dragging him out of the room; he told Jeonghan he had one in his apartment and that they should take care of the wound first. Once in his apartment Joshua pushed Jeonghan to sit on the couch while he went to grab the kit. “The alcohol will sting a bit. I’m so sorry for Soul doing this to you.”

Jeonghan gave a small wince as Joshua applied the alcohol to the wound. “It’s ok. I should’ve known better considering the first time he tried to take a swipe at me too.”

Joshua shook his head placing a bandage on the scratches and said, “Soul has had all of his shots so there’s no need to worry about anything. How can I apologize for this?”

Jeonghan let out a contemplative sound and gestured, “We should probably get your cat.”

Jeonghan walked Joshua back to his place to get Soul. Walking in he noticed weird smirk like smiles on his friends’ faces. He glared at them. Gently he put his hand on the small of Joshua’s back and pushed him towards his bedroom.


“Let me get Soul, I don’t want him to hurt you again.” Joshua said as they stepped into the room. Jeonghan looked around and noticed the cat was nowhere in sight until he saw the closet door was slightly open. He pointed it out to Joshua. Joshua pushed the closet door open and saw Soul on top of one of the closet’s shelf. “Soul come here.” Jeonghan watched as he got on his tiptoes to try and grab him but he couldn’t quite reach. He tried to wheedle his cat down from the shelf which didn’t seem to work as Soul just his paws and flicked his tail at them. Joshua let out a frustrated sigh.

“I’ll get a chair.” Jeonghan stated. Grabbing a chair from the kitchen his friends Soonyoung and Wonwoo gave him the thumbs up with a questioning look in their faces. Jeonghan ignored them and took the chair to his room. Walking back in he found Joshua staring at his cat with a pout on his face. “I have the chair.” Joshua smiled at him, which honestly made Jeonghan’s heart flutter a bit. He watched as the other man maneuvered the chair and reach for his cat. Joshua grabbed Soul but on his way down the chair the cat launched himself out of Joshua’s arms; this caused Joshua to teeter and fall. Jeonghan leaped into action reaching out to catch him as he fell. He managed to grab Joshua by the waist but hadn’t anticipated that the force of which he pulled Joshua towards him would cause them both to tip over.

The fall resulted in Jeonghan hitting the floor with his head. He groaned and opened his eyes to see Joshua staring down at him. Seeing his neighbor this close Jeonghan could see just how large Joshua’s eyes were. They sparkled in the sunlight that shined through the window. Joshua placed his hands on Jeonghan’s chest and tried to get off him but Jeonghan’s hand around his waist kept him in place. Jeonghan watched as pink dusted the other man’s cheeks.

“I know how you can apologize to me.” He said quietly.

Joshua whispered, “How?”

“Go out on a date with me.” Joshua brushed Jeonghan’s bangs away from his face and nodded. They continued to stare at each other until Soul meowed loudly. Joshua jerked away from him in surprise and Jeonghan let go of his waist. The other man got up and grabbed Jeonghan’s hand to help him up. Soul at that moment came up to Joshua and meowed as to say ‘pick me up’. Bending down Joshua wrapped Soul into his arms.

“Give me your phone Jeonghan and I’ll give you my number.” He reached into his pockets and handed over his cell to Joshua. Jeonghan felt butterflies in his stomach from standing this close to Joshua still. Joshua gave back his phone and leaned in fast and quick to give him a peck on the cheek. Jeonghan astonished, watched as Joshua walked out of his bedroom saying over his shoulder in a sweet voice, “Call me.” He stood there stupefied but excited. He managed to snag a date with his cute next door neighbor thanks to said neighbor’s temperamental trespassing cat. Jeonghan thought I should get that cat a toy as a thank you.

A/N: Yay I finished it. I had the general outline done but got busy over the last few days. Now I can go and write out the other ideas stuck in my head about Jihan AU's. I doubt I'll come back to this story to ever write anything extra but who knows when inspiration will hit. Hope you all liked this. Also if you notice any funky errors tell me and I'll fix it. I'll probably reread again tomorrow but for now I'm going to post and go to bed.

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Chapter 4: I thought they were at the airport for a moment and was really worried like, they gon bang out in public or do I already need to change my glasses again??? 👀👀👀

Anyway, cheesy af. Just as I like. *chef's kiss* thats some delicious , sir

worth it. completely.
also their little exchange tho 👁👄👁 soul must have had a difficult night, not being able to sleep cause of the sounds 👁👄👁
Chapter 1: OM NHOM NHOM NHOM NHOM HOW SWEEEEEET! Soul playing the matchmaker is genius, really. I wish I had a cat like him to show me some Jeonghan, too 😔😔😔
I loved this chapter! 💞
Chapter 1: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 4: Cavities!!! Awee so cute!! Please do continue with these 'Timestamps'! Fighting Author-nim! ^.^
Chapter 3: Awwwww man this was cute~ o^^o