Finale 1/2

The Key to my heart.
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It has been officially 2 years since the separation of the couple. Both sides have been doing really well. Bomi, still in Canada, now works as a waitress near a coffee shop nearby. While on the other hand, Baekhyun now works as a restaurant waiter. Of course, as a Part-Time job. Both misses eachother dearly. They talk on the phone and message eachother every once in a while. But as time went by, they both got busy and barely had anytime to communicate. Both we're worried about how there relationship will end up . They can only hope, that one day, they will see eachother again.


After a long day at the office, Baekhyun finally reaches home . He loossen his necktie and sits at the corner of his bed. ''Really...Being a waiter is tougher than it looks. Some days are so busy.'' He sighs and glances at a tiny red box and smiles. He slowly stands up and reaches for the box when suddenly, he hears a call. ''Hello?'' he answered. ''Hello? Is this Byun Baekhyun? '' the stranger asked. By the sound of it's voice, surely, its a women. ''Yes. Who are you ? What do y-'' ''Calm down. Im no suspicious person. Listen... ''



''Another cup of coffee please'' the girl waved. ''Yes! Comming right up'' Bomi head to the counter and prepares a the drink. ''I'd like another cup of coffee as well'' another asked. ''Yes, please wait a moment'' haaa... it's really busy today huh? she thought. Bomi muttered ''Well, it's better than being at home doing nothing right? '' . The girl sighed and returns to her duty. ''Here you are miss, enjoy.''

The day came to an end and Bomi has just finished her work. '' I'll be taking my leave, i'll see you tomorrow Yookyung . '' The friend nodded ''See you! Bye Bbom'' As Bomi stepped out the door she askes if she wanted to tag along. '' Im fine, go ahead. I still have to prepare the food for tomorrow. Bomi nodded and headed home. It's nice to know someone korean here in Canada. My english certainly improved since I met her,


Bomi's POV :

Daebak! I yelled. As I stepped out of the airport my eyes cannot beleive at how beautiful this place is. I'd really like to do a tour of this place. Korea is beautiful and all but this place might just top it off! ''Bomi! Calm down. '' my mom said. '' We have to head to your dad's apartement. We'll need a taxi. You speak english right?'' Shocked at her question , I froze. As I slowly turned around, I gave an insecure laugh. ''Mom ... I do not'' She widen her eyes and crosses her arms. ''You do n-. Why do you think I enrolled you to go to school? ''

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bomishii #1
Chapter 21: awwwww. I miss BaekMi</3. Wahh. You finished your bookk*clap*. Thanks for your hardwork author nim^_^
bomishii #2
Chapter 18: yahh. authornim stop with the moving thinggy. my baekmi moment is ruined now :'(
Chapter 15: Interesting, update soon Chinguu