DAY 04

Hundred Ways

DAY 04 

“Come here.  Let me fix it.”

Great, just great, just the right time for you to break.

“Darling, what was that?” Minseok says from the living room, glancing at the dining area. I bite my lip to prevent the loud curses that are on the brink of spilling. The ing laptop just decided to destroy itself when I’m about to save the paper that will free myself from hell, I mean, college, no big deal. Yeah, no big deal.

“My laptop broke down. It gave up on life.” Sulking, I bang my head on the table. How dare you give up on me when I’m the one who had sleepless nights just to finish you?

“Minseok, I’m sad.” I hear his laugh from the couch and I frown even more, “It’s not funny.”

“Come here. Let me fix it.” He says, shutting the television. The soft pats on the couch usher me to go to him, dragging my feet to where my smiling boyfriend is. He looks so happy while I’m so close to killing an innocent bunny out of frustration. My hard work, gone, in a blink of an eye.

“Wait for a while. I can fix this.” Minseok grabs the laptop from me and I roll up beside him, hugging his arm because I don’t want to cry. I don’t have a copy of that file and I might not get it back, meaning, I have to start again, from the very start.

“Aw, don’t cry. I can fix this. Come on, cheer up.”

I sniff, “I’m going to marry you if you fix that.”



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Alin2312 #1
Hi, are you are not continuing this?
Chapter 28: he's cutee
Chapter 19: hahaha i love this chap, yixing is adorable.
Chapter 12: OHMYOGD THIS IS SO CUTE. this fic is so... Different. I like it. This is creative, and thank you for creating a story like this. Im really digging it
Alin2312 #5
This is really unique. Loving the fic sooo much
miathermopolis #6
I saw this post on Tumblr and saved it 'cause I thought it was really cute and unique, so happy you're doing a series on it! :)
Alin2312 #7
Cuteeeeeeee :)
mincupin07 #8
Chapter 18: Ah kyuuuutttt