DAY 18

Hundred Ways

“Here, drink this.  You’ll feel better.”       

Screw colds, I need to get this done before I could even sleep. This messed up thesis is one step closer to being approved. I just need to rewrite the suggestions and make the abstract and pass it to the professor and viola, it’s done!

But this goddamn cough isn’t cooperating. Like really, I’m okay with coughing every now and then, but can you come back when I’ve had this thesis printed and bounded? I’ve been coughing and sniffing for the past thirty minutes and all I wrote is the header.

I hear a knock and I promptly turn my head to my door. Kyungsoo opens it, a glass of water in hand. He enters with a worried look, so I beam at him, stuffing a twisted ply of tissue in my nose. What… I have to block the leakage, okay?

He sits on my bed and hands the glass to me, before putting the back of his hand on my forehead, sighing when he feels me close to burning.

“Here, drink this. You’ll feel better.” Kyungsoo opens the ibuprofen and puts it on my palm. I frown, not wanting to drink medicine. I can just sleep this off after finishing the paper, but knowing Kyungsoo, he wouldn’t leave unless he’s sure that the tablet is swimming inside my body.

He sighs, “Come on, it’s for you too. Drink up.”

I give him a pout before dutifully putting the tablet in my mouth, swallowing it with the help of the water. When I’m done, he wraps the blanket around my shoulders and says, “Dinner will be ready in a few. I made beef stew.”

“Feed me.” I joke and Kyungsoo chuckles, dropping a kiss on my cheek, “Why not?” 

u guys im sorry for not updating daily ;u; 

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Alin2312 #1
Hi, are you are not continuing this?
Chapter 28: he's cutee
Chapter 19: hahaha i love this chap, yixing is adorable.
Chapter 12: OHMYOGD THIS IS SO CUTE. this fic is so... Different. I like it. This is creative, and thank you for creating a story like this. Im really digging it
Alin2312 #5
This is really unique. Loving the fic sooo much
miathermopolis #6
I saw this post on Tumblr and saved it 'cause I thought it was really cute and unique, so happy you're doing a series on it! :)
Alin2312 #7
Cuteeeeeeee :)
mincupin07 #8
Chapter 18: Ah kyuuuutttt