He wasn't supposed to know...

All right

“I’m Kim Wonshik.”  Oh oh . WHAT SHOULD I DO?!

“Oh are Junhui and Minghao friends?” Wontae asks, smiling widely. Wonshik nods and grins at Junhui. “Junhui and Minghao seems to be a little more than friends, I judge by the hug they shared yesterday.” Jia, Junhui’s mom seems a little taken back but smiles then.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry Wonshik, my Junhoney is straight.” Wonshik let’s out a laugh.

“I see, Junhoney is straight. Anyway, father, should we get in and take our table?”

The group gets a small table, along a wall, with a white table-cloth and candles. Jia smiles and looks at Wontae. “What should I order, everything seems so good. This has to be a french restaurant tho. This doesn’t seem korean at all: “Coq au vin”. But it seems good.” The group orders their food and Junhui stands excuses himself to visit the restroom.


Junhui sits down on the toilet lid in one of the booths and breathes out heavily.

OH MY GOD! He’s Minghao’s boyfriend… What should I do? What if his father and my mother take a liking in each other? Then… Will I live together with my crush’s bf? . Junhui hears how someone walks into the restroom, speaking in a husky voice. Wonshik.

“Hey, N, you don’t have to worry. Minghao’s little boy toy is here. If I can blame Minghao for cheating on me with that... Thing… He’ll never find out about you and I.” Oh my, is he cheating on Minghao? With someone… N? N can’t be he’s real name… Junhui notices how Wonshik is quiet, probably listening to the other part, called N.

“Yeah, I can’t wait for this “date” to be over, so I can come over to your place and slam-” Wonshik’s voice turns more and more quiet, and then Junhui hears how the restroom door shuts close. He’s cheating on cute noodle. How can anyone cheat on cute noodle?


Junhui walks back to the table and sits down just in time to get his plate served to him.

“Junhoney, are you not feeling quite well?” Jia asks in chinese and looks at her son.

“Yeah mom, I’m fine, a little constipated, but it’s fine.” He smiles and looks at his food.

“This looks really good! It’s my treat so eat it deliciously!” Wontae says and the small group smiles and digs into their meal, gracefully of course. Jia smiles at Wontae softly and nods.

“Ahh, this is really tasty! Don’t you think, Junhoney?” Junhui smiles widely and nods.

“Excuse my sons lack of words, he’s not really comfortable with speaking korean.” Wontae laughs and smiles. How could he get Wonshik as his son? He’s such a warm person.

“I completely understand. When I worked in U.S a few years ago I felt really awkward since I wasn’t fluent in english. As long as you understands what I, or anyone else says, it’s fine.” Wontae smiles softly and Junhui who smiles back. He would suit mom… But Wonshik… I’m not sure that would work. Should I tell Minghao about Wonshik and N?

It can end in like… Four ways… One. They break up, Wonshik kills me. Two. Minghao doesn’t believe in me and just hates me. Three. Minghao believes me but forgives Wonshik. Four. They break up, Wonshik leaves me alone and Minghao and I date. But… What about Jisoo?


Junhui wakes up on the saturday morning, head heavy with thoughts. Jia and Junhui had been dropped of by Wontae and Wonshik, the elder couple had acted like a couple teenagers, giggles and laughs had filled the awkward air between the younger. Wonshik had smirked at Junhui when they bid goodbye, giving the other a latter a small “hug”.

“Goodnight, Junhoney.” Wonshik smirked as Junhui rolled his eyes and blushed.

, he’s gonna tell my new friends that my mom calls me Junhoney… Just great.

Junhui hears how his phone plings, he takes up the phone and reads:

“Hey Jun! U wanna hang out today? :))) :P” Junhui smiles to himself and quickly replies.

“Yeah sure, come 2 my house? :) At 12 maybe? XD”.  When the other replies with a “yes” Junhui gets up and gets dressed. Maybe I should tell him about Wonshik? Minghao already told me that he thinks that Wonshik is cheating on him… it can’t hurt telling Jisoo.

Junhui brushes his teeth, makes his bed and removes all dirty laundry from the floor in his room. An hour later the doorbell rings and Junhui skips over to the door and opens.

“Hi.” Jisoo smiles. “Hi, come on in.” Junhui smiles at the other boy, noticing the bouquet.

“These are for you mother, I thought it might be rude not bringing something.” Jisoo smiles and scratches the back of his neck, slightly blushing. Such a gentleman.

Thanks man, I’m sure she’ll love ‘em. Feel yourself at home.” They walk into the kitchen where Jia sits. She looks up at the two boys and smiles softly.

“This is my friend Jisoo from school. He brought you these flowers. Jisoo, this is my mom, Jia.” Jisoo bows deeply and Jia nods. She then looks at her son, slightly confused.

“You speak english with him?” She asks in chinese. Junhui nods and then pull Jisoo towards his room. The latter blushes slightly, making Junhui laugh. They sit down on the mattress on the floor and starts to talk comfortably.

“So… Yesterday mom and I went to a dinner with a colleague of her’s. He brought his son. Guess who it was?” Jisoo shakes his head and laughs. “I don’t know, who?” Junhui sighs.

“Kim… Won… Shik…” Jisoo’s eyes seems to bulge out of his head with a shocked expression. “Uhm… THE Kim Wonshik? Minghao’s boyfriend?” Junhui just nods.

“So?! What did he say?” Jisoo asks, face still looking shocked. I’ll tell him about N.

“ I heard him speaking over the phone… With someone named N. Jisoo, he’s cheating on Minghao. I heard it all.” Junhui feels how tears begin to form in his eyes. Jisoo sighs.

“I knew it, Minghao has been worried about it quite a while now, guess he was right. Are you gonna tell him?” Jisoo looks at Junhui and notices the tears in the others eyes.

“Hey, come here…” Jisoo opens his arms and Junhui crawls into his lap, the other hugging him closely. “Yeah, I’m gonna tell him.” Junhui feels how Jisoo nods and tightens his grip.

It doesn’t feel as good as with Minghao tho…


After the slightly embarrassing moment when Junhui’s mother walked into the room, finding her son and his so called “friend” hugging each other tightly, the “friends” shirt soaked in her son’s tears, they decided to go out for lunch. They walk to a small restaurant and they order a bowl of jajangmyeon each. When the food is delivered, they both smiles fondly and digs in. Junhui notices how a small splash of sauce hits his face, but before he can wipe it off, Jisoo takes his thumb and wipes the small dot of the corner of Junhui’s mouth. This leads to Junhui blushing heavily, earning a small laughter from Jisoo. When they later part at Junhui’s house, they hug each other tightly. Am I leading him on?


Sunday goes by in a rush and Junhui feels himself panicking when waking up on Monday morning. Should I tell Minghao? I should tell him, right? Jisoo said I should. After getting dressed, eating breakfast and brushing his teeth, Junhui styled his hair quickly and went to school. He walks casually to school when he hears steps behind him, and then, an arm is slung around his shoulders. Junhui looks up and realises, with shock, that Wonshik is look down at him, smirking.

“So, Junhoney, how are we doing today? I know that you heard my little talk with Hakyeonie and I… If you tell Minghao, I’ll kill you. Okay?” Wonshik let’s go of the other, who stopped in his steps, shocked. Junhui just nods. N is Hakyeon. Junhui then sees how a car pulls over next to him on the street, how Wonshik’s jumps in and kisses the driver on the lips. Hakyeon. Junhui continues to walk to school, with heavy steps.

“Jun!” Junhui turns around and smiles sadly when he sees Seungcheol and Jeonghan walk towards him, hand in hand.

“I guess things work-worked out bet-between the two of you.” Junhui laughs softly when Jeonghan blushes, which leads to Seungcheol pecking his lips. Seungcheol then looks at Junhui and notices the sullen look on his face. “Yo man, what’s up?” Junhui sighs.

“Well, my mom and I went to a di-dinner with her co-co-worker. His son turn-turned out to be Kim Wonshik. I hear-heard him speak-speaking on the phone with a guy named Hakyeon. He’s chea-cheating on Minghao.” Junhui feels his eyes tearing up again.

“IS WONSHIK REALLY CHEATING ON ME?!” Junhui turns around and sees a Minghao, tears running down the latter’s face, slightly red and mouth open. Junhui gasps for air.

Oh , he wasn’t supposed to find out this way.





A/N: Omg guys I'm so sorry this but I wanted to post today (I got a lot with school so I can't post on weekdays or write even) but I hope you liked it! Sorry for the short chapter. A small heads up tho, next week I will post on Sunday, due to an activity on Saturday. Please upvote, comment or subscribe! or maybe all of them... Please comment if you want me to add any pairing/character! xoxo Desisev

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cgao753 #1
Chapter 11: LOL just the whole awkward moment with meanie is just GOLDEN and mmm our chinaline getting down and intimate (kinda) also SHORTJIHOON IS LIKE THE BEST EVERRRRRR
bamma_watsons #2
Chapter 11: love this story, no body understands homos enough, not that im homo tho
cgao753 #3
Chapter 10: woahhh problems with his mom are gonna spiral outta control nowwwwww >_< and lol minghao being his usual devious self XD
seventeen44 #4
Chapter 9: we need more junhao!
cgao753 #5
Chapter 9: dayauummmm JEALOUS JISOO IS SOMETHING I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SEE! but lololol junhao was soooooo cute walking back together <3 like sooooo adorbbsss and lol jun's dilemma over his mom's partner is kindaaa hilarious!
"I want mom to be happy but my crush, his ex-boyfriend a.k.a my bully can’t live together! What the aanfwnei should I do?!" can u clarify this bit? i'm a bit lost
jeonghae #6
Chapter 9: I laughing so much haha :D well, just take him from Wonshik then Junnie xD
Chapter 8: Ahhhh this is so cute!!~
cgao753 #8
Chapter 8: ugh i don't know what to feel anymore!!!!! on one hand i totally ship junhao <3 but like JISOO I'M SO SORRY I LOVE U TOO BUT LIKE AGHHHHHHHH why WHY i'm so conflicted here....
lol if they end up in a :D XD that'd be kinda hilarious tbh
cgao753 #10
Chapter 7: awww minghao u just realized he didn't get ur number XD
and oh gosh this whole wonshik like tf man TF but damn wasn't expecting wonshik to be the antagonist