
Hello Summer (Short Drabbles)

Kim Summer: Works as an assistant electrician for Wollim's air conditioner. She is short and has a slightly dark aura, which seems slightly scary. Not only that she is really quiet and is like an ice princess.
Kim Myungsoo/ L: An ice prince like person. Can be described as an Kingka, likes to spend hot summer days at home with the air-con on full all day and night. Is very sensitive to heat and his personalities turns really bad when the place is hot.


Day 1 of Kim Myungsoo's five strange days:

The summer in Seoul is extremely hot, without the air conditioners the place would be like a desert.
3:10... The air-con suddenly turned off.
Myungsoo instantly stood up and checked out the air conditioner with his body drenched in sweat. He banged it a couple of times but there was no response.
'Yoboseyo, this is room 1029. The air-con broke get someone here right now.' He said in an annoyed tone. 'What! All the electricians are out?
'I don't care, get someone here right now! Bali!!' Myungsoo shouted into the phone, he was getting frustrated from the heat.

Myungsoo opened up a bottle of water and gulped it all down in seconds, he laid emotionless on the couch using his hand to slowly fan himself. The door bell rang, Myungsoo quickly rushed over and opened it,
'Mmm, the service is better now huh?' He opened the door and froze when he saw a short scary looking girl standing there. 'Err...that was fast.'
She didn't reply but instead gave him a cold look. Myungsoo shallowed and said 'you are here to fix the air-con? Um...this way.' He moved aside so she could come in to the room.

She walked up to the air conditioner and played around with the buttons.
'How long do you usually keep the air-con on?' She said in a cold tone.
'I have a great fear of heat, so I pretty much keep it on for 24 hours.' Myungsoo replied.
'Oh...Your so not environmental.' she replied. 'Your air-con is going against you.'
Myungsoo smirked at the stupid statement. 'Pfft, don't be ridiculous. Its just a machine is can't go against me for .'
'Thus I just brought this last month.' He stopped talking when he realised she was gone.

He slowly turned around and jumped when he realised the girl had appeared behind him. She gave him a glare and walked back to the air conditioner. The girl lightly put her hand on its control panel and shut her eyes. She looked at though she was talking to it, Myungsoo leaned closer and watched her in shock. He caught a glimpse of her name tag. *Summer, strange names these days... but I guess L is a strange name too* He thought to himself. Suddenly she opened her eyes and took her hand off the machine. Summer bend over and gave the air-con a respectful bow. Myungsoo just stood there all puzzled. She quickly grabbed the remote that was on the table beside and pressed onto the 'On' button.

To Myungsoo's surprise the air-con .
'Wow...so its working fine now?' He asked completely lost.
'I told you earlier. It is going against you, because you treat him badly, you don't let him rest, and complain about how the air he gives out isn't good enough.' Summer said as she walked emotionlessly out the door.
Myungsoo rubbed his eyes. 'Yah, you think I'm 3 or something. Who believes that crap. Pfft since it works now I don't care why it broke.' He said to Summer, but she was already gone.
'What the hell...am I hallucinating when did she even leave?' He said scratching the back on his head.


Day 2 of Kim Myungsoo's five strange days:

Myungsoo was sitting peacefully on the couch enjoying the coolness, with a whole bunch of cold drinks and watermelons around him. He sat in front of the television munching on his watermelon.

'Why are you looking at me like that?'
'Well I got the leave, you should too.'
'Pabo...no matter what I say to you, you won't understand will you.'

Suddenly his channel shifted.
'Myungsoo it is almost 3:10.' said this random figure in the television.
He sat up and gave the TV a strange look. 'Who are you?' He said in an annoyed tone
'Me? I'm no body.' Replied the figure
Without thinking Myungsoo chucked an empty water body at the screen.
*Why is my TV talking to me? He thought as he laid back down.


The air-con stopped working, beads of sweat were forming on Myungsoo's face. He quickly sat up on the couch and fiddled with the remote.
'Yobosayoh.' He said in a frustrated tone to the electrician company.

After a while Summer came in and walked towards the air conditioner. She picked up the remote that was tossed onto the ground, and held it in front of Myungsoo's face.
'Do you feel a coolish feeling?' She asked him with a serious look.
Myungsoo looked around. 'No, what? But you make me feel chill.' He said talking about the cold look in Summer's eyes.
She ignored the comment and continued. 'The remote said he wanted to talk to you.'

Myungsoo grabbed the remote and chucked the onto his couch with a pissed of expression.
'Yah! I told you to come fix the air-con, don't play around with like this okay.' He said starting to get angry.
Summer walked over and picked up the remote with both hands.
'Sorry if that scared you, don't be angry, don't be sad.' she said calmly to the remote.
With both hands she held it in front of her and pressed onto the 'On' button.

The air conditioner made the starting sound, and started to blow out cool air.

Myungsoo rubbed his eyebrows and sighed.
'I'm not bothered to ask you how it broke, or how to fix it. But thanks?you can go now.' He said watching Summer. She picked up her toolbox and walked towards the door. Myungsoo blinked and when he opened his eyes again Summer was gone.
*Am I hallucinating again...why didn't the door make any sound when it closed.*


Day 3 of Kim Myungsoo's five strange days:

Just like the other days Myungsoo was siting on the couch. He was playing on his new PSP with a whole bunch of drinks in front of him with ice cubes to keep them cool. Every now and then he would finish the bottled water and grab for another one. When he reached for another bottle he realised that the it was warm and the ice had melted. Myungsoo then looked over at the air conditioner and then at the clock.

'Omo chinchang...' He said angrily. 'Why is it so accurate...'

He had decided to not call Summer, instead try to fix it himself.
Myungsoo banged the machine, talked to the remote, bowed to the air-con.
'What the hell do you think you are huh?' He was about to explode. 'I already talked to you and stuff and you are still like this!'
Myungsoo gave the air conditioner a kick and went to look for a solution on the net.


'First plug in the power cord.' He read off the internet.
'What the do you think I'm stupid.' He said to the laptop.


Myungsoo grabbed the remote in his hands. 'Okay...so what brand is this.' He looked carefully trying to find the name.


Myungsoo laid on the floor emotionless after he took the machine apart. He had given up trying to fix it and called up Summer instead.

After a while he went over to open the door.
Summer was standing there with the usual cold look on her face. 'I was waiting for your call for so long...' She said coldly and walked towards the air conditioner.
'You hit him and kicked him didn't you.' Summer said looking at the machine carefully.
Myungsoo snorted. 'Ha. This thing isn't good at working, but its good at dobbing huh? And yea I hit him a little, who told him to randomly stop working anyways.'
Summer walked up and stood close to Myungsoo's face and whispered. 'Can you not be so mean to him... Where is your bathroom?'
Myungsoo quickly backed away and pointed towards the room near the door.

Summer came back with a bucket and handed Myungsoo a cloth.
'What?' He said sitting on the couch.
'Take it.' She demanded.
Myungsoo took the cloth and tossed it onto the ground.
She glared at him and said 'If you don't help me the air-con might not work ever again.'
Unwillingly he picked up the cloth and walked towards the machine, he started to wipe the air conditioner roughly.
'You need to do it lighter, be more gentle.' Summer suggested. 'Let him feel your feelings towards him.'
Myungsoo looked annoyed. 'Shut up. Its good enough that I'm wiping this thing. Why does it even care about my feelings anyways.'
Summer simply glared up at him.
He shallowed hard. 'Ahh...okay I will do it.' Myungsoo said kneeling onto the ground.

Eventually the air conditioner seemed clean, Summer grabbed the remote and lightly pressed the 'On' button.
Myungsoo sighed as the machine began to work again.
'It's going to break at 3:10 tomorrow again right?


Day 4 of Kim Myungsoo's five strange days:

Myungsoo sat in front of the air-con playing with the basketball in his hand. He quickly glanced over at the time
'I dare you, I dare you to break!.' He said glaring at the air conditioner.
It stopped to working again, Myungsoo stood up in frustration and pointed at the machine.
'Yah! So this is how you want to play huh?!'  
He didn't want to call Summer anymore thinking that it would ruin his pride. Myungsoo crawled towards the door and panted for air.
'Aigo...I can't believe I'm going to die like this...' He whispered as he slowly began to lose his senses.

Summer slapped Myungsoo's face lightly trying to wake him up. He furrowed his eyebrows and started to open his eyes.
'Your awake now?' Summer asked with her usual calm voice.
'Why am I here.' He said looking around his room. 'No...wait why are you here? What's happening??'
'Someone called up and complained about the air-con and then when I got here I saw you lying there with your door opened...' she said without any changes in her expression.
'Ahh...the air conditioner.' Myungsoo said as he jumped up. 'This is so creepy! Everyday it just has to break at exactly 3:10, and as soon as you come its all fixed again. Do you two have something with each other?'
'Mmm...I guess a little. After I came in I spoke to him a little.' Summer replied looking at Myungsoo's expression. 'He said even though you have a bad personality and attitude you aren't actually a bad person?
'Wait wait...okay I'll talk to him.' He said turning to the air-con. 'Ya, listen up. If you break again tomorrow I'm gonna chuck you out, got that!'
Myungsoo rubbed his temples, 'Yah its call cause of you, now I'm like a retard...' He said to Summer. 'How am I going to get a girlfriend like this...'
Summer looked at him with an amused expression. 'Why you looking at me like that.' He said feeling slight chills.
She was surprised by his sudden words but smiled. 'How cute...'
'What??' Myungsoo said puzzled.
'Nothing? Summer replied as she began to out the door.

After Summer left Myungsoo stared at himself in the mirror still confused by her words.
'Mmm...why is it when I mentioned girlfriend she started to look at me like that. What did she say? I was cute?' He chuckled and rubbed his chin. 'Don't tell me she likes me.'
He started to smile like a manic and showed off his muscles to the mirror.
*Yep, I bet she does.* Myungsoo thought with a satisfied expression.
'Wait...but why was it that moment... I felt cool, but it wasn't uncomfortable either though.'


Day 5 of Kim Myungsoo's five strange days:

Myungsoo sat on his couch with both hands holding onto his clock.


He looked around and noticed how the air-con was still working. Myungsoo leaned against the machine and let the cool air blow against his face. However he seemed utterly bored, every now and then he would search the door to check if Summer was going to come by. He stood in the middle of his room and stared at the air conditioner.

Myungsoo was annoyed so he decided to head out the door to look for Summer.
'Hey, have you seen a short girl with long black wavy hair?' He asked one of the gate keepers.
'Yea there is one.' The guard replied
'Umm...where is she?' Myungsoo continued to ask
'Sorry, no idea.' he said

Myungsoo quickly bowed and started to walk away. He ran towards the park, the mall, and eventually ended up on the bridge. He slowly walked across as he was starting to lose hope. A short girl wearing a yellow dress walked past. She stopped after crossing Myungsoo, slowly he realised that it was Summer and too stopped walking. He turned around and walked towards her while panting for breath.

'What's wrong? Your air-con broke again?' Summer asked with her usual calm face.
'Nup...the air conditioner fine, but there seems to be something else wrong.' Myungsoo paused and shallowed. 'Something keeps telling me to look for you.'
She looked at him with a confused expression. 'I keep waiting to feel the cool feeling that you give me...' he continued.
Summer chuckled and looked down to her shoes. 'Is there something wrong with me?' Myungsoo asked with a serious look. 'Perhaps...I'm broken as well?'
'The air-con isn't broken. You are normal as well...its just' She said with a smile. '...you like me.'

Instantly his face blushed red, the two looked at each other without a word. Just letting the heated breeze gently blow against their shoulders.



Here's chapter two :D and next chapter will be Hoya!!! :33

anyways i chose L for this one cause in the actual story the girl has wavy hair and L likes wavy hair <3

and i think he suits the bipolar character haha XD

Enjoy!! <3 oh and btw i'm capped so like... i might have some problems uploading n stuff :/ especially the images they don't load sometimes


just something i wanted to complain about... I havn't gotten my japanese BTD album TT i'm saddd it's suppose to be here by today. I rushed home right afterschool to see if i got it but... It's not here yet :CCCCCCCCCCc soo saddddddddddddddddddd

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aww! My sweet Dongwoo!!
janale6 #2
lol. she wanted to keep the handcuff? cute.. xD