Things Happen

Life Up?
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Chorong was running through a field of flowers, smiling from ear to ear, just like what you would see on TV advertisements. She was running, but not alone, sunlight was shinning on a males face, making it hard to see who is was, as she stepped closer to the pers.........RING RING RING



Chorongs alarm woke her up from her dream, the same one that she had been dreaming every single night since school had started, which is why she practically knows what happens in the dream. When she came to her senses after sitting still on the bed for 10 minutes organizing her thoughts, it was 6.30am and they planned to meet at 7am, she went and got ready to go running, waking Olive up. Chorong tied up her hair, grabbed some money and carried Olive down because she wasn't fully awake yet. When she was walking there she thought that maybe she should have put on a bit of make up. Taehyung was already there by the time she reached, they greeted and began running even though they didn't know where they were going, they figured that they could just find their way back later.



After 40 minutes of running, they stopped at a coffee shop and decided to sit there for a while, they had to sit outside since they had Olive. Olive was laying comfortably in Taehyung's lap, Taehyung was staring at Chorong for a while before Chorong said, " Yo, is there something on my face?" Taehyung laughed and replied, "Its because your pretty, yoy look good even without makeup on and you look so much like a really close friend I had." Chorong didn't think that she was close enough yet to ask him about his friend even though she was curious about his friend and why he said 'had' were they not friends anymore? Chorong put all her questions behind and replied, "Was she pretty?" Taehyung chuckled at her question and said just a simple, "Yes." They continued their way home,  Taehyung had a good sense of direction so Chorong just followed him. It was close to 8.45 when they reached school, good thing Chorong put up a note on the fridge telling Jieun she was out running, she didn't want Jieun to freak out thinking she was missing.



They bid their good byes and went to their respective rooms. Jieun had left to her parents house soon after Chorong returned from her run. Chorong knew she didn't have to visit her oh so busy parents because she knew they would never be home anyways Chorong fed Olive and went to do her homework, Jieun already fed Floof so she didn't need to feed her. By the time she finished her homework it was late in the evening around. 7pm and the sky had already gone down, Chorong decided to take Olive and Floof out for a walk since she needed sole fresh air and Floof hadn't had a walk yet that day. They walked to the park and Chorong noticed that there was a someone on the swings crying, she took a moment to realize that the person was Taehyung. Taehyung felt the presence of someone who was walking closer every second so he quickly wiped away his tears. Chorong just sat on the swing next to him without saying anything, they didn't say a single word, just her presence had made him feel a whole lot better. As they were walking home Chorong said, "I won't ask, tell me if and when you ever feel like or when you want someone to listen to you. Don't worry Taehyung I'm here for you even if I'm no help, if you need me I'll be here." Taehyung nodded as they walked in silence, it was not one bit awkward, he sent Chorong back to her dorm before he went back. Later that night he thought about Chorongs words and smiled to himself.



The next morning while Chorong was out running with Taehyung, after running, they decided to have breakfast together, so they dropped off Olive and wanted to ask Jieun to come along but she was still fast asleep, so they left without her. Jieun woke up feeling hungry but Chorong was nowhere to be found in the room so she checked her phone and there was a message from Chorong saying that she was out for breakfast with Taehyung. The first thing that came into Jieuns mind was Sungyeol because Taehyung and Sungyeol were roommates which would mean that he was alone too and she knew he was friendly so bothering him in the morning wouldn't really make him hate her. She called Sungyeol and they ended up going to the convenient store eating cup noodles, Jieun slurped her noodles down really quickly because she was hungry. "Eat slowly. Gosh you look like a pig

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Chapter 6: update !! pleazzuuu ~~~
Isabella37 #2
Chapter 6: Fighting!!! I love your story
12welo #3
Update soon plz
rachelemonz #4
Chapter 5: I like ur story its refreshing and interesting :)
Chimchim55 #5
I love your story
Isabella37 #6
Chapter 5: Oh nooo... i will miss it so much. Iu and sungyeol moments are cute. Why is taehyung crying, did he miss his friend? is his friend chorong? What will happen to Chorong? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........
Isabella37 #7
Chapter 4: Thx, authornim. Hope that you will be happy everyday.. By the way, this Olive is smart.. asking taehyung to pick her up... I would like to have this kind of dog...
Isabella37 #8
Chapter 3: Oh no, I'm addicted to it...I love your story very much, pls update fast..Is her childhood friend taehyung?
rachelemonz #9
Chapter 1: I luv ur story taehyungggg
Isabella37 #10
Chapter 2: Authornim, this is chapter two , not chapter 1... :P
When are you going to update again, i really love this story so much......